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File: 241 KB, 640x1136, 1547655206895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12461376 No.12461376 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they have no respect for work?

>> No.12461388

I ghost because SA. Getting callbacks is still fucking rare do I don't believe the job market is hig at all. Wages still low too.

>> No.12461395

Stop being a retarded boomer and get with the times is all I can say if you notice your young employees going away like that. Also partly your fault since one of those is probably your own son that you weren't able to properly raise.

>> No.12461417

>Also partly your fault since one of those is probably your own son that you weren't able to properly raise.
Fuck. Too real fren

>> No.12461450

I don't even know what the fuck ghosting is.

>> No.12461464

Not showing up to work, not saying anything to the boss, not answering phone calls/emails when they ask where you are

>> No.12461465


Work your dick off in debt for the same wage as a pizza driver and expect your workers to be loyal lol

>> No.12461472

hot job market for anything under $15 an hour, which is literal slavery and you will never get out.

>> No.12461481

lol nice, FUCK employers.

>> No.12461487


>> No.12461499

Kill me.

>> No.12461502
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>employer can fire you at any time, for any reason whatsoever, often you are out of the office the very day they tell you
>have to file a "2 week notice" when you want to quit, and work up until the last MINUTE of the 2 weeks so they can milk you of all the labor you can give

wtf I love communism now

>> No.12461507

Because you literally have to be over 100 years of experience to make a measly 50k/year

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.12461517
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, 1547655281587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the FUCK back to work you ungrateful wagies, and clean up my shit, fucking faggot ass wage employees. Go get fucked, niggers!

>> No.12461527


>> No.12461531

>50k for 4 year degree and 5 years relevant experience
>access to a snack room stacked with coffee crisp(tm) bars!

>> No.12461529

What happens when you don't give 2 weeks notice? What are they going to do? Fire you?

>> No.12461543

>He gives a two week notice

>> No.12461552

they can sue you if your leaving caused them to lose revenues

>> No.12461571

I quit a job about 3 years ago and one of my faggot co workers wife worked for the Treasury/tax cunts and surprise surprise a 40 year old boat I bought appreciated 6x in value according to them recently

>> No.12461573
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>> No.12461595
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Here in PA and NJ when you get a job you sign paperwork that states the employer-employee relationship can be terminated at any time. You must agree tbat you understand this before taking the position. If they hold the right to terminate the relationship at any time for any reason then why are they surprised when an employee does the same? Sounds like the corp. execs are a bunch of boomer snowflakes who are pissed they arent treated like royalty.

>> No.12461608

>megacorps that treat human life like dirt
>you can be fired at any time for any reason and they show you the door
>we're supposed to give them 2 weeks notice

Boomer please. Get fucked. It's a new world order and you earned what you are about to get.

>> No.12461620

i see no evidence of this.

>> No.12461660

What do you do if somebody asks you to provide references in the future?

>> No.12461664

While I don’t support giving no notice, two weeks is a COURTESY, and alwaya has been a courtesy.

Corporations got to take advantage of labor for nearly two decades and abused their leverage to take more and more from their employees knowing they had no recourse or way out.

If they are flipping their shit over not getting two weeks, wait until the walls built and they have to treat people like actual human beings again! The horror!

Paid training? Signing bonuses? Paid relocation? Actual entry level wages you can live on? Annual bonuses and % based raises? Their heads will fucking explode.

Pieces of unamerican shit (Boomers) brought us to this point to begin with, zero sympathy.

>> No.12461680

we're treating employers the same way they treat us. also this would never happen at a job that requires actual skill.

>> No.12461689

give them. they never call anyways.

>not having friends and family as references

>> No.12461691

You outta vandalize his property.

>> No.12461749

Boomer business owners are among most entitled crybabies in the western world. They also get scared to death about change and having to compete if times change from the years they first found success. They can't understand why things aren't going their way despite doing everything like "they are supposed to" just like they did in the 80s.

>> No.12461760


>> No.12461764

if people are ghosting you, it's because the job is so fucking shit that they don't even want to engage with you for 1 more minute

that doesn't mean the job market is great, more the opposite

>> No.12461773
File: 197 KB, 768x1024, millenanums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a 29 year old "millennial" who worked at a fucking $13.50 job with ten minute breaks and shit, and the 24 year old fuccboi true-millennial kept delaying his start date due to "personal reasons," then would not be at work having called in for "personal reasons," never saying anything about it to his coworkers. this lasted for two months before he disappeared after a lunch break without saying a word. he probably worked a maximum of two whole weeks in the two months he was with us (this was during the thanksgiving and christmas holiday season, though). so when I got a good job offer confirmed after a great interview at another company, i gave my notice that afternoon to one of the nicer supervisors and an email to my excel monkey/fag robot, no personality cuck who thinks he'll get promoted so he's personally checked-out direct supervisor. "hey i looked for Henry-Cock-Suck but he wasn't in his office, so can you sign my timesheet? this is my last day, i got a new job."

they didn't call me the next day or send me a single email. yet it was constantly a never-ending forgiveness parade for this millennial who played the sympathy card that totally screwed us over for weeks and weeks.

so if anyone is going to start a temp job that they think will really suck, prime the interviewer with some bullshit about a sick family member so you'll be able to call out of work whenever the fuck you want. boomers can't handle dealing with direct deceit, and if it's a personal/medical issue, they can't really ask for evidence.

>> No.12461788
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I did this shit, I gave zero day notice that I was quitting, literally only sent en email saying "Hey today was my last day, thanks!

felt good man

>> No.12461791

listen your employer will dump u without notice u can do the same to them as long as u dont mind burning the bridge and dont need a recommendation or anything

>> No.12461898

did you already have another job lined up?

>> No.12461905


>> No.12462135
File: 196 KB, 595x794, 1543271039263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Employers deserve it and more. Seriously, only in America can we have billion dollar companies wringing their workers for every last red cent. Be it from lack of parental leave, vacations/sick days, or healthcare, these companies need a fundamental restructuring of resources.

>B-but my job doesn't suck!
>It's da jooz!
>I'll go under if I don't abuse my workers

Doesn't matter. If you can't run a company that takes care of their employees then you shouldn't run a company.

>> No.12462154

Cringe and bluepilled. Im still a student now but If I had to work without pay I would do it if it meant I could fight Jewish Bolshevism.

>> No.12462168

>work without pay
>fighting Jews

Hah. Who do you think created the whole "hire interns, use their labor for company benefit but don't pay them" idea?

>> No.12462200

>I'm a college Republican whose parents paid my tuition.
>We must fight the Jews!
Good wage slave. Hate the other, accept your position in society. Don't question your role.

