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File: 303 KB, 914x622, linkob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12420839 No.12420839 [Reply] [Original]

This is Bob. Bob was bullied by the other kids at his school (like his first crush Ann) as a child for his slightly odd-looking face. This caused him to retreat into the more anonymous world of the Internet where nobody could know his appearance. The other kids mocked him for that too, and his parents didn't understand why he'd want to "waste" his time talking to people he "didn't even know", but he ignored them. It didn't entirely cure his loneliness, but it did expose him to ideas and opinions that he would not have otherwise explored. Sure, he went through an embarrassingly self-righteous atheist phase as a teenager, but ultimately he developed into a sharp free-thinker with nuanced opinions.

Bob found out about LINK in 2012 from a Linux forum he was browsing. Already a firm believer in privacy, cryptography, decentralization, and technological freedom in general, the idea of LINK immediately excited him. After carefully considering the economic viability of the concept, he concluded that LINK's deflationary issuance curve and the possible applications of an enforceably scarce digital asset made it a worthwhile and likely quite valuable investment. He thus resolved to accrue as many of them as possible in order to save for his future. He cut down on his favorite hobby of gaming, reserving his GPU cycles for LINK mining and his Steam sale money for buying LINKs instead. His IT job didn't make much and his one bedroom apartment wasn't cheap but he always found a way to set some money aside to expand his growing cryptoasset portfolio.

>> No.12420847

Bob found out about LINK in 2012 from a Linux forum he was browsing. Already a firm believer in privacy, cryptography, decentralization, and technological freedom in general, the idea of LINK immediately excited him. After carefully considering the economic viability of the concept, he concluded that LINK's deflationary issuance curve and the possible applications of an enforceably scarce digital asset made it a worthwhile and likely quite valuable investment. He thus resolved to accrue as many of them as possible in order to save for his future. He cut down on his favorite hobby of gaming, reserving his GPU cycles for LINK mining and his Steam sale money for buying LINKs instead. His IT job didn't make much and his one bedroom apartment wasn't cheap but he always found a way to set some money aside to expand his growing cryptoasset portfolio.

His enthusiasm for LINK was endless, and he wanted to share the positive potential of it with the world too, so he wrote guides, created infographics, and made YouTube videos about how to buy, use, and mine LINKs. Due to his efforts, thousands of people were able to get in on the craze early like him. Parents created college funds for their children. Young adults his age secured their financial futures. Impoverished folks in oppressive shitholes learned how to transfer money via their smartphones to avoid their corrupt governments confiscating it. He even endured the eye-rolling and snickering of his family members at Christmas time to make sure that they were all gifted a bit too. "Gee... thanks."

>> No.12420853

Bob's bet on LINK has paid off. He is now a multimillionaire, at least on paper. Other than a few donations to various organizations, his LINKs have stayed in the original addresses they were first put into. After all, he is still prudently considering exactly how to spend and grow his newfound wealth, and since he's now the manager of his company's IT department, his salary more than supports his modest lifestyle by itself, so he's in no rush to "cash out".
While trying to chat with Ann on a whim after running into her at a grocery store, Bob mentioned LINK to her in 2012. It made her finally look up from her phone. "That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard of!" she shrieked. She would know too, she thought, since she's a college-educated woman, unlike Bob who had skipped college because "government subsidies have distorted the higher education market and lowered the value of a college degree" (as if using fancy words made him smart like her). Nevertheless, he persisted, offering to show her how it worked and even set up a wallet for her. Bob's LINK evangelism could certainly be a bit aggressive at times, but he meant well. He would gladly send 10 or 20 dollars worth to anybody who wanted to get started.

>> No.12420869

She responded that he was creeping her out and needed to buzz off before she called security. Of course she wasn't really going to waste such an effort on this harmless loser, but she just couldn't stand hearing his nasally little voice anymore. He probably just wanted to creepshot her yoga pants anyway. Briskly sauntering away, she giggled to herself: "How could a file on a computer be worth anything? I could just copy and paste as many 'LINKs' as I want," she concluded, forgetting about the idea as soon as she had first heard of it. Plus, her company was already working "with blockchain", which its CEO had told her was the only important part of "LINK" anyway. "He has actual money too and not just fake Internet coins so he clearly knows more than Bob."

Ann took slight notice of the 2018 bubble, but she was too busy moving into her new home then to pay much attention to it. When LINK was hacked and the government shut it down (as Ann interpreted events), popping the bubble, she texted Bob: "Told ya so." There was no response. She figured he had probably already killed himself or something. Oh well! She had to get out of her sweatpants and ready for the club anyway so she didn't have time to worry about it. In fact, she didn't have a single thought about Bob again until...

>> No.12420871

bob is a neet bagholding faggot

>> No.12420889

ann is a filthy std-infected roastie

>> No.12420891


>> No.12420899


In 2019, Bob once again crosses Ann's mind. The network miraculously revived, one LINK is now worth over 10 thousand dollars, and Bob is almost certainly loaded. She stares at her phone, thinking of how to best break the ice with him. "Hey Bob I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for some of the things I said to you in the past and how I treated you when we were kids and all. I know this is out of nowhere but I'm just kind of feeling guilty lately soo.... maybe we could meet up sometime and talk about it?? You could tell me more about those LINK thingies you we're so excited about back in the day haha" Again no response comes and she whips her iPhone X on to the bed in frustration. Retrieving it, she switches over to Safari to look Bob up on social media, only to find that he's dating a shy 18 year old Finnish girl he met online. "That pervert!" she gasps as she glances over the girl's milky skin and youthful face. "She is WAY too young for him! He should want an ACCOMPLISHED, MATURE woman like me, not some little girl! I bet the freak looks at child porn too!"

Her fingers drip with venom as she texts one of her remaining beta orbiters. "Hey," she begins, "you know how to draw funny cartoons right" She hits send.

>> No.12420914

Looking good so far, I really hope this story has a good ending for Bob and Ann getting slowly and painfully disected.

>> No.12420915

imagine reading this lmao

also link is shit, one guy controls 65% of your entire faggot token, fuck off

>> No.12420922

>She stares at her phone, thinking of how to best break the ice with him
..Aaand fantasies of a virgin started to come out. Stopped reading.

>> No.12420929

Holy fuck all this relentless link shilling is starting to get very suspicious

>> No.12420976
File: 2.99 MB, 252x263, 1436917091083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12420977
File: 3.62 MB, 500x338, 1547248808656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going, this story is making me euphoric.

>> No.12420987

that was all :(

>> No.12420994

>starting to get suspicious

Newfag alert. The shilling has been here since the existence of LINK. It’s obviously done and coordinated by autismos who bought at ICO and don’t want to feel like they wasted their money. With that in mind, you can understand why I haven’t bought any LINK.

>> No.12420999

how can it end there? what is that last line supposed to mean?

>> No.12421010

so basically anna is fud?

>> No.12421026
File: 122 KB, 645x645, 1546795982950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT means all of us will make it fren

>> No.12421040

thanks fren, checked those quads in your ID

>> No.12421043

imagine using this pasta for an ERC20 token that is still on testnet after 2 yrs and a 32 million ICO

>> No.12421045


Exactly this. When everyone is buying a certain coin it is a bad sign. Only buy coins that no one would ever touch if you want gains.

>> No.12421051

this. yes, the women are pragmatic monsters, but they arent vapid like u nerds think they are.

>> No.12421165

>"Hey," she begins, "you know how to draw funny cartoons right" She hits send.

The beginning of the story - Funny cartoon with made up nasty stuff about BOB and poor ANN...