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File: 11 KB, 867x220, 1547576744112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12455474 No.12455474 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12455487

Time for me to pick up some LINK

>> No.12455500

Report them for hate speech

>> No.12455502
File: 95 KB, 900x506, 5b11c2f1dda4c8fb068b45a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you had to do was listen

>> No.12455550
File: 206 KB, 600x600, 1540515377214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical reddit poster

>> No.12455556

100% its 4channeller

>> No.12455592

As a russian who is just trying to trade shitcoins and live a happy modest life, I'm astounded at these retarded burger comments always revolving around >"RUSSIA BAD". How indoctrinated is the average burger?

>> No.12455603

thanks, just sold my stack

>> No.12455626

Hell yeah. Assuming that’s your account, nice fud, OP.

>> No.12455646

Is Russia good then?

>> No.12455683

Pretty bad...most everyone i know who uses Reddit all have the same core Reddit PC beliefs, no room for a healthy debate. They get personally offended when you try to show them all the main subs are run by superpacs...

>> No.12455815

As a russian I feel offended seeing a fellow russian patriot. You can have rational incentive to be a patriot only if you are filthy rich and your wealth is integrated into your country economics, or if it is your job and you get paid for it. Everything else is npc level thinking.
It's unlikely that you are filthy rich and your wealth depends on russian economy, it's also unlikely that you get paid for being a patriot in russia, that was never a thing.

>> No.12455836

>How indoctrinated is the average burger?
Here in America, the leftists/democrats are extremely indoctrinated to despise Russia in every possible way. Centrists and right-wingers are pretty neutral towards Russia

>> No.12455945

pretty much the same here, but we got more putin and opposition is being kept alive hostage, so putin looks legit.

>> No.12456543

>Centrists and right-wingers are pretty neutral towards Russia
Only because daddy trump constantly fellates putin

>> No.12456996

imagine being so far left you think casual russophobic racism is ok

>> No.12457006

Facts are racist, sweetie

>> No.12457299

Wtf, I love being a Russian bot now. Thanks OP, just bought 100k.

>> No.12457326

Know what's really bizarre? They laugh about the Right being conspiritards for complaining about (((Zionists))), yet they're more than will to believe that every anti-Leftist comment on the Internet is a Russian agent or bot. Funny, I remember reading Alex Dugin a while back, can't remember what he said about the West and Russia, but I thought he was exaggerating (being a Russian Nationalist it's forgivable that he'd be concerned about anti-Russian sentiment). I mean, I even remember the Cold War - it was Russia being commies that everyone hated, not that they were Russian specifically. Guess that was just me, cos bam, anti-Russian racism from out of nowhere on the Left.

>> No.12457535
File: 123 KB, 750x509, Obama election not rigged, Trump stop whining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm astounded at these retarded burger comments always revolving around >"RUSSIA BAD". How indoctrinated is the average burger?
The average less-than-conservative burger is absolutely 100% certain Russia changed the election outcome.
The media only started blasting this narrative after the election results when Trump won, but they have been so relentless that it really took hold.
Before election day, the left was all about "you can't influence our elections, Dahnald, you're just losing!" and "the cold war is over, Russia isn't the enemy anymore".
That all changed real quick on November 8 2016.

>> No.12457560

Obama was the greates president America bad though

Isn't it ironic to most Americans, that the people they once enslaved rose to become the leaders of their Nation and rap stars etc.?

>> No.12457572

>they once enslaved
Whoever "they" is, they died hundreds of years ago.

>> No.12457596

In the US, you either have a completely irrational fear towards Russia(Democrats) or Iran(Republicans)
The US needs another revolution honestly, where all of the congress is executed in firing squads

>> No.12457622


Most real people on the right are fine with Iran, whereas most real people on the left hate russia. The only people on the right who hate Iran are the politicians.