>> No.12462204

top kek get fucked boomers

>> No.12462219

> Be me and dishwasher at 16
> Boomer parents made me get a job early on
> Busiest day of the year with 1000’s of people eating at a (((corporate party)))
> All 3 dishwashers scheduled because of how busy it is
> Other 2 Chad dishwashers leave early
> Just me to wash 1000’s of plates, utencils, cups, etc
> Working as hard and as fast as possible
> More and more plates and cups keep stacking up
> Tell the manager I left my lights on in my car and if I don’t go turn them off my battery will die
> Just go home and pretend to still have a job for a month or so before it’s tike to go back to school
> Parents never found out

Felt so fucking good to just say fuck you and never come back again

>> No.12462260

Chad as fuck. I really want to ghost my job, but I don't know if I wanna lose the reference

>> No.12462280

>be me
>complain to manager about another employee 3-4+ times
>never disciplines him
>it's the owners nephew, he's an entitled little brat
>finally had enough one day
>just walk out the door
>dont say a word to anyone
>everyone talking to my coworker asking where I'm at
>coworker is now the middle man
>texting me to come back
>boss texts me
>tell him I might come back in a few weeks if I feel like it but no guarantee
>HR calls me
>tell them about the little brat
>explain the nepotism
>find out HR lady quit the next day

like I said, if someone is ghosting you, it's because your company is fucking shit and you've done something to make the employee hate you. if you treated me well, I would have no reason to not reciprocate. happy employees don't ghost

>> No.12462311

> Be me at 14
> Boomer parents make me get a food service wageslave job
> work always schedules me to work on days I have football practice
> manager calls: "Anon, you can't keep changing your work hours"
> You keep giving me hours I say I can't work in advance
> Because those are the only ones available to new employees. Do you event want this job?
> No *hang up*
Best moment of my life

>> No.12462313

This was a minimum wage job at 16 so I don’t give a fuck but if you’re making good money just give 2 weeks for the reference bro

>> No.12462320

KEK you’re a fucking chad

>> No.12462330

>be dishwasher at 18
>ask qt hostess to prom, but she has a bf
>hot cheerleader server volunteers to go to prom with me
>feeling chad as fuck
>ask manager for the night off so i can go to prom
>'not if you want to keep your job'
>need money so work instead
>working with some peurto rican nigger from the bronx
>we take turns getting ice, it's busy as fuck
>manager comes and inisists that I get the ice when it's PRniggers turn
>PR nigger is like wtf man it's my turn
>manager insists that I do
>that was the last straw
>I tell the PR nigger that I'll close, let him go home early
>don't do any work for 3 hours
>fill up the big ass sink with dirty water and putt all the dishes in it so they don't look piled up
>hours worth of dishes hiding under the water
>walk the fuck out after I'm sure there's no one but the manager left to do the dishes
>ride my bike home as fast as possible
>heard that faggot was in there washing dishes till 3am
>got another job 2 days later for more money

fuck you lonnie

>> No.12462336
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I once almost chad walked on the busiest day of a job because of how they treated us. I decided not to and got a massive promotion just weeks later. I'm a millennial and I'll never burn a bridge because of this

>> No.12462343

That's rich. Employers who can fire an employee for any reason at any time complaining when the tables are turned on them. Get fucked.

>> No.12462351


>> No.12462367

Job market "hot"

Lol what jobs? Mcdonalds, Walmart, Low paid factory work?

I would like to quit my job though they keep taking advantage of me. Being a hard worker there may have been a mistake. I even called out my boss today on why I have to do it again. Absolutely no fairness.

>> No.12462372

I quit just about every bullshit job I ever had that way.

>> No.12462394
File: 8 KB, 179x282, E62313EB-36AF-43B7-A9AD-9646268C7CD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manager sounds like a fucking asshole and the PR nigger sounds based

>> No.12462410
File: 439 KB, 1347x1390, Screenshot_20190116-120229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

I hate how they can just fire me immediately but I have to give a 2 weeks notice othwrwise risk having a hard time getting another job. Even if your employer treats you horribly you could get screwed over without a 2 weeks notice.

>> No.12462424
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, 8937c5362e08d2e1a9fc73ac08e1c1acda115fa8ea65bd60a4b0ffecc27d8b21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not telling them you'll come back tomorrow, everyday, until they understand you clearly wont
You dun goofed son

>> No.12462466
File: 570 KB, 1122x1066, Screenshot_20190116-120859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe that at all. Even if they put it in the contract and it turns out to be legal what's stopping a person from just not doing any work and just sitting in the office? Easy pay and they'll probably fire you on the spot bwahahahaa

>> No.12462510

don't worry wagie, they'll make it law soon enough

>> No.12462521 [DELETED] 

Will probably get called a LARP but I just quit after two years with no notice. It was right before the big boss was going on a trip as well. All of the higher-ups I talked to before walking out seemed to have immense respect for me and even offered to give references/look at my resume. It actually caught me off guard completely. I say do whatever you can get away with. I was at the point where I didn't even care if I had a reference but it worked out somehow. These fucking people take so much from you. They buy so much valuable time from you for so cheap and do everything in their power to give themselves more control over you. I sincerely hope crypto levels the playing field against all of these enormous, soulless corporations. I want to see smart contracts leveraged so that companies become much more dynamic, fluid, and decentralized instead of these boomer infested behemoths

>> No.12462536

Gen x here. I’ve ghosted bad employers also. Who gives a shit.

>> No.12462535

there will be a judge and he will listen to both sides and in the end he decides whom he is going to believe and you will be sentenced to pay for the damages you caused the company, for breaching your contract and for legal fees

>> No.12462558

i dont even know why i have to explain this shit to 18+ year old people, did you ghost your teachers too

>> No.12462569

some bootlicker boomer judge will definitely hate an "entitled, disrespectful" millennial for not putting in his 2 weeks notice

>> No.12462601
File: 40 KB, 600x532, C65C2F7B-9471-4399-89A2-CD356C30AD91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> have job as student at university
> most colleague students are lazy
> professor is boss and can get angry really fast, thinks all students working for him have to owe him
> I’m one of the few students who work with their heart for their thesis and science
> tell prof in advance that I want to leave after my graduation
> he gets super angry, talks shit about me on my back, turns me down
> he still thinks I won’t find a good follow up and will come back begging for a job
> leave after finishing my thesis, find super nice full time job
> weeks later I get spammed with mails, they are asking me to come back
It feels so good, I now have a shitload of money, appreciation for my work and I’m happier than ever. I am never going back, honestly

>> No.12462604

It's called right to work states

>> No.12462636
File: 174 KB, 1000x749, 1489297553876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me at 19
>temporary worker for (((manpower)))
>get a mission at an industrial slaughterhouse
>here to replace a boomer worker at the worst post imaginable on earth during his holidays
>the boomer is the worst cunt ever, dumb, violent, looks like he came out of 20 years in prison
>he train me for the job during 1 month for me to be able to operate the machinry alone
>constantly speak about how great his holidays are about to be
>the day before he's leaving i call the factory
>*cough* *cough*, it's anon, i'm very sick, i won't be able to come tomorrow for at least a week
>cunt forced to cancel his holidays because the job is essential to run a good part of the slaughterhouse

It was so satisfying imagining the boomer getting the call telling him he couldn't leave, i heared him REEEEEEing from my bed.
Get fucked boomers.

>> No.12462656

My boss hasn't given me any work since November. Back then he even complained because I was spent all of my time on it for three days when he thought it would need 30% of my time for two weeks.

