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12440972 No.12440972 [Reply] [Original]

I saved hundreds on this thing.

Bought a box of 300 high end razors blades for like 13 dollars and I'm working on the box 5 years later.

Why do people like wasting money on faggy products like Gillette?

>> No.12441023

>high end razors
pick one.
You most likely just bought cheap faggot one time use pajeet razors

>> No.12441042

Razor - 30$
lasting a lifetime

Shaving cream - 7$
lasting 6-10 months

brush - 15$
lasting years

blades - 0.1$
lasting 3-5 shaving

After the initial costs, I shave for UNDER 20$ A YEAR.
For that money I get 5 5-blade-cartridges.

Shaving industry is jewing us hard.
Can someone elaborate how they pushed the fucking plastic cartridges onto people with such a good effort?

for 30$ you get an Mühle, Edwin Jagger or Merkur which are pretty nice

>> No.12441050
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>> No.12441051

300 high quality DE blades for 13 dollars during a sale sounds about right dumbass.

>> No.12441055


I have a Jagger, made from england. Love it and looks great on my counter.

>> No.12441074

he meant the razor itself not the blades.
Not sure about the quality of a 13 razor.

Buuut I just watched the gillette advertisement.
Fuck them.

>> No.12441080

Because Gillette is the best a man can get

>> No.12441088


holy shit you disgusting pleb those are made in pakistan or some shit

for me, it's pure Japanese quality Feather brand razors or it's nothing at all.

>> No.12441104
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Actually turkey, but I can't complain because the quality has been consistent.

My next box would be feather from japan though, but like I said, I'm still working them 5 years later. So I have no need to by another box yet. Almost finished with them though.

>> No.12441124

>Bought a box of 300 high end razors blades for like 13 dollars and I'm working on the box 5 years later.
Based safetyrazorbro. I bought 100 blades in college and I still haven't run out. Best part is, I haven't had razor burn once, when with cartridge blades I got it basically every time I shaved.
I truly pity people that use overpriced gillette products

>> No.12441131


It's because people are ignorant. They have no idea that this is out there or think it's outdated yet works just as well as any plastic jew shit.

>> No.12441134

Understanding why the disposable razor was pushed over this was a huge redpill for me. A perfect example of everything wrong with marketing/advertising based consumerism. The razor jew.

>> No.12441153

Feather is glorious 1000 folded nippon steel that will carve you up like a white piggu
better stick with personna or astra

>> No.12441161

How razor is compared to mach3? I may switch to the razor.

>> No.12441162

Just use a pair of grooming scissors.

>> No.12441163

Always used a noname plastic razor with 3 blades. Then I tried a safety razor for 30 bucks (Muehle) with the out-of-the-box blade and was /really/ underwhelmed. But at least it made me switch to a 5 blade noname product and I am amazed at how well it shaves compared to the shitty 3 blade razor I used to have. Ended up wasting ~30 bucks on one of the two or three things in my life which I will never end up using. Maybe I'll try again in a few months with other blades. But for now the 5 blade plastic noname razor wins out over the safety razor and the 3 blade razor easily. And it's not as if I can't spare one buck per week for a new blade or simply resharpen it on some old jeans...

>> No.12441178

For the bearded fellow:
>buy wired electric razor/trimmer for 15 USD
>lasts 5 years
>keep full beard and trim it once a week.
>Bonus: Can use it to buzzcut hair as well

I haven't spent more than 50 bucks on hair grooming in 20 years.
I feel bad for people who spend 50 dollars every 2 months and have to buy 15 dollar hair gel/wax for their hair.

But then again, my hairline is receding and I'd prolly trade in a heartbeat.

But at least I'm saving mad cash, right? ;_;

>> No.12441190
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But this is so much better.

>> No.12441369

You guys know where they are made?
(((israeli blades)))

Dorco 301
There you go

>> No.12441419

Fuck off I buy the 30 pack of disposables at costco for 10 bucks i don't need to pinch pennies with your fuckin reddit shilled crappy razor

>> No.12441501

whats the best razor for shaving legs

>> No.12441552


>> No.12441592


The box says Turkey. But whatevs.

>> No.12441604


>implying they were made popular by reddit.

Retards are soon part with their money.

>> No.12441615


Getting a pussy helps.

>> No.12441684

>the out-of-the-box blade and was /really/ underwhelmed

They don't shave "as well" on a single pass but with use you will improve. They require a degree of technique compared to a jew razor. It is difficult to believe that a $30 safety razor doesn't come with a blade that is passable for one shave. You can use olive oil for shaving instead of a cream as well which is pretty good.

>> No.12441708

just shave after a shower while your pores are open and you dont need shaving cream

>> No.12441733

I already have a pussy whats the next step

>> No.12441740

Rockwell 6S is the best DE razor I have tried. More expensive than a Merkur, but definitely worth it as the shave it delivers is really smooth.

>> No.12441744

I bought a Harry's razor to test it out. Shave every 3 days using water only. Kept it clean and literally have used this 417 times without changing blades once. Take care of your stuff and it'll last.

>> No.12441812

Because fuck disposable shit that cuts you.

>> No.12442077


What razor isn't disposable that isn't a straight razor?

>> No.12442089
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Tits or gtfo

>> No.12442446

Gillette, best for daily shaving.
Double edge, best for shaving 2day+ hairs (mondays)

>> No.12442557

I shave my head every other day. Would be uncomfortable using these single blade razors to do that.