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File: 430 KB, 1390x1405, sleeping_in_car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12396782 No.12396782 [Reply] [Original]

there's countless videos like this on youtube. some universities even have van groups now for students who can't afford housing.

>> No.12396785

Shit's fucked, mang.

>> No.12396800

Why do these people not take up a trade or something? If you don't have money to afford a fucking place to live, you don't have the means to study. Bet most of them study some useless shit too. They're your future hobos, America.

>> No.12396824

trades cost money too you stupid fuck

>> No.12396829

What the fuck am I reading? Here you become an apprentice to someone for 2 or 3 years and get paid for it. Do you have to PAY the guy to give you work in the US? I didn't realize you're that fucked.

>> No.12396831

Some trades PAY you to learn

>> No.12396840

I’d rather be educated and starving than a rich proletariat.

>> No.12396846

Everything I've ever seen requires some sort of trade schooling and certification. My friend spent $12k to become certified as a welder.

>> No.12396847

Do you think that every person working a trade is a drooling caveman? I'd advise you to get to know some more people, my friend.

>> No.12396860

>hobo ahle
This bitch looks 9/10 and gets 2.2m views on her youtube channel because shes technically homeless. I bet she hates capitalism too what a stupid fuck.

>> No.12396908

For some trades you do an apprenticeship, which you are paid for. It’s usually near minimum wage until you finish and can start earning real money tho. >>12396846

>> No.12396915

>real money
you mean like $12/hr? $15/hr?

>> No.12396925

Kek, fucking leave this board already

>> No.12396940

Their muttish culture encourages parents kicking their children out of home at age 18, even if they can still support then comfortably and the 18 has only a shitty job and minuscule savings.

>> No.12396948

More like $30+ and you aren’t in debt

>> No.12396960

never seen trades pay that high except perhaps the oilfield.

>> No.12396987

I make $45 an hour doing air traffic control.
My dad was making $40 as a carpenter.
My sister was making $35 as a nurse.

>> No.12396993

air traffic control and nurse aren't trades you disingenuous faggot

>> No.12397001

Yeah I was overestimating journeyman pay, but you can easily get to $30+ in the Midwest with a couple of years of experience. Also the oilfields pay so much but working there seems so fucking hard. This guy on a discord server I’m in works there and he has to live on site for 2 weeks and work crazy hours, then they get like a week off. Rinse and repeat till you go crazy I guess.

>> No.12397019

People sleeping in their cars is what happens when you go off a gold standard and have a central bank.

"Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson

>> No.12397028

You idiots don't understand that this is the result of (((inflation))) and going off the gold standard.

>> No.12397039


>> No.12397056

The issue isn't making 30$/hour. The issue is everyone is getting poorer when not on a gold standard.

Sure people making 12$/hour are fucked the most but people making 30$/hour are much poorer than those people who made 30$/hour in 1990.

I opened up my liberal friends eye to this who's been playing 20/40 LHE poker for a living since the 90's. He's always complaining that the corporations aren't paying enough and are hoarding and I said to him......

Your playing the same 20/40 LHE poker game today that you were playing in 1995 (and he earns 1bb/hour on avg which is 40$/hour..... that 40$/hour he was making in the game in say 1999 went significantly farther than the 40$/hour he makes today. And a ligh switched on in his head and he understood finally

You guys don't understand that even someone making 250k a year is poorer too. Everyone is getting poorer

>> No.12397061

I've been trying to get into atc the last 2 years. Any advice?

>> No.12397063
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>> No.12397066

so you just learned what inflation means

>> No.12397085

Has american abandoned multi generational households? In this economy it doesn't work like that anymore unless you're a high middle class

>> No.12397089

Oh shut the fuck up already lmao

>> No.12397092

Inflation has been skyrocketing for two+ decades, but they don’t accurately report it, so normies can’t wrap their head around it.

A box of full size corn flakes (which they now call value size, and is still smaller than the standard corn flakes box 20 years ago) costs nearly five dollars.

It costs TEN DOLLARS for a box of corn flakes and a gallon of milk. It takes an hour of wagie work to buy a box of toasted milled corn and a gallon of cow liquid. In 1960 that would’ve cost someone literally pocket change my comparison today, average person considered things like that inconsiquential.

Availability of luxury food items was scarcer, and expensive, but basic food staples were a given.

Only getting worse as well, America, and thus the wod, is fucked.

>> No.12397105

Holy shit 2013

>> No.12397110

No, but read the Thomas Jefferson quote I posted above. Most people don't understand how this is happening.

The min wage debate is the perfect example of how dumb people are on the left and right. The left says raise min wage to 15$ which is stupid...

The right says, "min wage isn't supposed to be a living wage, you need to get better educated and have we're skills to make more than min wage."

Now that's good advice but these supposedly constitutional conservatives aren't getting at the root of the problem because like I said everyone is getting poorer. Doesn't matter if your making 13$/hour or 73$/hour.

So the right doesn't understand it's because we aren't on a gold standard as to why we are having rapid inflation.

