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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.37 MB, 962x1108, BTC YOLO MEME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12388297 No.12388297 [Reply] [Original]

Could you imagine a BTC meme so powerful it could hijack an entire bear market cycle to the upside so much so that it initiated an untimeable BULL market the world has never seen before?

>> No.12388360

(taps the mic) ... Hello is this thing on?

>> No.12388362

Sell the News Buy the Blues

>> No.12388367

Yeah but I think you misunderstood what your wife meant when she said the bull was coming.

>> No.12388368


explain further periwinkle blue id anon

>> No.12388382
File: 380 KB, 1030x1288, 20181229_111428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10B injected into btc marketcap
>it's rubles

>> No.12388385

Based Russian pump and dump when the news comes out that the rumors were false

>> No.12388395
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show me a bigger chad anons

ill wait....

>> No.12388402

russia would have foreign reserves of USD. they would in most case dump the USD.

>> No.12388430

About sick and tired of all this bullish news and the flaming Ponzi scheme that is bitcoin just continue to dump

>> No.12388482

Would be pretty hilarious to see a mass die-off of USD thanks to foreign hodlers

>> No.12388501
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>> No.12388530

not mad at this

>> No.12388582

Russia will buy bitcoins off-chart so don't worry it won't trigger bullrun.

>> No.12388633

just the media attention of russia buying bitcoin would trigger a run though. and if russia came out and publically said "yes, we are buying bitcoin" oh boy... clench your cheeks lad

>> No.12388646

>load ze russia fomo
>damp eeit

>> No.12388661

This, the same reports show that they might use their entire 450+B to buy bitcoin. That is literally 5xing the total market cap. If Russia does it, whats stopping other nations to keep their reserves in bitcoin?

>> No.12388692

im also pretty sure north korea is doing shit like this too.

>> No.12388722

the thing about the russian government is theyre sneaky little fuckers themselves. probably some of the smartest fucks out there. i wouldnt be surprised if they were buying bags already. theres nothing more putin hates than being whipped like a bitch so hes gonna shove it up the USA's ass first moment he gets.

>> No.12388770


>> No.12388780


Ya, imagine being so chad that you kill your political opponents and stifle speech because muh feels. What a fag.

> inb4 kgb

Terry would like a word with you.

>> No.12388787

using USD would create its own problems due to sanctions.

It probably would be rubles...or a commodity like oil.

>> No.12388806


And utterly fail at it too. If you honestly think that russia poses any sort of threat to the US you're absolutely delusional. Who's the rest of the world going to side with? Us or Russia... not a hard choice desu senpai.

>> No.12388852

The US is in very little position of power today. It does not hold the same power it did 20-30 years ago. China is bending the US over like a bitch. Putin is bending the US over like a bitch. The Saudi's are bending the US over like a bitch. This isnt about war, it's about countries choosing not to hold strong ties with the US anymore. Why? Because everyone hates the fucking US, they just think they can come in and act like they own the place.

>> No.12388885

>whats stopping other nations to keep their reserves in bitcoin
Keeping national reserves in bitcoin is the retardiest thing ever. It's like keeping them in sea shells.

>> No.12388889

While this is all true, the US Navy can literally destroy every nation on the planet at once given that nukes arent involved. The sheer amount of force leverage the US Navy provides prevents other nations from taking drastic action against the US. They have to take small, incremental action against the US.

>> No.12388896

Except those sea shells are backed by a superpower

>> No.12388898


best korea is mining it

>> No.12388899


>> No.12388903

>he thinks seashells are any different than fiat

>> No.12388905

A little beta cuck like you will never understand what it takes to maintain a possition of power. You just wine and bitch about things like a beta bitch.

>> No.12388932

>someone buys 450 billion in sea shells
>market adjusts
>seashells are worth considerably more now

>> No.12388970


>> No.12388979

They cant destroy russia or china. Even is nukes arent used.

>> No.12388983
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1541421793905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh its on anon... And I have a few things to say first, if you don't mind...


>> No.12388994

go on lad. speak your speech, were waiting.

>> No.12389016

this russian 10B bitcoin buy is just a desperate way to pump and gain profit.

bitcoin was made by russian FSB to launder money etc. now they are trying hard to pump this dying shitcoin.

ripple (made by U.S.A) will replace this shitcoin in the future.

ethereum is also russian scamm shitter coin.

>> No.12389031
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>> No.12389035

Absolutely incorrect. The US Navy is the most powerful military force this planet has seen by orders of magnitude. Within 2 weeks they could destroy every major government facility and critical infrastructure system in every major metropolitan area in both countries and bring them to their knees without a single boot on the ground.