Bad companies don't give a shit if you sit around doing nothing.

>> No.12462692

>be me at 20 something
>company paying me peanuts to write SQL reports
>tries to write me up if I am 1 minute late, despite other employees coming in 10-20 minutes late.
>I quit
>company hires "database consultant" for $80,000 a year
>consultant fucks up their application beyond all recognition
>get a call from company to fix their fuck up
>"sure that'll be $120 an hour with 40 hours minimum" I tell them so they can fuck off
>they end up agreeing and paying in full for me to fix the consultant's fuck up

How hard would it have been for them to give me a simple raise instead? What did they accomplish? They lost a good employee, wasted $80,000 on a consultant that fucked up their application and then had to pay more money to fix the issue. But no, companies don't see past their greed do they.

>> No.12462712

redpill me on SQL monkey jobs

>> No.12462722

Based af consultant, he is the batman for wagies

>> No.12462724
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morons pay 2 times

>> No.12462737


It's all about the money, nothing personell grandpa.

>> No.12462738

it was some shitty php app that was querying the database to display reports to end users that was working fine for about a year until after I left. They tried to improve things by hiring a consultant who they kept for many months that ended up ruining the application which apparently was vital for their business. I guess the consultant in all his mastery of his field didn't know how to first backup something he was working on and not work directly on the production code and the company was too stupid to ask him to follow proper procedures.

>> No.12462768

all software jobs basically go like this:

>tech illiterate boomer or female project manager/meme analyst
>they just go to meetings and write emails all day
>as a developer, you will essentially do the same plus your development responsibilities
>but they make 20k more than you
>they also dictate your projects and project timelines
>even though they have no discernible skills

welcome to tech 2019. i hope you didn't fall for the programming meme

>> No.12462795

For a while I had to manage a bunch of projects, including being responsible for budgets and schedules etc. I was the one making the fucking Gantt charts, but there was still a "project manager" on the other side of the country who didn't do anything except sign my reports.

>> No.12462805


How does anything get done when its like this?

>> No.12462811

It doesn't

>> No.12462812

Gamers rise up

>> No.12462817
File: 45 KB, 746x541, 1538964116569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this.
There is a whole generation of computer illiterate boomix who live on our backs because they refused to adapt, yet because they sucked the boss for years they can keep their post doing nothing all day long and take all the merit for YOUR work.
They are almost as bad as jews.

>> No.12462842
File: 30 KB, 512x510, 1538377240495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so unbelievably true it's infuriating

>> No.12462848

IDK about computer science, but what if I just studied SQL, SAS, R and shit like that and got a "data analyst" job. Is that something worth pursuing? i dont think its teh same as writing code

>> No.12462883


underrated post

>> No.12462897

Not gonna lie, did it multiple times

>> No.12462976

lmao, the usa must suck hard
Here they will suck you dick and make you cum in their mouths if you know programming.

>> No.12463013


top fucking KEK

>> No.12463026

join a startup anon. they aren't like that.

>> No.12463035

can confirm. one of our diverse roastie managers couldn't even write a "Hello World" program. Really just sends email and completely offloads work to devs making $50K less than her. also we cycle through contractors that deliver subpar work which is then fixed by the full time devs. all of this is so unbelievably inefficient I can't understand how it has lasted so long. anyways fuck boomers.

>> No.12463041

it really does man. you have no fucking idea. i'll spare you the long miserable stories of my search for part time employment. it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12463063

how do I profit from this?

>> No.12463104
File: 66 KB, 762x635, 1544753907007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is payback for the fucking circus act they make us do when we're applying for jobs in a employer's market.

In an employer's market, they subject us to so much bullshit like 1st interview, second interview, third interview, online personality survey, webinars, video conferences, etc. etc. etc., all a bunch of fucking hoops to jump through like a goddamn circus animal, and at the end of it all, you don't even get the job.

Now it's an employee's market. We can treat the employers the same way they treat us: disposable.

>> No.12463184

I once had an all day interview for some shitty company. By mid day, I told them I wasn't a good fit and left. What a waste of everyone's time.

Lately I've seen some companies doing a "paid trial period" of a few days or whatever where they give you actual work and pay you for your time, then decide. Much better option.

>> No.12463189

This. Its the labor market, its capitalism. That's what we were told by the boomers. Now that's what we say to the boomers.

>> No.12463205

Employers are assholes.

>> No.12463223

it's a control tactic

how do you keep intelligent people in a position of subordination? put someone dumb above them.

>> No.12463256

It makes sense. Intelligent people can't empathize and argue with someone dumb and unreasonable and therefore have to cope.

>> No.12463315
File: 296 KB, 1280x1920, 747E2E05-4B60-47AA-B5FF-82D940E1EB79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because a ton of employers don’t have “respect” for their employees.

>> No.12463317

>that pic

wtf I love millenials now

>> No.12463326

everyone who ghosted their employers here, how did you manage the paycheck next month? Like did you stop at the middle of the month, did you get paid half a salary or none at all?

I would do this but if I did I would do it on the 1st of the month, but the paycheck only comes on like 15th for the previous month, would they send it without a fuss?

>> No.12463349

usually companies do some shit where you work the first 3 weeks with no pay, and then receive pay on your 4th week for 2 weeks time. so they delay your pay by 2 weeks. you essentially dont receive a first paycheck until 4 weeks in. then when you quit, they owe you that 2 weeks, so after your last day, you'll receive a paycheck 2 weeks later as your last check.

>> No.12463351

i wrote a dishwashing story above. I tried too get my brother to get my check (he still worked there). They would only give it to me. Boomer boss wanted to give me a final talking to for walking out on him. But I live in a right to work state so legally he had to pay me. So I went and smirked at him through his fucking dumbass spiel and took my check. They went out of business a month later. One of the waitresses husband confronted them for closing down without giving anyone notice and the owner pulled a gun on him.

Fuck boomers.

>> No.12463360

Can we just automate all this stupid shit already, and stop this charade? Nobody likes working menial jobs and nobody honestly views any of this as voluntary, and big employers already don't look at the employees as human. Tax the robots and distribute the income.

>> No.12463372

I plan on ghosting my current job. I'm job hunting so I'll wait till then. My boss is 77 runs a small lab (there's like 8 of us total) and is a senile faggot who's emotionally unstable with zero communication skills and acts like he does everyone a favor by paying us 20/hr

>> No.12463374

>Tax the robots and distribute the income.
I think you are onto something there.
Fast forward 30 years into the future and this has become wide spread, and you were the start of it all.

>> No.12463383

Also I'm really close with my coworkers and am using one of them as the reference, he's technically lab manager even though he does the same thing as the rest of us for the same pay

>> No.12463384

No we can't. That would be communism. And we'd better be dead than red right

>> No.12463389
File: 416 KB, 844x499, Obama's Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You American millenials are fucked up the ass. Have fun paying off debt for the rest of your fucking lives.

>> No.12463399
File: 214 KB, 1200x900, Obama's Entitlements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American millenials are fucked up the ass. Have fun paying off debt for the rest of your fucking lives.

