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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 458x100, Screenshot 2019-01-17 at 02.06.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12465976 No.12465976 [Reply] [Original]

discussion about feeless coins?
it's pretty obvious that if a coin wants to REALLY take off it needs to be feeless. so far the only ones i now of are;
- EOS (but have to pay like $5 to create an account first)
so it's between IOTA and NANO. but iota has the centralised coordinator. does nano have some centralisation tradeoff too?
also should i buy nano?

>> No.12466009

These faggots won't tell you the truth because they are all mining shitcoins.
IOTA and NANO will never have any more coins printed. This means only deflation can occur (through lost coins). They are both much better stores of value than any of the shitcoins you see memed on here.
Have 133 NANO = 21 BTC, at least.

>> No.12466033
File: 207 KB, 923x1336, nannoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being retarded enough to believe these assholes.


>> No.12466049

This man was fired for this post. Also, what year is it, get some new fud. Goddamn miners.

>> No.12466050


btw the cost of dapp developers to launch anything on EOS is ridiculous if you ever looked into that.

secondly there is ZERO incentives for anyone to run a nano node to process transactions. lastly look into their representatives, its a centralized cluster fuck.

>imagine being this retarded to hold such a shitcoin

>> No.12466053
File: 75 KB, 622x441, 1546796795002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best fud is always their own mouth

>> No.12466057


I'm not a miner dumbass. nice to make assumptions though

>> No.12466071

can you explain how representatives works? because i have tried to read the whitepaper but it doesnt really explain

>> No.12466080

Sure thing. Not like IOTA and NANO would completely wreck your 'business model' of doing useless computation and manipulating markets.
Best thing about the downturn is seeing miners peel off from the dead carcass of crypto like the parasites they are.

>> No.12466081


>it's pretty obvious that if a coin wants to REALLY take off it needs to be feeless.

you're knowledge of game theorey and economics is completely flawed. there is no such thing as a free launch. that costs although free to the consumer is passed on to someone else.

>> No.12466089


listen dumbass I'm not a miner, and i think POW will fail. but go ahead keep making assumptions

>> No.12466095

where is the fee passed onto then? can you explain instead of just calling me a retard.

>> No.12466100



the nano team is fuckeddd


>> No.12466101

>stale 1 year fud from a kike that got fired

>> No.12466109

Yes they are all centralized in some aspect. Nano has no incentives for node operators. Very few node operators makes the whole network insecure.

>> No.12466117


it's passed on to the dapp developers in the case of EOS. to launch anything on there is to taxing.

and go read up on how representatives work. DYOR. i'm not here to spoon feed

>> No.12466120

ok thx this makes sense

>> No.12466220

That is not how it works nor does this nonsense fud make sense. The miners come out in droves to shit on anything that hurts their business model.
Any minable currency is supporting a shithole of miners doing nonsense and calling it useful. PoW currencies have much worse inflation than USD even, which they will whine instead of building for adoption.

>> No.12466883

>t. ledditor
Feeless is a meme and encouraging sketchy wash trading as you can see with EOS dapp "usage". IOTA is a centralized scam and Nano is a leddit bagholder meme. Sorry but there is no free lunch.

>> No.12466900

Seriously, go back. Your input is not helpful and you are not welcome here. Everything except Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero is a scam until proven otherwise. I am interested in project moving beyond proof of work but you are a stupid faggot for implying that it is wasteful. Nothing to date has proven itself more valuable and fair than proof of work.

>> No.12467142




this argument isnt even about PoW being shit.

it's about scammers who claim free transactions on a protocol is sound game theory. when in reality it is not.

seriously go kill yourself

>> No.12467183

Imagine thinking a strict currency coin will have any value. Further, a fee is necessary to incentive a reason to secure the network. You think it's a good thing that it's free to spam the network?

