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File: 21 KB, 400x400, Nakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12438544 No.12438544 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder:

You are fooled into believing Craig S. Wright is not Satoshi.

That is, you will be too stupid to understand the following too. Anyway, here is the latest release from him, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Patented by nChain for the one true Bitcoin.

> Smart-card-based mobilewallets
> TL; DR each transaction new public key with same wallet.
> Useable for authentication and encryption also.

Go hard or go home

>> No.12438564

Yes sirs, Creg Sanjay is Satoj, take the crypto brown pill and do the needful.

>> No.12438563

Reminder normies care about emotions and being “nice”. They don’t actually want to see the tech this man created.

>> No.12438569

i guess it's time anything related to him joins chainlink shit in the filter

>> No.12438590

Craig Spaghetti Wright is the fag CLAIMING to be Satoshi which is a damn great injustice to Hal Finney, who actually contributed to the development of Bitcoin.

>> No.12438697

Fuck off core cuck with flawed segshit and lightshit notwork

>> No.12438770


>> No.12438807

>That is,
Why is CSWs use of English so shit lads? You can spot him a mile away. That is he has a patent on lookseeing bruce and sheilas beyond a couple km (pronounce 'kum', and to which he also has a patent)

>> No.12438816

threadly reminder hal finny is satoshi and he is dead you filthy brainlets.

>> No.12438836

I think its undeniable that he was a major contributor on the Satoshi Nakamoto team.

>> No.12438979

Yes, every shoot needs a fluffer

>> No.12439087

>relying on government stamps of approval to legitimize your version of a permissisonless global distributed ledger


>> No.12439131

>Making your electronic cash legal under international money transmission laws so that when you get sued you win.

>> No.12439140

reminder normies dont matter, governments and enterprise companues adopt new technology first (computers, internet, wireless tech) and they go with the cheapest/most stable protocol that works within existing legal norms

>> No.12439182

instead of proving it, it's better to run an elaborate ruse

you are one of the following
>bag holder
>mentally incapacitated

I really believe you're trolling

>> No.12439183

do you think CIA niggers somehow gave hal finney whatever disease he had as a warning to others?

>> No.12439416

>t. paranoid schizo

>> No.12439457

Satoshi would be resorted to patent trolling with this vague gibberish wouldn't he, this is bearish as fuck if he is

>> No.12439508

lmao so after lying and making threats he is going to be a patent troll now

>> No.12439614

>was a developer for PGP Corporation
>created the first reusable proof of work system before bitcoin
>received the first bitcoin transaction from Bitcoin's creator Satoshi Nakamoto.
>was cryopreserved by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation.

if he wasn't satoshi nobody we currently suspect is

>> No.12439622

T. Cia

>> No.12439805

move along goy, nothing to see here.

>> No.12439823

>His neighbor in California was also Dorian Nakamoto.

>> No.12439874
File: 230 KB, 592x781, 1545589391919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes sirs most truly, do the needful and buy Satoshis Vindaloo now for much success!

>> No.12439878

> Useable for authentication and encryption also.

Wtf are you talking about? You can do this with asymmetric cryptography. That shit has been around for ages.

>> No.12440442

haha corecucks on suicide watch!