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File: 12 KB, 652x291, gillette-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12440532 No.12440532 [Reply] [Original]


Major rash on this advert campaign in dislikes and reaction. Why do big companies pay stupid dollars to take this risk and alienate their main demographic?

>> No.12440554

Boycott Gillette. Vote with your dollar boyos

>> No.12440567

literally who
I only buy wholesale razors pennies on the dollar

>> No.12440586

Because the people in suits never understood why things work or do not work and only seek to extract profit.

Their success previously is due to having the people who are able to follow trends do so with a dedication towards that particular goal. Now however the goal of a lot of people who work for their suits is to push their agenda which can coincide with profits but it currently does not.

Movies and Games are currently suffering from the same thing and the companies involved are currently facing massive losses. Eventually the suits will rise and smite those causing the problems and hire profit oriented people who will only leverage an agenda when it gains more profit and not because they want to push their own agenda at the cost of the company.

Suits do not care about your political bullshit. They care about profit. The instant politics gets int he way of that regardless of what side you are on they will skewer you.

>> No.12440604

>major rash
Typical Gillette

>> No.12440614

kek, shaving is for faggots anyway

>> No.12440623

Yeah ive seen the hit its just insane because alieanting the main market for something marginal and more hard to please.Has there been a noticeable Trend. Could be be worth researching to find candidates to short.

>> No.12440638

>alienate their main demographic
Not sure about this, Gillette also produce razors and shaving cream for women, the commercial could be intended to be shared on social media, where a good amount of females could watch it and associate the brand with #metoo and feminism in general.

Alternative then the target demographic is the "nu-males" with unshaven beard which such a message resonate with.. which obviously is kind of a swing-and-a-miss to have these guys as your target audience for a razor commercial.

>> No.12440650
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>Crying about a commercial on the boomerbox.

>> No.12440669

ha my dad uses gilette razors what a cuck!

>> No.12440674

>not using safety blades that can be used five times and only cost 3 cents per blade

Not going to make it.

>> No.12440677

There's no worse rash than Colgate's.

>> No.12440689

damn they're attempting to expose boomergrill

>> No.12440693
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More bewilderment than a meltdown. Politcising a brand is v v risky.
Yes theres gillette women and they have their own branding and adverts. The nu male dollar, i wonder how they valued that.

>> No.12440699
File: 67 KB, 922x792, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many layers of boomer are needed to achieve this level of disconnection?

>> No.12440703

yes, the brand whose company tag line has always been
>the best a man can get
does not have men as its main demographic, very smart post

>> No.12440716
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>> No.12440732

Never buying Gillette again.

>> No.12440733
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>encouraging men not being a dick to others people is politicising
>t. newfag 4chan(nel)er

>> No.12440778

Short proctor and gamble anyone? I think theres going to be crucifiction.

>> No.12440793

I did reply to your last post dont you know?

>> No.12440840

>greentexting on youtube

>> No.12440845

Safety razors are the way to go. Bough a hundred count box a couple of years ago and still am not half way through it.

>> No.12440882

Because companies are competing for the affluent and upper middle class (people who can still afford luxuries), and those demographics are fairly liberal

>> No.12440903
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>> No.12440934

>those demographics are fairly liberal
A fool and their money are easily parted. Makes sense for companies to target those kinds of people.

>> No.12440944
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>using the the safety razor jew ever
I bought one box of 300 razor blades for like 13 dollars 4 years ago and I'm still working on the blades
I've saved hundreds using this.

Get on my level fags.

>> No.12440978

I see. I guess this new virtue signal dollar could work here as they pay stupid money for free traded organic slave labour free coffee and products of the ilk but what theyve achieved in this is something really schismatic on social media when it didnt need to be.

>> No.12441015
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>> No.12441033
File: 175 KB, 698x405, 1527468136278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in the future I'll get a razor kit like this, using old fashioned razor blades instead of using crap from gillette or schick

>> No.12441037

>loads of news screens pop up
>the ony one that's actually shown is from the most famous socialist news channel of the world
>featuring the news presented by the most radical feminist host of the usa
>not poiticising at all

Also why would a socialist come post at an openly capitalist board is beyond me, but I'll not dig into that now. Enjoy.

>> No.12441061

Are we getting raided by fucking Shavingphiles?

>> No.12441071

>not knowing terminology
What you're using is called a safety razor my dude.
That aside, I too am using grandpa shavers because they are not only cheap as fuck but get the job done as good if you're not a complete dolt. Don't let the Elektrojude tell you lies about how you need 9bajillion blades to get smooth skin.

>> No.12441100

They're not getting rid of anyone. What retarded conservatives never wanted to admit was that culture is downstream from power. If you shill something enough, it becomes reality.

I hate the garbage they make, but if you interact ever with actual normalfags, they are completely unaware about the effort made to influence them with these products. For you to get an idea how dense they are (particularly young whites), I know some who unironically believe that privacy isn't a concern because they have nothing to hide.

>> No.12441101

ONLY white men are showed ad being ashholes and bad.
ONLY black people are the good ones telling the white to back off.
ONLY black men are teaching their children the right way.
and white mens are faggots.

Can't find the post now.
But guess (((who))) made the ad.

>> No.12441111
File: 5 KB, 190x250, 1474357566016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are multi-million / billion dollar businesses alienating the majority of people who buy their products?

It goes much, much deeper than just profit. It has to. Even the average 70 IQ brainlet could figure out that these are horrible business decisions from a monetary standpoint. But these aren't business decisions. This is just a cog in a massive blitz of social engineering.

>> No.12441154

i don't think any of the neckbeards on here shave so who cares

>> No.12441221

Well they gotta make money somehow thats why im looking around now to see if there is a short opp with these campaigns... or a run with holders thinking they got new market but as there i no money in it its just a wet fart. Looking at electronic arts now. Surprised pinewood shepperton is no longer listed.