Keep voting for free shit, dumb Americans. You're going to end up paying for it sooner or later.

>> No.12463410
File: 232 KB, 742x538, 'Mericans are Fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American millenials are fucked up the ass. Have fun paying off debt for the rest of your fucking lives.

Shit officially hits the fan in 2035.

>> No.12463440


> Not hedging your neetbucks into crypto

Is US goes down everyone goes down. Euro retards are in such denial. They think US isn't subsidizing their economy. Good luck to all these "rich" eu micro countries when they actually have to fend for themselves without a global superpower protecting them both economically and militarily kek

>> No.12463464

So what's the solution?
Lower wages even more?
Let's cut taxes for the mega corporations and lower the wages a little. Maybe millennials will finally learn their lesson when they're working for less than peanuts

>> No.12463465

US government will go full communist by 2030

Trump is unironically the last white president the USA as a nation state will ever have

>> No.12463471


>> No.12463478

USA has never been more capitalist than it is today.

>> No.12463487
File: 41 KB, 511x671, 1543487552667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that i have your attention...
FUCK boomers
FUCK upper management
FUCK niggers
and F U C K J A N N I E S

>> No.12463544
File: 45 KB, 580x350, China Loves Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what's the solution?

Honest answer? The debt is way to fucking huge to fix via social programs.

You need a trade surplus, and a big one. Like the size of the Chinese trade surplus vs. you guys.

Maybe then, you can start chipping away at your massive debt.

>> No.12463549
File: 12 KB, 500x320, sgs-emp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last decade over 95% of all jobs created were part time or freelance gig. Full time jobs for other than boomers are very very rare

>> No.12463588

We aren't valuable to this world anymore.
Maybe this is the decline phase of the rat utopia.

>> No.12463632

There's a small group of about 10% of Millennials that mainly live in large cities that are doing well and enjoying a level of prosperity similar to or better than what the Boomers had. Everyone else is a hopeless peasant. If you aren't in this group of people, you're pretty fucked.

>> No.12463648


Whats the average yearly pay for these lucky 10%?

>> No.12463655
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based [x]
redpilled [x]

>> No.12463665

the official stats are so obviously fraudulent. they don't even try anymore.

>> No.12463681

because thankfully we're all waking up to the memes that only serve the business owners, such as "never talk about your pay with other employees" etc
it's WORKERS versus OWNERS at the end of the day, marx was right on that front. i'm for private enterprise capitalism, but you cannot deny the dynamics.
i say all this as someone who has been salaried in the past, and currently owns a business, so I would like to believe that my opinion is somewhat balanced :^)

>> No.12463687

Kill the boomers and the unfunded liabilities vanish. Not that I’d advocate for genocide based on age, that’d be wrong.

>> No.12463688
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A million a year

>> No.12463736

Owning a business doesn't suddenly make you elite though does it?

>> No.12463804


Worked in a place like that once. The boomer woman who owned the restaurant (bought for her by her husband) would routinely schedule the teens who washed dishes for 12 hour shifts every day, totaling 50-60 hours per week and then give them checks at the end of the week for 30 hours. You'd complain once, get a new check for another 10 hours and then complain again for the rest of the hours. This happened every single week.

She also skimmed off the waitstaff's tips to "replace lost cutlery".

Anyway, it went out of business shortly after I left.

Oh, I almost forgot. The waitresses were extremely rude and did nothing. They would sit up front, doing nothing, waiting for you to finish the pile of dishes, mop, sweep, throw out the garbage etc. The kitchen staff would dump their cutting boards and pans on you at 9pm and leave. You'd be there until 11 or 12, cleaning up. It's bad enough that the cooks can't even change a garbage bag but the waitresses could easily do something. It's not like they do that much when the place is open anyway. They simply wouldn't.

Shortly after I left, my friend ran into one of them. She described me as "lazy as fuck". That was about 16 years ago and it still kind of angers me.

>> No.12464029

Because employers have been ghosting employies for decades.

> submit 120 job applications
> 3 replies back that I didn't get the job

>> No.12464033

wonder if Gillette will make commercials about this kind of toxic femininity.

>> No.12464045

If you want to get started trading Forex. Message me on Instagram @craigchandlerfx . Serious enquiries only

>> No.12464059

Fuck no...I own a business that pulls in about 150k a year...most of that goes back into the business, like 100k. I certainly don’t feel like a god damn elite.

>> No.12464101

If the only thing you care about the people that work for you is that they do as much work for as little pay as possible you don't have employees, you have mercenaries.
Mercenaries only loyalty lies with money.
They won't respect you, they just find you convenient until they don't.

>> No.12464145

Rekt. Straight the fuck up. That kid is going to have a hard time if he does not adopt soon. Born too late for this weak shit.

>> No.12464206
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Not so fast. I think your company is not diverse enough. Reported to the government.

>> No.12464238

References : competitive

>> No.12464251
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>> No.12464294

At the end of the day there is such a rhing as an employee employer contract for a reason. So maybe the employee now feels they have power and can leave at will.....which they can but they might want a reference for their next job and employers are gonna wonder why they can't get one.

You cant have it both ways and demand a high minimum wage though. Capitalism means freedom to fire an employee and freedom to walk out of a job.

My only issue as a 40 year old boomer is that kids here don't get that many employers are doing a tough job. There is no respect for people who run companies cause kids have been brainwashed into some bs that bosses are cartoon character greedy evil people by the silly socialist kids.

Too bad soon the pendulum will swing the other way and you will be giving head for chances to flip burgers.

>> No.12464333


Main issue with the young people is that there is a very hard fact that the world will change in 2025-2035 and corporative positions will mean jack shit, so there isn't the incentive boomers had to try to get through the corporative ladder because the anxiety of losing it all is strong so all the generation is despairing at their future, add lot of rotation in jobs and suddently you will find no one wants to thrive in the job market because nobody knows if it will be fruitful in the future

>> No.12464348

>They won't respect you, they just find you convenient until they don't.

Pretty much sums it up. From meaningful labour in a true community to a hateful merc contract and isolation, how the mighty have fallen in but 3 generations.

>> No.12464370

This is meant to be ironic, right? How could they expect someone to willingly get paid less, work more, and be happy about it?

>> No.12464426
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we're a healthy blend of socialism and capitalism with a thick layer of banking cartels sitting on top

>> No.12464461

Really? A lot millennials I know still make shit money in retail or fast food.

>> No.12464484


Please do tell, I like to hear ragie wagie stories from software developers.

>> No.12464511

>Tax the robots
unironically based

>> No.12464615

40 % of your income goes to taxes. Not capitalist

>> No.12464622

lol yes they do

>> No.12464631

this wasn't for a software job. it was for a position as a grounds keeper with the city. it was a part time job paying $11/hr. I walked into the interview, mostly thinking it was going to be a formality since I had already spoke with her 3 times. 4 people were sitting in on the interview. the bitch asked me stupid questions like if I "had ever used hand tools before", "which ones". she asked me if I had ever mowed the lawn before, "yes", "what type of mower was it", "umm...a push mower?". She says "Oh...well...our mowers are a bit different.." then she told me they had more interviews to conduct and I obviously wasn't hired. Fucking absurd.