>> No.12467619

nano is a store of value coin, not a currency coin

>> No.12467893


I'm pretty sure Nimiq is feeless unless you do over a certain amount of transactions a day

>> No.12468198

So much terrible information in here. Love all the entitiled people wanting something to run a node. It is meant to be a decentralized network and that is one of the best ways to keep it decentralized (how about the fact if it becomes popular your bags will 100x? is that not better than mah $1 incentives) People run bitcoin nodes for free for fucks sakes and never had any issues of crying about wanting incentives. WAHH my masternodes i want to stake my coins to make coins. WAHHH my mining rewards!! gimmie rewards!! you all sound like a bunch of fucking boomers when you cry about this. MAN the fuck up and take one on the chin and run a fucking node that we are all here to back. Decentralized, PURE FUCKING CRYPTO none of this ponzi incentive bullSHIT

>> No.12468249

coordinator gone by middle of this year. but feel free to just keep your heads up your asses.

feeless network = backbone for fuckloads of novel and disruptive revenue/business models

>> No.12468257

Iota and Nano both Marketing Driven scams so obvy

>> No.12468366


>coordinator gone by middle of this year

at the rate of adoption crypto is gathering. i highly doubt it.

they can't even get their damn wallet to fucking work.


>> No.12468454
File: 716 KB, 960x2117, 7364554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? He was fired for this post? I am sure you have some kind of documentation, or are you just lying again as you nanoids always do? Was he fired at all? Some other nanoid told me he had personal issues, but super strongly believed in nano. Didn't jump the ship at all.

>> No.12468484
File: 97 KB, 1208x448, 1535065112297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with zero fees, how do you avoid spam attack in Nano? How is the security audit by an independent third party going? Three weeks ago Nano gave us this: "The consensus algorithm audit is nearing completion and a full report is expected within the next week."

>> No.12468513 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 700x467, Nano Influencers Meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a total disaster.

The Nano community keep flagging people who are criticising Nano and ensuring any good comments raising concerns about Nano are deleted.
This shows they have no good response and is a serious problem for future potential investors looking at this and seeing how they behave! This is typical behaviour of a scam coin.

For anyone interrested in reading the arguments against/criticising Nano, much of which has now been flagged and deleted, it can be found in these archived threads;

Dangerous flaws and major problems with Nano

Nano Heading for Disaster – Dirty Deals with BitGrail

Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

>> No.12468583
File: 305 KB, 610x449, buylink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is as stale as your archived pasta.
At least update all the inaccurate shit about voting weight and top account holders. That is all easy to look up.
Before I unleash the full wrath of your autism let me be very clear, I do not care about Nano or have a vested interest in it. I just do not like inaccurate information.

>> No.12468667
File: 65 KB, 633x507, Nano unavoidable centralization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not care about Nano or have a vested interest in it.
>At least update all the inaccurate shit about voting weight and top account holders
The point is not who or what numbers, have they solved the insane centralization problem inherent within their failed system where node operators are supposed to do it for free? It's just as stupid as creating an artificial business model and ecosystem where you can call people to come and clean up your house for free. It will never ever happen in real life. It is not sustainable. Nano will be centralized around Amazon, Ebay etc (if Nano ever will be a global currency with 756 TPS). If they don't like your face or political stance, you will not be able to buy anything. You, the rabid Nano idiot pretending to be neutral, as you always do, are too stupid to see it. As is Colin.

>> No.12468696

seriously who is this crazy cunt? Is this guy paid to fud nano? on here every day in every thread

>> No.12468718
File: 252 KB, 812x1178, Nano Hodlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously who is this crazy cunt? Is this guy paid to fud nano? on here every day in every thread
Same garbage comment I got from you idiots when you heavily "invested" in Bitconnect. Great for potential investors to see that you nano psychopaths have zero arguments to defend your shitcoin. All you have is smear and delusions. Sucks to be you.

>> No.12468729

You’re actually wrong. Doesn’t cost the developers anything, it’s simialr to eth. Noob.

>> No.12468778

you're garbage

>> No.12468815
File: 104 KB, 1016x544, Charlie Lee Nano not uncensorable as BTC, LTC etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're garbage
The total state of a nano psychopath trying to defend his failed shitcoin.