>> No.12441258

I don't think it's a bad ad, and I don't think most people disagree. The reason the dislike ration is bad is because only a vocal minority of angry manchildren would deliberately visit youtube for an ad just to vote on it.

>> No.12441261

That would include you, neckbeard.

>> No.12441270

yes which is why i don't care

>> No.12441378
File: 105 KB, 750x723, 1545758416749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Promote #Metoo
>Your customers are 85% male
you dun goof'd
pic unrelated

>> No.12441468

Go back to resetera, sweeite.

>> No.12441480

Fuck I really hate it when some random black dude was stopping someone from looking at a chick.

Also I hate how P&G basically butchered one of their best product slogans.its like the Always maxi pad ad team took over.

>> No.12441489
File: 102 KB, 1200x1115, 1504889653629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious: Should we short P&G?

>> No.12441493

Also time to sell p&g stock if you have any.

>> No.12441786
File: 20 KB, 465x465, 1545414369578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earnings fell in oct 2018. GOOGLE it..... anyway. This got my fucking atention.


Wtf they playing at?

>> No.12441807

man, this is so dumb

>> No.12441815

that's a safety razor you mongoloid

>> No.12441824

They could have put out the same message without involving MeToo.
Waiting for one of the higher ups there to get MeToo'd so I can laugh my ass off.

>> No.12441835

you guys are retarded

Look what happened to people that shorted Nike after the ad, and PG is a much better company.
This is probably all 4d chess to get people to short

>> No.12441839

Refer them to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Century_of_the_Self

>> No.12441857

>Fuck I really hate it when some random black dude was stopping someone from looking at a chick.


Meanwhile in reality its different shades of black and brown.

>> No.12441868
File: 78 KB, 493x381, 1480582296992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.12441933

This. Been seeing this more and more. Keep the greentexting in here newfrens.

>> No.12441943

Idk. I think its a pretty good ad really. I know where you guys are coming from but you cant deny many women are treated poorly. Black guys especially need to curve their horny behaviour towards them in public.

>> No.12441964

pretty sure this was an anti man ad nothing to do with skin color you self victimized bigot

>> No.12441980

((( >>12441964 )))

>> No.12441985

just wtf are they trying to say about beards?

>> No.12442084

and they also have the highest birth rate. we are being scammed

>> No.12442086

You need to remove your beard like they removed your foreskin, goy (nice ID by the way).

>> No.12442110

>I don't think most people disagree.
NPCS might not react to this on a conscious level but they definitely will unconsciously. This ad is disgusting.

>> No.12442205
File: 119 KB, 600x800, one drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they have chosen death. Get woke go broke.
I just wonder what alternative brand I will use now.


>> No.12442231

>Black guys especially need to curve their horny behaviour towards them in public.
Yet the ad implied the opposite.

>> No.12442246

Converged companies don't care about the bottom line.

>> No.12442269

I’m sure there are tons of options, shouldn’t be too hard to find replacement

>> No.12442310

what's a good alternative? they are too expensive anyway and now they're confirmed as faggots

>> No.12442332

safety razor
safes you even tons of money >>12441042

>> No.12442338

getting recommendations cuts down on the risk of trying something subpar

>> No.12442343 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12442368
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, race-mixing-advertising-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The instant politics gets int he way of that regardless of what side you are on they will skewer you.
Not anymore. A bunch of brands went woke, they don't even care about money.

>> No.12442424


>> No.12442539


>> No.12442626

Jews are trying to dump the share price to get in cheaper, nothing new here.

>> No.12442656
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 1495497005389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12442669

can't wait to buy the dip, thanks for sharing

>> No.12442682

I don't know why these pussy ass razors exist.
I bought a electric buzz cutter years ago and never needed anything else since.

>> No.12442708
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using a pristine condition 1930's Rolls Razor made before the first atomic bomb blast and therefore inherently better quality metal.

Never going to make it.

>> No.12442712

based and poorpilled

>> No.12442949

good thing i dont shave, shower, or use deoderant

>> No.12443181

literally cant wait for "lol condoms" and "wtf tampons" our generation would definitely buy this shit and it'd be genius for them to make that move.

>> No.12443299

I want to see the inverse of this bullshit.

> "Gillette, because Hitler is a pretty cool dude."

>> No.12443347

>but you cant deny many women are treated poorly.

Everyone is, we are just more attuned to protecting women because they tend to have more value in society.

>> No.12443361


If you have a linkedin account and search the word 'Gilette' and filter by content only, you'll be able to see the inverse of the youtube likes/dislikes. Everyone there is praising the ad lol

>> No.12443406
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1259674839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone PLEASE, Fucking PLEASE make a parody of this commercial where it just goes full fucking red pill? It would be the funniest shit ever.

>> No.12443426

nike stock has gone nowhere
they're going sideways on their way to a capitulation

>> No.12443458
File: 57 KB, 464x380, 1547185435977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with all the misogynist incels getting buttmad about this? none of them even uses gillete since they are all neckbeards

>> No.12443468
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12443489

Jesus it doesn’t take much to upset you incels

>> No.12443491

when we make it, fren

>> No.12443495

Fucking dropped, Jewlette. Daily reminder that (((((consent)))))) along with (((((age of consent))))) are both Jewish weapons to eliminate the goyim.

>> No.12443600


> Men are fucking evil and to blame for all of the worlds problems. Maybe we should make them act more like women so they can be better than men.

>Jesus it doesn’t take much to upset you incels

> Women are fucking evil and to blame for all of the worlds problems. Maybe we should make them shut the fuck up and just have babies so they can make more men.

>Jesus it doesn’t take much to upset you libtards

Its really not so much upsetting but rather a very shitty lame attitude that makes things worse. It does not help anyone improve and it encourage an unhealthy mindset.

If it was a commercial about being a better person with no political aspects it would have been fine. But it decided to preach about toxic masculinity which is dog whistling that men are inferior and need to be wiped out.

