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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12383360 No.12383360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else hate it when you see a cutie cashier at the store and you know she'd laugh at your face if you attempted to ask her out, despite the fact that financially she's a complete loser making minimum wage and your net worth is definitely 100x hers?

>> No.12383365

no she wouldn't

negative net worth master race

>> No.12383367


Don't worry bro. When she's 45, post-prime after fucking 1000 chads she'll be begging you for money. Her roast beef flaps will be all yours

>> No.12383368

It's almost as if material wealth isn't everything you fucking jew

>> No.12383389
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>asking cashiers out

>> No.12383391

But gender and makeup is everything?

>> No.12383392

...and that’s why you won’t get her number you douchebag

>> No.12383415

so girls are mind readers ok why do they get into abusive relationships then ya fuckin brainlet sit honestly

>> No.12383425

doesn’t matter, as long as she is making over $5/hour, she is making enough to never have to fuck an ugly guy to survive. you are obsolete.

>> No.12383468

>minimum wage ~10/hr, avg wage of cashiers nationwide
>assume 5k net worth of cashier roastie, liberal assessment
>500k net worth is you

you don't have enough money friendo.

>> No.12383518

You assume she’ll laugh in your face. So you have low self esteem and think “ I have more money than you” additude, getting a date won’t work for you chief. Stop being a asshole

>> No.12383549

I guarantee you she doesn't have a $5k net worth

>> No.12383567

you sound like a fucking loser

>> No.12383598

Women like Chads. Some Chads have money, some Chads don't have money. Once a benchmark has been reached, your net worth matters nothing to a woman when it comes to how attractive you are.

That's unless you have millions of dollars.

>> No.12383601


>be OP
>beta fuck but got monies
>i have nothing going for me besides slaving away at my work
>my money is worth something right? that's all I have

fucking just ask her anon. if she says yes you win. if she says no its not going to put you any lower than you already are

>> No.12383607

Speak for yourself, I’m a lawyer and roasties love me. My gf makes the same amount of money as me and is completely dedicated to me. While I have other roasties who work at Goldman Sachs trying to get with me and actively talking with me.

>> No.12383614

Congratulations on your genetics, you didn't earn them though

>> No.12383646

We play the hand we are dealt. I earned my way to the high paying job I didn’t get here by nepotism. My parents weren’t even college graduates

>> No.12383654

That's great I earned my way to my high paying job as well, I'm just ugly and mentally ill due to my genes.

>> No.12383668

Gee it's almost as if guys value beauty and youth and could give a rat's ass what a girl makes, and she knows it.

>> No.12383681

Tough luck, no one is going to apologize to you for shit that's not their fault either.

>> No.12383716

>My gf makes the same amount of money as me
top cuck. you are no man. you better hustle your way to out-earning her you disgrace

>> No.12383727

Don’t be cruel to anon

>> No.12383783
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>> No.12383787

Nope, where I live all the cashiers are fat nigresses

>> No.12383814


who hurt you OP

>> No.12383834

Bar card or lying faggot

>> No.12383868

counting the 2003 toyota camry and various possessions it's possible.

>> No.12383877

money aint everything paco

>> No.12383883
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>> No.12383894

I think you're making pretty big assumptions about her supposed networth. I'm a security guard millionaire working in a California state building, being an expensive shit state I do need a little extra spending money over my investments which support the bulk of my lifestyle. Point is I love my job, it's easy and provides just enough to allow me to enjoy life even more, I hate working in an office and I hated school so all I have is an associate's degree. Bet I'm happier in life than you though! That and I'm betting you're counting your parents money rather than anything you have made on your own.

>> No.12383902

You're mentally deficient learn to read

>> No.12383926

Ya, I see later on where you claim to have earned your way. Still a judgmental little turd no girl wants to date.

>> No.12383933

So she's allowed to laugh at me and in return I'm not allowed to be judgmental of her? Girls can be judgmental of the majority of guys and guys have to accept it and not be judgmental back?

>> No.12383945

Thete is nothing more awkward than being hit on when you are a cashier. I got a fake wedding ring after a 50 year old kept trying to get my phone number.

>> No.12383958
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faggot speaks lol and she probably richer than u

>> No.12383966

Dude, it's just a girl. Men are naturally more dominant than women so what do you have to be so self conscious about?

>> No.12383975

she didnt laugh at you paco

youre delusional

>> No.12384017

How do you know she'll laugh at you? Are you funny looking?

>> No.12384019

What if a good looking guy with a really great body hit on you?

Probably would like it.

I mean think about it. A guy who is handsome, great body and has more money.. He could show you a better side of life.

