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File: 129 KB, 1348x558, online_gambling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12451890 No.12451890 [Reply] [Original]


>A coalition backed by billionaire casino executive Sheldon Adelson lobbied the Justice Department in 2017 to reconsider its 2011 decision that cleared the way for states to allow online gambling.

>> No.12451936

>Lobbied for by brick and mortar casino owners to stamp out online competition
Every time. These people need to be gassed.

>> No.12451952

next step is to make casino gambling illegal

>> No.12451965

Fake and gay

>> No.12451986

>it's illegal
>it's legal
>one month later
>no fuck you, it's illegal

>> No.12452025

>The Land Of The Free

>> No.12452063

Anyone wanna invest in my gambling ship?

>> No.12452071
File: 267 KB, 1600x1150, p3uc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Land of the free Home of the brave.

Keep telling yourself that you fucking Mutts, Amurimutts are the most enslaved people on the planet. Now go die for Isreal goy. and Don't you dare think about any way to become financially independent. No gambling for you goy it's in your best interest. now pay your taxes you goy cattle.

>> No.12452080


Honestly they should do it make all kinda of gambling illegal shut Las vegas down for all I care. nothing but a den of kikes and sodomites.

>> No.12452082

>block chain can now prove-ably show odds
>yep we can’t let you see that

I wonder. -_-

>> No.12452084

Ancap revolution when

>> No.12452108


>> No.12452118

kek they have no power anymore. Ignore and do as you please anons

>> No.12452135

Yep. That and competed into the dirt by online casinos running as dapps & accessed via easy to install browser plugins that make use of decentralised & anonymous VPNs & onion routing. Gg regulations.

>> No.12452148

But isn't buying shitcoins gambling?

>> No.12452160

Casinos aren't even the big moneymaker in Vegas anymore, it's all about the clubs now.

>> No.12452195

So they gonna make it illegal to buy anything but an index fund online?

>> No.12452214

Also the younger generation doesn’t have the money to gamble. They’re just floating to survive. They don’t see throwing 200$ as having a good time. You see any younger people at tables or boring ass slot machines? Nobody gives a fuck. They’re boring games. Online massacring noobs in poker doesn’t work anymore. These games are boring as fuck. Casinos are just too stupid to realize this. Plus the newer Gen grew up with realizing gambling is a degeneracy . The only betting that’s “fun” is sports betting. Casinos are boomer fun

>> No.12452251
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Really glad I held onto my FunFair.

>> No.12452253

You do that and the only legal casinos in the US will be on Indian reservations, there's a lot more than you think.

It would be the equivalent to giving all niggers in Chicago a 300k paycheck every month, they'll become the new kikes of middle america

>> No.12452261

what about paying for loot boxes in video games does that not count?

>> No.12452286

>tfw decentralized betting website
>can bet with ETH
>tfw low liquidity

why does this keep happening to dapps, agggghhhhh

>> No.12452306


>> No.12452320

My 22 year old friend just won over $50k in a poker tournament. Idk about slots and all that dumb ripoff shit but I know a lot of millennials who are obsessed with Texas Hold Em.

>> No.12452361

are you having FUN yet gayboys?

>> No.12452362

>These games are dumb and boring
>Young people have grown up realizing gambling is degeneracy
See: Crates, Keys, and Unboxings

>> No.12452393

Does this affect new Jersey where we've had online casino's?

>> No.12452412

If anything lootcrates are programming the youth to think of gambling as something you try doggedly until you get what you want. OK so I didn't get my red ray gun in my tenth crate but i'll just buy 20 more and I'll get it right? lol

>> No.12452500

based and redpilled

>> No.12452840

Sure. But casinos don’t contain that shit. Definitely agree with you though.

>> No.12453433


this. but they're too delusional to see it. the more powerful your country/government is the more controls you. third world countries have more freedom than any first world country because governments there have no organisation skill to control all aspects of life. for example in my country digital currency is untaxable because government has no idea how to regulate it yet.