>> No.12464634

People don't ghost because the job market is "hot", they ghost because dealing with HR and management is a pain in the ass and they know if they give notice they'll be treated like even more of a sub-human than they already are in a modern work environment. Not even worth the reference if you haven't been there over a year.

>> No.12464659

>What is voluntary engagement

>> No.12464697

Millennials confirmed for greatest generation.

>> No.12464706

You should have offered to work for 7 dollars and shown her your engineering degree.

>> No.12464726

Some of these job perks, man.
>Our breakroom is fully stocked with healthy snacks.
>We have a ping pong table
>Connect with your co-workers at 2 scheduled yearly retreats at an exotic location (Picture of a bunch of nerds at the base of the Himalayas with some pissed off looking sherpa next to them).

>> No.12464732

And don't get me started on job titles.

>Happiness Engineer
>Senior Engagement Coordinator
>Customer Engineer
>Product Owner
>Javascript Ninja
What the fuck is this

>> No.12464810
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>> No.12464826

I remember this story in another thread...good times

It’s amazing how the human brain can recognize the similar story

>> No.12464829

find her and beat the living shit out of her
violence is always the answer

>> No.12464877

here's my latest: >>12463333

life just can't stop fucking me

>> No.12464896

>be 18 year old me
>work at a shitty arcade
>people come to you and ask to restore their game if they lose a quarter, etc.
>on my last day, some dude playing Street Fighter comes up to me and says he lost his quarter.
>open the machine up, press the quarter bar 300+ times so he has 300+ plays.
>tell him, "This is my last day. Have fun."

>> No.12465007

>be 28
>left comfy government job for private sector finance job
>honeymoon period lasted 6 months
>culture of unpaid overtime
>no praise only criticism
>few solid workers surrounded by a horde of diversity hires who can't do shit
>all pressure put on good workers (pretty much all 20-35 white males) by boomer bosses (40s and 50s white males)
>pajeets, females, faggots all left alone and never criticised, always out the door bang on the clock
>start to self-organise due to staying late and bitching about work
>one bro literally quit before Christmas and flew to New York on the same day to go get drunk

Every one of the white male workers is now leaving at 5pm on the dot every day since we got back from Christmas. Shit is gonna implode before end of Q1.

They just hired a new pajeet female to try and patch up the inevitable.

I've got 2 interviews next week. Fuck these boomer cunts.

>> No.12465030


Also I forgot to mention the first casualty before one of the bros quit was an Asian bro we had that put in solid work. They fired him for going to a job interview when he said he was working from home.

He got the job a week later topkek.

>> No.12465151



>> No.12465175
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>> No.12465227

Can't happen. The investor class will collapse the financing of companies that don't pay out. There would literally need to be a great depression level recession to walk back the influence of rent seekers.

>> No.12465390

>Picture of a bunch of nerds at the base of the Himalayas with some pissed off looking sherpa next to them
fucking kek

>> No.12465457

It's better to cut spending. Get rid of all inefficient aid agencies and implement ubi with the leftovers. Stop social security, but grandfather people in and let them opt out. No more foreign aid, that's fucking stupid. Build the wall and start working on true welfare. If it's really bad, force a credit freeze.

>> No.12465526

I despise this consumerist shallow abomination we live in and Im gonna treat it like it deserves.

>> No.12465536
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This unironically

>> No.12465563
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Give the number of a friend you had there instead of a supervisor.

>> No.12465631

All contracts say that employment may be terminated at any point without notice.
Boomers are butthurt because young people came to a logical conclusion that since an employer can terminate the contract so can an employee.
All this crap about employees being "grateful for an opportunity" to work at a company is a crock of shit. It stems from the 50s and 60s when companies fully trained their employees for free. Since most jobs now require some sort of formal education it is no longer relevant. Boomers just parrot the same shit without adjusting for modern times.
Automation is coming for middle management boomers the same way it did to drafters and taxi call center operators.
Learn to automate jobs and charge to maintain said automation before you yourself is automated.

>> No.12465676
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>tfw if these next two govt applications don't work out I'll literally have to be a mercenary in Afghanistan

>> No.12465693

This is true for all technical jobs. Entry levels people do all the "real" work while still having to participate in their meeting to hear the boomers talk to themselves endlessly, always inevitably about the schedules. How bad the management paradigms are depend on how old these boomers are.

>> No.12465697

Working in a startup:
>Be a developer
>You are also the analyst
>You are also the tester
>You are also the db admin
>You are also an SEO expert
>Pay is shit
>Benefits are shit
>Company goes bust / gets bought and owner gets rich and you get fired

yeah no

>> No.12465725

>Work in a startup for shit pay
>Not demanding equity for work done
Never gonna make it

>> No.12465742 [DELETED] 
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Because nobody respects me. My masculinity is being seen as toxic, my ancestors are vilified, my culture has been destroyed, my very ethnicity is being deconstructed, my government taxes me into oblivion, they took away my referendum, they violated my bodily integrity with new organ donar laws, they intruded on my privacy with new serveillance laws, i cant buy a house, the waiting lines for social housing are atleast 10 to 14 years while being stuck in this hell of a neighbourhood, i cant find a proper female that's worth my time, anon... if nothing pays off anymore, if the entire goddamn fucking system is aligning against me.... why the FUCK should i care about anything anymore. Fuck work and fuck this entire goddamn fucking planet.

It has become SO fucking bad, that i'm actually starting to long for war. No joke.

>> No.12465748

We're all going to make it. Stay strong bros.

>> No.12465753

A shit work environment deserves this. My first 2 "jobs" after getting my degree I did this, fuck them both to hell and back.

>> No.12465770

I make $70k and I just graduated
T. Aerospace engineer

>> No.12465793

>if the company becomes successful (1/100 times) they'll change up the share structure and write you out of most of the profits
>if it fails your shares are worthless
good plan

>> No.12465795

>be me
>working as supermarket cashier
>"boss I have to pee, do you mind if I close for a couple of minutes?"
>"I don't pay you to pee, hold it"
>"bro, it's either you let me pee or I'll pee here on the conveyor belt" saying like a joke
>apparently boss doesn't like jokes
>starts yelling to me because of disrespect and say that if I get up I'm fired
>stand up
>go to pee
>pee on the floor
>say goodbye with my middle finger and walk away

>> No.12465803

its only in white people world where they call references for prospective employees. every job ive had are under $13 an hour jobs and i dont think ive ever had one of my employers call my old ones. and if you call HR at the average company that i've worked at they don't pick up the phone.

>> No.12465853

Equity is a (((trick))) to tie you down. I'd rather have a solid benefits package & stock options and good salary at a blue chip than waste the best years of my life bouncing between hipster meme startups, hoping that one will moon.

>j-just one more year of 100 hour weeks and google will make a move, r-right?

