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12411292 No.12411292 [Reply] [Original]

Explaining why central bank issued fiat currencies are a scam, or asking why only White countries must be made diverse?

>> No.12411308


>> No.12411330
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Depends on your company fren. For example, in the presence of this faggot >>12411308 , you'll need to stick with complaining about Fiat.

>> No.12411334

the second one I think? I didn't even know the first one was socially unacceptable other than the fact normies have so much cognitive dissonance when it comes to understanding money and monetary policy that they will shut down when it's discussed at more than a newspaper headline level depth.

>> No.12411634
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thanks fren. I think he will never be happy unless he is presiding over a bris
I think theoretically the second one is more taboo, but in practice have experienced a lot more pushback on the central bank question. It could be down to the messaging, though.

>> No.12411640
