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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12425848 No.12425848 [Reply] [Original]

holy kek

>> No.12425871


>> No.12425872

I thought the moon lambo fucks already left...

>> No.12425882

proof we havent hit capitulation yet

>> No.12425915

please dont say that. I'm scared now because you might be right

>> No.12425918

i sold into the deadcat bounce ~4k

waiting for sub 3k to buy back in

>> No.12426013

They will defend the absolute living fuck out of it and work as a pack to defend this trash. Anyone who says anything that isn't utter praise is immediately 'destroyed'. They will go in loops and loops to try and make you appear wrong while trying to take some moral high ground at the end when they can't come to a technical conclusion, like a child.
Funny, none of them could give a fuck about Vechain as long as their pointless defense makes them rich. Can't wait til this is out of the top 100 and the shit community and shills can fuck off.

>> No.12426182

A vechain linker, how queer

>> No.12426186


>> No.12426190

chainlink-tier delusion right there

>> No.12426192

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, vechain has the most rabid, ferverish, evangelistic retards of any shitcoin. That alone might make it a success, because these retards just cant be silenced.

>> No.12426292

Nah. XRPtards are worse.

>> No.12426298


>> No.12426299

Can’t unsee

>> No.12426318

>implying linkers are different

>> No.12426598

It's just a group of people with multiple accounts circlejerking.

>> No.12426632

1 autist with multiple alts. Even pretending to be a chick

>> No.12426637

Tell me more

>> No.12426653
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>> No.12426681

What do you want to know? Basically cream letting his dogs do all the work and them getting paid for it and getting early in multiple pump and dumps (though these have calmed down lately). 1 particular vechain admin having multiple account to steer direction in the vechain community and other groups

>> No.12426686

Just like the linkystinkies

I feel for them. I really do.

>> No.12426689

when icos were dumping all of their funds when eth was at $100, most of the actual holders have.

vechain/link/whatever bagholders dont cumulatively own enough crypto to make a difference if they sold anyway, especially because they own worthless tokens like vechain or link, tokens that would be going to zero long term with or without them. tokens like those disappearing or going to zero won't affect bitcoin.

>> No.12426711

yeah, imagine not loading up on sub-100 ether

>> No.12426729
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honestly sonny is just a creep. i used to work at a hotel and he came up to the desk demanding we get him a reservation at a fairly popular steak house downtown. it's nearly impossible and it was during blockchain nation miami so it was busy everywhere. i was on the phone seeing what i can do while him and his girlfriend(?) were just impatiently staring at me. i was repeating what the hostess was telling me about availability and he kept repeating to me to tell them he was famous. im thinking in my head like "bruh this hostess is a girl probably in her early 20s who has no ideas what vechain is." he slammed his hand down on the desk and said nevermind he can do it himself and walked off grabbing this girl who was probably underaged by the arm. ever since them i've disliked this man so much.

>> No.12426844

RedPriest/Han you mean? Most delusional faggot of them all.

>> No.12426870

Not bad at all, he is still around btw. Which coins did you invest in anon? Just curious

>> No.12426889

every thread is filled with bear bots
buy signal

>> No.12426922

Vechink still has investors?

Lmfao. Never trust a chink with crossed arms.

>> No.12426923

CHX, XLM and HOT. I don't believe in Asian crypto projects.

>> No.12426978

CHX,XLM, and I am looking at NKN. Some asian projects are legit though. But since you know about red priest, I guess you know the whole story and that you might be dutch as well

>> No.12426985

Mainly holding btc and some chx though

>> No.12427154

Can't believe my luck selling this chink bag for 8$ a piece and going all in on Link last year