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File: 208 KB, 995x1024, 790C0335-53AD-4938-99FD-8D66FC6A7452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12452335 No.12452335 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else who struggled to find a job post graduation have any advice for a young zoomer?

>> No.12452352
File: 1.12 MB, 4151x4155, 1518291883736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't more women look like this

>> No.12452379

>just keep trying
>you'll find something eventually
>its just a numbers game
>do you have a linkedin?

>> No.12452715

Forget making a cover letter and make a small script that auto applies you to every single job on linked in with your desired keywords.

>> No.12452802

Go to the business owner personally and tell him what you can do for him. Or go to temporary work agencies to build a resume.

Or go self employed as you probably are not in a country with anti-business regulations.

>> No.12452901
File: 6 KB, 240x210, 1540420594699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12452943

I struggled to find a job where I both wanted that job & they would hire me. After 20-30 interviews only 1 job did I actually want, and they didn't hire me.

Do you know what you want to do? If yes, you're in better shape than I was. Just keep applying to those jobs until you get something. It literally is just a numbers game. You could try going to a head hunter if you're socially inept or incredibly ugly, they might be able to get you in somewhere on your skill set alone.

If you don't know what you want to do, you're as fucked as I was. Figure that out first, believe me. The last thing you want is to take some soul crushing job that gives you anxiety attacks crying on the floor every night and literally changes your chemical composition forever and turns you from super fucking chill and happy to forever depressed and stressed. Nothing I can do will ever reverse this. I now make a nice 6 figure salary, have a beautiful wife and kids, white house with a picket fence, no real worries... but that first job reformatted me.

>> No.12452946

Because Photoshop does not work in real life

>> No.12453456

It only gets worse from here. And now you have college debt.

>> No.12453494


Don't sell yourself short, put EVERYTHING you could learn in a week or two in your resume, for example if you know you can handle programmation, just add Python, PHP, Ruby, HTML and Javascript as knowledge

if you know a little about CADCAM, say you can handle Fusion, Solidworks, Matlab, Octave, everything

Also add that you know being a Trader, Blockchain, Finances, etc, you wouldn't believe how brainlets some people that call themselves "experts" are in your average company

>> No.12453515

Just keep applying. That’s all you can do man

>> No.12453541

Visit your nearest temp agency, they will find you a job.

>> No.12453659

>This fucker literally
>reffered the shady anon on binance
>https :/ / ww w. binance. com/ ? ref =3 6244789

>> No.12453809

Apply to as many jobs that are just out of your reach as possible take all interviews and when you go in get a fresh shave and cut all dressed up to be as likable as possible. Typically none of them will take you but eventually a few will give you an offer. Initially walk away from the offer and then when they give you a better offer to hire take the job even if you don't want it. How I got every job I ever had.

If that doesn't work out apply with some headhunters they'll find you something.

>> No.12453830

I've literally applied to like 500 fucking jobs and can't get hired

I pretty much give up at this point. I'm going full neet

>> No.12453842

Find a way to instantly clone women like this and you will be the richest man in the world overnight.

>> No.12454481

My advice:

Step 1: buy LINK

Step 2: move to Russia

>> No.12454500

She is a fat ass! thinner girls are better!

>> No.12454951

>young zoomer

We're all fucked man, accept it now instead of later

>> No.12455018

Gotta apply for those really shitty jobs, mate. I finally buckled down and applied to every damn place in a 50 mile radius and got hired on working in a sawmill.

>> No.12455035

lol i just got a scholarship and a job after i graduate from the country's leading company in my field

>> No.12455217

if they are willing to work with you, this. visit them in person.

if not, connections. nepotism runs rampant in companies

>> No.12455241

what does step 2 have to do with anything?

>> No.12455254

Look at her thighs retard, she's not shopped.
Shopped girls have skinny thighs and huge fucking ass.
One of the few real girls posted on this board.

>> No.12455282
File: 77 KB, 621x621, 06324243-F3F6-469B-968B-FDEE1B3F7D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what 3D women actually look like?

>> No.12455304


>> No.12455322

Yet still to stupid to construct a proper sentence :/

>> No.12455365

>to stupid too get the meme right

>> No.12455368


"working" in this day and age is absolutely retarded unless you make more than $50,000 a year minimum. You can get more than that in benefits just by lying.

>> No.12455405

You must separate yourself from the crowd of applicants. You can do this in one of two ways;
1. go to school to get a concrete skill (like welding or nursing, not English or psychology). Preferably one with a government license and then get the license. Or
2.get experience on the job. This is done by taking a shitty entrance level job and working your ass off to prove yourself and move up.

Just shotgunning applications to a bunch of jobs isn't going to get you anywhere. A thousand other dopes are doing the same thing. You need to level up your skills.

>> No.12455435

>30 posts
>still no fucking sauce


>> No.12455497

Bro just work at a supermarket and invest in retirement funds while you look for a proper job. You'll gain experience too.

>> No.12455551


>> No.12455601

Civil Engineer here. Took me

-6 months
-44 applications
-1 phone interview
-2 in person interviews

Then I finally got a job. Canada btw so shit was 10x harder for me than any american.

>> No.12455641
File: 8 KB, 200x150, Alright_pinhead_your_time_is_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join a union and learn a trade. I am not joking. Unless you have an engineering degree excluding mechanical or a cs degree and a solid self-done portfolio, you should just learn a trade. If you have a mech engineering degree it's going to put you far ahead of the other guys and you'll move up much faster.

Unions pay more, you work less, and if you work at the right place like a supermarket distribution center you get tons of free shit. If you have any other degree you weren't getting a job that's not a bullshit call center/fast food anyways.

>> No.12455690

>moving up in a union faster
Unless your master plan includes murdering those with seniority, I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit.

>> No.12455709

As soon as i graduated with a bachelors in accounting, all of a sudden it felt like a high school degree, was pretty close to hanging myself after 8 months

>> No.12455937

Fuck working, why do you want to be a wagie?
Invest into crypto with your savings and just neet it up with your parents until you make it.
That's what I'm doing.

>> No.12455970

lol. you think millinials had it rough. you zoomers are straight screwed. orange boy ain't gonna do shit to help you either. he might build you a useless wall but the h1b's and the daca kiddos are going to straight up ass rape you in the long run. only way i see you guys having any future at all is if you pull off a revolt of some sort.

>> No.12455979

kek how much do you get paid a post again? Israel is finished within 4 years kike

>> No.12455989

>the 4d chess meme
oh god. you trumplets are beyond hope..

>> No.12456285



>> No.12456310


>> No.12456394

chelle sherrill

just gotta do a reverse google search and look at the threads for sauce, ya dinguses.