I mean just think how dumb people are..... everyone argues on the minimum wage going up or not.... but literally and I mean literally nobody is addressing why the fuck prices are rising in the first place.

Trump people say look! Wages are going up for the first time in forever! Well don't these people ever think to themselves why the fuck is cost of living rising so that wages have to keep up?

>> No.12397123

WhAt do you mean shut the fuck up? Thomas Jefferson is literally telling you what will happen and is happening if you have a central bank and no gold standard.

That's the problem in America. Nobody understands how this country was founded and what made it great to begin with.

And all you idiots say shit like.... b-b-but it's 2019 mannnng this isn't 1776. As if some arbitrary year like 2019 means that we are too advanced as humans to go back to some shiny rock backing the currency. The sun still sets in the west and rises in the east just like it did 2,000 years ago. Some things never change

The issue is MORE govt or LESS govt. doesn't matter what year it is. People in 1918 were saying the same thing. It's 1918 man... get with the times

>> No.12397125

Somebody making $73/hour is doing very well. Who cares about inflation if they are making more than 90% of everyone else in America.

>> No.12397129

Van life is /comfy/

>> No.12397148

I know someone who is earning 73$/hour is doing very well but you are missing the point im making. Even that person making 73$/hour is much poorer than someone who made 73$/hour in 1984.

I'm just showing you that everyone is getting poorer as a result of no gold standard and an illegal central bank

>> No.12397150

Tell me however you want and explain how we would get back on the gold standard?

>> No.12397151

People know that. Nobody thinks you're smart for pointing out the obvious. AND you derailed the thread. Cunt!

>> No.12397155


Despite what you may think of him, Trump is unironically the last hope of the west.

I’m sure he’s aware of inflation literally starving people to death, and the root cause. Short term it seems like they’re trying to make the US energy and import independent. As bad as it is here, its worse everywhere else, and we have to insulate ourselves from that if theres any hope for survival.

We’re well past the point of no return, but I hope he can pull it off. Literally no one else has the resources, or will, to even try.

Theres a reason the ultra rich are hording physical currencies. They’ve milked humanity for its riches and now theyre hedging for the collapse their greed has caused.

Remove any sensible limiters from the American economy, acquire vast hordes of inflationary funny USD, turn it into gold, enjoy the ride.

>> No.12397160

No they don't dude. The min wage left right debate you literally never hear either side talk about WHY are prices rising so much in the first place.

>> No.12397161

Everybody knows what inflation is, so why do you act like you discovered something hidden?

>> No.12397178

I love trump. I was at a rally of his 2 months ago. But when you talk to your typical trump supporter and I did while waiting in line. I was literally saying to them in line. We need to go back on a gold standard and get rid of the federal reserve and the Zionist's controlling our govt.

They were looking at me like I was an alien.

>> No.12397191

There's going to have to be a gold revaluation overnight. To purge all the debt from the system. If you assholes don't have even just 5-10 ounces of gold and or a couple hundred ounces of silver mark my words you'll be fuxked

>> No.12397205

Trump is a doddering retard that accidentally stumbled into the oval office, and stayed there because Putin decided it was in Russia's best interest to undermine the US.

The west is doomed.

>> No.12397208

When will this happen? whats going on. Or are you just saying *IF*?

Are these boomer youtube gold hoarders role playing fear porn fantasizing shit again?

>> No.12397213

are you 14 or is your iq 14?

>> No.12397219

"By this means (central banking/fiat) the government may secretly and unobserved, confiscate the wealth of the people, and not one man in a million will detect the theft."

- John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace

NOBODY KNOWS in fact most people think inflation is GOOD

My dad went to univ of Chicago MBA in finance... and he literally told me higher prices are better than lower prices.

>> No.12397231

Not when you're working a 9-5

>> No.12397233

You think trump has Andrew jacksons portrait in the Oval Office by accident?

You think china, India, and Russia have been accumulating gold in record tonnage for shits and giggles?

>> No.12397243


Standard Trump supporter just wants good paying jobs back and to keep illegals out of their communities.

They have no awareness of the hidden game being played on a global scale behind the curtain.

Be thankful they are brave enough to vote for him, for whatever their reasobs may be. Its enough they show up to vote, and that Trump is fully aware of deeper issues.

Even if we all go down I will be eternally proud the people showed up for Trump, that was the greatest night of my life.

Even if its too late it was one last gasp of American spirit on display. Consider the bravery it took for the average low info voter to do that, when just four years prior Obama got a second term because voting against a black guy made them nervous. (Also Romney an omega level cuck Reagan LARP).

>> No.12397248

I don't know when it will happen. But it's better to be early than one day late. I can assure you that Venezuelans wish they put even just 2% of their net worth in gold before the bolivar collapsed

>> No.12397260

There's a lot of people who are aware of what's going on, more than you think, but still not everyone. They're just powerless to do anything about it.

>> No.12397259

No I know that...I'm just saying they don't understand what's happening and how it's happening.

