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12429760 No.12429760 [Reply] [Original]

>nearly 30
>no wife/kids
>no McMansion
>going nowhere career wise

Is there anything more pathetic than a pathetic man child?

>> No.12429931

At least you can do what ever you want with your time. That's one thing you lose as a family man.

>> No.12429969

God damn those are some ugly ass houses. Good luck getting someone to buy your house bags if you accidently purchase one of these.

>> No.12429996

you could be 30
2 mongolian wives and kids
living a shack beating your kids daily
and being jobless

>> No.12430022

>$3,000,000 for that tiny little house

>> No.12430048

fuck this is literally me. how do I salvage my pathetic existence?

>> No.12430075
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>tfw I'm the literal definition of manchild
Fuck boomers, fuck society, fuck the west and fuck wh*te people

>> No.12430083

>fuck wh*te people


>> No.12430087

It'll be 12 million by 2030

>> No.12430100

Who even buys that shit?

Those houses are like 600k in my flyover paradise

>> No.12430116

I don't understand this meme. Male fertility starts to drop at 45. Maybe 30 years ago you should have been considered a loser but literally anyone can start a family and have at least one kid by the time they are 45. You literally still have 15 years.

But if you were a woman you would be fucked.

>> No.12430154

Six figure job.
No intentions of ever marrying or having children.
Going to retire in 2 years.

>> No.12430167

I am 29 and a half, full time job for the past 7 years, and I still live with my parents.

I hope global warming destroys society as we know it.

>> No.12430188

Based but that also makes you a genetic dead end. RIP to your bloodline, Anon. Still though enjoy your retirement brah.

>> No.12430189

Boomers actually believe this

>> No.12430207
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>100k job
>still live with parents
>no plans to move out
>no friends
>kissless virgin

i must be some kind of manchild hybrid i guess

desu, i would gladly give up my job for something less, to get a qt gf and able to start my own family, but whats done is done, im getting old anyway, i haven't socialised with anyone my age for 7 years now

>> No.12430217
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>spending $2 million on a wooden house
Yep, never making it confirmed, amerilard homes are disgusting.

>> No.12430218


Prices have gone up 10% last year. Yeah it’s called amazon executives

>> No.12430219

this. buy land and build a house or you are kind of a cuck(unless you're restoring something unique that you got for a good price)
You're making a pretty big trade off if you wait this long. As you get older, younger competition increases, so unless you have good physical fitness on top of being distinguished/successful/steady above average income, then you are not gonna be competing for worthwhile women and thus you are beta bux
southern hemi is fucked they will be flooding us so hope you're ready for fun times

I'm 28 and probably worse off than all of you, no job, 10k savings, 154k mi on car, bad credit, no health insurance, drifting ad infintum

>> No.12430224


The land is worth 1.5 million

>> No.12430227

>almost 30
>no cunt or kids (i‘m a touchless virgim)
>no house and dont rent (living with parents)
>never had a job
>collect welfare
>play videogames all day and call people nigger on the internet all day

>> No.12430234

how much do you pay in ((tax)) for the land you own
how much will you pay when the democrats take all power

>> No.12430242

Redpill me on Virginia
All I know is the closer to DC you get the bigger of a shithole it is, but otherwise the rest is top tier

>> No.12430255


It’s pretty nice, low ish taxes, lots of high paying jobs, booming economy, good gun laws for now

>> No.12430273

Home ownership is a scam unless you own multiple acres innawoods. I'm basically tied down down to the NYC area though so I may end up buying an apartment in a white school district if I ever fall for the marriage meme.

>> No.12430284
File: 27 KB, 225x165, F4BC2E47-4630-456F-9536-6194C60FC465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the housing bubble will never pop

>> No.12430311

Obama decided to bail out the (((banks))) for their bundled toxic mortgage scam so they never learned their lesson. I guarantee they are pulling the same shenanigans again

>> No.12430343


It won’t; there are literally millions of rich foreigners looking to buy

>> No.12430346

they don't tell us but we are subject to population control. where do you think this manchild epidemic comes all of a sudden? people are so fucking naive it hurts man

>> No.12430409

The thing is, we need a steady growing population to keep the bubble growing. Social Security is a literal ponzi scheme and we need people to keep it afloat. This is why it has become the dominant narrative to flood our countries with third worlders. I'm not saying this is intentional ethnic replacement but it certainly is a consequence of the socioeconomic trends that are occuring and the end game for a number of people with malicious intent. It's hard to blame men for not wanting to settle down in this day and age but we need to discourage this manchild numale shit.

>> No.12430450

This toxic culture has convinced men and women that they are enemies when it couldn't be further from the truth. I wish it wasn't so difficult to find a levelheaded woman these days. They have to be out there somewhere.