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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12455842 No.12455842 [Reply] [Original]

yo /biz/ i don't have a job right now I am thinking about going to college for some type of finance degree to become an Auditor or Tax Accountant. Are jobs pretty easy to come by? Which pays more Tax or Audit? and over all would you recommend Accounting to other people looking to get into finance?

>> No.12457053
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Although some people disagree, there's a general sense that jobs like accountant and broker and auditor and lawyer and so on are becoming increasingly automated and will soon be obsolete. Even the big four accounting firms don't do accounting/auditing anymore, they do "consulting". Google it.

Two major publications on this change are:

What you need to do is move into a position that can't be automated because of it is a value-added position (i.e. you add human things above and beyond what a machine can do). You can use those finance/accounting things as a base, but they in and of themselves might not exist in the future. Move into things like financial/investment advisor or something, a job which involves personalised service to a client, rather than a rote/number crunching role like tax accountant that will be replaced with a computer.

>> No.12457061
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this guy, will make you guys obsolete

>> No.12457095

damn. id drag my nuts through 50 feet of lava to suck on this thots azzhole

>> No.12457136

imagine the smell in that elevator...

>> No.12457275
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>Check it
>Name's Sir-gay but bitches already know me
>Came inside your sis but never told her I'm Satoshi
>Exit scammed NXT because I had a better vision
>Meme'd a couple thousand NEETS to get them caught up with my mission
>Now I'm chillin in the Caymans cashing checks and closing deals
>Bout to change the fucking world but before I forget
>Fuck niggers, jannies, kikes - I don't even regret
>By the end of this pump you nonbelievers drown in tears