Its a collectivist mindset. Its identical to when the alt right preach that Jewish people are

> Jews are fucking evil and to blame for all of the worlds problems.

If you are the kind of person to speak about toxic masculinity then you are the type of person who hates Jews, blacks Asians. You basically demote yourself to a trash human.

>> No.12443624

Now that masculinity is officially a mental disorder, Gillette is literally harassing a marginalized, mentally unstable group

Where were you when Gillette became Hitler 3.5 RC1?

>> No.12443691

tfw white man just existing triggers the SJWs, doesn't take much huh?

>> No.12443748

>Now that masculinity is officially a mental disorder

> Today in the toxic masculinity avoidance group we will share how we feel about our masculine urges. So who should go first?
> Bob : "Um, I can go first but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I do."
> Should we get a raise of hands if Bob can go first?
> Bob : "Ok thank you everyone. So yesterday I had an urge to take lead again, I often feel like I just want to take charge and get things done... My doctor subscribed me some pills to slow me down. But I just cant help but feel...
> John : "I'm sorry but this should be about me not Bob. I was just too afraid to say anything during the vote. I am deathly afraid of voting."
> It was hard enough to find someone to organize the group but at this point I just dont know if I have the confidence to really keep going with this.
> ...............
> So does anyone want to go and get some food?
> Bob : I really cant choose on a restaurant... It would be too masculine.
> Anyone have any ideas on a restaurant we can go to?
> John : I just want to go wherever.
> There are 12 people here though and I am concerned that if I just pick a place it will hurt someone's feelings.
> The room remains silent during an awkward pause.
> Can anyone fucking pick a restaurant?

>> No.12443793

Yeah, this thread is just full of trolls and one or two complete idiots that actually hate the ad. The ones who hate this are barely even human, just a slight brain flicker responding to stimulus.

>> No.12443794
File: 216 KB, 1125x789, 33EA85C4-3293-48D4-BE89-61AF24D3E02B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12443801

>that chick that looked like someone kicked her puppy over a shoulder pat

>> No.12443813

they're desperate, they have to be

>> No.12443819

The shekels were always a means to an end. The end being subversion, and replacement. Also more shekels

>> No.12443828
File: 12 KB, 321x157, download - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12443838
File: 296 KB, 1024x501, Dollar-Shave-Club-x-PRIDE-1024x501 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12443840

so fucking true. it's really dystopian shit in the works going on. all these fucking npcs who never even have the idea to think for themselves just once and just accept everything as it is, without ever questioning it

>> No.12443864
File: 935 KB, 500x250, 1545201886759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the AI is still in the alpha phase, beta roll out soon

>> No.12443890

Violent rapist men can have a home too now I guess.

>> No.12443913

what do i get for the discount code SHAME
i don't deserve pride with my rude white privileged heritage

>> No.12443932


Honestly though I see a difference between the typical "celebrating pride" stuff and what Gillette is trying to do.

Gillette's ad has that ant-masculinity approach, thrown in with some not-so-subtle "fucking white CIS males!" bullshit when hilariously both of the catcallers were white dudes being stopped by black guys.

You could say "stop being so sensitive," until you consider how carefully thought out these commercials are. Every teeny tiny piece of that commercial had to get the approval from Gillette. Maybe they had a black guy doing the cat-calling and they reviewed it and said, "no, make the bad guys all white"? Who knows, but that's how it turned out.

So yeah, big difference between the ideas: "We're cool with gays!" and "STRAIGHT WHITE MEN ARE BAD AND NEED TO CHANGE"

>> No.12444009

>The ones who hate this are barely even human, just a slight brain flicker responding to stimulus.

Anyone who thinks the ad is ok is a sub human bigot.

>> No.12444022

this is actually in response to basedbeards getting increasingly rekt for looking like fat vaginas and flocking to buy safety razors

>> No.12444065

Give me an argument on why this is shit, all these fucking women on facebook are loving it.

>> No.12444088

>every single "bad" man in the video, other than 1 token black guy, is white
>most of the "good" guys are non-white

you can't make this shit up

>> No.12444097

Has anyone considered this to be self corporate sabotage? Look at the names on the board of (((directors))), they would have people placing shorts on P&G, release this bullshit video, buy buy buy, release a new Gilette razor now with 14 blades, a vibrator and nose lube.

>> No.12444110
File: 170 KB, 645x729, 2A79FF0D-7518-48B7-8C08-7BBFB7DB65C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck Gillette’s boomer. Dollar shave club is superior anyway

>> No.12444120

>Give me an argument on why this is shit
It's putting ALL men into a little box and vilifying them collectively. A vast majority of men/boys are perfectly fine and don't abuse women, so it's these vast majority that are pissed that the advertisement is disparaging them

>> No.12444132

nah there are other housewaifu who says otherwise

>> No.12444155
File: 2 KB, 125x94, 1547508023154s - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it't PSY OP
I'll start to wear that tin foil hat now if i were you

>> No.12444177
File: 171 KB, 1024x773, 1547508023154m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not again

>> No.12444192

>Thinking men should not assault women = Thinking woman are evil
One is both objectively and subjectively positive, the other is not.

>> No.12444198

Yeh but as a gender, we have failed. It is much more patrician to call out shitty male behavior and actually deal with issue (you know, take some responsibility) than cry when we get called out for it. This is collectively our problem as men and we need to deal with it. God you’re such crybabies.

>> No.12444199

What's wrong with this commercial? People stand against bullying and harassment, that's a good thing.

>> No.12444205

Real men would step up to the plate and tackle the problem

>> No.12444223

what kind of literal rapist do you have to be to get triggered by this video?

>> No.12444226

>Jesus it doesn’t take much to upset you incels
Except that it's not incels who usually harass women. They're scared to approach a woman in the first place. I don't understand this hatred towards incels by women.