The trump supporter gets it but they are really just as stupid and ignorant as the left as to how and why.

>> No.12397265
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16 year olds that think they're smarter than everyone.. the absolute state of /biz/ in 2019.

>> No.12397272

Ok this sounds cool then. ill keep my eyes on it, how did you learn of this though? any youtube channel you recommend? I/v been doing /fit/ the past couple months so im out of the loop right now.

>> No.12397276

That Keynes quote above is spot on. 99% of the people don't understand that higher prices just means their wealth is being stolen

>> No.12397288

>there are 20+ year olds on this website that find this deep


>> No.12397299

Hugo salinas price. The Mexican billionaire who is the owner of the equivalent of Walmart in Mexico. Start reading his shit. He's actively trying to have the libertartsd compete with the peso.

Kitco forums for gold and silver are good for knowledge about things.

The Andrew Jackson thing I don't remember who showed that but clearly makes sense since Jackson BTFO'd the Jews in 1832 when thy followed us to America to set up a central bank

>> No.12397300

Ok, you know what the problem is. Now what?

Then realize this is what everyone else is asking themselves.

>> No.12397326


High prices and a weak dollar good for you. Literally what you hear on lefty media every day.

>> No.12397328

UnirOnically the French who want to withdraw their money is the fix.

China a communist country... actually sponsored to iits citizens to buy silver way back in 2009.

You will NEVER hear an American politician telling people to buy gold and silver EVER. But to keep investing in the rigged stock market. The politicians think we are stupid... and the sad part is they are right.

>> No.12397341

Chinese quality of life is utter shit m8, you're not making this sound very appealing.

>> No.12397345

Who tf thinks inflation is good? I’ve never seen such a person. Your dad was probably meant higher price = higher quality, or maybe he’s retarded.

>> No.12397352

I get that as a collective, people can do X.

But how are you, the average man, going to coax a bunch of other fat lazy retards with nothing in common to get off their ass and go withdraw their money from the bank?

>> No.12397369

It's utter shit now and has been for a while but there's a paradigm shift coming. Chinese buy gold and silver. They have high end gold shops in malls there. You typical American is buying bullshit at Walmart and your avg citizen in china is buying gold and silver.

People who say oh well china is fucked without America buying their Shit. You think china has ramped up their shit the last 30 years to sell to the tapped out American forever and ever?

They have a billion people and they will start becoming consumer themselves.

How did America become great? Because we MADE SHIT. And Americans BOUGHT American. China is making shit now too and their population will become the consumers

>> No.12397381

I don't know I mean the fact that the French are doing that there is a HUGE fucking happening. And shit like that tends to go viral. Just like brexit and trump winning. Happenings like that don't stay isolated

>> No.12397382

My favorite thing is how blatant it all is to anyone who actually pays attention to what things cost.

Wages go up 3% in a year and libsbhits screaming about inflation, ignoring the 250-1000% real inflation that has occured in commodities over the last two decades, while importing hordes of illegals has wages still at 1985 levels.

They aren’t on the side of average people, put it that way.

>> No.12397384
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no you are personally doomed the west will be fine though wake the fuck up you dumb cunt. people like you who are willing to throw the entire country under the bus just because you didn't get your way are trash.

>> No.12397387

Fake news. There's no chance any decent looking Thot will ever need to sleep in their car

>> No.12397408


Yeah underestimating a literal mad genius to a point you consider him a retard will surely lead you to victory!

You are a robot, and I feel sorry for you.

This was not an accident, but a calculated deconstruction by an eagle eyed opportunist who saw a chance to beat a system designed SPECIFICALLY to make this kind of thing impossible.

But yeah, Drumpfkins a retard, got it.

>> No.12397437

Kill all Jews and their cock sock puppets then steal their all shit like just as any respectable revolutionary.

>> No.12397441

>able to afford a car
entitled, spoiled, privileged western women need to die

>> No.12397443


because living in a meme city is more important than having a comfortable happy life

>> No.12397446
File: 45 KB, 800x487, black-pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are being naive about this whole situation.

You need to get this idea out of your head that Trump is your friend.

You've probably heard speculation or talk recently that we're going to get rid of the Fed and go back to a gold standard. Sounds great doesn't it? It does. Except they're planning for a gold-backed DIGITAL currency, and you're going to be chipped like cattle with an RFID tag, which Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner happens to own. All transactions will go through this new central authority and every single penny will be accounted for so there is no exchange of finances for eager revolutionaries. Suddenly you realize this new paradigm is not for your interest at all, but rather you were a useful idiot in order to make the final seize of control over every single aspect of everyone's lives. Complete enslavement.

>> No.12397451
File: 26 KB, 609x343, 9EF2086E-5BC0-4503-801D-71B7D01B9F8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is gonna save America from the Jews and their filthy banks?

>> No.12397452

This thread has convinced me to leave /biz/.

Thanks guys. I unironically appreciate it.

>> No.12397455

why's that?

