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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12403921 No.12403921 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a low-level IT worker and recently received an email from my boss asking if i knew anything about "the oracle problem"

with a few article primers from MIT.

Is there anything else out there which will help me explain to my overpaid tyrant of an overlord?

How can I perfectly explain this without letting out the "implied outcome" should this thing be adopted far and wide?

>> No.12403931


>> No.12403950

>buy walls
>oracle problem

Aaaaaaand it's another episode of a failed link pump

>> No.12403953


What's a larp? Provide info to whet the appetite of my boss.

Please and thank you

>> No.12403976

>>low level “IT” guy
>>can’t google

>> No.12403987

So many people are going to get burnt falling for this shit

>> No.12403998

You guys could basically help me and others like me across the gov sector advocate on your behalf. yes, i understand i am essentially asking you to crowsource prepare my report to a higher-up, but at the very least your shitty memecoin project infiltrates into the big-leagues.

you people are so incredibly rude.

>> No.12404041

Tell him it’s a scam run by a two man team (link) and he should instead start looking into witnet.

Or just “dyor” fucking tyrant boss.

>> No.12404059

He doesn't have time.
Green-noses with has an ability to keep his job across 7 adminstrations. He's the perfect charming-brown nosing asshole I'd like to see get automated out of a gig.

Help me help you.

>> No.12404073

Get the fuck out of here faggot, we don't need to spoon feed you shit. Do your own research.

>> No.12404098

How do you expect this project to be widely adopted across the govenment sector when this is the response given to someone asking for help? Help which certainly helps you.

I'm not asking for much.

You spend more time with anger filled responses and homophobic remarks and yet cannot explain Chainlink or the oracle problem.

I'm surprised you heard about this issue before me.

>> No.12404129

don't you see that these people don't want link to succeed? Also - you're getting trolled by them. Just keep the thread bumpin' till some real knowledge arrives

>> No.12404144

Considering I'm a college kid with no professional capacity to be talking about this project, I'd say it's not my fucking job. How do you expect to keep your job as a low-level IT specialist if you go on a chinese goat fucking forum for answers and can't even utilize google?

>> No.12404180

Watching the usual Link train wreck after the failed pump is kinda fun though, it's almost a tradition at this point lmao

>> No.12404185

I understand I am harnessing particially the collective knowledge of some anonymous board.

Info on this project is sparse at best.

Reading the fucking whitepaper made me feel clueless.

This is oddly the only place on the internet that pops up everytime I google Chainlink.


>> No.12404193

We are not going to do your homework, wagie. Save the ragie to the weekend

>> No.12404195

But you fucking baited me anyways, so here it goes:

As it stands, blockchain can not interact with outside data. Well, technically it could, but this would require a centralized data service provider, which is against the entire blockchain system in the first place. If a centralized network is used to feed data into the blockchain, then security has been compromised. This is where a decentralized solution comes in to solve the oracle problem. An army of nodes created by private operators will feed data into the blockchain for smart contracts. These nodes will not see the data they are transferring, and the information will be secure. Therefore, any data being fed into a smart contract is entirely decentralized and both parties do not have to trust a centralized source. A centralized source can alter data to their benefit.

>> No.12404206


I'm not a blockchain or smart contract expert, but I have read the whitepaper multiple times and know how it works. It would probably be better if you actually asked specific questions instead of general questions.

>> No.12404231

you're getting trolled by him
>says he's not from /biz/
>posts oracle problem npc meme
>never mentions LINK directly in his post but is clearly talking about LINK
>says he's not from /biz/ but evidently knows about the ""implied outcome" should this thing be adopted far and wide?"
>how would he come here knowing LINKS implied possible future worth

shit larp

>> No.12404243

not having enough fun circle jerking in your discord? just stop already

>> No.12404256


I could see how such an approach could be tackled in theory. Not much of a bitcoin person, and I haven't followed this all that much. My buddy owns a bit of ether that he bought sometime last year. I just never got around to buying any.

There seems to be a level of obscufucation which requires one to understand, at least at the basic level, blockchain applications within silo'd environments and the cost benefits of something working on a triangulated truth.

OHH shit. I think I "got" the project.

>> No.12404262

>gov sector
this explains so much

>> No.12404266

you don't like your boss, why would you help him? are you retarded?

this: >>12404041
tell him it's just an over hyped scam

>> No.12404289

Intuitively I wondered how the whole supply chain element could be at play here at my agency. Should this project ever get off the ground, I'd might as well pivot into the private sector.

>> No.12404328

Wtf. Who talks like this? This is the worst larp of them all. ALL.

>> No.12404359

Like clockwork. Becoming a Link bag holder is like an initiation around here, then you have to participate in the ever more elaborate larps during the next pump and dump cycle.

>> No.12404360

What the hell is a larp? What's wrong one with the way I type to you? Are you okay?

>> No.12404374

Tough crowd

>> No.12404405

It means "Live Action Role Playing", and it is what people call liars or individuals claiming to be something that they are not. By calling you a LARP, he's saying he does not believe you are telling the truth about your story in your original post. LARPs are very common around here.

As for the cryptocurrency side of the project (tokenomics, I know, it sounds retarded), there needs to be an incentive for node operators to operate their nodes. This is where the reputation system comes in. Every time a smart contract needs data, it will request that data from a whole bunch of nodes. Each node will put up some cryptocurrency as collateral. Any nodes feeding incorrect data will have their collateral split between the correct nodes. This way there is both an incentive to operate a node and use reliable data sources. The more cryptocurrency that your node utilizes, the higher your "reputation" (I'm pretty sure it's not ENTIRELY based on the amount you have, but other factors as well). A higher reputation means your node will be selected more often.

>> No.12404411

I have to do my job.

>> No.12404442

What agency do you work for? Currently being fucked by this whole shutdown myself.

>> No.12404453

>goverment worker
>wants others to do the work for him

>> No.12404461

Budget Allocations broadly. My friends who work on the hill are getting antsy. I'm lucky to have my job, so I can't ruffle any feathers. I just need another year or two under my belt to apply for some defense work.

>> No.12404468
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>> No.12404476
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Fuck you nigger

>> No.12404516

are you prior military

>> No.12404590

There is no oracle problem unless shitty cryptocurrency project. Perfectly reliable market data is available from current online sources.

>> No.12404663


>> No.12404681

>Perfectly reliable
>available from current online sources.

Pick one.

>> No.12404889

once again, only shitty cryptocurrency projects that can't rely on market data from established vendors because "muh decentralization" have an oracle problem