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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12398593 No.12398593 [Reply] [Original]

>23, graduated from famous uni a year ago
>90 percent of people have prestigious jobs or doing phds
>from bad secondary school, everyone who went to a mediocre uni has a decent job, about half good jobs
>even out of the people who didn't go most have a job, quite a few have decent jobs
>know a fair few from uni who've bought a house 25ish (with mortgage obviously)
>no one lives in a car, a van, a caravan, homeless or paycheck to paycheck (out of choice, some people just blow all their money) like this board acts is the norm
>rent and house prices are reasonable, nothing like what this board acts

any other winners here who can't stand the moaning?

>> No.12398604

you're just young, you're gonna crash and burn like the rest of this board

>cap this

>> No.12398615

...if you call dropping out of HS "crash and burn", sure.

>> No.12398616

The van/car thing was about Americans

>> No.12398623

>graduated from famous uni
Stopped reading there.
Fuck off rich kid.

>> No.12398625

Lol my childhood was awful and when I could have fucked up, not now. It's incredibly easy from now on, jobs not harder than uni and uni was far easier than childhood.

>> No.12398643
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This cringe cope happens so much irl... My parents were abusive and I'm not in contact with them. Although if it makes you feel better feel free to believe that I was eton educated and my dad was a prince

>> No.12398674

No it is you who live in an alternative reality.
61% of americans don't have enough in savings for a $1,000 emergency.
These people are all around you every day,
You wouldn't know it because we are, for the most part, silently drowning while keeping up the appearance of stability and independence, as is the American way.
Your situation is more precarious than you think

>> No.12398704

He’s most likely not American. Nobody here says “uni”. Unless they’re talking about a specific school most people use college instead.

>> No.12398707
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Id bet <1% of this board dropped out of high school but >50% "crashed and burned" emotionally by living in the wagecuck society. Even if you personally dont see the effects of what people on here complain about right now, it may just be because you havent seen enough the socioeconomic system yet.

>> No.12398717
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Doesn't look like it.

Unless hs dropouts are literally starving to death the average graduate could save 1k in less than 2 weeks... Obviously mutts are retarded and live outside their means tho

>> No.12398730

>no one lives paycheck to paycheck
how the fuck would you know

>> No.12398735

No not everything is good, learn empathy, you know outside the rich bubbles everything is shit. the thing is everything is shitty because of one thing fucking jews.
if you had family in african countries youd understand what i mean. The current system is a slowly llife force draining bullshit. If it doesnt fall in 5 years everything is going to shit

>> No.12398752

Is this board living in an alternate reality?
>every teen/young 20s has a 100k office job, works no hours and just fucks around at work

>every tradesman makes 400k and burns college degrees for a living

>everyone from zoomer to boomer is working IT or coding making 200k freelancing while eating tendies in their pijamies

>Every uni guy/engineer is a poverty stricken NEET who shares a one bedroom in some rundown city or lives in their car/homeless

It is like the top 5% of the world shitpost on /biz/ from how these threads are looking.

>> No.12398756

People at uni live on way less than min wage, hence anyone with a minimum wage job isn't living paycheck to paycheck unless they're doing it out of choice

>> No.12398790

lol minimum wage in America isn’t meant to be lived on.

>> No.12398814

I unironically dropped out of high school, still turned out okay thanks to crypto ;)

>> No.12398840

Im envious. Always wanted to be part of the 1%. Even occupied wall street to bitch about it how unfair it is with my wifes boyfriend a few years ago.

>> No.12398864
File: 82 KB, 851x851, C51D733B-51D0-4902-861E-727F94AB877A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I reading?

Get off of this board, you are delusional and shifting up the conversations here

>> No.12398879

*shitting not shifting. Shifting to autism maybe

>> No.12398892

In the UK this is how it works. If the average student can live in 10k a year (realistically way less than that) why can't min wagers on 13k+


>> No.12398917
File: 35 KB, 680x339, 1544435690547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the donated .5 ETH to vananon during the holidays
>the lost all my ETH margin gambling
>the vananon is unironically going to make it and I wont

>> No.12399888

This board is just NEETs, high schoolers, and college students larping

>> No.12399950
File: 3.01 MB, 1512x1134, SC state guns paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in SC
>tfw SC economy is booming
All they need to do now is unfuck some of the roads and life would be perfect.