>> No.12397468

>Russia's best interest
I can't handle it, this is so fucking retarded.. Guess what fuckwit, a strong america with trumps message is NOT in Russia's interest, a socialist cuckfest with Clinton is in Russia's best interest. Where the fuck did all these idiots get the notion that Trump is in Russia's interest, fucking drooling idiots.

>> No.12397475

This thread is literally a debate between people unironically suggesting:
>gold standard
>Trump is a Russian plant
>No Trump is a 4D chess genius
>let's all live in vans and earn $10/hour for corn flakes
This is not an intelligent forum. Not worth my time.

>> No.12397484

So...anywhere else on the internet basically

People will eat whatever shit their master's feed them. I miss the NEETs.

>> No.12397486

I don't disagree with what your saying.

>> No.12397493
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>expecting intelligent people on /biz/

>> No.12397515

What is wrong with a gold standard? It's in our constitution for a reason.

>oh, they were just old racists

The ENTIRE reason you are throwing your money in shitcoins is because you can't make it anymore like everyone could make it under a gold standard

>> No.12397526
File: 86 KB, 518x621, 1545739362997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Van living is a great way to reduce expenses. If you don't want to do it - then don't do it. Simple, right?

>> No.12397530

Literally every single problem in the economy is a result of fiat money and not being on a gold standard.

You know what term you never heard under a gold standard? "Income inequality"

It didn't fucking exist.

Literally people living in vans is the result of "income inequality" which has been brought on because we are off a gold standard

>> No.12397541

I'm a Turk and as a Turk, I don't understand why some of you guys defending Trump and seeing him some kind of savior? Do you think this is a motherfucking game? Trump slip through all of this bullshit to save your future? Do you think people who kill, rape, mutilate children and babies for fun leave their well-being just like that? Just because millions of bumblefucks throwing some paper in a fucking box? The guy is a walking definition of Shabbos Goy. Why you guys don't ever talk about Wilbur Ross? The guy is literally of one the servants of Rothschilds and saved Trump's ass from bankruptcy multiple times. Do you think this is a coincidence?

>> No.12397548

>just old racists
You're on 4chan nobody thinks this.

Gold standard is retarded because there's no justification for using gold as a standard versus anything else. Lolbertarians seem to have this way of arguing about what qualifies as "money" and gold just has this exception to all of the rules because of history.

If you want to make a currency outside of banking control (good luck) that's fine but there are plenty of more fungible and practical things you can use besides a chunk of metal.

But if you realized what you're up against you wouldn't be arguing for the gold standard as if it were just some random policy proposal like raising your taxes 0.5%. The fact that you don't control your money is a matter of loss of sovereignty.

You don't debate your sovereignty back.

>> No.12397570

Kek'd, the one in the bottom of the picture.

I don't live in burgerland but I suspect that these art degree mongoloids can't afford an apartment thanks to them moving to places like LA in hopes of "finding their dreams" and become artists or actors. So.. they end up pushing this garbage to feel better about themselves by normalizing it.
I still don't understand why americans keeps going to useless universities if the threat of student debt hunts them. Why are you putting yourself in debt just to get an arts degree or a political science degree? I would never even consider that shit if I was going to get a debt of $100k+ to my name, fuck that.

>> No.12397582

>Dear diary, as a roach....

>> No.12397583
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sleeping in a car is gross and is definitely different from living in a full blown vanhouse

>> No.12397603

In short - good marketing. Trump's marketing campaign has made well-intentioned people think that he's their ally.

>> No.12397607

Gold qualifies as money because its inherently money. It has all the qualities that money has to be. It's almost like the anti gold crowd who says (money is what believe it is) means that people centuries and millenia ago picked gold randomly to be money just arbitrarily. As if sand could have just as easily been money for the past 5,000 years if people would have just picked sand to be money instead of gold.

There's a reason gold is money dude. And despite being de-monetized by govt is still MEASURES value perfectly... since if you go read the Bible you will see that 1 oz of gold bought you 350 loaves of bread 2,500 years ago. Lo and behold.....that same ounce of gold from 2,500 years ago still buys you roughly that same 350 loaves of bread today since the fiat value of that gold ounce is $1,300 which if you take to a grocery store will get you roughly 350 loaves of bread.

Seems to be that you don't even understand what the primary function of money is in the first place. Which is to measure value it's a barometer to measure value and nothing does that better than gold today or 3,000 years afo

>> No.12397626

This is the most accurate opinion on Trump in this thread.

To answer your question, 4chan largely grew sour on Trump the last 2 years although it's starting to seem like more MAGA retards are filling up the boards.

This is a big reason I feel like leaving, and I'm sure more intelligent people have left too but who knows to where? 8ch is one place.

>> No.12397633

>Gold qualifies as money because its inherently money
Thanks for proving my point in your first sentence idiot.

>> No.12397637

I agree with the second part of your post wholeheartedly tho. That was spot on

>> No.12397639

You wanna go to 8ch, the home of Qanon, in the hope of finding less pro maga people?