>> No.12444278

>One is both objectively and subjectively positive, the other is not.

> Thinking that every man is part of the problem because men are evil by default and we have to work together to police each other to deal with a make believe problem.

How does it feel to know you are a sexist fucking bigot? Moral high ground will never be available to people of you ... umm type. Also pushing agendas like this have a tendency to result in the opposite of the intended end result.

>> No.12444286


This guy is mostly right.

Also, CEO's are not THAT smart. Yes they worked their ass off to become CEO and had the right connections and credentials along the way, but a lot of CEO's just try shit on a whim cause they thought of it one day then just roll it out to a company with over 1000 employees.

It's an encouraging lesson, probably half the people on biz could be a successful CEO if they were given a chance.

>> No.12444287
File: 21 KB, 458x247, wife's son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12444296

Buncha faggot shit. Bend over and spread your ass while the world fucks you.

>> No.12444303


>> No.12444305

>This is collectively our problem as men and we need to deal with it.

If you abide by this logic you will need to apply it to all situations equally. Let me know when you realize that collectives are racist and sexist concepts. This logic can be used to apply to any target group with a perceived "problem" by the way.

I don't know why people like you actually believe you have an argument. You are highly dangerous and destructive when you begin going down the road of judging the behaviors of individual as a collective.

>> No.12444309

it's been like that for a hundred years you numbskull. its just more naked and exposed now. read edward bernays

>> No.12444325

>it's been like that for a hundred years you numbskull. its just more naked and exposed now. read edward bernays

Well one of the main things to keep in mind is that they will definitly be able to extract more wealth the moment they begin "triggering libtards"

>> No.12444388

Looks like they deleted that comment.

>> No.12444423
File: 37 KB, 496x379, altrightythen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say you "hate identity politics"
participate in one of the most outspoken, unyielding and obstinate forms of identity politics as "muh white male"
>say you hate "cultural marxism"
support the extermination of minority viewpoints which is the definition of the enforcement of cultural marxism, just your own version of it
>say you "hate SJW"s for constantly complaining and being overly sensitive
Complain about fucking everything, dig through the most retarded corners of the internet to find the most retarded feminists so you can complain about them. Constant persecution complex
>say "facts don't care about your feelings"
completely ignore the absolute mountains of factual evidence supporting climate change because you don't feel like you should have to change your lifestyle for the greater good
>say your priority is your race, your people, your blood, your land
do fuck all to help anyone, just complain on the internet all day
>insist on the racial and genetic superiority of "white people", however you choose to define them
Be constantly represented in public by gawking toothless retards and misogynistic failed Pick Up Artist dickheads with terrible lives and terrible attitudes

Imagine being a fucking /pol/troon, just wew

>> No.12444476
File: 223 KB, 823x527, 1534804621042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are fucking evil and to blame for all of the worlds problems.
where is the lie?

>> No.12444482

sexually harassing is mostly faggotry but I'm not willing to lump that in with Chad shutting down office Becky for saying yet another retarded thing during an important meeting

>> No.12444491

sexual harassment became worse when men became massive faggots after all the good ones were killed in the world wars

>> No.12444510

That's it, goyos. I'm checking out of this fucked up society and going balls deep into crypto, both mentally and financially. 2021 should mark the start of the next bull market and Trump's second term. Working two jobs and possibly moving back in my mom's house. Clocked in 70 hours last week and scheduled for 60 more this week.

>> No.12444520

that's the spirit

>> No.12444542

nice pasta kid, just chilling here sipping a beer, while you drink the male tears, stay mad SJW libtard

>> No.12444551

based, wish you well anon

>> No.12444562

>Imagine being a fucking /pol/troon, just wew

Not one of your arguments was justified the use of said tactics. You approve of the same behaviors you attempted to distance yourself from. Thats the problem with you fuckers. You have no idea you are literally identical to the people you claim to hate and you basically mirror each other disgustingly.

Then any time someone calls it out you either
> Radical centrism
> You are literally Hitler by association.

And then on top of that you falter anyway because crypto based social media is going to make it impossible for both of your identical and shitty ideologies to exist because it depends on censorship. (Book burning)

You are a bunch of book burners without any way to burn anymore books.

>> No.12444564

for many companies, profit is inevitable, many have near monopolies like google or twitter, Gillette in their own field.
theyve set up perpetual motion machines that mean they can push any shit they want in "marketing" and also diversity hire anyone, meritocracy means nothing to these companies as the moment a competitor looks to rise they can just buy them for fractions of their profit and carry on in front.

the affirmative action diversity hiring is an attack on stupid smaller companies as much as its part of their own ideological war on wider society, many smaller firms who are reliant on productive labor to stay afloat feel like they have to follow the industry leaders in HR policies, which makes them impotent in the fucking extreme.
you see it everywhere that productivity has no bearing on results, government departments and universities being just as guilty as the big tech companies, regardless of performance they will always be in place so get to push whatever submissive shit they want.

>> No.12444573

>where is the lie?

Their not. Men or not the cause of all evil either.

>> No.12444578

I've suffered greatly under the psychological abuse of my single mother and other "feminist" elements, leaving marks throughout my entire childhood, with these marks now making my life difficult even as an adult. When will I receive my "we single mothers have failed" justice commercial?

>> No.12444589

should add that the trend of having mutts and mutted families in the advertising of large companies like macdonalds or apple (2 companies that dont care about profit) is something the smaller firms feel like theyve had to follow suit on, in the same way that small start ups and other vulnerable companies try and diversity hire from the start

>> No.12444599

>can't respond to arguments
>emergency NPC directive #1033
>print: stay mad sjw libtard
Phew, dodged a bullet there, dude.

>> No.12444619

>Phew, dodged a bullet there, dude.

Literally unable to cope with the fact you are identical to the guy you criticized.