>> No.12453446

Bullshit. I love blackjack

>> No.12453462
File: 24 KB, 409x409, 1546550119005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If FUN a privacy token?

>> No.12453600
File: 199 KB, 1804x1672, betting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans can't bet on this

>> No.12453633

>This fucker literally
>reffered the shady anon on binance
>https :/ / ww w. binance. com/ ? ref =3 6244789

>> No.12454234

>they'll become the new kikes of middle america
No, they won't. They'll blow it all on alcohol, drugs, clothes, cars, and stupid investments.

>> No.12454241

all in fun

>> No.12454374

Crypto casinos will be booming, better load up on xmr for full anon betting. I'm already doing it and some crypto casinos are better than others.

>> No.12454409

EOS will take the online gambling racket. I just saw eos Texas Holden today.

>> No.12454461
File: 68 KB, 750x576, english-for-sharts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all internet gambling is illegal
Baahahaha amerisharts the single most condescended to children evah

>> No.12454470

who cares, 99% of online gambling sites are a fraud

>> No.12454478

i don't want to get murdered in my sleep though

>> No.12454489

I hope they ban loot crates as online gambling

>> No.12454510

Online gambling is now illegal in the USA because a single Jew said no

>> No.12454531

It's insane this view is looked down upon.

>> No.12454533
File: 22 KB, 480x300, LSL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real casino's i can at least understand why they exist. sure the house always win but they at least have locales to pay for, employees salaries and entertainment to plan (bands to play etc), drink licenses. and many of the games feel more trustworthy, the ball bouncing around are right there before your eyes and the decks of cards too.

meanwhile an online casino basically only need to pay the server costs and domain name + hire some phone support team at most. impossible to verify if they are even honest. money printers.

>> No.12454542

>online gambling > guns
Brainlet logic of foreign envycunts

>> No.12454629

Lol @ internet gambling being the bastion of personal freedom. Even without bots and house fraud it's still 100% bad. No value, just enables instant gratification for gambling addicts which is arguably the worst form of addiction.

>> No.12454749
File: 31 KB, 600x450, meinigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes my dude. If you're familiar with probability theory and can do it really quickly in your head then it's fun AF and you can make some decent cash. Always quit while you're ahead though as hard as it can be.

>> No.12454816

Honestly if they made casinos legal in more states I would't even give a shit. I'm in Texas, and we're starting to have some (actually legal) cardhouses pop up which is a step in the right direction. I'm broke AF since I'm in college so I haven't been to one yet, though I've played at "legal" ones before ;^) . There's honestly nothing stopping the Vegas casinos from branching out if legislation is passed to allow gambling, within reason of course. Definitely don't want to start enough places up so people don't actually go to Vegas.

>> No.12454830

I'm a broke millenial but i go about once a year to either Parx or Atlantic city on some Adderall and just sit at a table or two for hours on end. It's literally the only game I play if I gamble

>> No.12455094

If it applies to gaming it becomes some festa/sesta level prohibitive shit. I can't imagine it does.

>> No.12455205
File: 77 KB, 500x243, helium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that fucking sucks.

I used to player poker online and made a fair bit of money but one day it was just randomly made illegal by my government (Australia).

It was fun - a big part of my day actually - and got me solid tax-free income that made a big difference overall. Then all of a sudden it was just gone at the stroke of a pen. Still feels terrible

The most insane thing is that real-money poker is completely 100% legal here offline, which makes a ban on online poker all the more infuriating.

Crypto poker isn't a substitute. The software is terrible and you have to deal with the massive volatility and semi-legality of the whole thing. Imagine playing ETH poker and having to overcome a 90% fall in value over one year just to break even, or cashing out and having to pay many multiples of your winnings in capital gains tax because every single bet is considered a capital gains event.

>> No.12455280

I run the gov so it's OK bro

>> No.12456405
File: 186 KB, 400x300, 4F270B18-FD9A-4B4F-9D01-2956BF213D52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12456405,2 [INTERNAL] 

There are so many ways to bet online