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12418665 No.12418665 [Reply] [Original]

BAT 1000$ eoy?

>> No.12418689

Sure kid. Who doesn't need bat in their life? Industry is crying out for bat. Lack of bat is a real pinpoint for consumers. I mean, what would we do without bat? Just use eth? Probably.

>> No.12418748

Like, how many times have you said to yourself "OK, I want to send this content creator a donation specifically in etc20 tokens (obviously after setting up some accounts, getting set up at an exchange and downloading some software and setting up metamask, it should only take a few hours or so to get set up for this 30 cent donation) but for some reason none of the other literally thousands of erc20 tokens will do, I need one with a triangle logo"? Me I think that every day, and I'm sure the average YouTube viewer does too.

>> No.12418758

I would it short it to
>OK, I want to send this content creator a donation
The answer is none.

>> No.12418771

BAT, the technology that had us replacing ads we block with ad blockers, with ads we can't block with ad blockers, voluntarily


>> No.12418780
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 395A0513-D5A1-47EB-BF00-D5363A710531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin token

>> No.12418805

And talk about unique! What other erc20 token can do what bat does? OK, all of them. But how many are called bat? Probably only a few. And the miracle of engineering that is the brave browser! Sure, it's just a reskin of someone else's open source product, but it has an ad blocker! How many browsers can say they have an ad blocker?

>> No.12418810

>please deposit 400 BAT to unlock ad blocking
>please watch ads to earn BAT
hahahaha, we moving sideways goys

>> No.12418824
File: 19 KB, 234x216, 14641818304310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying to block ads
>while there are free addons for Firefox and Chrome

>> No.12418831


>> No.12418939

i used to think bat was gonna skyrocket. that was last week when every altcoin youtuber was shilling it and it grew in popularity.
then i realized how retarded of an idea it is.
still using brave and i got 35 bat as a "reward" but im probably never gonna invest in it as it will never go above $0.20. wish brave could load embedded youtube videos though that would be neat