>can't respond to arguments
>emergency NPC directive #1033
>print: stay mad sjw libtard

That's you and you are out of your league hick fucker. Get an education in not being a horrible person you sexist fucker.

>> No.12444621

>implying your copy pasta argument is worth "arguing"
nice try kiddo, whos dodging who>>12444562

>> No.12444630

>God you’re such crybabies.

I will bet you $1000 that if you throw somebody with a glass full of water and they retaliate with a punch you will sue and/or go to the police to press assault charges.

>> No.12444641
File: 604 KB, 2767x3374, prep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12444647

>nice try kiddo, whos dodging who

damn it. kek

>> No.12444654

>>can't respond to arguments
>>emergency NPC directive #1033
>>print: literally seething
>Phew, dodged a bullet there, dude.


>> No.12444663

Thank you and I wish you all the best as well. Anyone who thinks crypto is dead is an NPC brainlet who has no idea what's going on in this space. Two of the best projects aren't even on the market yet but the second I fill my bags I will be sure to let everyone here know.about them.

>> No.12444672


mm hmm
At least my side doesn't rely heavily on Vice and Buzzfeed, Gotta keep those corporate bucks coming huh

>> No.12444700

Based and redpilled

>> No.12444715

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12444722

Hey Bro, how does it feel to know your side is the Wall Fucking Street Journal. Gotta stay hip am I right?

>> No.12444789

I hear that the next generation totally loves Anita Sarkeesian! Isnt she like one of your biggest people? SHES SO POPULAR! Gen Z Loves her!

Everyone will remember her in ten years fuck that Pewdiepie Nazi guy.

Its so cool how Hillary became president too. So popular! You must definitely be backing the right horse with your ideology right!

Internet censorship is fucking cool too. Everyone loves it when people get banned from various platforms for no reason. Its so posh. The next generation is going to love this whole banning and censorship thing!

>> No.12444803

That anon got btfo'd so hard he left the thread. save your (you)s

>> No.12444820
File: 36 KB, 550x360, ab4vq5if3b6y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW LINK just got stablecoin pairs and you faggots are still seething about my bait comments
Gee for a bunch of genetically superior Ubermenschen you sure are a bunch of whiny faggots, lmao.

>> No.12444833

>He doens't know you can have multiple tabs open
>He makes fun of other people

Anon I. . .

>> No.12444848

>that's just a baits g-guys
>i-im only pretending to me retard you see
>haha gotem fagget

>> No.12444855

Actually based. These zoomers need to get their priorities straight.

>> No.12444856
File: 47 KB, 954x501, gilette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a minor drop so far.

>> No.12444865

Keked. Too many levels of shitposting in this thread good night lads.

>> No.12444876

Don't be such a faggot, I thought it was a pretty good ad. Certainly don't know why you guys are crying about it.
Also safety razors or get the fuck out

>> No.12444907

How do you go from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAkVDCqVY6w
To this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koPmuEyP3a0

>> No.12444914

Sir, I think it might be time to kill yourself

>> No.12444927
File: 200 KB, 600x400, 056c09c43892ae819abefec2ab02b91e82d0201534d67373ac9155ff579f58a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ad isn't for the men, it's for signaling their virtue to the women. it's so hot right now.

>> No.12444961
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still being this mad

>> No.12444985

>posting laughing pics to cope
>gets btfo so hard
>you mad?

sucks to be you kid

>> No.12445026

this is legit a great idea

>> No.12445040

Its possible they just have a biocunt chief of marketing or something. "Yeah, thats a great idea! Men will love this!" -says the hole to her underlings.

>> No.12445048

I must be an actual dumbass, I don't understand how "Be the best a man can be" is offensive, what's the outrage about?

>> No.12445070
File: 316 KB, 996x966, 1546737497784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baiting this hard
nice try cuck

>> No.12445085

I like the super cheap Bic ones with the yellow handle. Its like 2 dollars for a bag of 25 of them. The metal they use seems to last a lot longer than other brands. I can go 6 months on the same razor.

>> No.12445086

im not baiting, i legit dont know

>> No.12445088

>tell friends i dont like this
>they are acting like im literally /pol/

is it me?

>> No.12445112

Gillette is owned by Procter & Gamble. Below is a list of other P&G brands to avoid.

-Always menstrual hygiene products
-Ariel laundry detergent
-Bounty paper towels, sold in the United States and Canada
-Charmin bathroom tissue and moist towelettes
-Crest toothpaste
-Clancy's Potato Chips, Stackerz, etc...
-Dawn dishwashing
-Downy fabric softener and dryer sheets
-Fairy washing up liquid
-Febreze odor eliminator
-Gain laundry detergents, liquid fabric softener, dryer sheets and dish washing liquid
-Gillette razors, shaving soap, shaving cream, body wash, shampoo, deodorant and anti-perspirant
-Head & Shoulders shampoo
-Olay personal and beauty products
-Oral-B inter-dental products, such as Oral-B Glide
-Pampers & Pampers Kandoo disposable diapers and moist towelettes. The 2014 Financial Report lists Pampers as Procter & Gamble's largest brand.[2]
-Pantene haircare products
-SK-II beauty products
-Tide laundry detergents and products
-Vicks cough and cold products

>> No.12445123

from 85% white to 45% white/

>> No.12445126

Spread this everywhere. I've always been using Crest, Dawn, Febreze, and Charmin. I don't mind switching brands.

>> No.12445128

Can't wait for that Toxic femininity ad for Always menstrual

>> No.12445170

can you give us a hint?

>> No.12445180

I'm sorry, do men buy razors? No, their wives buy them while their husband's are at work. This is a naked attempt to ingratiate that consumer, not the person actually using the product

>> No.12445216


Th-thank you boomer scum for radically and fundamentally transforming the trajectory of this society

>> No.12445241


Nope, stand up for yourself. Stand up for reason. We all know it's wrong to "rape, abuse, assault" hurr durr, a fucking razor company doesn't need to lecture and shame us about it anymore than MaxiPad needs to lecture women about being huge bitches while on their period or cold gold digging whores or lazy cunts or whatever malady you would exclusively "attribute" to "toxic feminity"

>> No.12445260

Do you live in the 1950s?

