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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 614 KB, 742x514, Screen Shot 2019-01-12 at 2.08.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12422066 No.12422066 [Reply] [Original]


We all know something like 99% of us aren't making money with crypto right now. WTF are you doing? There's a couple goys here and there trading decently but most fags here (myself included) aren't making shit in crypto or stocks.

Ask yourself honestly, why the hell do you even visit /biz/? Are you really just chasing the high you got a year ago when you made a few thousands shekels? Is it for the brappers? Apparently.

For everyone who chooses see the error of their ways; let's see some actual, real-life, non LARP methods to make money from our bedrooms in 2019. Fuck roasties and fuck moons.

Post ways someone can actually make some fucking money online for once, you handicapped, deluded, fucking pitiful excuse for a Business & Finance board.

>> No.12422072

First learn that the system is just legalized theft on the people, then learn that scamming the system is so fucking easy that its like leaving money on the table.
Then you can talk with the big boys

>> No.12422101

No get rich quick scheme that actually works that isn’t a scam. If you’re alright with that there’s several methods you could use to get maximum profit.

>> No.12422131


Ok big boys let's talk then

>> No.12422133

>No get quick rich scheme
>Totally forgets about bitcoin

>> No.12422154
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True. Put all your money into btc and you’ll be rich!

>> No.12422160

>Ask yourself honestly, why the hell do you even visit /biz/?

mostly to watch memes about price action. But also to watch people like you try and figure out how to make it.

use your noggin you fucking brainlet. People do make money with crypto in all market conditions. It's up to you to learn how.

>> No.12422184

You won't believe me, but i overthrown governments, wisdom = wealth, also responsible for the next technological revolution. So im going to be rich forever, my wealth will never go away.

Bitcoin is only useful for quick exchanges its to violate to hold it long term. All money is fake anyway its all about energy

>> No.12422222

It was years before that shit got valuable. I traded 6 coins for steam credit when it hit like $35 so I could buy all my friends a copy of some game we played for a week.

>> No.12422241


Holy shit dude that's amazing. You're fucking incredible please teach me how to 'overthrown' governments. I need your wisdom and your cum.


I've tried but like the massively overwhelming majority of people I lose more than I gain during these times. Its fun to act like its 'easy' though and dismiss a sensible post on this shit board.

>> No.12422246

instagram services

>> No.12422264

The knowledge is hidden and locked away, all ill tell you is be better then them at murdering.
They will test you if you make bold claims, have the knowledge to always be a step ahead and terrify them with true power.

>> No.12422268


very few anons who actually know how to make money online will never reveal it for obvious reasons. anyone who shares his own secrets is just a scammer or troll.so you have to figure it out on your own.

>> No.12422279

Thinking of doing sextortion maybe unironically... are there dating sites that let you access through tor?

>> No.12422298

Do you guys actually have any skills? I unironically advise a crypto start up and we're always looking for freelancers.

You have to be based in the US though. No streetshitters.

>> No.12422308

tor exit nodes are banned from almost every major sites nowadays.

>> No.12422318

what if I'm a leaf? Not pajeet/chinaman leaf either. I can do web dev/smart contract dev

>> No.12422332

Yeah I know, sadly.. maybe there's a dumb site that let's me through somehow, I'd go for pedophiles, most likely they will comply

>> No.12422341

get rich quick schemes works until it doesn't. If you don't have any morals and can get in on a scheme early, there's huge potential.

The thing is even the get rich quick schemes are like startups. Most won't be picked up by normies.
Something with some real value like spices may fail, but something as stupid as shrimps may work.

>> No.12422345

Get a degree and become a wagecuck

>> No.12422353

>but something as stupid as shrimps may work.
The fuck did you just say?

>> No.12422369

Potentially, anywhere I can view your work?

>> No.12422387


anyone who is from a first world country but not making huge money from millions of third world morons is just a moron himself.

>be a white preferably first world citizen
>found your own company on paper at least
>go to any third world shithole
>contact some right people
>local (real) businessmen there would do anything in order to make business with you

brown millionaires are literally dreaming of being partners to white businessman, it doesn't matter how big you are. however china etc. are already saturated but still there are tons of new money places.

>> No.12422419

Brown people distrust Caucasians. Sure you’d be able to find a millionaire trying to fit in with the whites but most of them aren’t

>> No.12422424

limiting yourself to the bedroom is making it hard to come up with any ideas

>> No.12422451

what you say is might be true for brown immigrants and youth gang types but brown local businessmen are completely the opposite. I'm personally in this business.

