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12402765 No.12402765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are illegals getting health insurance paid for by citizens while some citizens don't have health insurance?
Why are illegals being treated better than Americans?
Why do illegals have any rights whatsoever?
Why aren't politicians being lynched in the streets by citizens for policies like this?

>> No.12402805

I know right? No one should get cheap healthcare if illegals do.

>> No.12402829

Our economy makes far more from undocumented workers than we spend. Deal with it alt right fascist.

>> No.12402842


>> No.12402849

>Why are illegals being treated better than Americans?
Because democrats exist

>> No.12402858

Back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.12402860

what the other anon said. they work for next to nothing so without healthcare we'll have to hire wh*te people which would drive up labor cost 100x

>> No.12402865

Aliens have more rights than chattel citizenry in the same way Sharia is practiced parallel to the admiralty courts. There is no such thing as an american, and One is not a dejure State National, One is defacto citizen-slave to the corporate federal enterprise. Aliens are not sold out by their mothers to the goverment with the birth certificate bond. They are certainly more soveriegn beings. This is why the democrat party of attorneys has no problem with illegals murdering citizens. The illegals are worth more being brought into the system sometime in the future with new SS identities (collateral for the fed) than your dead peasant's insurance.

Go watch how an illegal can walk all over your local court. Getting their consent to be governed is more profitable than protecting your rights, or the danger that you pose to the local court in not consenting to their private show.

>> No.12402868


Lol, New York starting to sound like sweden.

>> No.12402886

Why does this thread belong in /pol/?

>> No.12402908

because brainwashed libs listening to jews. Now back to the bear market

>> No.12402910

The people who don't produce aren't going to produce. So the burden just becomes greater and greater on those who do. Its why socialism has always been retarded and communism always leads to horrific forced work regimes where they kill anyone skilled trying to leave.

>> No.12402921

So you admit that they're being used to depress wages then?

>> No.12402924

I live in NY and have no health care because I can't afford it and I work multiple part time on the books jobs. Yet we're giving ILLEGALS free health care. They are ILLEGAL. DEPORT THEM.

>> No.12402965

Because you're being ethnically replaced to create room for socialism

White people are so utterly pathetic, no other ethnicity does this shit

>> No.12402990

Empathy and both the willingness and ability to put the needs of other races and peoples above your is uniquely white trait.

It is also incredibly self destructive and is a perfect example of the ethical life boat. Whites are the ones drowning.

>> No.12402989

They literally took our jobs?

>> No.12402993

This. I would rather die from lack of health Care than give any money to these faggots.

>> No.12403006

This plan would cover you, you thick fucking idiot

>> No.12403008
File: 84 KB, 900x516, DYmJQ-HW4AA3rS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, kikes

>> No.12403012

I don't want healthcare if klllegals get it.

>> No.12403020

They work the jobs white people wont do.

>> No.12403026


>> No.12403029

Doesn't NY have free or low cost health insurance for lower income families?

>> No.12403032

absolutely disgusting

>> No.12403038

It should be white (anglo) families only honestly.

>> No.12403043

>They work the jobs white people wont do.
No they work for wages legal citizens won't work for and legally cannot work for and drive the cost of labor down as they are subsidized by the taxes of legal citizens.

>> No.12403053

Low wages are good I just don't want to pay for their healthcare. If white people want higher wages they should just fucking leave.

>> No.12403061

No, the legal workers are replaced by under the table workers.

>> No.12403067

And who gives them their jobs? Who chooses undocumented immigrants over regular Americans? Why is the right angry at the poor fuck looking for work and not the fatcat making the decision?

>> No.12403069

You are obviously false flagging and its sad.

>> No.12403084

you labor class faggots are such whiners

>> No.12403107

> Why is the right angry at the poor fuck looking for work and not the fatcat making the decision?
Who says we aren't angry at both? He is looking out for his best interest are we are looking out for ours which involves getting him the fuck out of the country. The people hiring them also need to be nailed to the wall. The people voting for more immigrants and making them legal also need to be nailed to the wall.

I don't care about these moralizations people keep coming up with. They are being used as slaves for corporate america and they are willing. Legal immigrants also work under the table as well so it isn't as if suddenly making them legal will change anything. They undermine the system and must go.

>> No.12403118

You mean slave labor?

>> No.12403119

Get a job commie.

>> No.12403121

Ok, lets see all those white people picking fruit and veggies. Oh, ya, there were none so they hired people happy to migrate and work them.