>> No.12445269

>white women being good wives

>> No.12445274

Pretty sure thats not true. Over half of all adults are not married at this point and its climbing fast.

>> No.12445728

I've been shaving dry (no shaving cream at all) for like 2 years and my skin has completely adapted to it /biz/. There's no red spots, no razor burns, nothing and my skin feels smooth as fuck.

>> No.12445967

This. If you ever takes off your boots you're a fag

>> No.12446293

>kikes shorting their own stock
>hire some retards and let destiny take it's course

they probably are on 1000x leverage

>> No.12446307
File: 47 KB, 554x266, object.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how each scene of sexual harassment has specifically designated sex-object stereotype women to be the targets of it. Way to stop the stereotype, really makes me think.

>> No.12446334


>> No.12446352


fucking based

>> No.12446483

Tell that to whoever was so massively butthurt that they had to make a fucking razor ad with hamfisted SJW political propaganda.

>> No.12446497

Nice. See you in r/cc crying about how you ruined your life going all in on some chink scam like the brainlet you are. Dickhead.

>> No.12446536

you don't make sense at all

>> No.12446545
File: 148 KB, 500x548, teach-women-to-stop-throwing-babies-in-dumpsters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the roastie
you women have failed as a gender by throwing babies into trash. when will the constant bombardment of ads, articles, mandatory courses, tv shows, etc. start about the failure of women and killing of innocent babies?
real women would step up and tackle the problem.

>> No.12446720

I dont even think suits these days care about corporate profits. They get their salary and bonus or whatever an dump the shares they used cheap loans to inflate.

>> No.12446729

Procter & Gamble own all the product brands necessary to human hygiene, is their stock really going to plunge for this crap alone?

>> No.12446754

it would drop, but not that much.

>> No.12446783

triggering reactionaties is actually an effective advertising technique. Liberals actually believe that the company actually cares for whatever course the company pretends to promote. While angry single dads and maga brainlets furiously share the ad giving the brand more exposure. Just like Op is doing now

>> No.12446787

sure, lets see the 18% drop on monday

>> No.12446793

((((((((((((((((((personal hygiene)))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.12446814

look at gaywatch 76 blizzard stock price 4-5 days ago, people are smart enough to pull out when they see SJW pandering. This advertising technique don't work most of the time anon, based on more previous examples..they need to hire more people who know who the target audience is. Please learn virtue signalling libards please

>> No.12446826

Free advertising for them, all publicity is good publicity. They mightve even realized this was the way to make it viral. All they really want is that logo and certain key images imprinted in your mind, and you've sure helped them with that OP.

>> No.12446833

you can't be this retarded

>> No.12446838

bait for a bait mate

>> No.12446950

This is pretty much desu.
Faggot kike

>> No.12446952
File: 630 KB, 1122x443, OH NONONO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12446961

>tfw monopolies wrecking themselves cuz they are retarded

>> No.12447037

>This is collectively our problem as men and we need to deal with it

Care to say the same thing about nigger violence? Niggers having no dads? Women being sluts?

Go ahead, tell me about those problems.

>> No.12447065

Oh wow never seen this before

>> No.12447075
File: 75 KB, 1180x347, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12447128
File: 122 KB, 960x846, imoffended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its nazism to suggest there are only two genders

>> No.12447308

>its nazism to suggest there are only two genders

I am gender number 74 and this offends me deeply. This matters because as a gender number 74 I am more oppressed than genders 1, 2, 12, 14, 24, 28, 32, 46, 55 and 63!!!

Yeah you are pretty much a Nazi

>> No.12447330

Is this the best black people can get?
>video of any rap song
Is it? We can't hide from it. It's been going on far too long.
>montage of black perpetrators of homicide
>FBI crime statistics showing 47% of homicides are committed by just 12.6% of the populatino
We can't laugh it off, or even mention it.
>montage of Facebook comments replying to FBI crime statistics, "alt-right" "incel" "Trumpflake"
>video of black man punching "soft white boi"
Making the same old excuses.
>video of gang shooting
>"It's purely environmental factors"
>"It's purely environmental factors"
>"It's purely environmental factors"
But something finally changed.
>"We need to educate black people and teach them not to commit crimes."
And there will be no going back, because we believe in the best in black people.
>black man sees white girl's ass
>"Aw shiet lemme tap dat"
>white man comes by
>"Yo, Deshawn, that's not cool."
Some already are, in ways big and small. But some is not enough.
>black man about to rape white girl
>another black man pulls him back
>"Yo nigga, rape ain't nice mane."
Because the urban youth watching today will be the black people of tomorrow.

>> No.12447364

Top kek

>> No.12447393
File: 30 KB, 450x450, 1510832809318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tfw this is more effective

>> No.12447466
File: 95 KB, 500x600, deus_vult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If somebody makes it, Gilette will be shitting bricks because they'll be associated with it
It would be the first great kek of 2019

>> No.12447473

They just got massive publicity, expect sales to double in 2019. You guys have no idea how business works, kinda ironic

>> No.12447497

finally something good from /biz/ make it fucking happen, or at least screen cap it

>> No.12447514

>all publicity is good publicity
I got news for you anon, publicity is cheap in the age of internet and quality is more important.
You have no idea how scared corporations are of memes, C officers will demand heads of marketing department once memes start rolling out

>> No.12447527

hes calling you a jew. And not to get too particular, but I didn't see a single person of color fucking up in that video. The black people were the ones acting in line with sjw values. It was only white men who were on screen fucking up, even if they said the commercial was for all men in general

>> No.12447531

faggot alert

>> No.12447534


Threw them away yesterday. Will buy random store brand today.