>> No.12465945
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>> No.12466008

its not just millennials. Im almost 40 and I see it in my line of work from just about everyone, age doesnt even matter.. people will quit at the drop of a hat just because they know someone out there will hire them tomorrow. It makes it really hard to run a project when I basically have to kiss their asses to keep them working.

I honestly cant wait for the economy to slow down a little bit and the job market to fizzle out a bit. All these idiots ghosting are going to get laid off and then be stuck at the bottom somewhere.

>> No.12466012

Millennials are intrinsically gay

>> No.12466020

the market is not even a workers market. if you're struggling right now you have to be the shittiest company in existence

>> No.12466026

You're part of the problem. If employers can fire people at will with complete disregard for their personal lives, so can employees in deciding to live. It's not like employers have any special loyalty toward employees these days. Expecting the reverse is jew-tier.

>> No.12466040


>> No.12466044

Startups are a gamble, it is true. It's about gambling your time for a chance to make it

>> No.12466056
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Kinda similar

> Be me
> 25 years old
> Hectic & low paid government job
> Where are the comfy ones?
> Hard workers usually get a bigger load
> Me, a guy, and two girls in the department always seem stressed
> My boss isn't their boss
> My boss comes to me even with 4 other employees on the team
> Getting tired of it
> Last time I lashed out at her she changed her tone and gave me a talking to
> Has me do a task again instead of giving it to the girl on my team
> Ask her why I have to do it again
> Girl has some important job task to do
> Heh yet I get her pestering me to do a quicker job even though I do it better than my coworkers and even my boss
> Ready to quit without a 2 weeks notice as she is so infuriating to deal with
> She calls me often for advice on work she should know how to do
> Why is she my boss!!!!!

Looking for another job at the moment. Might just quit without a 2 weeks notice for once. Unironically my longest stint of employment even though this job has pissed me off the most.

>> No.12466074

being competent and hardworking in the government is a cue for everyone to ask you to do stuff, since no one else is. then suddenly you have the workload of 4 people and really no way to offload it. rookie mistake. if you have a government job never do a good job, and stall as much as you can on completing assignments

>> No.12466075

she wants the d. double down and bend her around.

>> No.12466086

It's called Karma, maybe you have to suffer, it will be the same with the next job

>> No.12466098

there is too much work available right now, thats the struggle, reel in as much money as I can right now... but instead you get a ton of tards that think the work week should only be 4 days long... I dont do the hiring, I just want my bonus for under budget completion.

if you think we are just up and firing people without countless warnings then you are. By under performing/not showing up ect. the employee is putting themselves at risk of being fired, and also making the company have a hard time of fulfilling their customers wishes which means now the company can be at risk of not getting more work from them... basically being fired by the customer.

all you young kids think you know so much about business but you arent even out of kindergarten yet.

>> No.12466107
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> Unofficial superior, 1 of the hardworking girls, knows how I feel about my boss
> She also knows my boss sucks at the stuff I handle
> Even had me double check my bosses work lmao
> Put in a good word for me to my bosses boss
> She told me what happened
> Might get a title promotion, higher pay, but still shitty job and same boss (most likely unfornatutely)
> Get promoted to a position that pays better, my boss will be a chiller woman, and the pays about 13k better

>> No.12466112

my boss is a micromanaging cunt of a new york jew

I mean, he's real fucking jewish, and he worked ridiculous hours all his life and so he expects everyone to do that, full time to him is like 60 hours minimum and he's the type that loves to dock pay if you "miss" time but not pay you for extra time worked

tips go into the register drawer, not sure how the fuck he keeps servers since he tends to pay less than minimum wage

he absolutely hates when people don't give notice (and most don't), he'll trash talk them for months afterwards like they're the scum of earth and says he'd never rehire them, but then they end up back at the restaurant 6 months or a year later

I'm retarded for continuing to work there but idk how else to make 675 a week in this state and it's not even enough

I work 80 hours for it and I can hardly walk at the end of the day, I really should just gtfo but I'm trying to get out of debt first

>> No.12466115

>why don't people want to earn me extra shekels for free while I sit on my ass and resent them????

>> No.12466116

>be me, minimum wage job
>have a chainlink pin on my desk to help stop me from going crazy and quit my job
accumulate frens.

>> No.12466118

>bad wages towards workers
>giving zero shits towards workers
>not expecting bad things to happen

>> No.12466125

oh right, and if you do give notice to him, you're typically fired the next day because he then hates you for wanting to leave

>> No.12466132

I bet you get fired a lot, go ahead and lie to me please.

>> No.12466145

he knows what he's doing. there's plenty of people desperate for jobs who can't get a job anywhere else, so he milks it for everything. that tip stuff doesn't sound legal at all.
never been fired. quit twice and was offered a raise both times. i've worked with many managers, good and bad, and you sound like you're in the bottom 10%

>> No.12466163
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it's just wagies trying to escape their cagies
they'll never escape though

>> No.12466168

It the same everywhere except in places where competition is deeply embedded within the corporate culture like Amazon. Most bosses know they will look bad if they get too confrontational with their employees or fire them without being able to replace them (plus it's a huge hassle). They also look better the more people they have under them. They know how to spot the competent ones and make them do the minimal amount of work needed to respect schedules. At least you can expect a 3% yearly raise instead of the 2% your useless colleague gets.

>> No.12466171

>be in bottom 38%
>wonder why you can't live a middle class life

>> No.12466172

Not my experience, but:
>Database manager plans vacation out of country to see family months in advance
>few weeks before at management meeting, the "big dick" fin ops director asks if manager can work through his vacation
>in a different timezone
>manager complains to CEO, but says he needs to "work around" the director's personality
>sucks it up and does it
>comes back from vacation and isn't given a 'Thank You' or anything for it
I don't understand how an upper management can load the few good employees that they have with ridiculous work requirements and continually grind them down under their heel

Do these senior leaders just clock in for a paycheck and not give a fuck or what?

>> No.12466178

Eventually people will stand up and stop willingly get cucked by fucks like you.

>> No.12466193

>living in California or NY on an income below $100K

>> No.12466204
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>erosion of the middle class as a result of an outdated economic system is a good thing despite orders of magnitude gains in productivity and technology in the last 60 years

>> No.12466231

>end of capitalism thread.

>> No.12466254

kek, right up until they are desperate again and then I can really get my moneys worth out of them. you have obviously never had to try and survive in a bad economy, and we are about due for another one.

>> No.12466279

at my job they always check into the references, and often get reference calls about previous employees

>> No.12466284

Michael Scott made that

>> No.12466302

Is it voluntary engagement, though? Lets say you're in your car one day and someone comes up and dumps a huge box of very venomous snakes on the left side of your car. Then, another person comes and releases a bunch of rabid pitbulls on the right side of your car. Then a third person comes and smashes your engine saying you didn't pay enough insurance on the car.

Because that's pretty much the way corporations treat their employees right now. When all options lead to being underpaid, overworked, and with little to no work life balance, is it really voluntary? I mean, sure, you could always go start a farm somewhere...But wait, no, you can't because that land is owned by the government or other people, so unless you work those shitty jobs, you just get to live under a bridge and hope the cops don't come chase you out and cut up you're tent.