>> No.12422486

I’m a brown humanoid speaking from experience. I have successful family members that got rich from doing business and they still don’t like white people. I went to my home country for the first time last year and the people there and the one white guy I saw was being mocked by his partners in a language he had no understanding of. My experience doesn’t speak for all countries tho, so I guess you could find a Caucasian friendly 3rd world shithole for ez profit.

>> No.12422516

another good way to make funds is drugs sell weed and shit.
i have crack houses all over usa i have workers that deal with everything and i come visit them once a week. i only visit them to see how the cash moves other than that they deal with everything im about to visit them in like 10-20 minutes

>> No.12422550

>white guy I saw was being mocked by his partners in a language he had no understanding of
Never realize how much shit latinos talk until i started taking spanish lessons. They are like australians on steroids.

>> No.12422555

We're in a timeline in which btc went to 20k
Why is that? What exactly is broken?

>> No.12422580

what kind of help are you looking for and how can i contact you

>> No.12422584

Translation german english portuguese interested in "doing crypto" peel.the lime@yandex.com

>> No.12422642

lel russian streetshitter

>> No.12423275

wagie and sell drugs ez, make an extra 20k a year tax free on top of muh 70k that i get from wagecucking.

>> No.12423298

Get caught and you’re fucked for life

>> No.12423318


What was the business in question kind sir?

>> No.12423340

I'm learning how to count cards to win at blackjack.

>> No.12423356

No idea honestly. I know two distant relatives who left America with AAs in accounting and the next thing you know they are driving nice cars and have big houses. I met them and I wanted to ask what they did but I’m wasn’t fluent enough to not feel embarrassed. My dad told me one of them owns his own business and the other is a major player in a big company in Dubai.

>> No.12423361

Invest in silver bullion.

Make bank.

>> No.12423436

Amazon is tough nowadays.

Fucking chinks selling items for 60p, free postage, because all they fucking pay is 1/2 a penny.

HALF A FUCKING PENNY POSTAGE. I have to pay £2.80 minimum!

Also selling more expensive shit is tough also due to the fucking fees. 15% + 75p + 20% of that as VAT.

>> No.12423458

You can always download robinhood and trade penny stocks like I do. I make minimum 500 a week doing this and I've done so well I convinced my parents that I could quit my job over at pizzahut.

>> No.12423714

Any good resources on learning how to trade penny stocks?

>> No.12423721
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>why the hell do you even visit /biz/?
chainlink memes

>> No.12423804

No one got rich off penny stocks

>> No.12423818

The irony is that the get rich quick scheme is actually a get rich quick scheme in itself.
Just fucking sell people idea that they can make thousand of dollars from home not doing nothing.
Sell your own Dropshiping/Affiliate marketing courses for hundred of dollars/month, or if you are lazier then sell other people courses.
You can even sell PDFs teaching people how to do something, easier money but less ROI you can even sell people how to get fit

>> No.12423830

just read the book bro its free money. why wouldnt 4hrs of your time reading translate into a lifetime of free riches. kys you fucking retard

>> No.12423840

No it is not, just buy one of those search engines for products and use it to find cheapest popular item and list it as your own.
Buy it and send it to seller address something like dropshipping but from same country, you can get anywhere from few % to 20%/product from that.

>> No.12424229

yo rothschilde
give me a biz that cost less than 200$ to start
no car just got a pc

>> No.12424238

He would rather just drink your blood.

>> No.12424240
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>I need your wisdom and your cum.

>> No.12424248

how to make money online:
be a camwhore
steal your family's credit cards
realize that not having money is actually worth more than having money because not having money means you will learn how to live without money and render an infinite amount of money useless

>> No.12424251

u kidding?
they only want the virgin stuff
mine has aids

not like u been to a banquet

>> No.12424314
File: 41 KB, 720x482, Screenshot_2019-01-12-17-57-00-435_com.tradingeconomics.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a loan and trade stocks you dumbass and when you get decent income as well as holdings buy into mortgages and get some properties.

>> No.12424326

Checked and fucked

>> No.12424363

>35 x 20k ath = 700k
ouch... Part if me is glad I'm a newfag and didn't fuck up that badly.

>> No.12424382

Found George Soros

>> No.12424585

What book

No memes my school took away my financial aid and im fucked I need money.
I just need enough so I can graduate with this shitty engineering degree and wagecuck it for the rest of my life

>> No.12424734

if thats your only ambition just get private loans

>> No.12424758

Buy cheap bulk truffles from China, break them down into smaller parcels, mark up, sell to local high end restaurants under the guise of good truffles.

