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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12413290 No.12413290 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12413301

Zero because Im a neet

>> No.12413302

Being some waitor?

>> No.12413312

is your job to serve $10 a bottle wine

you are a pathetic serf

>> No.12413313

What is there to be jealous about?

>> No.12413319

The place looks like a slaughterhouse in Russia

>> No.12413322

Is that a wework? They do the same friit water shit at mine. Not jealous, its kind of shitty. I miss offices with proper doors.

>> No.12413323

C-cool man I’ll have a bourbon I guess

*leaves you $2 in tips

>> No.12413371

No you idiots I'm not a waiter. I'm a badass in an office with cool parties like this where we can drink on Friday

>> No.12413375

>he has a job that he is required to spend his time at, instead of doing what he wants all day
>being jealous of a wagie

>> No.12413390

wgaf nerd you think this is unique?

>> No.12413399

I still think you are a waiter

>> No.12413426

i work from home on friday. on monday, and weds too.

>> No.12413428

I'm going to find you. Order a glass of absinthe. Watch you take five minutes to make it. Take one sip and not even tip you.

>> No.12413438

I worked as a bartender to when I was in college. Wanted to kill my self after a week, so I quit. You should kys

>> No.12413455

How many camwhores or twitchthots do you donate to?

>> No.12413458

This looks exactly like a Delta SkyClub.

>> No.12413474
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>I'm a badass in an office with cool parties like this where we can drink on Friday

>> No.12413486

Wow alcohol at work. Wouldn't you rather be not at work? Or working at home? lmao the absolute state of wagies.

>> No.12413491


>> No.12413519

Look at me my slavemaster allows me to get drink after work sini can forget How horrible my life is

>> No.12413548

what shit tier alcohol

>> No.12413551

lol I thought so. First thing I thought with your pic is that it looks like the kitchen in a jewgle office, wework or shitty tech company.

now you stay and get drunk with the people you share a piece of carpet with for 8 hours a day.

Some drink to forget.

>> No.12413565

>in an office
pick one

>> No.12413584
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Welcome to 2012.

>> No.12413619

>proud of working out of a pajeet wework

>> No.12413644


based and basedpilled

>> No.12413647


>> No.12413655


damn word filters

>> No.12413677


they are getting you drunk on the cheap stuff so you don't think too critically about your employment situation.

is your boss a jew?

>> No.12413678

>bragging about being a wagie
>bragging about being a wagie when you don't either make $70k+ from home or $200k+ at a real job
>bragging about something that anybody in B2B sales does every week and sometimes multiple times per day
shit thread mate
>t. $150k/yr telecommuter who consults on large purchases and gets taken to meals by vendors every few days

>> No.12413680

Get me a drink pissant

>> No.12413684

don't listen to these guys OP keep serving the drinks and getting those tips

>> No.12413697
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>>I'm a badass in an office with cool parties like this where we can drink on Friday
This faggot wins the internet today

>> No.12413698

Ha, spirits with no mixers or anything else resembling a bar. Fuckin pleb

>> No.12413710
File: 15 KB, 750x266, Dwkj1SNVYAAmz71.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off jealous loser neets

>> No.12413719

Lmao what is that 3 months of work at a decent job?

>> No.12413733

Wow you can probably pay off your Mazda with that.

>> No.12413740
File: 45 KB, 600x599, 1374CDBA-EBA9-4E98-80E0-0A4C5F191216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw invited to forced unpaid afterwork hours with unbearable onions plebs like OP who drink shitty bulleit whiskey out of plastic cups but came up with a viable excuse and got out of it without getting fired

It’s Stockholm syndrome OP planned by mr shekelburg and hopefully you realize that before you’re in your late 30s and start considering the rope.

>> No.12413747

that's not even real wine pleb

>> No.12413760

That’s a lot of tips m8 good job

>> No.12413768

>Wagie has a nice cagie

>> No.12413800

I'm lmaoing at ur life

>> No.12413855

lmao come talk to me when you start making six figures

>> No.12413958

Is that your student loan balance?

>> No.12413978

That whine is complete shit

>> No.12413996
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if true you can tell the black mug on the right of the shelf is an accurate representation of you in the office

>> No.12414031


>> No.12414047
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 4aa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberty, Freedom, and Mobility


>> No.12414059

That’s a WeWork.

>> No.12414070

Oh shit. WeWork NYC?

>> No.12414080

Damn bro that's almost 8 bitcoin.

>> No.12414094
File: 9 KB, 226x258, 1467830985047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> office
> parties
> office parties
> drinking
> "we"
Has to be bait though r8 6/8

>> No.12414113

I know a couple of bartenders that make six figures--they're miserable fucks but they make a ridiculous amount of money for some pretty basic labor.

OP, why would I be jealous of getting drunk with my coworkers at work on mediocre booze served by some bottom-tier b2b catering company? It's like they were too cheap to actually take you out somewhere.

>> No.12414141
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>> No.12414191

>unironically flexing on an anonymous designated shitting street forum
WEW LAD you must have quite a fulfilling life.

>> No.12415138

Bump, having too much fun watching op get his ass ripped open

>> No.12415182

i unironically made that much almost every 4 hours during the height of the bubble lol

>> No.12416310 [DELETED] 

In my office, we just leave early on Friday...

>> No.12416357

>come work for us, we're such a cool employer!
>stay late on Fridays, we spend a $200 on food and drinks so we can sucker another 5 hours of free work out of our employees!

stay dumb, fucking retard

>> No.12416363

you kiss your boss's ass with that mouth?

>> No.12416374


try $75

>> No.12416377

Unless your job is to make drinks for people its degenerate and not a good working environment.

>> No.12416382

Goy I need you to remake this report and make it make more sense.

>> No.12416679

I used to work in management consulting and our kitchen looked like this, only nicer with cappuccino machines. The big issue was that everyone was either an alcoholic or a cocaine addict. All Ivy educated and making at least $200,000 a year as well.

>> No.12416838

>this makes the neet scream