>> No.12384023

Because I'm not stupid it's pretty obvious

>> No.12384210

He needs to hear it. He's right that it's the way it is and that's painful, he doesn't get a say in that any more than anyone else does. I've got the same problems and whining about it wont get him any kind of recognition or restitution. If he can't fix what's wrong with him then foster a sense of stoicism, it's the only thing that will address the core of discontent. Anything less is a band-aid over a sucking chest wound. Rip it off, it'd be crueler not to.

>> No.12384277

Just go to Thailand for 3 weeks and spend $1000 banging a couple dozen hookers. The financial superiority you have over them might even boost your self esteem.

>> No.12384343

Before this incel group gets out of hand...Op stop being such an arrogant,zero confidence loser. If you want to change your shitty dating life i suggest you read some books cuz clearly with your mental superiority seemd to miss the rules of the game.If you wanna enjoy a life of great sex and great relationship and not become the next Elliot Rodger you need to read these books : vin dicarlo's pandora's box,neil strauss- the Game,The Venusian Arts Handbook from Mystery,F.J.Shark-
How to Be the Jerk Women Love

>> No.12384358


The only thing that matters in the dating game is looks,money and status. You're a couple years too late with that pua garbage

>> No.12384410

>2019 /biz/
>net worth

>> No.12384510

Have you heard of the concept of an individual?

>> No.12384603

What's obvious?

>> No.12384714

this is a based conversation

>> No.12384754

I asked a cashier out and lost my virginity. No larp. And yes it was a girl/woman. 6 years older than me.

>> No.12384912

Fumble a big wad of cash when paying.

>> No.12385070

No wonder ya'll niggas is forever alone. You reject yourself in your simulation of the encounter with the girl rather than trying at all in real life. LMFAO.

>> No.12385216
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>year 2019
>thinks girls suck your cock because you are richer than her

I know biz is incel paradise but this is new level of pathetic. She probably gets hit on ugly losers like you everyday, stop making her job more miserable.

>> No.12385239

girls are supposed to be pretty, not rich

>> No.12385247

Pick one

>> No.12385264

They may not be mind readers but they can smell the virginity coming off you.

>> No.12385278

as if. despite all my best efforts I'm still poor as dirt

>> No.12385379

>It’s miserable for people to like me.
The absolute state of women. Try going through life with everyone hating your guts.

>> No.12385402

no that thought hasnt occured to me why would i ask out a loser cashier

>> No.12385425

>be poorfag NEET
>go grocery shopping with my mommy because I dont want her to lift heavy stuff
>cashier is a small qt girl with piercings all over her face (but still cute)
>while scanning the items she constantly looks at me and smiles all the time
>mommy asks me later in the car why I dont ask this girl out
>explain to mommy that piercings are a red flag and that she likely has herpes or worse

>> No.12385431
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>explain to mommy that piercings are a red flag and that she likely has herpes or worse

>> No.12385487

who cares what losers think

>> No.12385492

I know it's a LARP but you're still an idiot.

>> No.12385498
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Wtf is this incel shit

Im a 5/10 at best, manlet (thanks /fit/), dicksucking lips, underbite, giant forhead, poorfag, beta voice and even i have no problem getting a girlfriend.

Its all in your head dude. Im not trying to defend any roasties, but you are literally hating on a cashier girl because you dipshit think that she WOULD (*NOTE: she didnt) laugh at you if you asked her out

Get fit so you can be proud of your body even if your ugly

No hate on you anons but incels are just as retarded as stacies. Everyone is an individual. And even if you cant be chad, you can be a chad in your own head.

>> No.12385507

Also my eyebrows are non existant*

>> No.12385512
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>> No.12385515

>everything I dont like has to be a Larp
No Larp, I guarantee you it happened that way.

>> No.12385520

Even if Larp, most i can tolerate is one ear piercing, after that im out. Tatoos depend. Even if i generally dislike them, there are a few good ones.

>> No.12385525

Is this just a meme at this point nobody gave me close to 10 eth

>> No.12385546

>admitting to being autistic

>> No.12385567

I spend way too much lifetime in grocery stores

>be grocery shopping with mommy some years ago
>need to get the butter while mommy is somewhere else in the store
>there is a very cute girl stocking up butter
>she is sitting on the ground and sorting bricks of butter
>say xcuse mee and grab some butter
>two butter bricks are sticking together because its cold
>girl looks up to me
>her smile is really natural and beautiful
>she says: haha they always stick together
>we hold eye contact for like 10 seconds can almost feel how we belong together
>say yeah I suppose and walk away
>never see her again

>> No.12385604

Aw thats nice
Dont worry to much about it man
I had a lot of moments aswell in my life where i simply pussied out. Gues we will never know