>> No.12468834

>it's pretty obvious
no anon, it is not. making assumptions like that and stating them as fact, well that just makes you a reddit-tier DUMBFUCK.

>> No.12468847
File: 71 KB, 720x340, glad-enter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, just take a couple hours and update your pasta.
You link that old thread like it is a fucking amazing blog post or something. You have some sense of pride in operating in a large thread on an anonymous message board for a fleeting moment.
Take the time to research all the shit you had written and make documentation updates.
There is a reason this shit is so justed, you don't need to make shit up or use old info.
If you care so much about this shit and your image as the ultimate brain here, then do some more work, don't keep leaning on your old shit.

>> No.12468852

Bitcoin has fees and is only coin that matters, lol

>> No.12468910
File: 95 KB, 612x788, Nano-boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, just take a couple hours and update your pasta.
Why would I waste my time on that. Nano is still insanely centralized, there is still a structural flaw in Nano's design that will always lead to fatal centralization. Your only "argument" to defend your failed shitcoin is that I must update my data every day to "make a point" in your failed mind.
>you don't need to make shit up
Like what, examples, fool.
F*ck off back to plebbit, nano trash. Go home, boomer.

>> No.12468921

NANO's constantly being upgraded and reaching new limits while BTC failed it's load test and fractured into a bunch of shit coins.
Don't believe the miners here.
NANO has clear direction and they are moving quickly for adoption.

>> No.12468952
File: 224 KB, 1088x612, Nano..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. How can a 756 TPS coin ever be a global currency?
2. Why did core dev Zack and lead community manager Troy jump the sinking ship?
3. How can Nano avoid a spam attack?
4. How can Nano ever get decentralized with your flawed "running expensive nodes for free" and borderline insane business model?

>> No.12468967
File: 96 KB, 416x435, nanofudloser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah man naddofudder is posting his old fud spam posts again.

>> No.12468977

> how can the fasetest first layer chain become a global currency
> why did (scamming) devs leave the project
> what is delayed proof of work
> all exchanges will always run a node, many others will for other reasons.

>> No.12468985


IOTA Coord will be gone end of this year, its gonna take over the whole market, in the meantime NANO will have its fund stolen again.

>> No.12468987
File: 147 KB, 1018x1527, current_nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attached is the current rep count. Red is binance which will dilute as more exchanges/fiat gateways enter the arena and grey is the offical reps which gets smaller and smaller as time passes. BTC on the otherhand is securet more and more centrally. Just a matter of time before these charts looks completely different (they already look bout the same with a 9 year head start)

>> No.12468999

Funny how this question isn't answered.

>> No.12469000

When IOTA and NANO fight it out for adoption, BTC and other PoW shitcoins will be shown as the fraudulent scams they are.

>> No.12469024
File: 329 KB, 760x400, Nano is Bitconnect 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> how can the fasetest first layer chain become a global currency
The whole point with a second layer is that they have their security in their first layer. BTC and ETH have that. Nano does not.
> why did (scamming) devs leave the project
Nobody knows, as nano's marketing and communication strategy is insane and/or non-existent. How man millions of dollars did scamming Zack take with him?
> what is delayed proof of work
How will that stop spamming?
> all exchanges will always run a node, many others will for other reasons.
That means crazy centralization.

>> No.12469037

Charlie Lee is right in this case but he is a chink scammer and is not to be trusted.

>> No.12469040
File: 145 KB, 1620x599, 1542334980396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always fun to see how you nanoids always compare nano to BTC. The future global cryptocurrency will have to be fully decentralized. Nano can't do that, regardless of how you speculate about the future of BTC, something which is completely irrelevant.

>> No.12469041

It's scared
It knows NANO/IOTA is coming for it's 'business'
These ASICs and GPUs sure were expensive..

>> No.12469043



Dynamic PoW to mittage spam attacks- check out the discussions on github. I believe some measures of dynamic pow are already on the mainet with version 17.