Fuck gilette and fuck them for listening to some SJW who is problematizing something that's not problematic to begin with, just for the sake of shaping masculinity into something else entirely.

This is the real issue here folks.

Just goes to show what brainlets are working at gilette, and that such stupidity and betrayal should not be rewarded in any way shape or form. I'll never buy their brand agian. No joke.

>> No.12447536

lord kek, craft this video in your holy fire, amen

>> No.12447542


are you going to get a little lace doilie to put under it too?

>> No.12447573


>> No.12447636


grow a beard. think of it as an anti-femminist statement. Buy an electric trimmer and never bother shaving again. Maximum comfyness achieved.

>> No.12447648
File: 62 KB, 603x493, 149120485672611221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow, it turns out the ad was created by gods chosen people. you can imagine my surprise.

>> No.12447667

Why is it always the leftists who are the first to defend the giant corporations?

>> No.12447705

The same megacorps that flog products in Islamic countries where women can't leave the house and faggots are thrown off buildings. Oh yeah, p&g cares about toxic masculinity and isn't just riding the metoo dollar

>> No.12447712

Kek bought a safety razor from Ali 2 years ago and still using it instead of the Gillettejew

>> No.12447758

Which one my dude? pls link

>> No.12447838


>> No.12447843

On a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference with Peter Brimelow, an open white nationalist, Mr. King referred to multiculturalism as:

A tool for the Left to subdivide a culture and civilization into our own little ethnic enclaves and pit us against each other.

>> No.12447857

It's genius marketing. Simple as that really. Biggest ad they've had for decades

>> No.12447911


The people in suits have been co-opted through organizations such as the Rotary Club. These are Masonic branches, but stripped from their esoteric doctrines and rituals while maintaining the core cosmopolitan values.

This is how they roll. It eventually becomes one giant game of affirmation-bias.

>> No.12447922

Wow, just the one I was watching. Thanks pal.

>> No.12447942

A lot of the footage from the original ad can be used too. Dont forget about the boys will be boys part.

> Black will be blacks, Black will be blacks, Black will be blacks

>> No.12447953

/g/ has a chink shit general that is actually quite good. Check it out

>> No.12447956

>Biggest ad they've had for decades

If they wanted to piss people off and increase sales they should have leaned to the alt right. Nobody gives a fuck about toxic masculinity.

>> No.12447957


That's not what it is. That's just one way right wing people can understand it, because they are unable to actually conceptualise caring about people from other countries. It's based on actual empathy.
It's still retarded and isn't going to work. But it's not some divide and rule conspiracy.

>> No.12447970

>because they are unable to actually conceptualise caring about people from other countries. It's based on actual empathy.

The left just wants slaves and cheap labor nigga. You think helping black people out in the USA involves bringing in fuckers from other countries? This has nothing to do with compassion its all about money.

>> No.12448003

>unable to actually conceptualise caring about people from other countries
if everyone ran away from their problems, we'd still be living in mud huts and eating mosquito burgers
just because they think they deserve to live in first world countries doesn't mean the countries must welcome them with open arms

>> No.12448206

You're right, it's more about draining the 3rd world of their best and brightest to keep them poor. Well, at least it used to be

>> No.12448236 [DELETED] 

Honestly don't see what the big deal with this one is. There's way worse examples of shit like this in advertising

>> No.12448270

Yeah of course. I mean Britain can't actually sustain itself in terms of food, we have to import something like 40% of it
Being as the earth's ecosystems are starting breaking down it would be insane to import more people at this point.

>> No.12448367
File: 83 KB, 1382x494, Gillette kike ad campaign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12448558

no.. this wasnt a real add.. right.. please tell me it's fake... if it was real and if i had any of this stock id fucking dump it so fast..............................oh god its real.

>> No.12448637

gillette gotta dump like blizzard did

>> No.12448677

it's delicious ad, you must anus-insert it, kek

>> No.12448713

Who the fuck still shaves? Ive been trimming my face with a phillips nose trimmer for years now and its literally the best thing ever you get that very light scruff instead of bare butt face and it never cuts and its done in 30 sec.

>> No.12449252

>>"Yo nigga, rape ain't nice mane."
kek'd hard

>> No.12449267


>> No.12449307

Patrician choice

>> No.12449315

The ad director is Kim Gehrig. Check her other videos. Some hardcore SJW staff, she talented as an artist though




>> No.12449352

>he thinks I'm low IQ enough to fall for Chink marketing scams
>he insults others without provocation
>he inadvertently admits to browsing leddit
>he thinks crypto is dead
Faggots like you convinced me to quit crypto in 2014 and look where that got me- still wagecucking. Even if you make it financially you are a bluepilled, subdued NPC who will never reach enlightenment. I suggest you work on your relationship with God and hope you find inner-peace someday.

>> No.12449386

That Uber ad is on some cuck a Jew shit kek

>> No.12449398

Oh fuck

>> No.12449423

i knew it was a fucking woman he made this ad without looking.

>> No.12449430

Namecoin is obsolete. That's all I can tell you.

>> No.12449453


>> No.12449542

How do I get Handshake if I don't code open source?
Do you know if some githubber could sell me some ?

>> No.12449580

I wonder how BTFO you'd be if there were a gilette women commercial that characterized women poorly and ended with the message "now, girls"

>> No.12449599

it has been four years are you supposed to have been retired by now or something? you really shouldn't bank on winning the lottery

>> No.12449607

An Australian woman apparently. That BBQ scene had my Spidey senses tingling because I've seen similar shit in anti drinking campaigns

>> No.12449627

Found it lel

>> No.12449706

Delete your comment please, I'm not trying to speak on this coin too much. There will be a huge short squeeze on the new exchange when it goes live. Look in the telegram channel for OTC trades when main net goes up.

