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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12421069 No.12421069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I read that they pretty much own everything in America, and super smart and have high IQ.

How did the jews became so successful and have such a huge influence in America and own so much of America and many parts of the world?

Do they even have their own country?

/biz/ plz explain to a dumb ass like me why Jews are so smart, how did they end up owning so much of America, and why everybody hates them here?

I know the richest man in my city is a jew and he owns almost everything here.

I researched his background, and no clue how he made his wealth to be honest, kind of like a blackbox. one day he's a multi multi billionaire from buying small businesses cheap and then expanding it.

>> No.12421110

What's that black thing on their head?

>> No.12421113

They are simply a superior kind of people. White people are to Jews what African tribes people are to whites. It's only natural that they get all the money.

>> No.12421114

>why do people hate jews
because they have all the money because christians are stupid fucks and thought lending to a muh brother is bad. thats why.

>> No.12421121

Why do redditors and Leftypol like to post so many false flags on /biz/?

>> No.12421122

Go back

>> No.12421128
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If you want a complete answer, read The Culture of Critique.
The short answer is they do not play by the same socio-ethical rules as their host nation and in doing so inevitably fuck up society to the point that they get shoah'd or kicked out.

>> No.12421143
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>I read that they pretty much own everything in America, and super smart and have high IQ.

Yees, keep believing that goy. Jews are just better and smarter people and they deserve to own everything...that's it...good goy.

>> No.12421154

>do not play by the same socio-ethical rules
Neither did adolf hitler or benito mussolini

>> No.12421157
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The Greek hat a multiple gods and mythical figures religion (Apollo, Athena, Hades), the Romans took it over but at the same time you had upcoming of monotheistic religion. You got the Judaic sects and teachings and then two spinoffs, the first being Christianity and the second Islam. All of those three are basically the same thing when compared to starkly different frameworks such as those of the Greeks or Pantheisms, of Buddhism or whatnot. But you can roughly differentiate them by how their arose and in what relation they stand to the predominant Roman rule at the time when they arise. More or less, the Judaic realm mystic, self-protective, secretive, glorifying knowledge --- Christianity is a "Slave morality" (read Nietzsche), making weakness a virtue but becoming less secretive and inviting, elevating loving thy neighbor, etc., with the Gospel focusing around Jesus coming out of Judaic conceptualizations of one unifying god --- and then finaly Ismlam is an "update" on Christianity with a conquering, progressive mentality.
Christians raided Europe, so to speak, but the other monotheistic religions like it in the wealthy north too.
Jews to this day support themself as in-club and also have a history of lending - they are strong in academics and banking.
Now with globalism, though, everything in the close south is turning to a 1st world too. Israel is the startup city and Silicon Valley isn't necessary to connect e.g. blockchian interested very good devs.

>> No.12421161

its just white envy in action. call them out to be racist and laugh at them recoiling like pathetic beings that they are.

>> No.12421177

The Chinese own everything in America, though. Just about every non-residential block either direction from my home is owned and leased by Chinese corporations.

>> No.12421199
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okay, here's a fucking family tree of the Greek gods

>> No.12421205


>> No.12421259

There is a jewish mafia that causes the world a lot of problems, like unnecessary war, poverty, and societal decay. Most ethnic jews support it unwittingly by equating the fight against this mafia group with anti-semitism, and by being extremely liberal in general. For instance, 85% of American jews voted for Hillary, and about as many support more US wars in the middle east, to support the pro-war politicians in israel.

It’s really the jewish religion, and religions that derive from them, that are the problem. Not only sunni islam (the most terrorist, and unwittingly pro-israel form of islam) and evangelical christianity (the most pro-wars-for-israel form of christianity), but also atheism, which was unheard of in the world until the post-christian age, and various jewish philisophical movements like communism (marx, engels, lenin, trotsky all jewish) and libertarian capitalism (ayn rand, mises both jewish). Actually the whole modern banking system is derived from ancient jewish practices, as money-lending for profit was considered sinful and evil going back at least as far as Socrates’ time.

Also they seem to really dislike White people and White culture. The fact that a century ago pornography was illegal in America, but easy to find in jewish ghettos, should tell you all you need to know about how much modern morality is just a result of jewish culture dominating White culture.

And the higher IQ is only true of Ashkenazi jews, who spent centuries in Europe intermarrying with the higher IQ White nobility. Pure-blooded jews, the Sephardic jews, are lower than average IQ. But religion is a powerful thing.

>> No.12421264
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I don't know by heart when the Romans evolution of believes matches with those - but basically
753 BC founding of Rome -> 1453 AC fall of Constantinople
and the 3 monotheistic mentalities, which are quite similar when compared to everything else, but still quite different when compared to each other from a modern standpoint, are all to be considered with the Roman background

>> No.12421277

The same reason black people hate white people.

>> No.12421281

Jews support Jews and always pick Jews over non-Jews. They are the definition of do as I say not as I do as they do not do the things they tell others to do.