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12381310 No.12381310 [Reply] [Original]

I know the constant shilling here recently has been a red flag but I'm falling for the "private bitcoin so better than bitcoin" meme, should I buy some?

Also, if I have buy XMR on an exchange such as binance, doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being private as there will be records of when and how much I bought?

>> No.12381325

>Also, if I have buy XMR on an exchange such as binance, doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being private as there will be records of when and how much I bought?
don't accumulate everything from one exchange then

>> No.12381350

Frankly, I'm shocked XMR isn't in the top 5 marketcap. Why every Darknetmarket isn't using it as standard escapes me.

This shit is either gonna go to 10k or zero. There's no inbetween.

>> No.12381362

>Frankly, I'm shocked XMR isn't in the top 5 marketcap
is it really that surprising? most crypto valuations make no sense
>Why every Darknetmarket isn't using it as standard escapes me.
they're honeypots

>> No.12381382

of course it could go to 0
but after reading something about monero it looks like a promising project
for now we are just speculating so who gives a shit if you buy it on an exchange
also investmenwise I would say that the potential gains in the next run up won't be much better than those of btc
Honestly I don't give a shit if you put your $ 10 in my favourite coin

>> No.12381388

Most crypto valuations are ridiculous I agree but Monero actually has real fundamentals, a long history, proven privacy credentials, a great wallet, solid team and moar.

DNM being honeypots is highly likely but some weren't and XMR still wasn't the goto.

>> No.12381844

I always thought Monero was one of those coins with decent brand recognition mainly in regards to privacy. That may sound stupid but the only reason bitcoin is #1 is because of the brand and when someone needs to use a privacy coin or wants to implement a privacy coin payment options into their website the first coin they're going to think of is monero. it also has some good tech im not trying to say that brand is the only thing it has going for it, but it plays a big factor.

>> No.12381851

>proven privacy credentials,

ehh. Mixins will always be inferior to things like zerocash

>> No.12381863

I love everything about the branding, good logo, name, and ticker.

The word for "money" and/or "coin" in the most spoken European languages:

English: money (money)

Spanish: dinero (money) / monedar (coin)

Russian: мoнeтa (coin) [sounds like "maneta"]

Portuguese: dinheiro (money) / moeda (coin

French: monnaie (money/coin)

German: Münze (coin)

Italian: denaro (money) / moneta (coin)

Polish: moneta (coin)

Ukrainian: мoнeтa (coin)

Romanian: monedă (coin)

Dutch: munt (coin)

Serbian: мoнeтa (money)

Irish: mona (money)

Estonian: monēta (money)

Lithuanian: moneta (money)

>> No.12381927

Now that you posted that it makes a lot of sense as to how they got the name monero.

>> No.12382363

Use an account on binance you haven't registered with your real information

>> No.12382412

The best possible name for this project (Bytecoin, in my opinion) was already used and compromised by scammers, unfortunately.

>> No.12382640

Monero is great. Everything about it has been done with a commitment to being as open and decentralized as possible.
I believe "monero" is the Esperanto word for money. Esperanto, I believe, is a man-made language someone invented like 100 years ago. Sort of a take on the universality of private money I guess.

>> No.12382667

It has "dinero" in it cuz only mexican cartels use it

>> No.12382690


>> No.12382716

He's right but for the wrong reasons, if that makes sense. Zerocash protocol is inherently shit because of the trusted setup. Zcash is particularly shit because of its corporate governance.

>> No.12382730

What I meant to add was that zk-snarks are great but they can't be implemented trustlessly yet, at least not that I'm aware of.

>> No.12382733


>> No.12382783

>Also, if I have buy XMR on an exchange such as binance, doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being private as there will be records of when and how much I bought?

Buy from Local Monero or mine it. You're a stupid fuck. Just slosh the funds around between a wallet or two.

>> No.12382785

>they're honeypots

>> No.12382792

Use your brain

>> No.12382794

Honestly they probably are.

>> No.12382954

It's not hard to get drugs from the deep web

>> No.12383048
File: 233 KB, 600x600, pepedero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12383060

We're not doing that in this thread.

>> No.12383583

Only thing keeping people in Bitcoin is cognitive dissonance and ignorance.

>> No.12383731

Based Dero pepe poster.

>> No.12384325

The thing that concerns me with monero is how can you put a value on a privacy coin? Wouldn't it, by default, be nearly impossible to calculate the value? Somebody more knowledgeable please educate me concerning this.

>> No.12384347

>Also, if I have buy XMR on an exchange such as binance, doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being private as there will be records of when and how much I bought?
Just transfer it to a different wallet once you withdraw then

>> No.12384599
File: 141 KB, 774x866, cucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based
Lowlife scum, instead of hating Dero, embrace the next logical step in the evolution of Blockchain and crypto technology.

>> No.12384730

That shit was closed source in the past. I wouldn't touch it with a 30 ft pole.

>> No.12385451
File: 97 KB, 774x834, b_1392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same way we put a value on everything; with a market. Why would a "privacy coin" be different?

Second stolen meme ITT. And notice which coin isn't in the picture. No one into Monero gives a single shit about Dero. Stop pretending they do.

>> No.12385497

XMR has the ability to create sub addresses not tied to your main address, so it wont know where it was being sent every time you withdrawl. Different addresses. Just conveniently have a boat accident with your wallet if they try to harass you about it.

>> No.12385537
File: 298 KB, 700x500, maga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12385621

Monero has integration in online payment processors, all the mining power and darknet acceptance. Your pump and dump shitcoin will never be anything.