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12452337 No.12452337 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make money as a scientist?

>> No.12452375

>not just offer to massage cocks with mouth
it's easy op

>> No.12452390

Kek another anon fell for the STEM meme. All the real money is in the humanities, they require actual human skills that can't be done by computers.

>> No.12452404

Scientists do it out of passion, not out of money. If you want money go become some doctor or start some irrelevant business

>> No.12452426

Plz help me too. I got justed by my chemistry degree

>> No.12452466

What kind of scientist? Many physicists go into data science, there are also data science jobs that involve biology/chemistry. Money is pretty good.

>> No.12452473

That's basically like being a career starving artist begging for cash on the side of the street while playing a guitar.

>> No.12452556

Make money from fuck prostitute

>> No.12452606

>actually falling for the stem meme
you don’t get money unless it’s engineering / computer shit. Anything else is slave labor at university for pennies. Have fun :^)

>> No.12453032

>Hypothesis: sucking cocks for money will net you profit
>Anti-hypothesis: sucking cocks for money will not net you money
>Testing Procedure: go out in the streets, gay bars, clubs, and back alleys and proposition men for an exchange of value
>Outcomes: ???
>Conclusion: ???
There's an experiment you can complete OP!

>> No.12453057
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>> No.12453073

teaching / research at uni :D

>> No.12453096

That's a bit vague

I have a PhD in math and went into VR. I'm very well earning for a wagey. Machine learning is also good. In fact, the $/work ratio if you know a tiny bit of statistics and some python is pretty disproportional

>> No.12453164

how do I make money from fuck prostituite?

>> No.12453192

you don't, you do it because it's more fulfilling than wageslaving in some computer """science""" job. if you're smart you can find ways to make money on the side, or transfer to industry and unironically make the $300k meme in something like Oil&Gas or finance.

>> No.12453293

STEM is a meme?

>> No.12453308

Yeah, only engineering makes “okay” money.

>> No.12453375

Brush up on organic chemistry.
Start synthesizing D-lysergic acid diethylamide.
Refine the process. This isn't bullshit garage chemistry like methamphetamine. That's why no-fucking-body is doing it anymore, since they wiped out the one major manufacturer in a midwestern silo quite a while back.
So long as you can find a quiet way to connect with a distributor, you'll both make a mint.

>> No.12453886

Check out 48 laws of power, first chapter for how scientist of history have made money.
Gallelio getting patronage for his work etc.
First law: "never outshine the master"

>> No.12453892

fucking teenage retard larper kys

>> No.12453923

Already know of the 48 laws; however, today patronage comes in the form of grants.

>> No.12454055

youtube. do childish science experiments. people eat that shit up.

or become head of a research team and skim off the top of your federal funding.

>> No.12454074

Research preclinical in vivo studies
Use a study tracker like overwatchresearch.com
Save time, reduce error, pass on timesavings to clients
Boost popularity and efficiencies
Address the $52bn annual problem of reproducibility in science

>> No.12454105
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clean dishware for $12 like the fucking brainlet bitch you are lmfaooooooo

>mfw retards think they're going to do anything a biology or chem BS

>> No.12454227



>> No.12454235


just do a phd, fagit

>> No.12454430

invent something new and useful

>> No.12454538

Pseudointellectual arab detected. Damn you all sound same.

Anon, you are fucked.
Chemistry is the way of wagecuck.
Cost to set up your own company are essentially impossible.
Average corporation employss thousands of top-tier IQ asians and whites solving your problem.
Your only shot is, your niche becomes a new bubble, you drain some VC funding and exitscam or sell the company to big dogs.
Science is a meme.

>> No.12454584

Be Elon Musk

>> No.12454614

Tell people that global warming exists and then collect money from retards

>> No.12454687

Invent something people will pay for.

>> No.12454725

This you mong. Science is immensely profitable if you're not investigating stupid shit no one cares about.

>> No.12454786

Eng only makes good money of youre international. All the real money is in arts and humanitites though.you got to not be a retard, heavily specialize, and mix in some hard skills also. Idiots getting com majors without also getting basic stats, compsci, finance, etc are what give the humanities a bad rap

>> No.12454808

>All the real money is in the humanities
Golden. Listen to this Anon. I'll augment and rephrase -
All the real money is in the humanities / qualitative problem solving / stakeholder & relationships management. Pick one based on your autism spectrum !

>> No.12454843


Sup NutritionAnon.

I'm that wagie ragie dude who's always calling you out. Guess what, I'm funemployed now. But I guess I'm going to try to find a gig dealing with ML and shit.

>> No.12454890

Patronage also comes from being part of companies with huge cash pile such as Google / Facebook. Remember private research is disproportionately high compared to grant-based university research.

Pro tip: If you look at history patronage and being rich allowed you the luxury of doing "blue sky" research. So If you are already wealthy, science can be a nice passion. If you are not, you have to navigate science/STEM very carefully in order to no to to fall in that "hungry poet" problem. A wise man once told me - "I could have been a fantastic physicist and I knew it I could. But I have chosen Accounting instead. Initially I hate it to its core. But slowly I began to appreciate the stability and cash-flow it provides leaving me ample time to work on my SciFi novels as a side hustle". Eventually he became a successful novelist and still writes at his 70s. (He is not a native english speaker.)

>> No.12454900

Hey Anon, good luck for your search.

>> No.12454909

>"hungry poet" problem
Certain medicine and medical fields are immune to this as demand are increasing.

>> No.12455366
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Step 1: invent global warming
Step 2: ???
Step 3: people give you moneyy

>> No.12455433

How do you make money running an irrelevant business?

>> No.12455491

By finding angel investors and VCs who have more money than brains and ripping them off, err, convincing them to invest.

>> No.12455505
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become a data scientist

>> No.12455514

Make your own contributions to the world, then monetize them. Don't let a university or business makes millions of your hard work.

>> No.12455571

It's a meme. Nah, I will rather stay as a "hungry poet".

>> No.12455607

As someone moved from tech to Nutrition, this is a most viable alternative to take detour into medical field at a mature age. Currently I practice as part of a clinic, but plan is to start own clinic with few nutritionist/psychologist partners. With adulterated and bad food / continuous stress / chronic disease management, quality nutrition and psychological clinics are here to stay. In my 14 years of stressful tech (have spent few years in SV) career, never felt so comfy about future. If you end up choosing this route, get a suitable accreditation.

>> No.12455635

>I sponge money off of rich idiots in SoCal by spewing pseudoscience, AMA

>> No.12455687

If you ever gets into ML, and love trading, you may like this one (highly rated from Quants part from Taleb's Dynamic Hedging)


Quant still a good career if you try hard enough, and from there you can always get into "qualitative" side by charters such as FRM / CFA.

>> No.12455701

> Nutrition and Psychology is pseudoscience.


>> No.12455716

Yes, yes you are.

>> No.12455737

"Prove" that black people are smarter, fags are more moral, women are stronger etc than straight white men and win a Nobel prize