Normal people are happy for all the mexican food they brought with them.

>> No.12403124

Maybe they know they can't fuck with the boss who employs them so they try to fuck with the competition? Would that be so surprising?

>> No.12403130
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>Macro-economic trends have no place on /biz/

>> No.12403142
File: 50 KB, 504x672, D87D4F49-6EF4-494A-8728-20C90F1F6C97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we love exploiting cheap undocumented laborers, you fucking racist piece of shit
Glad to know Democrats occupy the moral high ground.

>> No.12403147

Again false flagging.

>Refuse to work under the table for $2 and hour
>Don't get hired
>Paco and Jose will get deported if they try to raise a fuss

I really don't get you people. Its hard to comprehend people are brainwashed so thoroughly.

>> No.12403155


bump this thread.

>> No.12403199

You ever notice how like 90% of /pol/ posts are just /pol/acks unironically responding to bait posts by other /pol/tards?

>> No.12403218

They don't raise a fuss because THEY WANT THOSE JOBS. They would not be walking for days across a desert to get them if they were upset about them.

Isn't this the capitalism you extreme right libertarians love so much?

>> No.12403237

>right wing emergency room
>hold on we need to e-verify your citizenship before we stop the blood loss
>we shut down the government so we need a paper copy of your birth certificate social security card and drivers license
>real citizen dies because your bureaucracy purity test
>ok only put the citizen bodies in the morgue if they are illegal we are going to spend zero money moving the body out of the hallway
You still gotta clean up the messes even if they are illegal.

>> No.12403242

>They want those jobs
Does not matter. Americans want those jobs too just not for the slave labor wages.

>Isn't this the capitalism you extreme right libertarians love so much?
Can you people please stop putting words in others mouths? I know you are terrible at arguing and have no real logic to base your bullshit on so its easier to just make shit up but please stop.

It isn't even capitalism because they are literally not following the rules everyone else does and are leeching off of people who actually add to the economy and not just to some corporate profit margin.

>> No.12403274

I’m perfectly fine with treating whoever comes in and just executing the illegals once it is proven they illegals. Will stop them from walking into ERs.

>> No.12403287

>be burger
>have no job
>want a job
>fruit picker is hiring
>don't want to fruit pick for min wage
>other workers don't want to fruit pick
>company increases wage for fruit pickers
>people start working as fruit pickers because the job pays enough


>be burger
>have no job
>want a job
>fruit picker is hiring
>don't want to fruit pick for min wage
>jose and paolo need to eat or they die after walking 1000km
>jose and paolo work for a double cheeseburger and hour
>company doesnt need burgers to work for them because the beaners work for cheap
>company wins because it doesn't have to increase wages to get new employees

>> No.12403310

because USA isn't for white people anymore
it might take a few more years for whites to wake up to this and by then it'll be too late

>> No.12403316

The US hasn't been white since the 19th century.

>> No.12403342

its such a stupid myth that illegals are "only doing jobs white ppl dont want". illegals are taking tons of good jobs, like at auto factories, meat packing facilities, construction jobs, assembly lines. GOOD PAYING jobs, that should be going to u.s. citizens

>> No.12403343
File: 138 KB, 807x861, 1351457349349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they vote democrat that's why

yes if you are a white american you really need to understand that the dems will rob you to give to those low IQ invader because those will always vote for the dems while you might switch
they are literally using you to gain unlimited power witch will screw your country and your childrens

but then again if you vote democrat you are probably already retarded

>> No.12403347

This city is so cucked. I pay $100/month just in NYC taxes ON TOP of federal and state taxes. And this turns straight into gibs? HOW ABOUT FIXING OUR ROADS THERE'S STEEL PLATES ALL OVER MY NEIGHBORHOOD

>> No.12403350

>Muh voting
Fuck off boomer. You are probably not even white.

>> No.12403361

too bad for your tiny mind but i'm 28 and white from Belgium
so yeah I know what socialism does to a country

>> No.12403411

I'll give them amnesty if we abolish minimum wage. Deal?

>> No.12403428

Exactly you aren't white so shut the fuck up. Belgium isn't even a real country.