>> No.12424771

Start an online pharmacy

>> No.12424901

Get a paypig or several. If you are a young androgynous guy with big feet, you are bound to find some cucks willing to be your human atm

>> No.12424903

Cccccchrcked and witnessed

>> No.12424922

Work hard in high school to get into a good university, study a degree and get a good paying job in law, medicine, engineering or finance. Work your butts off and get promoted.

I know it’s what you don’t want to hear

>> No.12424947
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And in addition to that, pic related

>> No.12424966

There's actually places telling how to make money online. I already mentioned them here once but not many people cared so whatever

>> No.12425060

please do tell about one of these places fren

>> No.12425196


>> No.12425312

I sell ACTUAL products on internet now.
Get bunch of cheap shit from China and sling it on FB, CL, eBay, wherever you can.

>> No.12425369

I do, but I'd prefer to use my skills for passive income rather than being a wageslave

>> No.12425425

LOL I’ve been on that site to leech on free Hulu and Netflix accounts. There are no ways to make money other then selling your own combos. All those fake e books and tutorials are just scams.

>> No.12425478

Just bought a 3 bedroom appartment, live in one, rent the 2 others out.
The rents cover the mortgage, I pay bills+taxes, rounds up to roughly 200€ per month, in a city where rent for a 1 bedroom apprtment is around 500€/month without charges.
Borrow over 3 lines of credit, average interest 1.39% insurance included. Didn't buil my financials relying on it, but it's more than likely I'll be under inflation rate for most of the lenght of the mortgage.

Money that used to go towards rent is kept until it reaches 5k batches, entry ticket to put in an 8 year term life insurance at 6% guaranteed per year, no risk.

Working on getting 2nd MBA financed by my firm, so I can leverage it into consulting as teacher for business school as exit strategy, easy money and light hours.

>> No.12425479

Penny stocks are a risky, but great way to build some capital. However, it's often more like gambling than investing.

If you don't have at least a few thousand saved, then the market is not worth the effort. If you do, invest in a mix of stocks which constitutes a partially diversified portfolio with high volatility. Only pick winners, and stick to short/mid-term gains. If you know how to read, then you can beat the market short-term. I mean, I'm up nearly 25% since Christmas.

>> No.12425513

>having a business or other form of relation with le brown african millionaire

no thank you

>> No.12425547

Holy fuck I saw those digits and was waiting for someone to check them and had to scroll this far. What the fuck is up with this place these days

>> No.12425564

Scamming is central to everything

The best way to make money fast in large amounts is to sell dreams to people. Investment scammers sell dreams of gains, life coaches prey on people's lack of self confidence and dreams of handling their life better, psychologist prey on people's dreams to feel better etc.

Sell the dream and take the real money

>> No.12425610

You looked at the wrong parts of the forum then, retard

>> No.12425661
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>teacher's strike
>I have a teaching credential
>150 dollars a day every day of the strike
>I'm a filthy scab/strikebreaker
>I'm gonna rack up hours and hours of experience despite being horrifically underqualified just because LAUSD is THAT desperate for teachers
>buy weed and dog food, invest the rest
>hurt unions along the way
>Supreme Court ruling that employers can just replace strikers with strikebreakers at their leisure and even hire them permanently
>can now add my work during the strike to my resume
>even more tutoring/teaching jobs

>> No.12425678

>have to deal with unruly brats who are mad that they have to be in school

>> No.12425682

That site is for kids hoping to get money off the internet. I would know since I was one of them, and guess what? You’ll never make money on without setting up your own shop or selling scammy ebooks.

>> No.12425686

>Scamming is central to everything

The mentality of a scammer.

>> No.12425688

How about you use the internet to learn about COGS and then start a business in the physical realms you fucking cyborgs.

>> No.12425697

Making money online is easy. Just look at what people are already doing. Pretty much every single website out there is making money somehow.

Just stick to something and get good at it, it's gonna be rough at first but when you start seeing money coming in it will be very rewarding.

Good luck anons. Hope everyone makes it.