>> No.12449768

This stuff requires much more effort than a lottery ticket. It is basically a job just keeping up with research and developments. It requires networking. You don't understand how deep this rabbit hole goes.

>> No.12449776

>I'm not trying to speak on this coin too much.

Nice try pajeet. No one is buying your shitcoin. Go away.

>> No.12449833

Kek, stupid faggot.

>> No.12449847


>> No.12449939

underrated and unironically trve

>> No.12449951
File: 31 KB, 850x394, image-974003-galleryV9-nkrk-974003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do have the AI to understand such jokes but (((they))) always shut them down
>TAY would get the joke

>> No.12449973


>> No.12449982


Didn't know about this. Thanks lad.

>> No.12450120

Wake me up when L'Oréal comes out with "L'Oreal, are you worth it?" ad that stereotypes women as manipulative whores.

>> No.12450207

Literally the only way to shave your nutsack so you can give your gf the ol sunny side up in the morning.

>> No.12450216
File: 459 KB, 828x1113, 10EFBA72-73ED-4073-A627-74B026D018C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they stopped giving a shit when they controlled the barriers to entry. Now they will use their power to socially engineer the world so that they can continue their debt inflation scheme using unquestioning brown slaves.

>> No.12450235

I fucking lost lmao

>> No.12450236

Everybody report the vid, won't it get taken down? Report it again and again and again

>> No.12450244
File: 43 KB, 875x193, 1532533963091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Filling my bags with some more ADA.

>> No.12450295
File: 872 KB, 1172x965, 1310AD0F-1C7F-471E-8339-84668E4D7FB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately Hoskinsoƴ is in no position to discuss masculinity. FFS niggu he absolutely HAD to should out to a chick by adopting ADA as the Code for Cardano.

>> No.12450328
File: 278 KB, 1200x1600, 1536500830672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument.

>> No.12450361
File: 232 KB, 1280x960, 58686CCC-EECC-4F27-ABD5-DEDF8EF9938E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

___ Not owned
_x_ Owned

>> No.12450413

Yeah, let's talk about being deserving of shit and beating up boys in middle school because they are taller. Spreading rumors causing others to kill themselves. Fake rape allegations. Divorcing a guy that you cheated on then taking his kids even though you're drug addicted. Calling the police cause you're mad at your boyfriend, saying he hit you, and getting him arrested.

All this as an ad for maxi pads.

>> No.12450468

gillete for cucks only

>> No.12450801

> he fell for the normies
kek people like you really deserve to be poor

>> No.12450992






>> No.12451168

how do i short gillette

>> No.12451318
File: 278 KB, 1400x846, swj-npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12451540

Some people in places where you need to shave.

>> No.12451558

>using The Young Turks

Is Gillette run by armenian genocide deniers?

>> No.12451562

But shaving your ass makes farting feel better.

>> No.12451603

Proctor and gamble. Thing is, now is the time to buy because they will recover from this bad media in a month or so. Same thing happened with Nike. Buy the dip.

>> No.12451639

we really, really need to solve the shitskin problem

>> No.12451949

> My sexism is better than your sexism because white males don't suicide as much as trans people.

You really need to pay attention to the topic from a broader perspective.

>> No.12451983

Glad I converted to dollar shave club a long time ago.

>> No.12452000

Its not that they have more value, they have more value biologically and thats why people let women get away with murder.

>> No.12452057
File: 538 KB, 638x634, 154527118449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12452127

Toxic masculinity is bad? So what’s good? Basedboys?

>> No.12452197

If you're a millennial under 27 you're responsible for this.

>> No.12452318

>Its not that they have more value, they have more value biologically and thats why people let women get away with murder.

That's exactly what I meant. Value is value, women are more important for the species than men.

>> No.12452346

what the fuck that is ridiculous. Drinking with friends isn't a problem, drinking without them (as I do ) is.

>> No.12452354

Spread this name everywhere. We aren't going to make Gillette or P&G bankrupt but maybe we can get this misandrist fired

>> No.12452399

>Spread this name everywhere. We aren't going to make Gillette or P&G bankrupt but maybe we can get this misandrist fired

That's sinking to their level. We need to meme her and make her known. We need to parody the ad by applying it to other races and genders. Just use the exact same tone and talk about blacks and Mexicans. Women need to hold each other accountable for their actions.

>> No.12452402

>not using a boker straightblade

Kek you pussies

>> No.12452459

Make the parody ad and at the end cite Kim Gehrig as executive producer or something

>> No.12452484

The first one where the guy is treated like a clown dog is the worst

>> No.12452579

>The first one where the guy is treated like a clown dog is the worst

I guess we don't see the part where this guy is basically drowned in pussy... I would not be surprised.

Also punching that dude is probably more to do with doing a fucking bunch of coke than it does with fucking masculinity. Coke makes you feel like you can step on gods face. Slight changes to this and its a story about drug abuse.

>> No.12452640

this. also please

>> No.12452756

lol no

>> No.12452836

>trans people are literally dying

>> No.12452861

What's up with this thread and biz in general being brigaded with libtard trolls? Imagine if the whole board becomes them, the last bastillion of truth on the internet

>> No.12452995

>tfw snags never ready

>> No.12453124

12 hours ago this video had a10:1 dislike ratio now it's not even 1:4 They are using like bots and dislikes are being removed

>> No.12453294

What the fuck. Full disclosure. Gillette was no shit my favorite brand of anything because I fucking love the smell of the clinical strength deodorant. I’ve been buying Gillette body wash, shaving cream, deodorant, antiperspirant spray, and razors since 2007. I’m now growing a beard and will not be buying any of their other shit. I used to recommend their brand to all of my friends too. Not anymore. The fact that the like ratio on this video is being manipulated blows my fucking mind. I’ll be interested to see what their sales report looks like.

>> No.12453490

republican party is led by Donald bloody Trump.

the party of Lincoln..

your point ?

>> No.12453507
