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12465686 No.12465686 [Reply] [Original]

>$1000 EOY

they can literally cut the price in HALF or in a THIRD anytime they want

>> No.12465710

That's not how it works. Also, that's already priced in

>> No.12465757

Doesn't Sergey own the 2 thirds of the supply that aren't circulating? Sounds like an exit scam waiting to happen. Deluded linkies don't care though. They're like cultists. You'll never get through to them. Only when the exit scam happens and the world is crashing around them will they wake up.

>> No.12465796

that IS how it works, deluded linkie



oh no no no no!

>> No.12465936

linkies won't respond cause they CANT

>> No.12466090

Priced in.

>> No.12466094

no it's not
omega yikes

>> No.12466105

damn, you really know your shit anon. thanks for looking out for my financial well being, it's nice to know that not everyone on this board is out to make a quick buck off his fellow man, this image board is nothing but crabs in a bucket

>> No.12466208
File: 16 KB, 500x322, 1461802741762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the math is right in front of you

what does 170,517,758/350,000,000 equal? now increase the circulating supply

>> No.12466253

retard, they can increase the circulating supply and the price isnt going to magically drop instantly from 48 to 17 cents. it will just increase the marketcap from 170m to 487m. now if those newly circulating coins started getting sold on the market, it would drive down the price

>> No.12466294

Inflation doesn't work like you said

>> No.12466300

yeah but is the FED registered at an address in the Cayman Islands?

>> No.12466352

it literally says on the chainlink website
>address: cayman islands

A year from now, Sergey will be sipping mai tais on a beach somewhere and a thousand autismos will have lost their money and minds.

>> No.12466430
File: 83 KB, 550x543, r1zr3jm86ba11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will just increase the marketcap from 170m to 487m

>> No.12466601

>it will just increase the marketcap from 170m to 487m.

there are idiots, there are retards, and then there's you my friend.

>> No.12466674

You know posting with avatars is a bannable offense? Marketcap is just circulating supply times price. That's all it is. It's a fucking meme. People trade based on PRICE, which changes the marketcap. If the circulating supply is instantly doubled, exchanges don't just have a magic button that halves the price. Of course it will drop, but only becuase people start buying and selling at a lower price, but the market cap would initially double.

Go ahead and read up on how those uncirculating tokens will be used before you sperg out some more

>> No.12466678

But he's right you retards. If some tokens are released and said tokens don't get bought or sold, price doesn't move and the marketcap increases.

>> No.12466690

I've held through $0.17 before, and I'll do it again.

>> No.12466709

That's a risk i'm willing to take. Investing in anything is just weighing pros and cons. I believe the Chainlink pros outweigh the risks.

>> No.12466717
File: 97 KB, 500x508, 1543470209029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in market cap
>being this new

>> No.12466740

>be smartcontract.com team members
>have 99% of our personal net worth in Chainlink tokens
>Dump the entire supply on the market tanking the price to zero because "IDK lol"

>> No.12466907 [DELETED] 

>Marketcap is just circulating supply times price.

wow you couldnt even get that right you dumb faggot, even though i've written the calculation several times in the thread

dam u dumb

>someone makes 3x of your ultra rare beanie baby
>no extra demand for it
>"yeah dude im good it'll stay the same"

marketcap = demand
circulating supply = supply

basic econ

>> No.12466917

dam u dumb

>someone makes 3x of your ultra rare beanie baby
>no extra demand for it
>"yeah dude im good it'll stay the same"

marketcap = demand
circulating supply = supply

basic econ

>> No.12466971

At some point they will release supply, but you can bet your ass it won't happen until there is demand for it. You think Swift, who most likely owns a huge portion of it is going to give away a huge amount of money? If you do, you are a brainlet.

>> No.12467418

no, they can cut the price to 0

>> No.12467475

This is inherently wrong with Crypto scams.

These big companies, which already have more than enough money, will get Chainlink for free. Absolutely free. Just an email to Sergey or smartcontracts.com is enough "Give us some of your tokens, we want to test it out" and 200,000 LINKs are on the way.

All the while stupid poorfags like you put half of their lifesavings to this shit only to get Rekt later on.

Classic pyramid ponzi scheme, but now with a twist: no risks for any companies involved, only possibilities.

>> No.12468308


Hello newfag. You need to lurk more

>> No.12468325

The non-circulating supply has been priced in since the beginning.

>> No.12468334

The day Swift will do that the price will X100. Before they move a single token.
That is the Holy Grail anon, not a black hole.

>> No.12468343

>You know posting with avatars is a bannable offense?
Absolutely just’Ed. Top kek anon

>> No.12468346

That's not how supply and demand works.

>> No.12468350

Learn what market cap is.

>> No.12468355

Pro athletes get their shoes for free too, are you saying they're degrading Nike's bottom line?

>> No.12468468

>He thinks they will get them for free...
Everything that has value costs something. Sergey is smart. The only way anyone would get free or lower priced tokens is if they agree to lock them up in a node for a few years which will help propel the network.

>> No.12468482


this. I hope

>> No.12468913

The Dunning-Kruger effect on display gentlemen.

>> No.12469019

please be baiting

>> No.12469029

No it's not, not even close. If you start selling in the tens of million dollar range, there's no buy orders for that vloume and it woild go to zero

>> No.12469042

And from the non-circ supply is added to the circ supply, that doesn't affect the price in of utself

>> No.12469063

This, holy fucking kek.

>> No.12469070

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.12469332

is this true?