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12434940 No.12434940 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that Segwit has a critical flaw and bitcoin is gonna go to $0

>> No.12434952

do you know if zcash uses SEGWIT?

>> No.12434962

>Core made an infinite inflation bug trying to optimize one line of code
>People think core are the best devs so segwit couldn't possibly have any bugs in it even though it was the biggest code change ever added to BTC

Yeah OP and CSW are probably right. I'd say there is a very high chance of a critical bug.

Question is: Will core roll back the blockchain once it gets abused?

>> No.12434977

The absolute state of crypto investors

>> No.12434989
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Oh, it's real. And these "bitcoin maximalists" will soon realize how fucked they are.

>> No.12434997

Based and redpilled

>> No.12435036
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They don't have a proper QA process despite having hundreds of millions of dollars in funding.

>> No.12435044

>oh my lord a project had a critical bug in it
are you implying that Google, Facebook and Apple don't have top-tier developer
they've all had highly significant bugs in their software at some point

Bitcoin Craig can't talk for shit as theyre only a few months old
not to mention Craig and Calvin continue to show us how tech illiterate they are

>> No.12435046


>> No.12435079

Sirs I have spoken to the Vishnu
Core blockchain CANNOT survive. It is not turmeric complete! It does not have the do for performing the needful

>> No.12435093

>turmeric complete
thanks for the hearty kek anon

>> No.12435109

Get out of the board, Craig.

>> No.12435125

Craig, fuck off mate.

>> No.12435131


Ur XRP or fucking BSV or whatever shitcoin you’re holding is the one going to zero brah. You know it’s true. Deep down you know. Except you’re too fucking greedy to shape up and buy a real man’s coin like the rest of us. You would rather hit the pillow every night as a shill. Remember that on your death bed.

>> No.12435153

>software that acts as money has critical bug that allows for infinite inflation turning a 100billion marketcap into nothing overnight


>> No.12435240

who cares about bitcorns in 2018-2019 anyway. other coins are decoupling slowly but surely. altcoin community will soon get bigger than btc community. and they will criticize btc abomination. and down it goes.

>> No.12435247

Get out of the board, Craig.

>> No.12435257

God I only hope. Bitcoin fags have become the new metal bugs.
>muh store if value, r-right goys?

>> No.12435336

Some people are just waiting for the right time to express their opinion. Imagine, ceo of the normiest of all exchanges, Brian Armstrong starting to expose btc flaws. It will happen. Screencap this.

>> No.12435354

Actually retarded

>> No.12435396

Macafee also does not expose segwit because he does not hate money. But when time will come - he will. and so on.

>> No.12435413

What's the flaw cool guy?
Did you know bsv is operated by a total fuckwad?
Did you know bsv is operated by an unstable man baby that dosent understand how business operates?
Remember what happens to tesla stocks just from the stuff Elon says?
It's fine, anybody can say anything but when claims are unfounded and have no proof to support them the person making the claims looses all credibility.
Anyways, you guys are
Going to learn when bsv crashes and hard because someone can't keep their mouth shut.

>> No.12435447

threads like this ruin /biz for everyone

>> No.12435462

Absolutely this sirs!
Bitcoin core lightning coin is vulnerable to famous "travelling rickshaw driver" problem.

>> No.12435476

>Segwit has a critical flaw
late adopters literally PRAYING this is the case. imaging having to resort to that.

if only you had bought bitcoin in the past 10 years. i guess not everybody deserves to make it.

>> No.12435493

you late adopters are getting worse by the month.

he already did this, massively publicly. he voted effectively on the side of bcash. see how that worked out? bitcoin is crypto, and economically can't disappear without taking down the rest of pure monetary or speculative value with it.

>> No.12435537

yeah, he did that once.
bitcoin is less than 60% crypto currently. and that is when it supposed to absorb dominance, during bear market.

>> No.12435556

no, it's always absorbed fleeing alt money at the end of the bear markets, otherwise there simply isnt enough growth potential in those alts. the ones that don't eventually decimate are usually just replaced by new alts that pump instead.

>> No.12435561

Dude bitcoin IS shit. it's slow. Centralized as hell. Castrated by wallstreet. Outperformed by other shitcoins. Lightshit network never gonna happen , and if it does it'll be shit. Just fucking move on. Bitcoin maximalists are fucking married to their shitcoin.

>> No.12435567

also blockstream shills don't even realise that people who criticize btc-segwit might not care about bch or bsv at all. imagine average iq.

>> No.12435607

>blockstream shills
flippening when?

>> No.12435608

it loses dominance exponentially. in this bear market 70% dominance is a very, very optimistic prognosis. end of story.

>> No.12435616

are you retarded?

>> No.12435797

bahahaha what you are going to crack segwit with a swarm optimization algorithm ?

>> No.12435825
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But sir btc is the best...

>> No.12435842


>> No.12435846


>> No.12435855
File: 354 KB, 2048x1530, bch halloween 2018a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Wright's old SegWit analysis:

Peter Rizun's SegWit concern when no miner checks or saves the witness data:

>> No.12435912
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LMAO I hope some state sponsored attackers are going to burn it lmao

Just imagine buttcoiners on suicide watch

>> No.12435923

What is your opinion on Monero's ASIC resistance? is it a pro, or a liability?

>> No.12435928

if you're going to make things up at least make it believable. nobody thats been around for more than a few years things bitcoin's going to get replaced by some alt, especially a tech-driven one. thats just not how this market has ever worked.

>> No.12435936

>move on
only theres never been anything to "move on" to. you can't create money with technology, nothing can replace bitcoin as money because it means it's destined to be replaced as well.

nobody is going to be buying your hot alts in 3 years time, they'll be buying different ones. that's the problem you guys don't seem to understand.

>> No.12436044
File: 189 KB, 1536x864, and so the flame burns on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody thats been around for more than a few years things bitcoin's going to get replaced by some alt
both Roger Ver and Craig Wright do. and those are just two examples. plenty of non high profile people think so too.
unless of course you don't mean BTC but are talking about the actual bitcoin, seems like you're talking about BTC tho.

>> No.12436158

But I thought bitcoin was the future, fren.

>> No.12436255

>Segwit has a critical flaw
show me!

>> No.12436315

what the fuck with all this aggressive monero shilling here? that chubby is a part of magical crypto friends deliberately spreading misinformation.
Woah you are really trying hard to play around your false statements. I guess you are paid after all. twitter level intelligence.
You do realise that there is no asic miner, who would like to see anything but asic coin as top.1 for prolonged period of time? What future do you see for asic mining? Is asic mining necessary for crypto to stay? Why would you think that btc is necessery for crypto to stay? Do you hate your job?

>> No.12436407


More like magical pedo friends luring little children into the dark corners of the web.

Just think 1 minute about it...its suspicious!

Ponzi fluffy jespers and chinks are Pedohphiles