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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12405215 No.12405215 [Reply] [Original]

what time are you going to work tomorrow? you are going to work tomorrow, right anon?

>> No.12405230

6am bright and early

>> No.12405246

Have to be in at 6:30am so I'll wake up 5:30

>> No.12405267

I telecommute on Fridays.

>> No.12405272

yikes! i'll definitely be asleep, curled up in my warm bed at that time of the morning

>> No.12405275

going to sign into my corporate VPN at about 8:00am and turn up my IM volume loud and work from bed for an hour or so as i watch tv/snooze. then i'll hit up the mcdonalds around the corner and grab a sausage mcmuffin and come back home. i'll check emails for a few and then watch TV until noon and then sign off (i took a half day tomorrow).

>> No.12405293

Nope! Financial Independence Retirement Extreme here!

>> No.12405300

what was your #? i'm thinking about doing the same in a couple years. have $1.1m so far.

>> No.12405321

I go to work for my third shift here soon :(

>> No.12405329

Every day til link hits 10 dollars

>> No.12405334

4 days a week jiggas, 400k salary. Will be sleeping comfy

>> No.12405351

What the fuck, go on vacation, enjoy life.

>> No.12405355


>> No.12405364

Alot less than that.
Even if I include my paid off house, my number is only around $400k.
I keep my expenses really really low with a paid off house and a small farm. If I don't travel so much, I can probably live off of like $10k/year.

>> No.12405382

Attending Physician life baby

>> No.12405386


i miss neet life. i work every waking hour ;-;

>> No.12405387

super easy unskilled work, 25 hours a week, 30€/hr.
0€ living cost in moms basement :)

>> No.12405400

Same. Only 450k. I'm a professional MMA fighter, astronaut, and I license my penis out for dildo production because it was mathematically calculated to be perfect.

>> No.12405401

i already do enjoy myself, which is why i want $60k/year to live on so i can afford toys and whatnot without touching the principal.

it costs me a bit more to live comfortably, so i need $36k/year minimum.

>> No.12405576

That's what wagies are for

>> No.12405590

Fuck off wagie poster

>> No.12405604
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how dare you insult me with such despicable accusations

>> No.12405998

I have a phone interview for a job tomorrow.

>> No.12406055

>wake up at 8:30
>take a quick shower
>get to work at 9:00
Normally I go to sleep anywhere between 11:30 to 1:30 depending on how much rest I want

>> No.12406076

what do you do

>> No.12406180

i'd rather die than wagecuck again

>> No.12407464


ragie detected

>> No.12407482

Whenever I feel like it. If I show up late, I'll just stay late.

>> No.12407570

>full time remote
>six figure salary
>autist level at what i do, so i tend to do weeks of work in a couple days
>purest form of financed NEET life
>develops into bad habits
>skills and automation allow me to be lazier and lazier
>i keep pushing my limits
>doing weeks of work in less and less time
>now rotting indoors never seeing sunlight or leaving, because why spend the money or leave when i have it all here
>results in a strange form of NEET depression or purposelessness
>fast forward to now
>4 AM, going to bed in 3 hours
>literally 2 days before a big proposal demo with big organization anticipating my project
>i'll do it all tomorrow
>^ is what i said each day for the past three days
>afraid someone will notice i'm lazy this time, and i'll get in trouble
what do, /biz/

>> No.12408081

Retire early

>> No.12408606

my job is drinking i just left my house in a tropical area.
i might drink more and smoke until i pass out

>> No.12408683

Wtf Why do so many of you work on Saturdays? Are you all in retail or what?

>> No.12408719

Get addicted to fitness. Any sort of extreme sport.
You will feel like you're dying at first. But keep at it and you will feel like a god, and it'll happen quicker for you bc you have so much free time.
You'll probably be even more productive at work too. Just work fitness into your autistic daily routine and you will win.

>> No.12408730

Thread was posted Thursday night, retard

>> No.12409046

party on brother

>> No.12409050

Nope I only work 3 days a week and make 70k because union. Gonna go skiing today.