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12433723 No.12433723 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do rich people hide way in their 401kays and IRAs? Could this money be better used to fight climate change?

Asking for a friend...

>> No.12433745

If just one percent of the assets in offshore tax haven bank accounts come into bitcoin... 2.8 million dollars per bitcoin

>> No.12433761

Don't forget what they exchange in actual products and untraceable assets.

>> No.12433767

Most environmentalists and climate change scientists are well into the capitulation stage. We've lost the sense that change is possible and are now just dismally waiting for everything to go tits up. I don't see how this is a "win" for conservatives. "Haha suck shit we are completely incapable of making our environmental impact sustainable, hahaha". Humanity will die in the billions. The whole planet may be rendered uninhabitable to humans. Some "victory". Enjoy it while it lasts you myopic cretins.

>> No.12433775

>401ks and IRAs
>rich people

>> No.12433817

Liberalism is the new religion. Complete with making people believe things that are not real, dismissing laws of nature, and it even comes with its own doomsday prophecy. Whereas christianity gave us the greatest civilization of white western entrepreneurs doctors and inventors, Liberalism is giving us men in dresses and women with blue hair and pussy hats screaming about micro aggressions.

>> No.12433826


thats what she said

>> No.12433849

Why give a shit about trannies and shit when the world is going to become a flaming shitball.
>Whereas christianity gave us the greatest civilization of white western entrepreneurs
Yeah well if it weren't for the Huns the Roman empire would've probably beat us to that...

>> No.12433891

They max their 401k and IRA's every year. Like 18k in the 401k and I think 6k in the IRA.

>> No.12433913

What a nigger

>> No.12433916
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I dont understand what this has to do with chainlink OP. Please find a more appropriate board.

>> No.12433917


Most POC and working class don't have 401 kays and sheeit

>> No.12433929


Need 20 billion for climate change


= 1,111,111 people.

So just confiscate the 401ks and IRAs of the richest 1,111,111 people. That's not bad

>> No.12433944

Simple. We dont subscribe to your premise.

>> No.12433957

We've spent 122 billion in the last 15 years to get where we are now. So, no.

>> No.12433975

You can’t effectively fight climate change. There are literally hundreds of things that we are better off pumping money into. But go ahead and keep sniffing that brap from the media’s dirty starfish.

>> No.12433977

The fact that you conflate "SJWs" with coloured hair with the science relating to atmospheric carbon emission shows just how pointless it even is to even attempt a structured discussion with you.

>> No.12434006

Hahaha he believes it’s science. Any real scientist (or layman for that matter) that can read leftist climate studies knows they aren’t conclusive. It’s just garbage propaganda, you’ve been fooled self righteous retard.

>> No.12434016

$100 u look like a scrawny malnourished white child

>> No.12434043

Didn't some lib cuck scientist on twitter just claim "2018 to be hottest ever!!!!" Then someone ran the numbers and showed it was .0003 deg celcius hotter measured over an average on their sparse equipment. And they tried to compare it to number from the fucking 50's as if those were going to be super accurate.
This is rhetorical, it happened the other day. Not to mention they get "ocean" reading from literal land readings then just about them. They have been caught lying time and time again. Gotta push dem carbon credits bro! EU needs money!

>> No.12434046


this is objectively the best reason for hording crypto

the amount of money in this world is intense

>> No.12434068

Yeah the only people to tell the truth were fossil fuel industry shills. The entire global scientific establishment is just a bunch of libcucks making up bullshit to get people riled up.
Everyone knows that you can convert huge amounts of land to agriculture and industry and put billions of tons of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere and literally nothing happens as a result. The environment just, like, self stabilises or something. It's super convenient because it means we don't have to do anything. Such a relief, hey.

>> No.12434235


/pol/tards are subhumans, don't bother.

>> No.12434283

>Everyone knows that you can convert huge amounts of land to agriculture and industry and put billions of tons of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere and literally nothing happens as a result.
yes, everyone does know this, which puts climate hoaxers in a difficult situation.

>> No.12434337


It affects wildlife which is just as bad though. And there's no refutation for that because species extinction is being recorded extensively. Putting aside climate, crop failures and collapsing ecosystems is a disaster.

>> No.12434345

CO2 makes the planet is greener and crop output is higher. There is nothing bad happening from CO2.

>> No.12434405


>> No.12434415
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>> No.12434428
File: 7 KB, 200x232, 401k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

401k is a carrot for worker drones
>just keep working and putting your money into you 401k goyim, when you're 70 you'll be glad you did.

>> No.12434430

You are disabled.

>> No.12434449
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>tfw over the roth IRA income limit
feels bad bros

>> No.12434456

you mean the fossil fuel industry that said climate change was real in internal documents but hid it from the outside world?



>> No.12434481

All the hottest recorded temperatures are from like a hundred years ago. Also it was hotter during the renaissance period than it is now. Didn't know there were Republicans back then to cause the climate to change. Lol

>> No.12434549

It’s not worth it, these people make up like 3% of the population

>> No.12434555

Unironically doing God's work. Saved, thanks.

>> No.12434687

The bad news for you anon is that rich people already invest a lot of money in climate positive projects, both directly or through all variety of funds. The truth is that it's possible for them to grow more wealthy by doing this. Recently I noticed such a fund (private, sophisticated investors with 2 million plus net worth MINIMUM) increasing annual return to ~15% after placing some bets on clean energies.

Do you know what happened to the water? Rich people took over clean supplies and keep you poor by selling that literally publicly owned resource back to you, it is about profit to keep public water systems at a minimum quality, you can refine it yourself of course by subscribing to expensive filtration devices.

If you forced the rich to become over invested in climate change they will merely figure out how to make you pay them for that, for example they can easily shut down supply of refined fuels for internal combustion engines so you would have to buy their battery car and recharge using their expensive clean energy.

What I am trying to tell you is that you are going to stay poor while the wealthy personally profit by cleaning up the mess.

>> No.12436122
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If the niggers stopped reproducing with 6 children per women and then crossing illegally into Europe to consume we would actually be "winning" because everywhere else the population is stable or decreasing, even India is close to finally controlling its demographic.

The greatest threat to our future isn't climate change, it's niggers.

>> No.12436191

Ask them if they'd rather have wild animals or brown people. Always makes them retreat

>> No.12436871

get married.

>> No.12437644

why are you so conversative about the climate. yes, maybe it changes. so what, you need to emmbrace changes. not everyone wants to have the same boring climate forever.