>> No.12397653

8/pol/ is absolutely less MAGA. Have you been there?

>> No.12397677

Ok... well if you read what I was saying as a trump supporter....I was saying the right is just as ignorant as the left. Specifically because gold standard is alien to them but as so called consitutIonalist it should be the first thing they should be fighting for.

I don't discount what you are saying or what that Turk guy is saying. But we would be fucked anyway with Hilary.

It's probably all fucked anyway with trump but at least he's made it fun with how insane the left goes even if we are all being fucked too on the right as well.

Who knows. Hopefully trump is a springboard he's at least awakened people. But who knows.

>> No.12397680

Regularly. Its less fanboy for sure, but definitely not anti trump

>> No.12397708

Its funny because you know Trump is in the middle, and makes both ends looks ridiculous. essentially states rights, anti war (but pro military), pro business, wants small gov, fiscally conservative, wants to end the fed, what exactly dont we like? Think he isnt going to make (((them))) pay for their sins? Keep watching

>> No.12397715

>at least he's made it fun
This is true and it's why he has some hold outs. Trump made politics fun again.

And then he filled his cabinet with Israel puppets and convienently failed to do anything for 2 years. If he was serious about the wall there's a dozen different ways to get it done without a single congressman having to give him a thumbs up.

Trump is only a meme now but hopefully you're right, the meme will inspire greater action. Until then we're in the kosher sandwich.

>> No.12397729

You're lost to the media if you think he's done nothing in 2 years

>> No.12397755

I'm not in the business of celebrating fake accomplishments for the sale of party loyalty.

There is no wall. Case closed. Texas nearly went blue for Beta O'Faggot.

What good are your tax cuts when the demographics of the country guarantee you'll be living in Brazil in 2030?

>> No.12397790

No TPP and no Paris agreement alone is more than Obama achieved

>> No.12397814

If the standard is simply being better than Obama you've already lost.

You're being literally invaded by foreign tribes and your nation's political and moral leaders are all corrupted to the point of encouraging it.

I refuse to sit down and talk normal politics any more as if any of it matters. The United States won't be a first world nation soon if something drastic is not done.

>> No.12397819


>> No.12397830

orange man banned bump stocks
orange man supported red flag law
orange man is friend with the clintons
orange man fired missiles in syria for lols
orange man has his family as staff
orange man has done nothing in favor of freedom at all

>> No.12397839

Because they’re choosing to live somewhere that is too expensive for them. Most Americans aren’t stupid enough to force a square peg in a round hole and will naturally live somewhere they can reasonably afford

>> No.12397840

He's 2 years into his term and hasn't unwound 50 years of bad policy, what a piece of shit eh

Dial it back a little, have some patience and actually pay attention. Shit is happening if you open your eyes

>> No.12397853

No wall = no support.

I am essentially a one issue voter at this point. Demographics is my issue, and it's certainly an intentional policy decision.

Build the wall -- the absolute central promise of his campaign -- or he's done nothing at all.

>> No.12397863

have faith
just believe
patience is key
prayer is action

> 2019

>> No.12397868

Well you'll be glad, cos you will get your wall

>> No.12397877

Corruption is a human problem. If every one of are hooked nose friends ended up in a easy bake oven. It wouldn’t change morality or human nature. It would be just a different flavor which can argue about all day. It shouldn’t be ((them)) it should be ((The Root of Evil)) that comes from all groups

>> No.12397878

Pretty sure what I'm saying is be active, pay attention

>> No.12397892

the next president in 2020 will be socialist
trump has done nothing at all and has lost his base

>> No.12397905

off brands are like 5 bucks.

>> No.12397910

You're missing the point

>> No.12397914

I definitely agree the growth of corruption in the 20th century until now has been the result of lesser men having control of the West.

It is not a new thing that Jews try to undermine the nation. What has been new is how effective they've been at it, which is the result of weak leadership from European countries.

Still, Jewish subversion is world class. In the event of our Semitic friends finding their way into the oven, I would be much less afraid of, say, Chinese subversion versus Jewish. The Chinese have no where near the verbal sophistication and history of discovering what type of lies work on goyim, so it wouldn't be as effective.

I oppose both the Jewish subversion and the moral weakness in our natural elite.

>> No.12398002

Muh wall
Muh Daughter needs to safe from the spooky invasion of brownskins

Yes yes, let's keep her safe Bill. She'll be going to Jefferson high school, where jammal and friends will take care of her.

Get ahold of yourself fag, that wall ain't gonna put a halt to the invasion. One way or another the ones that want in, Will get in. Altho in smaller numbers maybe but have you not looked around, it's already too late. In certain places in Cali schools are literally half Latino population. And they reproduce like no other, So those numbers will keep growing at a faster rate than others

Sorry bucko, your little Stacy is getting dicked down one way or another by colored cock

>> No.12398013

>Sorry bucko, your little Stacy is getting dicked down one way or another by colored cock

Not if you dick her first ala Craster.