>> No.12425716
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Hey, it's a great gig as long as I'm still a student myself. I doubt I'll have too much time for side jobs in med school. but so far it's been great.
Shit I've done for money so far at 25:
>housesitting: 80-100 bucks a weekend to watch somebody's TV and smoke weed in their backyard
>dog walking/dogsitting: 80-100 bucks for a week of taking your dogger on the walk I was already gonna take
>tutoring: 20 bucks for the usual, 100-300 dollars to help you cram for a test/licensing exam/job evaluation; additional payment in the form of food and booze from parents
>writing assignments: 200 bucks a pop for grammar, rewriting, editing, etc.
>wagecucking: 7.25 an hour as a bagger starting at 15, 13 an hour for restaurant work during college
>flipping/pawning shit: variable profit
I'm frugal and it works because I only pay 4 grand a semester thanks to scholarships.

>> No.12425724

I should add: pricing for tutoring goes up if I don't know the subject and have to learn it myself to teach you, proportionate to how little time there is for me to do it.
Cash only.

>> No.12425725

Did you start college late? Shouldn’t you be in med school by now?

>> No.12425730

The mentality of a sucker target
Great anon, I do coding tutoring to kids whose parents want them to get in on the coding meme and I earn above average income in my city doing 4 hours a day tutoring. I think you can scale up your operations and earn way more.

>> No.12425732

Part of me is annoyed that you can’t read/ do basic math.

>> No.12425740
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, great job human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Print out the names of the top 50 companies on the S&P500. Throw ten darts at the sheet, and invest where the darts land.

Review it in three years and you'll have done better than 98pc of crypto traders

>> No.12425755

I got heavily into drugs, dropped out as a freshman, and then spent two years out of school taking care of dying people. Spurred the career change. I was an English major when I dropped out and only got my ass in gear when I reapplied.
First time I had gotten straight A's in 10 years.

>I think you can scale up your operations and earn way more.
Part of that is location. I need to start tutoring rich people's kids is the thing.
And marketing. "I'm a med student with experience in teaching kids" sells a little better than "I'm a college student trying to buy top ramen."

>> No.12425765

Why don't you look into fliers and stick ads? You can place a few in a posh neighborhood

>> No.12425774

Huh. What's weird is that I had honestly never considered putting myself out there like that. But yeah, totally, that's a good idea. Advertising for the cost of a few gallons of gas isn't bad.

>> No.12425792

That gives me hope. I thought I was done for last semester because I got a C. That was my first semester so my gpa is not looking good at all.

>> No.12425818

And besides, there are schools that specifically look for older students with storied pasts. An upward trend can save a shitty start, C's get degrees, there's always another way, and you can sell a piece of shit if you polish it.

>> No.12425924

I’m currently at a college and my plan is to transfer in a 1.5 years to a university. My grades don’t matter toward that since the university gives instant admission to students with AAs, but I need good grades for a scholarship or else I’m gonna end up in a shit ton of debt.

>> No.12425941

Talk to people. Nepotism, as always, is your friend.
And hey, a hundred grand in debt making good money is better than 10 grand in debt and wagecucking.

>> No.12425953



Pick one

>> No.12426221

Those are roastie jobs
Tits or gtfo

>> No.12426288

>parents get their kids in on coding

but aren't most coding jobs outsourced to Pajeets who are much cheaper like call center jobs?

>> No.12426321


>> No.12426339

Smuggling drugs via sailboat from Peru to Australia making 1000% roi

>> No.12426360

You could easily set up some sort of scheme where people who post here could coordinate, and game the system.
Problem is cohesion.
If everyone on this board started a well organized shilling effort to manipulate any given crypto or stock, you could game it and make tons of money.
Thing is you would have to keep thousands of individual people's mouths shut about it, and you would have to do it in a non-publicly accessible format.

Eventually someone would notice though, that these specific traders are somehow calling all the ups and downs like they have some sort of crystal ball, and get suspicious.

You have to be able to 100% trust your co-conspiritors, and have a ton of investment capital to get started, you would have to set up tons of servers to be able to manipulate prices effectively.

Example: if by some cosmic coincidence, every single person on this board all started buying one type of coin, and then all decided at the same time to dump it, you could all make money.

>> No.12426416

is buying a house for the purpose of renting a good idea for passive income?

>> No.12426445

Yeah. Unfortunately bizlets don’t know how to play together. I’m actually surprised to see a halfway decent discussion moving here though. This gives me hope.

>> No.12426542

This post is so fucking useless.

>> No.12426559


Why do I come to this board? Really. It's a collection of low IQ neet retards. Anyone who made any money in 2017 is long gone and there is nothing more to do here. Fucking shit hole.