>> No.12389041

Go back to twitter you fucking dolt

>> No.12389049

Only use for that coin is baiting retards that don't know what circulating supply is.

>> No.12389094


>> No.12389450

lol. nothing worse than american military nerds. your military is overrated as fuck, stop into reality please.

>> No.12389580

>That is literally 5xing the total market cap
more like 50xing when you consider the impact of actual money on market cap

>> No.12389688

oh you brainlets actually still believe this kind of shit haha ok wow

>> No.12389840

>Believing the BEST propaganda country in the world is releasing accurate information with no ulterior motives
Russia wants to dump on you, that's all. They won't be buying anything, they want you to buy so they can sell. What else makes even a tiny bit of sense here?

>> No.12389866

no one believes this shit especially after such a long bear market and price didn't even budge, so what kinda of "russia will dump on you hurr durr" are you talking about?

>> No.12389883

I am sorry? Any country that has more money than Russia is better at propaganda.

>> No.12389902

US has more money and got dunked by Russia, meanwhile Putin still has the love of his people despite being a murderous savage & the US President is hated by more than half the country and the country is at war with itself which is Russia's doing. Come again?

>> No.12389909

>Believing western propaganda that Russia is the best propaganda country.
Oy vey nothing to see here goys.

>> No.12389924


>> No.12390028

literally insane.

>> No.12390060

We haven't seen a country actor enter the field yet. It would be more volume than everything else combined and would leave a huge footprint, even if they only did OTC.

>> No.12390076

So let's say theoretically, they do buy 10B worth of BTC.
Where does that leave the market? Completely fucked? Or do we all buy lambos and yachts the next day?

>> No.12390103

I mean, it's plausible
>Putin buys bitcoin at 4k each OTC
>goes public and says "Russia just bought bitcoin"
>bitcoin pumps as a reaction to the news
>Putins bitcoin is now worth multiple times more
I can see him doing it

>> No.12390113

Somewhere in the middle. Its safe to say we'd get a nice pump but not lambo

>> No.12390123
File: 77 KB, 1000x800, 1546946374088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.12390142

if russia said it publically it would also create stress for other countries to enter the space as a way to diversify itself. it would unironically be the greatest bull run of our time.

>> No.12390143

Except the last bullrun scared everyone away.

>> No.12390149

nobody cares about these losers

>> No.12390160

imbecile detected

>> No.12390168

so they are buying $10B or $470B?
fucking kek

>> No.12390172

How else is mr Putin going to get his money? Otherwise he should’ve put 10b on link. What a scrub.

>> No.12390215

>putin is about to invest 10b in link
now that's a good meme.

>> No.12390217

Oh boy this one is in for a rough awakening.

>> No.12390224

10,000,000,000 USD

>> No.12390226

He went all in

>> No.12390253

Just imagine being this retarded on the concept of Bitcoin. Don’t be like this anon.

>> No.12390261

A direct military confrontation between the Usa and Russia means total mutual destruction.

>> No.12390290

>inb4 3/4 вceй cyммы "пpoпaлa" и y гoлoвы пpoeктa пoявилacь нoвaя яхтa

>> No.12390338

>putin buys memecoins owned by comrade Xi

>> No.12390339

then why it's written "Russian economist says Russia may byt $470B in BTC" at the bottom of that image

>> No.12390352

Этo зaливкa дeнeг для "пpeдceдaтeля".

>> No.12390361

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoogkKSFES0 My gift to you, sperglord

>> No.12390386
File: 16 KB, 239x239, 1546836794728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ting ting*


>> No.12390398

Enjoy fag

>> No.12390407


Usa is raping china
Russia hates china and is seeking to ally with usa hence globohomos are doing everything they can to stop this.

Short term enemies long term allies

If you dont own at least 1 bitcoin by now youre a faggot

>> No.12390512

he's probably from /v/

>> No.12390544

Taк, пaцaны, лaднo "нyтyпыe", нo вы тo кyдa. Этo мля пpeпoдaвaтeль гpeбaннoй шapaжки PAHХиГC, пpичeм лютo зaинтepecoвaнный в биткe и oчeвиднo имeющий кaкyю-тo cyммy. У нeгo дaжe дoлжнocти тo нeт, oн лoх пoлнeйший. Cкopee нa вac зaвтpa чeмoдaн c миллиoнoм юaнeй yпaдeт, нeжeли Poccия нaчнeт зaкyпaтьcя биткoм.

>> No.12390582

That biz has been shilling this as big news tells me that it's not big news.