>> No.12398014

The people undermine themselves. It's human nature. The jews just expedite the process because they are smart and give the people what they want.

>> No.12398052
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>This bitch looks 9/10
She's clearly faking the homeless thing because her content is no more than a "look at me, validate me, I'm great at sleeping in my car, and I have a vajayjay, oh, my!".

This is indeed a good question in the internet+technology era. You don't have anymore to pick a house near the usual pack of groceries, supermarkets, library, etc. You can do shopping/banking/etc even if your house (on wheels) is in Nowhere Street of Bumblefuck Town.

In 1971 you could buy a pretty nice house with 3 years wages. Now you need 30+ years mortgage to buy a house half than that. That's the real inflation thing.
Source: dad married in 1971 and started renting (and today in 2019 still renting). Uncle working with him bought a house in 1971 then married and never wasted money in rent.

He's both.

That's debatable.
If you're really lucky you can stay overnight in the employees parking lot and then use the office bathrooms to shower before 9.
Living in a decently sized van is way different than living in a car.

Car-dwelling for more than a few days per year is definitely retarded. It's the last emergency exit for people who think they can actually reduce expenses... by giving up on hygiene, sleep hours, everything.

Van-dwelling may be feasible, if it's a decent van. You need money to afford a decent one or you're literally asking for trouble. You have to carefully pick and setup furniture and things while you still live in a house. Then you have to test it one night at a time, then a few weekends, while always checking you did everything right with insulation and supplies and extras. Then a few weeks at a time, asking yourself every day if you still miss something.
Then -only then- you can get rid of your old stuff and leave your house.

People jumping into vandwelling/cardwelling life are just retarded idiots who think they can do well without the most common basic requirements: a bed, a room, etc.

>> No.12398068

What do you find deep then?

>> No.12398175
File: 167 KB, 1715x731, boomerposterpasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this. Food has gotten so much more expensive in the last 5 years. I swear it's at the very least doubled in price. I'm running out of things that are cheap enough to eat. Meanwhile the jobs pay the exact same, if not less.
npcs will say "hurr durr should have become a plumber" but the plumber is shopping for food at the same store the rest of us are. this is far, far more than job choice of an individual, we are all getting screwed.
and anyway if everyone goes into "da traaaades" trade labor will just get devalued. also 90% of people in blue collar are mexicans, sharing a port-a-potty with bean eating pacos and panchos.
every year, for everyone, wages stagnate while inflation rises. this is unsustainable. we're all being bled dry slowly. and people on 4chan are too busy jacking off that they're mathematics BS 300k starting haha sucks to be you, too busy trying to smugpost and they miss the argument. we are all in this slowly boiling frogpot together.

>> No.12398235

You find140+ IQ trade geniuses with 9+ inches dick on this website more often than you expect.

>> No.12398286
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>> No.12398292


Yeah average person has a very limited frame of reference for memory of specific things that they consider unimportant. Cereal was a dollar a box in 88, its 5 now, thats 500% inflation in 30 years.

I remember when I was graduating highschool early 2000s, a head of lettuce was literally ten cents, over a dollar minimum now everywhere.

Every single commodity has seen between 250-1000% inflation over the last 20/30 years, and wages have been stagnant. It accelerated hard and fast under Obama, people beating the shit out of each other for gas Mad Max style, which nobody remembers either.

Say what you want about Trump but if Hilldog was president right now we’d have mass scale riots going just like France. Tell me with a straight face I’m wrong.

>> No.12398296
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Oh, American dreams coming into fruition!
We in east EU lived hell and that hell came back.
We know how to deal with it, but seems like mutts never experienced it before.
Good luck on your suicides.
Best kisses and wishes from east EU.

>> No.12398348

>complete trade
>replaced by robots in 10 years

Good investment of your time and life

>> No.12398384

Lmao, you are deluded

>> No.12398409

If shillary cunton had been president we'd be a smoking crater right now nuked into oblivion by russia for finally crossing the line.
Around 2010 cereal was $2-2.50 a box. Now it's $4 minimum, usually around $5. I've been in charge of grocery shopping for the family since I got my license at 16, and I do my own shopping now that I'm moved out. I remember prices very, very accurately. In 10 years everything has doubled in price, at the very least, while wages have totally stagnated. Even with rent, what used to cost 500-800 10 years ago now costs 1200-1500. If not more. You can't double the prices on everything while keeping income the same, if not less, and expect it to be okay. Everyone is poor as dirt, you can feel the damned struggle, and they scratch their heads and wonder why. I've been a jewy little miser since I was a kid, I know the prices and how they changed. About 15 years ago I could buy jeans for $10-15. Now that same pair would easily be $35. $20 used to get you takeout for a family for a night, now that's more like $40 for the same quantity of food.
NPCs are too glued into the television to remember shit like that, but I'm a penny pinching little cheapskate and remember everything. That's why I increasingly buy items secondhand and only buy what's on sale at the store (loaf of artisan bread for a dollar kind of deals, or a quart of cottage cheese for 40 cents). Unironically most of my clothing was gotten secondhand, all of my kitchenwear is from goodwill. Because I refuse to pay ever increasing prices while the wages haven't budged. Normies just go out and buy it, think it's always been that much because they can't remember, and they wonder why they're poor.
Trump came in promising all this change but I'm skeptical if he can actually change the acceleration at this point, if he even cares to. It's the classic frog boiling in a pot. Normies actually are that braindead.

