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12460503 No.12460503 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I feel bad about how financially irresponsible I am, and then I realize that there are people who won't drink clean tap water and opt to spend thousands on bottled water over the years because it "tastes better".

>> No.12460570

Those people are most likely making way more than you, and are much better off financially even if they purchased a good that substitutes a free one.

A case of bottled water is like 2.50 who the fuck cares.

>> No.12460735
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Some one is triggered.

>> No.12460835

Some bottled water doesn't contain flouride. If you have an RO filter you can also remove flouride at home.

OP, even in the US the water is nasty. Look at any used water filter and see for yourself.

>> No.12460864

kek wow, found the bottled water fag here. Let me guess, you drink pellegrino too you fruitcake?

>> No.12460909

You really have to be insane to voluntarily drink mass medicated sewage with no apprehensions at all.

>> No.12460936

Well said.

>> No.12460951

Just buy a reverse osmosis filter. You can literally buy them for 200 bucks.

>> No.12461309

>not just boiling tap water and keeping it in a kettle
plebs the lot of you

>> No.12461949

Tap water is more strictly regulated than bottled water though

>> No.12462948

Boiling does not remove flouride unless you capture the steam condensation- distillation. This water is not good to drink because it lacks minerals.

>> No.12462986

if you're so poor that buying literal water puts a dent into your finances then you really do need to fix something

>> No.12463103

Just to be of utmost clarity. The distilled water product is always superior for drinking (and cooking). There is also the informational consideration, as distilled water is 'blank'. Thus praying, using a structuring funnel device, or storage in a schauberger egg, before drinking distilled water is the best available water for your cells.

At the level of mitochondria, your cells go through the effort of cracking their own (trusted) 'distilled' water. Thus the ease with which your chosen water hydrates should be examined. This question is easily answered, no other water will feel hydrating after One drinks a gallon in a day. That is the regimine, say to cure baldness. 1 gallon of distilled a day.

The other distilled water product which comes prepacked with the right information is the urine of a healthy male, which of course the Jew has trashed in spirit.

Piss of a plant based diet and hydrated by distilled male is so superior to any water that has ever been passed through a pipe (even distilled), for hydrating cells... No one would care about how much better tasting the piss is.

>> No.12463147

>This water is not good to drink because it lacks minerals.

Idiot. your body can not metabolize inorganic sources of minerals. They are toxic to humans

You should only be drinking distilled water if you want to live a long life with no sickness

>> No.12463179

i just go to water dispensers that advertise reverse osmosis and charcoal filtration. and fill up my 5 gallon jug for $1.30. lasts a while for me and my gf that i live with.

and yes my gf lets me invest in chain link

>> No.12463185

>being proud of drinking poo poo pee pee water to save a couple bucks
cringe. also, it doesnt taste better, it simply doesnt have taste, like water should be, instead of tasting like poo poo pee pee with a couple drops of fluoride to rot your brain

>> No.12463281
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This is the most ignorant post I've seen on here in a while. If you drink tap water in a first world country and it tastes "bad" to you you've literally had your brain programmed to love the taste of plastic and estrogen. Fluoride in water has led to vast improvements in dental health with zero studies linking it to brain issues

>> No.12463496
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>> No.12463970

I got you beat. Mine buys me link stacks

>> No.12464008

>projecting his love of poison in rusty-pipe water

>> No.12464054
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>the jews are putting chemicals in the tap water and rotting our brains!!!
>how do i know? i just do!!

>> No.12464061

This, and literally has way more minerals and shit than bottled water.

>> No.12464139

Are there seriously anons who don't drink filtered water from their own tank? WTF

>> No.12464158

>bottled oxygen hits the markets
"enjoy your gross polluted tap air faggot, it's only like 1000sats, buy bottled" -/biz/

>> No.12464502
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Confirmed spotted. Posts disregarded.

>> No.12464547

turds are not minerals

>> No.12464565

Bottled oxygen is superior right now. Enjoy breathing carbon dioxide. I'll be breathing pure good stuff.

>> No.12464576

Evian is the best drinking water on the planet.
Perfect mineral ratio.

>> No.12464586

bottled water:
>taken from a mountain spring
>more minerals
tap water:
>someone else's shut

>> No.12465582

Bottled water contains microplastics, not tap water. Bottled water doesn't come from mountain springs, it comes from factories and wells, if you believe it comes from mountain springs you're a braindead consumer who saw the pictures on the bottles and believed them. This suggests you likely have a double digit IQ