>> No.12390584

Бpaтишкa, я тeбe инфoпoвoд пoкyшaть пpинec. Пoкyпaй битoк, бpaтишкa. Cтaвлю двa нихyя чтo пocлe нaкaчки битoк eщe paз нa тыщy coльют.

>> No.12390607

eбaнyтый чтo ли?

>> No.12390652

Why wouldn't they buy ether instead?

>> No.12390668

>putin invests
I almost choked on my tea.

>> No.12390674

Are they gonna buy the mtgox coins?

>> No.12390676

I did buy the blues at 15k lol

>> No.12390689

imagine if Putin actually browsers /biz/ and posts chain link memes with the rest of

>> No.12390715

Well, they would be held by a superpower

>>12388885 doesn't get it. Probably thinks money (even gold money) is more than an epic meme.

Things are valuable cause people agree they're valuable. What do you think is going to happen to the price on all those old baseball cards and vinyls once the boomers are dead

>> No.12390722

> unironically falling for fake news
hook line and sinker

>> No.12390754

>jews tank the market just to fuck with russia
Gee, thanks.

>> No.12390772
File: 6 KB, 202x249, comrademan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12390942

>asian jew

>> No.12391012


>> No.12391025

Dump inc fags

>> No.12391874

This isn't going to happen. Even if it were true, 10B in BTC would be over the counter.

>> No.12392082

>your military is overrated as fuck, stop into reality please
It's only larger and more powerful than the rest of the world combined.

In 200 years we've been attacked/invaded twice. Didn't work out for the aggressor either time. Couple of hundred thousand faces melted off didn't work out.

>> No.12392120

Imagine believing this HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Holy fuck I knew /biz/ had some complete cretins on this board, but this is a new kind of stupid. Maybe even dumber than the dipshits that bought Bazinga Coin

>> No.12392130 [DELETED] 

Slow down, anon. 10 billion Rubles is only about $150 million. It's not going to make much of an impact on price.

>> No.12392156

absolute cringe, listen to the voice in the beginning lmao. That's what your average /pol/ dipshit sounds like. How someone can go through puberty and still sound like a little boy is beyond me

>> No.12392215
File: 53 KB, 657x527, Thats+not+pepe+its+his+autistic+brother+apu+apustaja+_79e2c14f7db9bd846e2e85878b75f720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no periwinkle blue bf to ride
why even bros

>> No.12392295

america has never fought a legit war against a capable foe you idiot. both world wars were over by the time you arrived. the rest of your wars consist of wasting huge amounts of money getting pwned by goatherders and jungle gooks. your military is literally filled with faggots, women, niggers and mexicans.

>> No.12392366
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>> No.12392383
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>> No.12392400
File: 89 KB, 408x599, lossy-page1-408px-A_Viet_Cong_soldier_crouches_in_a_bunker_with_an_SKS_rifle._-_NARA_-_530624.tif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could the US Navy defeat a girl wearing pyjamas and wearing an upside down wok?

>> No.12392416

I see the ZeroHedge retards are out in full force today. Do they realize that site is actual Russian propaganda and has been crying wolf for a decade now?

>> No.12392440

> tell them adoption will bring in normies
> tell them institutional investors are coming
> tell them BTC will become the world reserve currency
> tell them nations and states are on the verge of buying mass amounts of BTC
Ways to keep bag holders hopes alive

>> No.12392501

Don't stop believin

>> No.12392514
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, C55BAD05-B6DE-4B1D-A292-53E35022D395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”According to Vladislav Ginko, a lecturer at Moscow’s Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the Russian government could be considering the acquisition of 470 billion dollars in Bitcoins as a way to switch part of its reserves from fiat to cryptocurrencies.”
Kek, what a clickbait

>> No.12392550

check his twitter he retweets and likes almost every site that writes about this, that is certainly weird behaviour

>> No.12392777

>10B in BTC would be over the counter.
rumor has it CSW had lined up to fill the 10B otc buy, right before he market dumps the rest and reveals the segwit fatal flaw

>> No.12392807

someone tell me how you can buy $460 billion worth of a 60 billion marketcap crypto

>> No.12392817

Seems like he is just trying shill these fake news. Probably has some heavy bags

>> No.12393006

You can only buy what's on sale: Your first BTC will cost you $4k, but your second will cost you $4.1k, because there's not enough BTC on sale at $4k. Your third will be $4.3k. By the time you get to you 100th BTC, you're at $10k, at you 200th we're back to $19k. By your thousandth we're at $100k per BTC. Pretty soon you've spent $460 billion buying BTC.

>> No.12393130

can someone loan me a btc?