>> No.12398418

America is fucked

>> No.12398528

What stage are you failing? The Bio-Q or the ATSA?

>> No.12398602



And people were (pretending to be) mad when they only stole the Earth.

>> No.12398655

Jews make home ownership impossible and then subvert the young into thinking how cool and hip it is to be homeless. What a fucked up time to be alive.

>> No.12398731
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, monero_link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capitalism has officially started eating itself as wealth inequality has been pushed to unsustainable levels? i mean, yeah, macro look, but it's pretty obvious no?
more and more people every year, QE jewish tricks to keep the dollar "strong" while in reality purchasing power slips year after year and wages stagnate.
an 11 year old could tell you this cannot last forever. what they couldn't tell you, is that it won't be a revolution or a breaking point - it's just going to be year after year of agonizing decay, things get more expensive, you hang on to old clothes an extra 6 months now, you walk more because gas is pricey.
what you're showing in your OP is a symptom of this.
are you prepared for the future, anons?

>> No.12399448

God i hate pessimists. Go fucking kill yourselves. And leave us be , in our ohh so miserable existence. We are literally in the most prosperous period of human existence. Just because you hate life and yourself it doesn;t mean everyone does.
Pessimists should just end themselves i mean what is the point of life ? Look around you everything is misery come on just do it.

>> No.12399582

Mostly for "minimalism is cool" aesthetic

>> No.12399728


I feel you totally and completely. My wife and I are what I would consider the new “middle class” in that we are carrying less than 10% debt, all the bills arw getting paid, sub 35 year old home owner.

It took ten years of living in a room, saving everything and literally never buying ANYTHING non essential. I am so thankful I found a wife who is good with money, basic NPC female would make this life impossible in the current economy.

We both feel guilty buting anything nonessential. Talking 5 dollars for a free game we play online I have to tell her multiple times its ok, and we can afford it.

Bought a new computer for the first time in 5 years, 900 dollars, big sale and still agonized before pulling the trigger. All the food we buy is on sale, we’ll go without before paying full price.

Imagine if boomers had this kind of mindset and self control where the country would be.
Gotta have that new BMW leased at 8% interest every year tho amirite.

>> No.12400056


Good post.

>> No.12400406

Sickens me that people complain about having a car to sleep in.

>be leaf
>full time student at trade school
>only time i have shelter is if i seduce a girl for a while
>on average i have shelter 2 nights a week from hookups maybe more maybe less
>sleep on floor in secluded spot in school
>no blanket just have a tablecloth i stole from a banquet
>steal food from campus food bank donation bins

I'd fucking love to have a shitty car or van to sleep in. How these entitled motherfuckers whine about their portable heated comfy shelters blows my god damn mind.

>> No.12400479

because its comfy, cheap, and mobile

>> No.12401390

Thank god I'm not american

>> No.12401406


In the future you won't even own a car. It will be another service you will rent for the rest of your life.

>> No.12401429

Shut it down

>> No.12401486

They should teach you how
to trade your life lol

>> No.12401537

>sleeps in car
>still buys makeup

women should not be allowed to handle any kind of finances

>> No.12401554

These people have 500K + views. They make shit loads of money. They are living in their cars because thats how they got their views. They all have houses or apartments probably

>> No.12401812

your friend got scammed bud. in state its like 5k in florida

>> No.12401925
File: 188 KB, 500x573, Marie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In state its like 5k in florida
Are you retarded?

>> No.12402288

And they are gaining more and more power and respect in recent years. How to stop this? Where are the hidden kikes making the moves and why haven't they been caught yet.

>> No.12402322

Only some trade programs do that, and yes it’s pretty fucked up over here.

>> No.12402339

Gonna save you all time as someone who lived in a van for a few years:

Sleep in walmart parking lots, you can use their bathrooms evening and morning to brush teeth and wash yourself w/ a wash cloth and their soap. They are well lit and so you likely won't get murdered, and no one will bother you.

Alternatively, Steak n Shake lots are good & if you have spare cash you can treat yourself to a burger & shake.

Best thing to do for sleeping is buy some polyfoam and create a soft layer, put a blanket over the polyfoam to act as a sheet + additional comfort, and then another nice heavy blanket.

Trucker stops have showers that cost like $2 if you ever want a real shower, but they are weird places to be in and you'll be identified as an outsider. No one will bother you but you'll feel uncomfortable every time.