Not sure on the security audit but the company auditing the crypto said it is the most secure crypto they have done an audit on

>> No.12469051

what does fully decentralized mean to you lol? I think it is fair to compare to BTC as it is the most decentralized crypto at the moment. What crypto would you rather it be compared to? Tell me exactly what you mean by fully decentralized? Airdrop a node + 1token to everyone alive and when they are born?

>> No.12469056
File: 33 KB, 662x241, Nano boomers III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what you are rambling about. You trying to fake /pol/ only expose yourself as the true boomer you are. Go back. You have to go back.

>> No.12469064

How will that stop spamming?
>Not sure on the security audit but the company auditing the crypto said it is the most secure crypto they have done an audit on
That was the NODE software. Where did they say most secure crypto etc?

>> No.12469067

You have a clear motive against nano and dont listen to anyone when you post old info.

>> No.12469069

Miners will always fight against their obsolescence. Sorry but miners aren't needed for crypto 2.0. Usable open currency (no fees, no bullshit) is.
NANO is BTC without the retard bits, sorry miners.

>> No.12469072


>> No.12469076


From the auditor themself: "We are pleased to confirm that after conducting the security audit of the consensus code, no critical vulnerabilities were detected, proving @Nano to be the most secure cryptocurrency we’ve tested,” said Diego Jurado, co-founder of @Red4Sec ."

>> No.12469077

Why are you talking about miners? Are you high?

>> No.12469083

Waste of trips, you are defending an actual scam and should be ashamed of yourself. Please seek mental health treatment for Stockholm syndrome. On the off chance that it isn't bait, take your shitcoin blog back to your leddit echo chamber where you will find enough likeminded faggots to drink the koolaid with. There's probably only a few hundred people still browsing this board regularly and you are not going to convince any of us to buy this scam.

>> No.12469090

It wont 100% stop the spamming but the network will still work for everyone else as their POW is prioritized so their transacations will so happen while the spammer keeps on spamming away with no real effect on how the network works but wasting all his money generating POW

>> No.12469102

>From the auditor themself
No. That's a nanoid quoting Nano, supposedly quoting the auditor. Also you forgot this:
24 Dec: "The consensus algorithm audit is nearing completion and a full report is expected within the next week."

>> No.12469104

but clearly you don't believe that or you wouldn't even bother clicking on the thread, much less responding to it.

>> No.12469108

Truth hurts some times, deal with it.
I don't give a fuck if any of you buy NANO. I want you to remember this as Bitcoin loses it's store of value status.
People want deflationary or incentivized inflationary. Not garbage tier BTC. Bad usability, split branding, large UX issues at the core. Garbage.

>> No.12469113

>> what is delayed proof of work
>How will that stop spamming?
dude if you don't actually look into their spam protection methods don'f fucking say " oh but you can easily spam the network" cause you can't. fucking tard

>The whole point with a second layer is that they have their security in their first layer. BTC and ETH have that. Nano does not.

the whole point is that when you add a second layer you can start to cheat, check out the real gold to paper gold ratio, paper gold is the second layer.

all coins with second layer tech will be inferior if a coin can do it all on the first layer. only retards do not know this.

>That means crazy centralization.

fucking tard the whole inteernet infrastructure is by defnition centralized,

you have no brains, stop spamming, stop crying and gtfo really

>> No.12469114

You have no real defense against spamming. Why do you nanoids always operate in herds? Mostly you run away from every thread, then suddenly we have a ton of nanoids running around. Spamming the thread. This is all very organic,right?

>> No.12469117

his motivation is unclear but it must be either that nano is in direct competition to his investments or he lost a bunch of money on bitgrail

>> No.12469124

You have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.12469132
File: 96 KB, 416x435, nanofudloser3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the projector lmao

>> No.12469134

nanos already dropped so much i imagine it can't be the former. I think there are two dozen /biz/ morons that lost all their tendies on bitgrail and really want everyone else to suffer because of it.
i can honestly think of no other reason to be this obsessed with a coin you don't own, a year after the bull market ended

>> No.12469138

I and many with me criticized your beloved Bitconnect as well. Now, after the Bitconnect community transitioned over to and became the dominant force within the Nano community, after the early adopters from Bigtrail were ditched by the Nano devs, I get the very same stupid comments from you.

