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124639 No.124639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Not a direct translation because I'm lazy to do word by word.
> まずは失策を続けてきた経営陣の問題だ。元幹部たちが口を揃えるのが、'95年に出井伸之氏が社長に就任して以降、社内の雰囲気が一変したということだ。
It all started with the administration in 95 after Nobuyuki Idei became the president of sony.

> 出井氏の経営方針に元幹部たちは一様に違和感を持ったが、出井氏が後継会長に据え、その後に社長の座も託したストリンガー氏によって、ソニーの凋落は決定的なものになった。
The managements felt something was wrong with the management policies of Nobuyuki, and the decline of sony became definite after Stringer became the president.

>> No.124645

Before Nobuyuki, sony employees are very quirky and they seems to do things their own ways and the presidents of that time likes it. One of them is Kutaragi, the father of PS. He was famous for doing what he likes to do and not listening to his superiors but they let him run free, and he created Playstation that sold a lot. But this is not the case for the recent administration.

> 「ソニーは出井社長時代から米国型のマネージメントに切り替え、コンサルタントを重用して成果主義を全面導入し、さらにEVAによって各事業を厳密に評価するようになりました。その結果、短期的な利益ばかりを求めるようになり、ソニーらしい商品が生まれなくなったのです」
Sony switched to American style management policies by Nobuyuki. The new policy only value success and value it strictly. As a result only short term profit is wanted and "Sony-ish" products are never made again.

>> No.124684

> 「昔のソニーはとにかくワクワクするところでした。ドラえもんの道具みたいな技術がずらりと並んでいて、個々のチームが研究に取り組む。キャッシュアウトのことなんて考えていないし、他のチームとの垣根もなかった。当時のソニーは一つの有機体だったんです。目標は『世界一』ですらなかった。世界一は所詮、競争相手に勝つだけの話です。私たちは『世界で初めて』のものをつくろうとしていた。『世界初』を目指さない今のソニーに何の存在価値があるのでしょうか」
"The past Sony was full of magic, we had technologies that seems like it came out of Doraemon. Each teams do their research and did not care about profit. They also don't have any barrier between other teams. Sony in that time was one. Our goal wasn't even to be number one in the world. To be number one, it all comes down to being victorious over the opponent. Instead we wanted to be number one to make new things. Now that Sony have lost this vision, what's left of Sony's reason to exist?"

>> No.124738

This assessment really hit the nail on the head. Everything I've read about Idei in particular has suggested that clueless management eager to rest on laurels and unprepared to take risks stifled the innovation and engineer/inventor first philosophy that allowed Sony to become the great company it once was.

I've also heard arguments laying blame on that very engineer first philosophy however, pointing fingers at prideful engineers that insisted upon proprietary products that limited Sony's ability to compete. Of course, that seems to lead back to the fact that only short term success was rewarded come Idei, and success was interpreted as making products that protected profits as opposed to innovation

>> No.124748

So it is related to generational egos more than capacity collapse

>> No.124803

>prideful engineers that insisted upon proprietary products that limited Sony's ability to compete.
Their proprietary products were often superior to the alternatives though, such as Betamax was better than VHS and MD was better than CD.

>> No.124808

and of course bluray

>> No.124809

every company seems to go through this, initially they are edgy and innovative but eventually they end up as regimented stuffy squares

compare google to microsoft, one day google will end up like that

>> No.124819

where is appuru on this continuum

>> No.124832

It's obvious isn't it? Apple died with Jobs.

>> No.124833

this is all very interesting but everyone realizes that electronics manufacture is a dead industry because it's too easy to outsource.

Not to mention that half of sony is held in IPs.

If sony was smart they'd have shifted into advanced components manufacture and away from things you can just download on the internet

Big hardware is dead in the 1st world

>> No.124879

>generational egos
why do you think PS3 and VITA were not killed despite the financial flop?

>> No.124880

they're like a sine wave

they went up during the 80s, peaking in 1984, then became fuddy duddies in the 90s before restructuring and starting the process all over again, peaking during the iphone/ipad/ipod era, now they are just coasting on their success, they haven't come up with the next iphone/ipad/ipod for years

>> No.124886

Now that this is a Sony thread
Tsutaya Sales for last week


Yakuza Ishin – PS3
Yakuza Ishin – PS4
Dragon Quest Monsters 2 – 3DS
Miracles to Victory – Kuroko no Basketball – 3DS
Killzone: Shadow Fall – PS4
Yokai Watch – 3DS
Battlefield 4 – PS4
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Wii U
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends – PS4
Kirby Triple Deluxe – 3DS
Pazudora Z – 3DS
Puyo Pyuo Tetris – 3DS
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition – PS4
Call of Duty: Ghosts – PS4
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – PS4
FIFA 14 – PS4
A Train 3D – 3DS
Sengoku Basara 4 – PS3
Grand Theft Auto V – PS3
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Full Boost – PS3

>> No.124894

There kind of are two threads up, it's somewhat a mess


>> No.124913


Everything is a mess when it comes to sony these days.

>> No.124920

Apple died along with Steve Jobs

>> No.128180

>The demise of sony started with Globalization
So, are they the new IBM?

>> No.128227

They can be as big of a mess as they want, I already got >40% returns in less than 1 month

Will easily double my investments by end of this year if they keep selling their loss products.

>> No.128395

>if they keep selling their loss products.

Good luck with that.