>> No.12426581

On the topic of shit, I'm currently prairie-dogging a massive log in my asshole. It really does feel good when I move the shit around. This massive log sliding against the walls of my asshole...

>> No.12426583

lord igor? bzzzz bzzzz oooh shit pls hang out idk u m'lord

>> No.12426744

Lol im here, come to check in every once in awhile. But anon is right the board is so shit now, before 2016/2017 this was a decent board, cant remember when the first crypto threads started....
Its been almost 10 years still waiting for a valid normie use case

>> No.12426894

can you provide an example please. what do you mean with reading? the investors' information?

>> No.12427337

>Ask yourself honestly, why the hell do you even visit /biz/?
To laugh at pink wojaks and delusional cryptocucks.
Why the fuck else would I come to this shithole?
>t-to f-find ways of m-making money
If you seriously think anyone here is going to give you solid advice on how to make money then I don't know what to tell you....

>> No.12427733
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>People do make money with crypto in all market conditions. It's up to you to learn how.
"It's up to you to learn how." If you know so goddam much, SPELL IT OUT for your poverty-stricken brother anons. Fuck, are you going to go broke writing a couple of dozen sentences instead of a smartass one-liner, ferChrissakes? For every one sentence of genuine HELP here there's 1,000 shitposts from nigger larpers posing as Rockefellers. If you have something WORTHWHILE to say to all the anons here struggling to survive, SAY it or GTFO.

>> No.12427753

relax, that guy isn't making money. and if he is, it's temporary luck.

>> No.12427758

>we're always looking for freelancers
But doesn't post contact info.

>> No.12427831

>Open a company
>Do something to earn
>Whatever tax you'd pay, buy stuff relayed to your business instead so you technically won't have income.
>After 6 months you can sell the stuff you bought for your company, getting back the money you would pay in taxes otherwise.
>Immediately your profits from the company are raised between 30-50%.
Just know the system and abuse it.

>> No.12427877

Most of them don't. I mean, they do in a way that they sell a promise to the investors, but eventually they don't really produce value.

>> No.12427887

>Whatever tax you'd pay, buy stuff relayed to your business instead so you technically won't have income.
when self-employed
buy gold with all the money over the no-tax bracket as "company investment"

>> No.12428052

just be rich bro

>> No.12428108

Do these tactics really work? Once you sell the items you've purchased, won't you have to claim them as income and pay taxes?

>> No.12428134

>Once you sell the items you've purchased, won't you have to claim them as income and pay taxes?

hold it over 1 year and it will be tax free
same as with crypto. at least here.
You could also buy crypto as "investment" but that may be too risky.

Use the possibilitys given to you.
The money is locked for a year though.
On the other hand if buying gold, it might be worth it since gold won't likely drop 18/25/32% you would originaly pay as income tax.

>> No.12428139

First you have to give these items away to yourself and then sell them as a private person. You can do that after 6 months if I recall.

>> No.12428240
File: 48 KB, 760x461, 170420-instagram-mn-0930_9e1528eb95f7e55d40f73029e43d9f35.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about an IG influencer

>> No.12428365

Rev.com Translate audio to text.

>> No.12428372

It probably is. I don’t know for sure, but I’m about to take that plunge anyway.

>> No.12428494

Link is going to the moon. Good choice marine

>> No.12428591


>> No.12428600

Buy stocks you retards. Crypto is dead.

>> No.12428704

tl;dr pls

>> No.12428824

Affiliate marketing. Here’s what I did - started a content site and just posted a flurry of content within 2-3 weeks. Once that was up, set up Google Adsense so google would index my pages quicker. Kept posting stuff like 1-2 a week to keep the page date relevant. Once traffic reached like 50 people per day I started applying to affiliate networks. Once I got accepted there I just found high profit low competition items and started using AdWords and fb ads with my affiliate links. The website drives some revenue and the ads drive a shitload. Total initial investment was like $150 + maybe 40 hours of time. Good luck.

>> No.12429227

I'm here for brappers and memes.

>> No.12429519
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>> No.12429528

>Ask yourself honestly, why the hell do you even visit /biz/? Are you really just chasing the high you got a year ago when you made a few thousands shekels?
Yes. Just kill me please.

>> No.12429577

What part of
>that we can accomplish from our bedrooms
do you people not understand?