It's not voluntary. When all options lead to submission and any attempt to break free leads to you being beat down, that isn't voluntary. It's an illusion. It pretends to be voluntary, but its simply a lie by (((them))) and you're falling right for it, fucking bootlicker.

>> No.12466310

Age 36. Working a state govt job for 13 yrs. Can't be fired unless I fuck up real bad or the state goes bankrupt. Both which ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Job itself is easy shit; just come in on time do what needs doing then leave. Long as you stick to your work hrs and don't abuse your break/lunch times your golden. Boss is ok, laid back dude. Long as job is getting done he don't care much. Thanks to regs can retire w/ full pension + 401k,etc at age 50. (27 yrs time). Thanks to me being a kinda frugal nut the only debt is my house. Got a little money stashed in the bank. So when I "retire" at 50 I don't gotta worry about shit, just enjoy life.

>> No.12466313


I work with 3 lady's who make at least 20k more than me and can't even do a fucking vlookup. OUR ENTIRE JOB IS MICROSOFT OFFICE.

I automated hours of their busy work and now they bitch endlessly when a macro breaks and they have to ask me to fix it when typically it's their fault it broke

>> No.12466315


Diversity hires are the worst so many solid workers get fired because of complaints by them and now most of the mid level promotions are only available for diversity.

I was actually told by a manager once that being a single guy if I could just pretend I was gay I would get the promotion I was applying for HR knew none of the staff so I would only have to do it for the interview. Couldn’t bring myself to do it, instead went workers comp for physiological reasons after one of the diversity wrote me an abusive email after I corrected their work. No action against her of course

>> No.12466321

Why don't you just start your own company instead of telling others how to run theirs. You guys have no idea how fucking stupid you should with your cheap socialist leanings

>> No.12466330

there are government workers complaining in this thread as well retard

>> No.12466382


>> No.12466383


>jobs are hot

>still get paid like shit.

When is this going to be addressed?

>> No.12466390


80-150k. yes it's that broad.

>> No.12466531

CS graduate who has worked in and out of tech since graduating a bit ago. Looking for a dev job now. I hate this shit. I just want the job to be me working on interesting code. That's how I imagine it. But in reality I'll be surrounded by a bunch of brogrammers and boomer managers who don't know shit about the job. The first person who tries to talk to me about rock climbing or Red Dead Redemption gets their head cut off.

>> No.12466572

realest shit i ever read here

>> No.12466575

>get with the times AKA become a useless anti-social incel

4chins, never a day you cannot hold yourself from being the lowest of the low

>> No.12466583
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We're just gonna kill em

>> No.12466645

It's true. I'm not helping my parents out when they get older. My mother inherited a million dollars from my grandmother, then spent it all by refusing to work for 20 years, and I went $70k in debt from college. My father is doing the same thing now. He married a fat accountant and she died from whale cancer 6 years later. He also inherited a million dollars. He's blowing through it super fast, largely on gifts for his new girlfriend. Meanwhile, my two sisters are drowning in poverty and my brother is also going into massive, massive debt in college. My parents aren't getting jack shit from me. Let them rot. Fuck boomers. Death to all boomers. Run them out of the workforce as soon as we can. Slash all their pensions. Never buy their shitty, overpriced houses.

>> No.12466692

Fuck it, my last day at work before I retire I ain't gonna tell no one. By then I'll be so fed up with the shit that I'll just want to leave as quick and painless as possible. I ain't gonna do shit my last day, just sit on my ass. What they gonna do? report me, fire me, ha. fuck them. Retirement starts the day after fuckers. Paper work would already been done filed with hr so me coming in would be merely a formality.

>> No.12466698

damn that sucks man. My family hasn't ever seen a million dollars before but I'm sure knowing them they'd fuck it up going on expensive trips and buying stupid shit.

>> No.12466702
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>> No.12466737

>They fired him for going to a job interview when he said he was working from home.
he should have just said it was a sick day

>> No.12466779

Boomers aren't millenial parents, dude. They're the parents of Generation X, so they are the milennials' grandparents.

>> No.12466780

The reason a lot of older folk have money has to do with the times: they grew up not wanting a lot of "extra fluff" shit. Long as they had the basics and a little money left over that's all they cared about. They let the extra money pile up in the bank. Then when the kids inherited the pile they blew it on stupid shit. which says a lot about how fucked up shit is now.

>> No.12466790

I did this for my last job selling fucking shoes when I ended up getting a way better job that would actually help me advance my future career goals. I was going to give them a call and tell them I wouldn't be able to come in anymore, they were giving me less and less hours anyway so I didn't think the two week notice would be necessary. But I kept forgetting to call and I ended up missing some days I was scheduled. When they called me I just ignored the calls until they stopped coming in. Fuck em lol

>> No.12466795

Late stage capitalism.

>> No.12466796

>boomers dont give call backs
>boomers only obey the old boy system even to the detriment of the company
>boomers will lay you off/let you go without notice
>boomers think at-will employment is a-okay
>boomers bitch and moan when the workers act like the employer
Color me shocked. I always give at least a two-week notice unless the company was fucking me around. If I disappear on you, you deserved it, and I can pretty much guarantee I've got a paper-trail to support that decision if the new employer bothers to contact you since I don't take anyone's word because there isn't a boomer alive whose word is worth a fucking penny. If it's not on paper and legally binding, you cock-suckers don't even care, and half the time you still try to wriggle your way out of doing what you said you would.

>> No.12466856

God can you imagine the pile you'd have if you didn't blow your pay on stupid shit? Such as that $500 graphics card which only lasts two yrs before you blow another $500 to replace it. or eating out every day for breakfast and lunch which costs $15 or more. No wonder fuckers are broke anymore; they blow every spare dollar on stupid shit.

>> No.12466866

>he worked ridiculous hours all his life and so he expects everyone to do that
this is me here:
my boss is LITERALLY in the lab EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAY. Except for a week off during christmas where we stop working and just drink/play vidya. He has an 8 year old son but never seems to ever take time to spend time with him or anything. He's married to some 50 year old asian lady. He grew up on a farm towards the end of the depression and is a real fucking penny pincher, to the point he complains about running water/electricity, even though we go through a shit ton just for distillation/synthesis. I literally came across a note on his desk where he wrote down every time I didn't turn the computer overnight, and has these joke of a perfomrance reviews where he shits allover you and never remembers anything good you do. He often just paces around the lab, fucking up everyone else's workload because he feels like working from time to time. Complains how things were different where he worked (Roche) and acts like we're some state of the art lab (it's been around since 1997 and looks like some dudes meth lab, boxes everywhere, no organization, looks like we opened last month). I fucking hate his shit so much

>> No.12466888

>loves to dock pay if you "miss" time but not pay you for extra time worked
oh and he also arbitrarily changed me from salaried pay to hourly because I work on average ~7-7.5hours a day and thats with so much downtime even with finding random shit to do outside my expected duties, and never gives other people who do work overtime any extra pay over 40/hrs a week

>> No.12466937


I've done so many fucking temp jobs with bitter, aggressive, loser boomers training me.