>> No.12403445

>this retarded

No wonder things are getting so bad

>> No.12403466

that's all you have to say faggot
meh, can't expect much from retards anyway

>> No.12403468

As long as the muds outnumber the whites in NYC, it will never change. You just gotta keep pricing them out, and eventually it'll be a paradise. NYC is a great place to be a white man, in spite of the stupid tax policy. They really do seem dedicated to placating the most undesirable elements who contribute nothing to productivity but everything to lowering the quality of life for everyone else.

>> No.12403502

>Euromutt calling anyone else a retard
Lol so mad

>> No.12403511

Mofo banned yet? Go to /pol

>> No.12403514

reported to ice

>> No.12403527

>Why aren't politicians being lynched in the streets by citizens for policies like this?
Why a father is not lynched by a kid that hates the taste of spinach but continue to each spinach after his father said "if you eat spinach once per day at least you will be as strong as popeye when you become a teenager"?

>> No.12403600


westerners are slaves for illegals

>> No.12403613

So full capitulation slave mentality then. The boss will be pleased.

>> No.12403699

Imagine being this triggered by illegal immigrants.

>> No.12403753

>unlike you plebs, Im too cool to care about my country being destroyed. Hah. What? No I'm not being tactically nihilistic to avoid wrongthink.

>> No.12403815

>following rules
Then you don't know how capitalism works. The only thing that matters is supply and demand. immigrants are supplying the demand. It has been proven time and time again that whites refuse to do these jobs. Immigrants want these jobs for a better life, so why not give it to them? Oh I get it, diversity is bad no matter what, you want your white supremacists homeland back.

>> No.12403821

no dumbfuck. the economy does not make more from illegal aliens than they put back into the system. i am not surprised that leftist automatons such as you believe that they do however

>> No.12403875

Poor people in general are a drain on the economy. At least illegals can pick fruit without begging for gibs from the labor department.

>> No.12403916

>*Gulp* a couple Juans and Esmeraldas with gardening equipment and working sex organs can take on the multi-billion dollar security framework of the United States. Only god and Jeebus will save us now from these hordes of brown degenerates.

>> No.12403939

No, this is for NYC not all of NY, dipshit

>> No.12403962

>they don't pay taxes
>they get public healthcare

>> No.12404458
File: 28 KB, 476x810, proline4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this the capitalism you extreme right libertarians love so much?
Capitalism is when we put you treasonous nation-wrecking kikes in a box and sell handfuls of Zyklon-B to white children out of those little coin-operated fish-feeders.

>> No.12404474

cleaning toilets and mowing lawns for cash under the table is not the economic powerhouse you think it is

>> No.12404496

Don't worry this shithole will go bankrupt soon enough. Can't wait till March when I'm finally able to leave this place.

>> No.12404712


Uh no.

The jobs they do would willingly be done by whites if more white people knew how to get a hold of these job.

I'm a contractor, I do flooring. I know what illegals make. None of them will work for less than $15/hr, and a lot of them want $20/hr.

And most of them get paid in cash and don't pay any taxes, none. And they send some money back to their relatives, so it escapes the American economy, thus being a drain on our economy, not a continuous flow.

It's true what they say, immigrants undercut the bottom tier of the capitalist pyramid. White Americans can't even get started because the first tier is strongly eclipsed by hispanics. So they stop trying and live in their parent's basement and complain on 4chan.

Cheap illegal labor is a balance and we're on the tipping point of having too much of it. Trump is correct, build the wall. Look at the fall of the Roman empire a lot of it was due to a mass influx of cheap labor and unsecured labor.

If trends continue America will be 50% hispanic and as little as 35% white. So they will have the majority vote and can turn America into Mexiland, which aside from great tacos isn't a great thing.

>> No.12404775

*unsecured borders

>> No.12404834

there are a million illegals in new york, thats the bottom line. If you try and kick them out, they'll scream you're an inhuman racist

>> No.12404850

Burgerland doesn't make sense to me. How can an illegal citizen even walk the streets, let alone receive free tuition and healthcare? If a policeman stops you and asks for your documents, you turn out to be an illegal.. You're just free to go? It all sounds like nonsense.

>> No.12404878
File: 122 KB, 680x777, amerimutt4534536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american
>get shot
>use uber to get to hospital and avoid $1000 ambulance fee
>finally arrive at hospital
>go to energy room
>police burst in
>reach into pocket to get wallet
>get shot again

>> No.12404887

Nobody is turning down jobs paying a living wage.

>> No.12404891

the answer is extremely obvious. latino is the fastest growing demographic in usa and will be the majority soon. dem politicians are buying their votes and securing future elections. it may backfire though since most mexicans are very religious and once they reach middle class will likely start voting republican.