>> No.12469151

wtf are you on about you just say the opposite to what the truth is when presented with facts backed with sources. What do you really have against nano and what it is trying to do?

>> No.12469157

Bitconnect was an inflationary currency, NANO and IOTA are deflationary which make them ideal for storing value. AKA BTC's only use case now that they gave up on the whole white paper thing.
Wonder why they fud, maybe NANO and IOTA disrupt their livelihoods?

>> No.12469166

this doesn't even make sense, they're different communities because bitconnecters are driven to ponzi style coins, and there's no rewards in nano.
but i think your constant references to bitgrail shows an obsession with it.
I bet every time you see the nano logo, its a reminder of when you gave all your money to a small exchange with adozen red flags that could have been easily googled. and people with a good head avoided it while you wouldn't.
painful reminder of all the shit you lost, how it was all your fault and now you need to make others feel the same way.

>> No.12469170

Yeah, everyone warning against Bitconnect before the crash, must have lost a ton of money before it happened. Right? As a true nano psychopath you can't comprehend that people warn about scam projects with no ulterior motive. I get off Bitgrail as I did not trust Zack and Bomber and was utterly disgusted how the devs and community trashed the Bitgrail victims.

>> No.12469172

The nano fudder once gave up the info that he was all in on Elastos. Funny thing is he attacks nano for price reduction when elastos has the same % decrease, plus the supply is farked and it cant even get onto binance. He is projecting massively onto nano

>> No.12469186

I have every incentive to defend this board from being overtaken by ledditors and autistic Discord pajeets. Also it's hilarious that you unironically think Nano has a future. Calling out scams for what they are is a hobby for us.
Ahahahaha enjoy your bags, faggots. I tried to reason with you.

>> No.12469193

At no point did reason enter your side of the conversation.
NANO > BTC in every aspect. IOTA is fucking cool too.

>> No.12469194
File: 42 KB, 671x408, Nano Reddit Boomers Spam Biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all in on Elastos
Typical psychotic nano liar. As always you psycho nanoids operate in herds and then just spam the hell out off nano threads, or you just run away with zero comments to defend your shitcoin,as you normally do. So organic.

>> No.12469199

why would you warn people about a "scam" on a dead board a year after all the value is left out of the project?
you're completely transparent stop being retarded. i don't get why you trolls are so stupid . actually I think it must be brain damage. only someone with actual brain damage would be retarded enough to lose it on bitgrail and then NEVER let it go.
nano was around wayyyy before bitgrail so it doesn't even make sense. it was even on other exchanges years before.

>> No.12469205

OP here. what the fuck has this thread become.
This has got to be one of the most autistic battles between shills and fudders i've ever seen...

is every nano thread like this?
why are you all so emotional?

>> No.12469207

>uhh i missed bitcoin. buy nano. is next bitcoin sir.

wow, nano community is really retarded.

>> No.12469213
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not start this thread, did I? You nanoids are pathological.

Pic, typical Nano hodler getting assraped by the devs, bomber and market since Jan 2018, buying some more, while screaming: "2 da MooooOOoOOon!!"

>> No.12469215

>he thinks I'm obsessed with his shitcoin
Wrong, that would be a waste of my mental resources. I lurk here all day and happened to stumble upon your shitcoin thread. Your scam isn't worth the time of day but we aren't complete dickheads here so I'm more than happy to expose you to any lurking newfags.

>> No.12469217

NANO is not the next bitcoin. Bitcoin failed it's usability test and now may be a settlement layer for the elite.
NANO is something new. What bitcoin could have been, without the retard bits.
IOTA gets faster with usage.