>> No.12402378

As someone who leans much further left than right I can tell you the amount of people going "insane" over Trump is very small. That's sensationalist media the right pumps out. I simply shake my head and think -- as I always have -- most of America is filled with low intelligence poor people who don't even understand how to vote in favor of their own interests, and then I sit and wait patiently 4 years for the next puppet to step into office.

Until we eliminate the two party system & lobbying and re-invent our economic system, the USA is fucked no matter who's in the oval office.

>> No.12402457

Lmao I know, this board is as useless and delusional as /x/.

>> No.12402468

you don't pay to work moron

>> No.12402487


Inflation has worked so well for many home owners. Take 30 year loan that you can barely afford for first few years, 10 years later your wage is up 30-35% and that debt and repayments are less significant.

>> No.12402492

are modern American higher education institutions really providing an education that someone with their own resources can't get?

>> No.12402503

No you fucking idiot. Hes dismantling your future one piece at a time and you cant fucking see it.

>> No.12402519

>strong america

I think you may be an idiot. He talks tough and like a 2nd grader so i can see why you like him.

>> No.12402852
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bcz united states of america (and the west) is becoming a 3rd world country.

you can blame china for this. look that china growth. they build 3000miles of 12-lane highway in just a matter of time and 30 stories high skyscraper in weeks. china is the new superpower.

next will be india and africa.

>"b-b-ut very dirty country, niggers and poor peole, slavery etc.."

western propaganda.


>> No.12402979

Well thats what happens when Shekelstein exports labor to India/China and gives you a 4% raise per year if you're lucky, and your country's currency is essentially Chuck E Cheese tokens.

>> No.12403074

Jews of course

>> No.12403075

Just shower at the gym and prepare your own food using an Instant Pot. Typically it takes me 1 hour to prepare food for 4 days. That includes brown rice, chicken breasts, tilapia, steamed broccoli, yams. I also make a fruit smoothie every morning with a magic bullet blender and cook a 4oz tenderloin steak.

I eat healthier than 99% of people probably I autisticly keep track of every single macro and micronutrient on Cronometer.

>> No.12403190

> Plebs HATE him
this man is based

>> No.12403282

I got a $120k/year job almost a year ago. Was it because Trump got elected? No idea, but I can definitely say that my life has improved over the last couple years

>> No.12403401

Shut up moron I make 100k a year a few years out of highschool with no college

>> No.12403442
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where did it go wrong, bros? who let the kikes in?

>> No.12403504

Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down. You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments. Small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority. There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority. Have this in mind in 1990 when they ask, "How many bedrooms in your house? How many bathrooms in your house? Do you have a finished game room?." This information is personal and is of no national interest to government under our existing Constitution. But you'll be asked those questions and decide how you want to respond to them.


>> No.12404148
File: 14 KB, 500x320, hyperinflation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We've been in hyperinflation since the 00s.

>> No.12404183

The corn and milk were also of higher quality back then.

>> No.12404211

Americans are nomads.

>> No.12404234

With a prius you can live comfortably in any city. With the seats folded down there is enough room to sleep fully stretched out. Also the automated climate control system keeps the interior temperature and humidity at a comfortable level without using much gas. With a prius to provide mobility and maybe a rental storage unit to keep your excess stuff you don't need an apartment. You can also get a gym membership and go there for showers every day.

>> No.12404242

I don't have a car. Where will my family sleep?

>> No.12404277

12K for your whole education seems like a much better deal than spending 160-200K on an education that MIGHT get you a job. In that case, just take out a 12k loan and put your car as collateral.

>> No.12404313

I do it so I can ironically vlog about it. Thanks the the like comment and subscription! -caseyneistat2

>> No.12404340

I Don't know how to start.

>> No.12404361

>You don't debate your sovereignty back.
based and redpilled. Just look at Brexit. People voted 2 years ago and still nothing. By ballot or bullet and the ballots don't count.

>> No.12404431

If the car is collateral, where will you sleep? What kind of car do you need to buy so that it has not depreciated under 12k after several years?

>> No.12404547

> not selling your house and go all in
> doesnt know how comfy it is to sleep in an old mazda 626
Never even had a chance to make it

>> No.12405398


>> No.12405510

Uhh... wasn't there huge income inequality in the US in the late 19th century and early 20th century?

>> No.12405687
File: 27 KB, 720x402, E78E7E0C-77AB-4F78-92FE-8CE0D5FE6BAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people this stupid on the internet

>> No.12405715

Crypto Jews do run China.
Back in the day on the steppes they were the first group to figure out clobbering others from horseback, and then that clobbering is a poor method of farming humans.

>> No.12406368

>implying someone can only be educated if they fall for the uni scam

>> No.12406442

They bought strapless boots.

>> No.12406599

You can do do it through military. They pay for your schooling and you get a couple years of experience to move into the civilian ATC.
T. Military ATC not the original anon

>> No.12406744


You're a faggot

>> No.12406852
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what am i reading? I bet you didnt even go to college, autist or if you did it was in women's onions studies

>> No.12407073

Doing what? You an expensive prostitute?