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12413995 No.12413995 [Reply] [Original]

The Yellow Vests in France are trying to meme a Bank Run into existence. They want to massively withdraw money on the 12th of january. Size of the movement is around 3 million according to French police . And the newest poll shows that 30% of French people still support them.

>> No.12414015

>3 million

Ah hahahaha

>> No.12414038

That's what i thought seems lousy

>> No.12414214

could ~20 million people actually affect the banks in france?

>> No.12414697

Yes they could cause banks to go to shit.... globally economist was talking about it on French TV. Basically snowball effect to big to fail etc... But most banks in France don't think that the Yellow vest will do it

>> No.12414735



>> No.12414748
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I did my part and withdrew everything i had from my juden bank today. And i wasn't the only one doing so.
The kikes are fucking afraids. We are winning the cultural war frens. Godspeed and SIEG HEIL !

>> No.12414775

What French stocks should I short to make as much money as possible off this?

>> No.12414835

literally anything, you can't go wrong, country is collapsing.

>> No.12415410

The EU my friend is soon, going to be a ghost!!! Freedom from modern day globists

>> No.12416040
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>> No.12416167

what a (((coincidence)))

>> No.12416205

Was made to collapse fren :)
imf sdr to rule them all. Synchronised global collapse- look at realestate markets in australia, asia, canada, and look at us and eu political instability.

>> No.12416554

two hours to go now

>> No.12417153

Let’s party likes it’s 1989! Expect hooker and crack this time ...
Does, anyone know what French media to watch and what time this bank run was going to happen ?

>> No.12417381

explosions happening in france apparently

>> No.12417392

get em were it hurts the jews the most- take the money and invest in Crypto

>> No.12417393


>> No.12417394

Stfu with your shitty pol memes. You can always tell who browses pol by how fucked they are by psyops.

>> No.12417401


kys faggot

>> No.12417414

stupid frenchies why can't they wait until we get pissed enough at our banks too

>> No.12417443


HOLY SHIT. What are the chances they did this to shut down the bank run?

>> No.12417470
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Damn, interesting. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/01/large-explosion-hits-central-paris-190112082132855.html

>> No.12417476

I wish you all the best, I hope this does succeed. If it does play out a lot of others not involved with yellow vest will start pulling money to be safe and we see a similar situation as to what happened in Greece. Hope this spreads right across Europe.

>> No.12417518

why does he sound drunk

>> No.12417530

nevermind i remembered it's france.

>> No.12417535

What the idiot French people dont get is that even 3m withdrawing could in theory fold a bank and also set up a chain reaction that infects other banks....fractional reserve banking is a fact...most banks do not have more than 10% of their customers money. So if it does all go to shit France collapses and all the people money vaporizes

>> No.12417571

oh brother. the system also means running out of actual cash in a branch doesn't result in the bank immediately shutting down like in whatever old timey movie you watched.

>> No.12417577
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>What the idiot French people dont get
>if it does all go to shit France collapses and all the people money vaporizes
And then a new economic system would inevitably replace said money. If youre on the lower end of the current heirarchy or if you just dont like the current economic system then this is a means to bring about an end to it.

>> No.12417578

I fucking love my people. Vive la France and FUCK NIGGERS AND FUCK JANNIES

>> No.12417640


>> No.12417682
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good luck

>> No.12417694

All hail those Mum slums that Merkel let in, hail those goat fuckers ... it’s because of them, Europe is in this mess! Fuck niggers and fuck Islam

>> No.12417729

Well technically if you have a bank license you can just call the central bank for more money ya know.... Just delays the time when there is actual money in the atms.

>> No.12417762

you realize you cant buy crypro without someone cashing out right?
someone will have that money.

>> No.12417768

central bank doesnt issue new bills in most country if in any. its a state owned mint usually.

>> No.12417796
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only for coins

>> No.12417801

a problem with an announced bank run is that it is relatively easy to prepare for, if the banks take the threat seriously that is

>> No.12417807

nah im pretty sure its the same for bills at least in most country.

>> No.12417821

depends on the scale i remember real bankruns people camping in line before banks waiting for opening. and then the money ran out before noon.

>> No.12417823

In the Netherlands they prosecuted the person advicing to do a bank run

>> No.12417843

No man its not owned by the state, its issued by the central bank, thats the fucking purpose of the central bank. It also gotta be signed by the big central bank boss.

>> No.12417860

they should, as much as you hate the system, having a planned bankrun is immoral. You're affecting everyone with it and it can have serious and drastic consequences. What about pensioners when the bank collapses and they don't have any money anymore? What about other peoples savings?

The french should start a second government away from the real government and force their changes trough that way. It's much more peaceful and they can't just kill you for not complying.

>> No.12417864

thats a formality you know the central bank does not issue them nevertheless. they are concerned with the overall money supply incentivising lending and inflation and providing liquidity to banks in trouble. the issue and replacement of paper bills is a technicality thats not their business.

>> No.12417865


>actually thought I meant the branch ran out of bills when talking fractional reserve practices.

You better learn how to catch and cook mice and bugs....cause u aren't gonna make it.

>> No.12417869

they should fork the government

>> No.12417879

>What about pensioners when the bank collapses and they don't have any money anymore?

They can give the bank teller a firm handshake and ask them for their money they so badly deserve. Allthough they are too stupid to have some left for bad times.

>> No.12417887
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The biggest cohencidence ever : all the major banks in Yuropoor announced they have to suddently make a (((maintenance))) of the system and no cash transfert or withdraw will be operational this week end.
I never saw this in 30 years of living as a baguette, nor never a maintenance had to shut down banks. They started to inform us only yesterday btw... Of course this sudden maintenance have to happen the very day a bank run is organized.

Fun fact : they speak all day long about the YV on talmudvision yet not a single word about the bank run...

It's afraid ... It's really afraid. I can smell the kike sweating all over Paris. Their chutzpah and kvetching won't be enough this time around

>> No.12417923


>> No.12417931
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>> No.12417950

This is how you get shit done, Americunts.
That is how Occupy Wall Street should have ended.
With the tearing down of the old, the rich and the money centres and the rebirth of the republic

>> No.12417985


france can set the example. i keep expecting the protest to die out but they are doing a good job.

>> No.12418022

Based Henry

>> No.12418080
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>all the major banks in Yuropoor announced they have to suddently make a (((maintenance))) of the system

>> No.12418099


god damn this guy was a based and redpilled genius

>> No.12418128

So whats the status update? Are they doing it?

>> No.12418164
File: 1.90 MB, 700x394, 6DA0241B-43EE-45D8-B679-70A902B6DD9E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! You guys are actually doing it. God speed brothers. When guilloutines?

>> No.12418226





>> No.12418435


nice argument fag

>> No.12418458
File: 48 KB, 683x683, C28D9E61-7C94-4DF7-B92B-FA28FF797035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EU collapses
>Banks crashing
>no PSD2 regulation in effect
>no 11k banks using chainlink

>> No.12418489


>> No.12418789

Dutch ppl are pussies, they just complain and get shut down. I'm against violence like no other, but it's the only thing "simple" people got.

>> No.12419867


>> No.12419928

This is the final form of socialist brainwashing. They should have thought of that before fractional reserve banking. They are spinning it as the aggitators' fault. This is a peaceful form of protest, imo.