>> No.12404932

> it may backfire though since most mexicans are very religious and once they reach middle class will likely start voting republican
They won't vote GOP if republicans are still pandering to Trump's nativist base though. they have the same problem with rich black guys. They want to vote GOP but are creeped out by the cypto-ethnats.

>> No.12404967

they arent even allowed to ask for their documents because that would be "racist". this is colonialism in 2019. show up uninvited, have 10 kids each, refuse to leave. and its working. they will be the majority in under 50 years without a single shot fired.

>> No.12405007

I'm talking about 20-30 years from now when their kids are voting age. but thats assuming they keep the religious conservatism. mostly only poor people are hardcore religious.

>> No.12405078

The US was 90+% White before 1965.

>> No.12405115

they pay taxes just like citizens and get less benefits so wtf r u talkin about nigger

>> No.12405139
File: 71 KB, 850x400, benjamin franklin white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the amerimutt cope definition of "white"
White is not a skin color. It is a gene.

>> No.12405149

>they pay taxes just like citizens
Holy fucking shit, HOW? Burgerland is so ridiculous.
- I came to pay my taxes
- What's your ID, sir?
- I have none, I'm like a ghost, ma'am

Do you realize how ridiculous it sounds to the outside (non-burger) world?

>> No.12405251

Fascism doesn't sound that bad to me anymore. At least under fascism the state puts its citizens first, meanwhile under democracy our government prioritizes non-citizen invaders over its own people.

>> No.12405281
File: 932 KB, 2765x1308, nazis socialist342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least under fascism the state puts its industry first
Fixed. America will never turn fascist because it doesn't need to. Wages are already under control and profits are already sky high. There isn't a need for more authoritarianism just because flaccid little guys online are getting mad about muh illegals.

>> No.12405288

Because more voters in those states want to treat illegals well than to treat them like you wish to treat them. Why would politicians be lynched for policies that majorities of their voters agree with?

>> No.12405343

Under fascism the state prioritizes those of its citizens who agree with the state. It imprisons or kills the rest, or at least forces them inti silence. 4chan would get shut down in a fascist state. Even if 80% of the people here supported the state (which wouldn't really happen since even a large fraction of /pol/acks would hate o actually live in fascism), a fascist state wouldn't allow the risk of letting a site with free speech exist.

>> No.12405436

>There isn't a need for more authoritarianism just because flaccid little guys online are getting mad about muh illegals.
Illegals getting access to free tuition, healthcare etc. is pretty obscene, though. No civilized country has that. You have no ID, you're not registered - you're deported, end of story.

>> No.12406044

well it's nice you're not god emperor, then.

how does getting rid of minimum wage help? genuinely curious. (the first few times i saw this comment i was convinced it was trolling.)

whites refuse to do these jobs at these rates. if the rates go up, the jobs go away and the industry crumbles. honestly illegal immigrants are a pillar of our economy, i'm convinced that if they magically disappeared we would see the worst recession of all time.

>> No.12406128

How can someone type something this retarded and think yep that sounds correct and hit Post. Mind boggling. They do not pay taxes unless you're referring to sales tax. They couldn't pay state/federal taxes even if they wanted to because they are unregistered.

>> No.12406142

Automation will replace 90% of all the low skill labor they do within our life times. Then what? We have 50 million illiterate 3rd worlders relying on the government to live.

>> No.12406167

Do you know that "unemployment" numbers don't count every person who holds no job?
There are tens of millions of Americans without work who have stopped looking for work because they can't find it.
They are no longer considered unemployed.
Further, a direct result of removing all these illegals would cause a huge fluctuation in moneys, available and unavailable, for certain social programs like WIC, disability, etc.
With such a dramatic change in the funding of those programs, it gives a chance to kick workers' in the ass, get them into the jobs that are now open because bye-bye illegals, and get them to pay taxes instead of being a huge drain on society.
It further frees money from specialized welfare programs for general welfare programs, like investing in infrastructure (roads, bridges, water lines, sewer lines). Add the new taxes from previously uncounted-unemployed, and you have a booming economy, not the "biggest recession ever".
It's really quite easy to figure out if you would give yourself a few minutes to understand.

>> No.12406178

No shit. No one wants that, but automation hasn't replaced all jobs yet, and it isn't anywhere near close to approaching the majority of manufacturing or service jobs.