>> No.12400005

>rent and house prices are reasonable

>> No.12400131
File: 29 KB, 480x640, 1444354141845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average biz poster believes in the following

>90% white women marry black men
>99% women only go for top 1% chads
>likes asian girls but despise asians in general

>> No.12400204

>people at uni

Rent + tuition is more than min wage lmao

>> No.12400250


>> No.12400252

>Some of the roads
>Not all of the roads
Drivers are also fucking horrible.

>> No.12400271

That’s the point you retard.

Also lol at going to school for 8 years to make 70k a year. Also I assume you’re too much of a brain let to understand that this includes all earners in those bracket so a PHD will include your grey hairs making 500k teaching at Harvard

>> No.12400284

Rent for a nice en-suite room at uni is £500 a month.
Min wage is £5.90 for 18-20, £7.38 for 21+.
Monthly wage roughly £873 or £1092 for full time (37 hours a week)
Tuition is paid for by a loan from the government so it's irrelevant.

You obviously wouldn't be working full-time at uni, but that's not what OP is saying. He's a bong zoomer and is full of shit.
However, people can live on minimum wage, they're just shit with money usually.

>> No.12400327
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>requesting min when applying
>not getting a roommate to split living costs
Never gonna make it.

Well I was specifically thinking if I-526, I-26, and Ashley Phosphate in Charleston.
But you're not wrong.
>tfw turning on your blinker is a suggestion

>> No.12400342

Don't forget all the tax breaks you get for being a student.
Though I only know this is true in the US, I'm not sure about Bongland.

>> No.12400356

Oh cool you have job and can afford to live in a house that must be neat when you're 23. This is what's ahead for you. 10 years from now you'll still be slaving away in a cubical to pay for that mortgage and to support your fat wife and kid with no end in sight. You'll have developed a drinking problem to cope with how boring and shitty office life is. Your hair will be falling out and you have a gut. You'll say to yourself "just 20 more years and then I can retire". Then one day you'll drop dead of a heart attack or get colon cancer.

>> No.12400360

It's not AFAIK, although in bongland we don't pay income tax on anything earned under £11850 a year.
Probably similar in burgerstan

>> No.12400397

Based SC bro

>> No.12400409

Yeah, I suppose that's why maintenance loans don't exceed over 12k. I got 11k for living and studying in London, it was barely enough

>> No.12400430
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>I got 11k
Zoomer detected
They raised the maintenance Loan and scrapped the Grant didn't they?

>> No.12400463

Getting into or out of Charleston can be a nightmare and downtown itself is terrible to navigate or drive. Blinkers are such a minor thing based on what I see every day. I usually see two people running lights a day. Yesterday I saw a guy in the turning lane behind the lead car at a light drive over the stone lane divider and across traffic when the light was red and cars had begun pulling out. A few days before that I saw a truck cut across three lanes of traffic and then cut right back across and start turning into that fucking hipster pizza on Ashley Phosphate near rivers and he made a 90 degree turn from the middle lane to turn into the place while cars were coming nearly causing a 12 car pileup.

That was just the last week or so. The drivers here are so fucking terrible I find it mind boggling.

>> No.12400505

I'm a 24 yr old boomer now (21/22 at the time) who decided to attend uni much later but yeah, they did. They have been increasing it every year.

>> No.12400601

That's median retard

>> No.12400645
File: 61 KB, 468x708, 1547001379689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you kiddo. Now get a wife and kids and support them. Hopefully those kids will grow up to be as great as the most important man in their life is and be President as well.

>> No.12401260

Are you fucking high?
> rent and house prices are reasonable
What the fuck is wrong with you? We're approaching another real estate bubble.

>> No.12401323

He's in a generation that doesn't know how things were different

He thinks people are "making it" because they have a mortgage for a deano box

>> No.12401352