>> No.12469218

Currency coin holders are the biggest brainlets in this market.
Crypto WILL NOT replace Fiat. It is such a fuckin pipedream. Fiat has a number of reasons to be economically viable and one of the reasons is stability.
No one wants to see that their $100 they planned on spending on groceries yesterday is down 10% and now only have $90. 99.99% of people (Including you) do not want a volatile asset for their spending money. A decrease of 102% due to infaltion is NOTHING compared to a possible 30% decrease in a single day. Its ironic too because the people who invest in currency coins have no real interest of using it as currency themselves, they only hope for the volatility so they get rich, which would further hurt the usecase of currency coins.
You need to swallow this pill and get it out of your head that this technology will will replace fiat. The strength of DLT and SC's are not to replace fiat in everyday spending, its to increase security for financial trade. The only currency coin that is legitimate in this market is BTC because of its adoption-network effect, and XMR as its use in dark markets. Anything else is DOA.

>> No.12469223

>A decrease of 102% due to infaltion
A decrease of 1-2%*** due to inflation

>> No.12469227

>i called it a scam, that proves it is one! whew i sure saved those 10 people lurking biz in Jan 2019, i'm totally not a troll with a shitty life who needs to take it out on others

>> No.12469233

That's it guys, pack it up. Our dreams of an open financial system usable by anyone for anything are dashed.
Someone send out a mass email to coinmarketcap please. Break it to them gently.

>> No.12469238

logical but you're missing one point. for a store of value to retain value, it needs to be able to be transferred. bitcoin can only handle 1k people on the network before it shits itself, so as soon as the network grows it hits a saturation point.
nano will function as a store of value that can be moved when it needs to be, and can handle many more users.
there's no need for crypto to become a currency, and there's no need to believe that it will replace fiat.

>> No.12469239

Hey its alright man, if NANO exploded tomorrow I would have no qualms about it. It wouldn't affect me negatively either way. For the sake of your money, I hope it does. Just trying to help you see your way out of your decision making.
Best of luck to you.

>> No.12469252

he's going to be ok - come the next bullrun nano will atleast minimum go up with bitcoin and at best go nuts up cmc

>> No.12469254

When it comes to storing/transferring large amounts of money, the biggest factor that people truly care about is not speed or fees, its security. Security is the number one reason. If someone is transferring half of his networth around he/she wants to be damn sure the transaction is safe and secure. A simple upgrade in transaction speed and lowering fees is nothing short of fancy bells and whistles. Remember now that in a decentralized network the number of nodes it has generated is the biggest factor in security.
The technology behind NANO is interesting without a doubt, but its not close to being revolutionary in this space. Sorry.

>> No.12469269

given bitcoin transactions can take a week in congested times (it would be worse but users just give up on it after that point), yeah it is a problem that you're just handwaving away.
if nano is insecure, then please steal my money

>> No.12469268

Volitility exists in this market due to how LOW the marketcap is currently. If there was a major crypto currency gaining mainstream adoption in just 1 aspect of the finiancial system its marketcap would be huge and way less volitile vs a whole bunch of government backed fiats

>> No.12469275

>come the next bullrun nano will atleast minimum go up with bitcoin and at best go nuts up cmc
like I said, I hope it does. Would be cool for the team and its investors.
Its just nowhere near the level of "interesting" when looking at what this type of technology can accomplish. Id suggest looking into digital agreements.

>> No.12469276

The number of nodes doesnt make bitcoin any stronger in terms of security it is all based on miners to keep it secure. Mining as it is currently is only getting more and more centralized and controled by China. Look at all the attacks from this year and last year. All POW shitcoins. DPos has not had any such attacks

>> No.12469282

I'm with you there and definatly have a spread investment but at the same time am bullish on nano just due to its lighweight approach to its blockchain. Being the best layer 1 solution for a currency when nothing has really taken off besides bitcoin is a big deal come the next bullrun

>> No.12469320

Basically this. When all scams die and crypto reaches forex levels of volume we will see much more stability. That could easily be 10-20 years from now though.

>> No.12469331

>Volitility exists in this market due to how LOW the marketcap is currently. If there was a major crypto currency gaining mainstream adoption in just 1 aspect of the finiancial system its marketcap would be huge and way less volitile

No no no no no. Stop lying to yourself. Every single person here knows just how volatile these markets can get. Did you witness the 2017 bull run? If not, you're certainly witnessing this bear.