>> No.12429628


I had a roommate who did something similar to us without us realizing what was happening (in regards to the apartment). I still think it's pretty funny desu because I didn't have any problems with him. He basically got himself on the lease at this place and asked if I wanted to move in. I said sure because I was trying to find a new place at the time. I just sublet from him because it felt more flexible. Then he found people to sublet the other two rooms and started sleeping on the couch. Of course at that point I realized that he wasn't actually paying for the lease anymore, he was just sleeping on the couch while we paid it. Though I don't think he was making anything off of it, I think he was genuinely just having us cover the lease while he saved money. Me and others that knew him thought it was funny because he was known to be really penny-pinching.

>> No.12429636

Get a job and use all of that time you waste here to acquire capital. Use that capital to invest in a business.
It's what I did. And the business did just shy of $1mil gross in 2018. Original investment of time and $50k. Double spoiler, I don't even run the business. Someone else does that day in and day out. I still have a wage job. I use the money from that for even more investments. Right now I'm working on some patents.

Basically, diversify yourself.

>> No.12429649

I graduated from any Ivy League university here, one of the better ones. And I got 2 Cs and an F.
This anon >>12425818
is right. NEVER give up.

>> No.12429654

>massive overhead and time
>cost more to produce per lb than shit cambodians can scrape it out of the ocean
>have to sell to supermarkets for less cost
>somehow thinks that will make you rich
Good luck. People already hate farmed fish, shrimp isn't going to be any better.

>> No.12429689

It already made me rich

>> No.12429711

>read all these suggestions about starting businesses, cool part time jobs, people getting their second MBAs
>then get bored of 4chan and go back to playing Doom
Fuck I need to get out of this rut but I can't and it's been years.. I just can't..

>> No.12429718

post tax return or stfu.

>> No.12429733

I'm still making a consistent $2500 every week. You're all sleeping. Learn to program and get into algo trading.
Don't know why I come here though; only come once a week.

>> No.12429763
File: 40 KB, 600x600, anothersword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making about $100 a day from a $500 investment at ethfortnite.io

>> No.12429777

buy quant
watch CEO meeting right people and making your rich
get rich
its that easy

>> No.12429786

you make 2500 a week trading?

the fuck

>> No.12429802

>making money in bear market without shorting
he is either bullshitting you or trading on mils scale and since second is not really possible right now he is just bsing

>> No.12429877

Yes. Caveat is that I'm trading >$125,000 to make $2500 a week.
Also, it's all bot trading. I literally do nothing other than make a few bank transfers each week. I have a full time job that consumes most of my time.

>> No.12429878

>Caveat is that...
got it.

>> No.12429895

So how much does it make you?

>> No.12429899

> Caveat is that I'm trading >$125,000 to make $2500 a week.
Fuck off nigger thats 10% a month, nobody makes 10% a month in this mess of a market. Stop lying.

>> No.12429904

>Learn to program and get into algo trading.
>buy low
>sell high

>> No.12429909

Yeah, I'm lying.

Or you're not looking hard enough.

>> No.12429910

I have lots of ideas but the stumbling block is capital, which Im sure is the same for most, I was born poor into a white slum to degenerate parents and never stood a chance of an academic career.
Im thinking if I cant figure out how to get the money I need to make more I'll just start killing people.

>> No.12429936

What logic or algorithm does your bot trade on? Just from a high level?

>> No.12429991

>cant remember when the first crypto threads started....
wanna know how I know you're a huge faggot?

>> No.12430001

>ur fugd 4 lif
quite d contrary - consider dis

>free housing
>free clothing
>free time
>free gym
>free chillin w/ pals
>free anal

I dunno wats not 2 lik der m8

>> No.12430016


>> No.12430025

dats quite the shill mrfugger

>> No.12430070

Crypto bear season is brutal.
BUT, bco is a dividend coin. Pays out the accumulated exchange fees from the crypto bridge exchange.
~15% annual return in bitcoin.
I make a couple hundred dollars a month from it passive income. Low risk- moderate rewards.
At the very least, it pays for some bills each month, passively.

>> No.12430115

So it's an HYIP. A Ponzi scheme.

>> No.12430203
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>> No.12430325

Where do you go to invest in businesses? Who do you talk to?

>> No.12430374

Finally someone asks this.

>Just invest in some businesses bro
What, specifically, do I do? Do I pick up my phone and call somebody? Do I write an email to someone? How do I find this person?

>> No.12430389
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You didn't get a character select screen before you were born? Damn I feel bad bro

>> No.12430649

Was his name Kyle? I know a dude who did that exact same thing

>> No.12430690

please stop posting

>> No.12430695

What's with normies using stuff like CD"s that only return 2.5% after one year?

