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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 49 KB, 1600x900, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12386533 No.12386533 [Reply] [Original]

Their development seems to be to a much higher standard than literally anything in this space, seems they put a crazy amount of research and time into their work

But its valued at 1 billion plus in a bear market, is way behind ethereum in terms of adoption because they're taking so long to perfect everything, and also has an abnormal focus on poor niggers from africa

So all in all, is it a good buy or no?

>> No.12386559
File: 9 KB, 250x196, 1512470591518s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but literally "does it work"?

Its fucking IOTA tire shananigans..

10k suicide stack is 500$ less than 1k link suicide stack...so theres that..

Get few suicide stacks of "promising but maybe waporvare shit" and put rest in proven tech btc/eth mby xlm....

That way you wont KYS cos you are allin tard

>> No.12386726

Currently they offer absolutely nothing. It's a billion dollar project in a scam space with a basedboy ceo promising you he'll take good care of your money. Maybe some day it amounts to something but I wouldn't count on it. Eth is the only legit project and even they provide just fucking cryptokitties. I personally got neo atm hoping it pumps more because 'muh Chinese Ethereum '

>> No.12386747

daedalus wallet makes new folders for every 1kb or something of the blockchain. deleting the directory, which had something like 6gb spread through all 1hb folders, took around half a day for me. Anyone want to explain why this isn't retarded?

>> No.12386781

the ild blockchaun storage system has a separate file for every block. they completely rewrote and decoupled the wallet backend from the front end. now it will be 1 file for every eooch which requires old daedalus NODES (daedalus is a full node) to completely reirganize the previously downloaded blockshain on your hard drive. with an SSD this takea a couple of hours. with shitty old soinning HDDs it rakes a very long time. this is a one time upgrade. don't like it? restore your wallet in the chrome extension wallet. you can also do a fresh install.

>> No.12386806

its the best project in crypto and it scares the shit out of ETH bagholders, Vitalik himself who got btfo by Cardano engineers when he started ignorantly flinging shit on Twitter of all places. EOS bagholders and shills also massively FUD Cardano - massive fear there also.

>> No.12386860

>way behind ethereum in terms of adoption
for now, because smart contracts are not live yet. african adoption strategy: do you know why? clearly not. it is because the regulatory hurdles are minimal to non-existent and you can launch new applications from concept to govt approval to finished product in 3-6 months VS years in western countries.

>> No.12386931


Who created Ethereum? Now who were the co-founders?

Whom would you trust with innovative ideas?

Now you can decide who to bet on.

>> No.12386943
File: 218 KB, 1600x642, 1_V4IEvhMMObVIv648AHNraQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am betting hard on BTC and ADA

>> No.12386967

ADA and LINK are the only 2 coins that matters

>> No.12386973

Lmao this. It took them a year to fix the wallet syncing issue.

>> No.12387808
File: 81 KB, 800x571, 1538010001031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's a trannycoin, vaporware run by that sociopath jew charles soiskinson that took too long to enter the markets.
>Eth will have pos ready long before cardamom opens its stake pools
>muh peer review circlejerk
>rendered obsolete by tezos, eos, trx [insert shill here]
>it's all in the hands of japanese whales ready to dump on you.
>has a centralized af "mainnet", all blocks are produced by iohk, can't even get a working wallet.
>no projects or plans for projects to build on it.

Shit tier.

>> No.12388429

That's because every Daedalus wallet is a fully synced node.

They recently upgraded their backend architecture from 1.3 mil transactions to be processed to 44,000. The wallet synchronizes about 29x faster now - and it's STILL a FULL NODE.

>> No.12388525
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