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12463619 No.12463619 [Reply] [Original]

>A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest





>> No.12463719
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>> No.12463748

Because goyim are animals that need to be Controlled. They're not smart enough to run their own affairs.

>> No.12464640

The greentext statement is true. The nonsense in that truthcontrol site is not. Member banks (i.e. the banks that actually deal with customers) are required by law to buy shares in their regional federal reserve bank. However, the regional federal reserve banks are required to follow the overall policy of the federal reserve system, which is largely controlled by the board of governors, a group appointed and confirmed by the government.

>> No.12464725

This has been happening for over a hundred years, the only reason it never got removed is cause. people are cowards, and the rest are blind. Why go against a group of people knowing that if you slip up they will take ur family? thats exactly what those kikes were known for.
Just know if the fed reserve keeps doing what its doing, give the earth 2-3 years before it becomes a nuke town. The cost of fiat is actually peoples energy, it steals from the people legally.
So regardless it has to go by force, a lot of people will probably lose money since they just found out the numbers in their bank account never even existed.

>> No.12464744

Yea because if you really think about it, were controlling the world. Would you rather have Russia, EU knife banning/meme banning/ butter knife banning or CHINA Running the world? Or the US ask yourself this.

>> No.12464749

It isn't removed because the system solves more problems than it causes. It definitely isn't perfect, but it was created in the first place for a reason.

>> No.12464845

Yeah you want to know the exact reason it was created for? to scam, even if you think you haven't been scammed you;ll see later. Just research, where does money actually come from. Its energy, its basically faith, the government backs up the faith of the currency, the thing everyone fucking forgot is who is in control of this currency. The system is beyond fucked, it will never be a ok system. You have to spend some days in the poorer part of the world to understand the devastating effects it has on the world. The hard thing for people to understand is that money wasn't ever real at all. Its just faith, the masses dont question anything, the people at the top didnt question anything. Don't you see how the scam works? its such a good one because it has people not thinking its a scam. The only reason things haven't crashed is cause the government didn't want it to crash.
When it does crash its gets ugly, and if the government kept upholding the faith in the currency heres exactly what would happen.
First more climate change, more trees would be destroyed, more oil siphoned, more pollution, more consumption.
Slowly, more like 1-2 years the water is all dirty, the air full of smog, and yes 2 years not decades. I know a bunch of old fuckers didnt give a shit but some of us have childern to raise and i want my kids to grow up in a nicer land.
The fiat model is flawed , it steals peoples lives in exchange for money.

>> No.12464859

Can any major economic event happen without the Fed instigating it?

>> No.12464867

The only part of what you said that makes any sense whatsoever is that money is based on faith. People accept money in exchange for their goods and services because they have faith that they will be able to turn around and use it to obtain goods and services from someone else.

>> No.12464996

let me dumb it down for you, so you have a group of anonymous people aka old jews who have this computer, they type in numbers on a screen and have infinite spending right.

now you see, people work for money, its all on faith right. The thing everyone gets fucked up is who are we trusting, the thing with the government backing up the currency is yes it can stay up.
though if it does, we end up fucking the planet up.
and i know its hard for you to see how it gets fucked up. If you ever grew up in a poorer area or seen the areas.
THERES a reason why we have first world countries and third world countries. the banking system is so corrupt you have no clue.
the economy was about to collapse this summer cause the people in control got judged and lost their control.
im telling you its a situation where you need more resources to understand it fully in depth. tryng to explain it in dumb words isn't possible.

visualize a needle going into the planet a huge one, everytime they play with the computer the needle pulls.
we were at a point where the needle was full if it kept pulling it wouldve shattered.

so, fiat wouldve fucked the planet backwards.
a proper money system is more fair, it doesnt have room for corruption, no such thing as "hyperinflation", it doesn't violate, it holds value not just faith value, thats the difference between money and currency,
the only value the usd has is the usa military backs it up, it got printed, like 1000s of uncounted trilliions are in the economy when it says like 22 trillion in debt. thats why we have billions of starving people.
it hoards resources, when earth was designed to be able to share resources equally.

>> No.12465029

I'm sorry but you're speaking nonsense, and the fact that you even go so far as to use the old money / currency line tells me that you're basing this on conspiracy fantasy.

>> No.12465167

you are just a dense neet, its the truth. fiat currency has a different cost. Just google how the monetary supply works it has better visuals.
it steals from the people in the future, to spend it now.

>> No.12465190

I know how the monetary supply works. As far as stealing from people in the future goes, the closest thing to that is government debt, which is a result of the budget being higher than revenue. That has nothing to do with the Fed.

>> No.12465527

>give the earth 2-3 years