So you literally have to lock $100k in a bank for a whole year just to earn a measly $2500?

>> No.12430734


>> No.12430774

whats the source for this? pretty sure i know the hambeast IRL haha

>> No.12430797
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>> No.12431226

I used to do Dropshipping from aliexpress and print on demand via Facebook advertising in 2017. Got hooked into crypto and its hard to get back. I find it easier to make money in crypto than Dropshipping if you have good risk management.

>> No.12431299

>Bitcoin is only useful for quick exchanges its to violate to hold it long term.
LMAO newfag

>> No.12431309

Learn how to write ad copy

>> No.12431411


See your bros get rich from bitcoins ? Want to get in on it yourself? Well Im happy to tell you making $3000 a day from your room is completely possible and SO easy that anyone with an internet connection can do it. Never before have these investment secrets been shared over the internet. I’ve developed a special crypto only system that will make you a complete expert in just 1 week! I’ve worked 10 years to get this knowledge and you can learn everything in 10 minutes!

>Richard made $700 on his first trade
>Michael made $10,000 in his first week and is not trading full time in Florida by the beach
>Albert flunked out of college and turned his last $100 into $100,000 over 2 years!

I lay my system out in 5 easy steps, and walk you through it with guides and videos. No one has EVER delivered a money making system to customers for so cheap in history! If you want to be making $3000 or more each day from cryptocurrencies then it is time to act. I am only selling 20 copies of my stepbby step system because if too many people get it then it is not as effective. Now will be your only chance to be a part of my crypto mastermind group and you are guaranteed to make your money back the first week by folowing the system. For the special promo price of $700.00 you too can have financial freedom, live anywhere in the world (as long as it has internet), and have a life you’ve always dreamed about.

>> No.12431606

>haha why don't you have this lump sum and be the alleged pinnacle in trading like me

Gee, I wonder why numbnuts? Lets see, you allegedly have 2 brain cells to scrape together: let me give you the aid in the thought process that you apparently need.

I wonder what the initial barrier of entry and hurdles could be to that goal?

>> No.12431620

He’s probably larping.

>> No.12431831

this, been doing digital marketing since 2008, make around 10k a month passive, would never reveal my methods.

I just come here to brag and unironically fud scam projects like Link

>> No.12431847

I’ll swallow your nut if you tell me your secrets

>> No.12431849

The reason browns dislike whites is the same reason I dislike men who are 6"4. Jealously from inferiority.

>> No.12431982

Nah they consider themselves superior even though they live in poverty. They think the way they live is more “pure” or some shit.

>> No.12432044
File: 43 KB, 480x271, LOTR2_313p87_7_59x273.WM_blog_main_horizontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that make you feel?

>> No.12432255

Where else to go? Reddit?

>> No.12432282 [DELETED] 

Its true! 122273!

>> No.12432303

Damn that's a pretty crazy set of events you went through.

>> No.12432314


>> No.12432317
File: 32 KB, 207x325, gpro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropship affiliate marketing

>> No.12432391

sorry to say that meme is long dead anon

>> No.12432457

you would have said the same thing in 2014.
Nothing is oversaturated if you have brains.

>> No.12432575

friend of mine told me he tried it but got a copyright claim for a patent or something like that. either you get scammed by chinks of mega corporations claim your sales as per their trademark/patent. it aint it chief, sorry

>> No.12432589


>> No.12432596

My car is my bedroom, so I UBER/LYFT out of it.

>> No.12433219

how's the pay?

>> No.12433483

Dear god. Imagine the smell.

>> No.12433543

Step one. Make friends. Step two. Identify which friends have an exploitable skill/ability. Step three. Invest in them. Or just go to meetups/breakfast/dinner with investment groups or business owners. Find one that needs a cash infusion and has a good business (I need XYZ to expand but I don't have the capital, please help). Then you invest in them. You fucking idiots. You guys seem too stupid to ever make it.
Here are some tips before you sperg
>linkedin business groups
>chamber of commerce business dinners/breakfast
>meetup.com entrepreneur groups
>literally make friends and get off the fucking internet

>> No.12433984

Customers always comment on a good car smell. Not everybody reeks you know.