>yeah it is a problem that you're just handwaving away.

It really is just not that big of a deal. I used bitcoin plenty of times when transferring my wealth around and I had no issues about the hour wait or $30 fee. Even at the height of the bull run transactions took a little over 4 hours and fees were still proportionate. I have no issues with it and same goes with millions of others.

>The number of nodes doesnt make bitcoin any stronger in terms of security it is all based on miners to keep it secure. Mining as it is currently is only getting more and more centralized and controled by China. Look at all the attacks from this year and last year. All POW shitcoins

the term "mining" is used to describe nodes hashing on any given blockchain. The more number of node=/the harder it is to 51% attack. The only possible way on larger blockchains like bitcoin is some sort of node collusion which is high unlikely given the current climate. Small times POW getting 51% is because they had small amount of nodes allowing a single person to game the network.

Also, anyone reading up on this thread, I implore you to read about metcalfes law. Its quite an interesting concept and something fun to ponder about.

>> No.12469438 [DELETED] 


>> No.12469460

Listen to all you FUDDERS!!! We will DEFEND NANO WITH OUR BLOOD! You dont' scare us. Many of us are from the Bitconnect community and we are HARDENED TRADER VETERANS, and we came out STRONGER, WISER and TOUGHER! Take this as A WARNING fudders, you WILL be ANNHILATED!! MANY OF US ARE DESPERATE!!!

>> No.12469487

I hear you, I just bought another 100K NANO, all in and COMFY AS FUCK!!

>> No.12469591
File: 296 KB, 640x480, oppositeofwhatbizsays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12469628
File: 121 KB, 1404x790, 735743543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12469807

Why can biz only reference bitgrail when trying to fud nano? Mt gox anyone? It's like you dipshits think the nano dev team ran bitgrail personally. And the classic,

>no incentive to run a node

If you're using nano on a significant scale you absolutely would have a vested interest to run a node lol. Anyone that uses that argument is clearly a boomer miner. Buh bye bizlets

>> No.12469840

don't lump all of us with that fool. guy clearly has a vested interested. link + nano go together like pb&j

>> No.12469868

feeless is literally impossible to achieve in a decentralized, safe system. DAGS like iota and nano simply will never work. the DAG design concept is fundamentally flawed

>> No.12469913
File: 18 KB, 349x196, Future of Nano hodlers!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12469947
File: 925 KB, 700x478, circlejerk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are pretty pathetic. maybe instead of inventing scapegoats and sucking each others dicks you need to realize that 4chan is an unmoderated discussion board and all kinds of people will find your thread in the catalog, read the opening post, conclude it's bullshit and decide to voice that opinion
but no keep pretending there's some "deeper conspiracy" behind people calling out your -95% bags as the worthless trash they are

>> No.12470185
File: 78 KB, 700x558, Insert+nazi+pun+here+i+did+nazi+that+coming_50f25b_5145832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well FUCK U haters of discord and Re-d-d-i-tt!! I ALWAYS knew that this fucking board that is totally DEAD was filled with RACISTS and fucking anti-Semitic RACISTS!!! NOBODY CARES about BIZ. You are NOTHING!! NOBODY goes to fucking biz to get informed. NOBODY. take your fucking scam link and SUCK ON IT DEEP THROAT STYLE!!!

>> No.12470367

I'm not saying there is a deeper conspiracy just that theres 1 fuckface in all these posts spamming the shit out of them with autistic shit (note the retard with 2 ips playing good retard bad retard)

>> No.12470383

It has been about 8 months now, I haven't seen a single nano thread without him in it. Bullish.

>> No.12470417

>projecting this hard
Enjoy your eternal bags you NPC fuck. This market is full of absolute retards. I really am convinced that I'm going to make it one day after I dump my 1000x bags on all of you.

>> No.12470538
File: 242 KB, 500x333, Future of Nano Investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12470753
File: 604 KB, 2485x1440, 1536169765121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