I don't say this often but

>epic fucking win, anon

>> No.12466976

your title is programmer boy. PROGRAMMER.

>> No.12467365
File: 64 KB, 960x720, meontheleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom's terrible with money
>In her 60s and still sub 1k in her bank account at all times, despite having a $17 hr full time job and no major overhead with $600 a month apt.
>Constantly seeking out new experiences and vacations and bullshit
>Dad (divorced) found out she could basically collect on his pension with literally no cost to him/his pension because of some technical bullshit and floated this out to her, refused for no reason
>Told her about passive savings/rebates services I use "I don't have time for that bullshit anon, I like my life to be uncomplicated"
>Took her along to help me pick out a suit (she used to sell them,) got upset because I didn't buy it in-store and instead opted to try it on then order it online (which saved me $150,) despite me explaining my reasoning multiple times
>Has a spare bedroom and quite a bit of room but refuses to get a roommate
>Occasionally lend her money, though she's always good about paying back
>Worried that, in 10-20 whatever years she's basically expecting me to support her
>Conflicted on whether I give in and basically let her parasite or just to tell her to fuck off and let the state handle it
>I love her but she has been and continues to dig herself into this mess despite my father and I constantly trying to get her to right her shit, so leaning towards telling her to fuck off

>> No.12467375

Most like the job market is so shit no one can justify their wage slavery

>> No.12467377

Under a causla contract which the majority of millenials are currently under they arent required to give any notice of leave whatsoever, doing it is more of a form of consideration.
Boomers wanna be able to fire someone at the drop of a hat but dont want the sword to swing both ways. They deserve it.

>> No.12467467

>get $70-80k offers in SF, Oakland and NYC
>say fuck it and start my own business
>still living in my parents house 9 months later, making around $3k/month

I'm fucked, but I guess it's a little better than being fucked the way I'd be if I'd taken those jobs. Might go get a meme cyber security/business intelligence grad degree if I don't at least double income by summer though

>> No.12467474

i did that once. my supervisor was a total bitch so i walked out without giving a two weeks notice. felt good.

>> No.12467491
File: 211 KB, 774x809, 1546921974587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Employer has to fire you on the spot without notice

Bad goyim!! Don't quit on the spot like that!! At least have the courtesy to tell us two weeks in advance!

>> No.12467733

My most amusing interview was during the end of the dot com era. Came in for some shitty low end web design job and the two guys interviewing me ask me if I know or anyone that’s hiring because times are tough towards the end of the interview.

>> No.12467748
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1537244734427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 17
>Work at a kids pizza chain
>Get lazy and don't shave
>Manager screams at me in front of the pizza buffet to go walk to the dollar to and shavw my fucking face
>Give her and the whole reasturant the bird and walk out

>> No.12467827

wages are low as shit and wont fix until a reset occurs

>> No.12467837

You dumb ass, you tell them if they cant start a certain date then sorry the job is gone.

>> No.12467965

asking the real questions

>> No.12467973

At an old company, they had this bowl full of crackers, chips, snacks, etc. and a smaller bowl next to it saying, "50 cents per each snack please".

What do you suppose happened

>> No.12468059

people took the money and the snacks

>> No.12468109

People put snacks in the bowl so they could take a 50cent piece

>> No.12468179

this boomer is gonna soil himself, look at him go

>> No.12468184

Pretty much. Communism when?

>> No.12468250

You're not an employee if you're looking for a job.

>> No.12468277

>Tax the robots and distribute the income.

This. No shit it's cheaper to use robot labor than human labour when you have to pay taxes for human labour and not for robot labour. This shit is insane.

>> No.12468288

>So what's the solution?

Abolish FED and start printing your own money. Then you just print enough of it to pay of the debts.

>> No.12468291


>> No.12468330

Wrong, boomers are the parents of milennials.

>> No.12468332

>be frontline supervisor
>treat my subordinates super fair
>very understanding/forgiving of mistakes and fuckups
>get some real shitheads

Fuck Security is lame as fuck sometimes. I don't believe in treating people like chattle but sometimes I wanna kick their shit in. I definitely understand supervisor struggle.

Anyone want a chill security job in PHX?

>> No.12468342

i love boomer btfo stories

moar pls

>> No.12468349

me but im a shithead and im gonna steal from you

>> No.12468361

Ah. Sorry bro. Literally like the 1 of 2 things you can't do. Steal and sleep.

>> No.12468362
File: 409 KB, 2560x1580, CAAF94A4-DD44-4D44-AE8C-8F0BDFED66F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember those feels so fucking much. It gets better anon, hopefully you get to at least 10k LINK.

>> No.12468367

When your generation freely acknowledges that my wages should be adjusted for inflation and that I deserve $42 an hour to match what you made flipping burgers when you got out of college for all of my hard work going to college and getting a real job, I'll grow some more respect for work.

TL;DR Not getting paid what my work is worth, just like everyone else alive today.

>> No.12468396

everything is buggy spaghetti code, it's not supposed to be normal for your software to break all the time and crash and require constant updates that break as many things as they fix

>> No.12468417

Tell you what. I'll stop voting for the safety net when you stop making me pay taxes in for your retirement. Once I get to cut off everyone above me like the dead weight they are and work entirely for my own wage, we can discuss you old fucks not having to pay for it when I throw my back out doing your hard labor.

>> No.12468418



>> No.12468426

Funny how this basically just fucks over all of us Millennials now that the boomers all have homes, have worked with reliable healthcare, and are (mostly) retired.

You got your prosperous, white bread, middle class America. Now we're going to get ours, even if we have to kill everyone in the country over the age of 50.

>> No.12468431

How much are you paying sir?

>> No.12468444

And you're also not an employee if you've ghosted your workplace :^)

>> No.12468448

This is not the case at all. This article was based on lines

>> No.12468467

Not that guy, but...

You don't really seem to understand this at all, so I'll explain it to you slowly.

Employers no longer dictate terms to employees.

Not only is there more literacy, more primary education completion and more secondary schooling than any other time in history, making it much more difficult to sell people on models of business that do not directly benefit the employee, but most of your potential workforce is very keenly aware that its all stick and no carrot, these days.

You want people to invest in your business by working hard, complaining less and completing tasks on time without being told?

Pay a competitive wage, give competitive hours and treat all of your employees with dignity and respect instead of like your disposable workforce. You'll attract more intelligent workers who will work harder to protect their position in the job you gave them that isn't shit.

But you're not going to do any of that, because you want the people who work for you to accept a status quo that exclusively benefits someone other than themselves, namely yourself, and then accept that as a logical act.

It isn't logical at all. Why would I work hard for you when I don't get anything more out of it than the people who barely work at all?

>> No.12468473


>> No.12468478

Kek. Nice one

>> No.12468479

..and mind you I'm not a milennial and am actually much older. But I went through that shit growing up, being treated like shit by employers despite doing all the right things and being a good, productive employee. So happy to see this generation isn't taking your shit anymore. Good on you guys.

>> No.12468508


You're most likely going out of business in a bad economy.