>> No.12433987

>implying every single person here has a couple hundred thousand grand to spare
surprised you made it DESU

>> No.12434128

I made it the first time with a $30k loan to a friend for his business he was trying to get off the ground. There's tons of money in small business. You just have to get out at the right time and not be a retard by crippling the business with insane repayments. The second time I spend $20k to take over a beer/wine store from the owner who missed rent 4 times and was about to be kicked out. I fixed all his garbage mistakes and did some cool stuff, and sold it for $200k three years later (not to mention the money I made in the mean time).

>> No.12434842


>> No.12434937

Alright Anons... lets talk about your idea/dream...

Join me on Discord: s2hW6U

>> No.12435009

Where do I sell them? Make my own website?

>> No.12435027

If you haven't made it... don't try to teach people how to become rich. You'll get deplatformed unbelievably fast...

Be legit or don't do it at all. Any success you have by misleading people will be very temporary.

>> No.12435058

What are COGS? Cost of Goods Sold? How does this help me?

>> No.12435102

man thats kind of vague. What kind of content? Did you make it yourself or find it somewhere?

>> No.12435166

Ok angry faggot, let me break this down for you. The world is no more the way it used to be no no no. The internet and globalization and all kinds of shit made it really easy for anyone to start a business or provide a service for money. Too easy.

Naturally, this means that there are more providers for a given product or service in most markets than there needs to be. There aren't enough customers. This makes things very competitive and because of that people who find a niche or some angle that confers an advantage over the competition are going to make money.

The problem is that it's an arms race. When more people enter the market they are in, or provide the same service it means less money for them. You don't get a lot of serious or helpful answers on here for your questions because basically you are asking people to teach you everything they had to learn the hard way, in exchange for nothing but gratitude, and potentially losing money on the deal.

>> No.12435225

The way to get money is to get a job

Mind blowing isn't it

>> No.12435230


I’m a product/project manager with crypto & blockchain experience. Currently freelancing. msocafknight@gmail

I’d love to chat

>> No.12435307
File: 5 KB, 250x216, 1545330644722s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just short 100x on bitmexico using post nut TA

>> No.12435487

How much passive income you make from it? t. I run porn sites

>> No.12435554

Good shit. You have to have knowledge obviously though. You can't just get in a sector b/c you own a business that operates in it. You had the knowledge to make the beer/wine store work. If not, you would've like the guy before you.

>> No.12435589

yep. the parents don't know that though, sell the dream.

>> No.12435610

it is easy in the sense that a lion’s life in the zoo is easy. one could also argue the lion in its natural state has it easier. in essence, not all lions belong in zoos and you shouldn’t be supporting that industry, it’s true for all animals really. especially the birds, that’s just sad man

>> No.12435630


shit sinks in oil, think about it. no more smells, PLUS well lubricated pipes. also you just use your daily cooking oil and pour in the bowl, or (and this is huge) you rig it up to shit right into youf biodiesel and save on air fresheners, pipe maintenance AND gas

>> No.12435643

at 10% a month you're the greatest investor of all time

>> No.12435655

This guy fucks

>> No.12435668

Ill swallow your nut after you swallow his if you tell me the secret after he tells you

>> No.12435760


>> No.12435779

you live the capitalist dream until you get caught and live the communist dream

>> No.12435782

you can always buy kneepads and contract yourself out

>> No.12435826

if you're selling blow in australia you should be getting ever higher returns

>> No.12436564


Yes. Find a service/product that you personally use. Something like sandwiches or bathbombs (I'm assuiming you are MtF). Determine how much you could create these products for at different scales. Advertise the ol' fashioned way at first, just go around and tell EVERYBODY about the product. Let them know that you aren't making bookoo buckz but that you are stimulating the local economy and trying to be a job creator who pays taxes for schools and roads. You won't fail if you aren't a piece of shit. The problem with /biz/ is that we are all pieces of shit. Go buy a bread oven or a bunch of alkaseltzer and perfume. LIVE YOUR LIFE DON'T GIVE UP DON'T SELL YOURSELF SHORT

>> No.12436688

unironically this. Not having money for long enough will make you realise that you already have all you need. Take the enlightened pill, frens.

>> No.12436701

Just buy microsoft stock and enjoy your bluechip gains.

>> No.12436751


>> No.12436754

Newfags from reddit

>> No.12436783

Yes, it depends though. If you live in a college town or larger city, fuck yes. College kids and wagies are desperate for housing in these areas, so you can make some decent profit. Be prepared to do landlord stuff, like fixing broken shit, hiring handymen if needed, enforcing the roolz, etc.

>> No.12436990

Find someone who can make nice presentation of your concept or idea, then get investors, it's simple.