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File: 115 KB, 467x700, 4cf655ee588caa5406425fa40bc02d461407d08f1558b6d5f499c984a8400d93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12381419 No.12381419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will the chinks take over in the 21st century? What do you think, anon?

>> No.12381452

Skarsgard could bang that little Asian honey in every hole as much as he wanted. Look at how thirsty she is. Lucky bastard.

>> No.12381493

Yes, I would bet my whole link stack he demolished her tight little chink pussy later.

>> No.12381611

Yeah I'm sure the hollywood chad from Sweden is gonna bother with a 4/10 chink.

>> No.12381641

Wrong shes clearly a 3/10

>> No.12381650

I want to fuck that little bitch too

>> No.12381676

Not a 4/10 if you're into the nerdy look.

>> No.12381678

I am a man of limitless generosity, forgive me.

>> No.12381698

So...glasses? Add one for glasses.

Flat chest, terrible posture, gross legs. Even if you are an asian fetishist she's below average.

>> No.12381713
File: 70 KB, 410x390, asian waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a 8/10 in Asian standards to be honest.

>> No.12381718

Flat chest and terrible posture is part of the appeal. I guarantee you she's not 4/10.

>> No.12382930

I kind of agree desu.
>the nerdier and gookier the better

>> No.12382962
File: 36 KB, 659x281, china payment system3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't "take over" but they will neuter America and bring us into a multipolar world order. Basically you should long China but don't bother learning mandarin or moving there.

>> No.12382979

Damn I'm jealous [spoiler]of the girl[\spoiler]

>> No.12383281

Cucked and universitypilled. China is a shit country that is about to collapse.

>> No.12383305
File: 64 KB, 935x819, china inequality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China will collapse any day now
Amerifats have been saying this for at least 40 years

>> No.12383429

Why would you want to though? Do you have standards? She's lower than even average

>> No.12383486

Ofc they will, they are on track to beating us in many ways

>> No.12383523

China is already churning out hundreds of 150+ iq ubermensch CRISPR babies per year. They already won the game.

>> No.12383542

Bullshit. They are mostly afraid that America will try to steal their tech though, which is quite frankly very ironic.

>> No.12383551

Paper tiger, it always was and it always be. Their culture is too shit to succeed

>> No.12383558
File: 13 KB, 293x292, china america112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep that's why the US is so scared of them. Totally a paper tiger.

>> No.12383562

The last few times they came close to collapsing they reformed their economy by making it a little bit more like the west. They are coming from such a low starting point that it looks impressive how much they improve when they do that. In the end they are still lying cheating insects that will never be able to do capitalism properly even if they copy the west wholesale. Currently they are at a local maxima of freedom and prosperity and they're starting to fuck it up with extra communism. They have debt far in excess of western countries and all if their GDP figures are fabricated. China is a legitimately shit country and only the bluepilled and self loathing won't acknowledge it.

>> No.12383584

havent you watched GATTACA? it's all about whats in ur heart not ur genes

>> No.12383588
File: 816 KB, 855x2086, china vs america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude it's not like America has tons of debt or anything. China is a complete aberration and, like you said, a "shit country."

>> No.12383600


>> No.12383615

>China has more debt than the US
Yeah sure buddy

>> No.12383628

chinks are insects and must be burned they are evil
WATCH OUT YOU GUYS... biz is very aryan and these chinks will take your seed because they think it will make their larvae human.

>> No.12383639

>working on
And that's just the first one. Not going to be reading all those words that are clearly absolute cope. Solid points are two words max. The left can't meme.

>> No.12383650

Negative ghost rider. Look to invading Africa again

>> No.12383708

Manufacturing will reap majority of the benefits economically as the next kondratiev wave is automation and cheap energy. Their economy was designed this way from the 70s & some very prominent families got in early there and have guided their government in making a sustainable capital management system.

>> No.12383717
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> Not going to be reading all those words that are clearly absolute cope.
You're the little seething man from a dying country here. If anyone is coping it's you. Or at least you are trying to cope.

>> No.12383733

>ad hom
Guess you've given up. GG

>> No.12383741


>> No.12383751

Yep, thanks for playing.

>> No.12383766
File: 720 KB, 1401x781, china boomer3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bans fortnite
>bans muslims
>allows capitalism as long it is socially advantageous and promotes harmony

Really don't know why anyone other than an american wouldn't go long on China.

>> No.12383780

sounds wonderful. if implemented in a white country it's called fascism.

>> No.12383796

Sure, just as the japs did with 90's and 00's decades...

>> No.12383823

>Sure, just as the japs did with 90's and 00's decades..
You ever wonder why Japan produced so many high quality OVAs during the 80s and early 90s and then suddenly stopped? This is why.

>> No.12383856

More like america got tired of winning
Thats clearly some actor fag signing whit for a mentally challenged chinese girl
Fuck yeah

>> No.12383880
File: 1013 KB, 1589x1034, MERICS_Politburo_Fan-of-Power_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China has a shit culture and is weak, but the CCP is strong af. This is an organization that has had to face challenges unimaginably difficult compared to western countries and has overcome every single one of them.

The autism is where the values of Chinese and the CCP overlap, and that is what you have to focus on to understand China. In brief, Chinese/CCP both feel that China is the (center of the) universe and anything beyond it is barbarian land destined to be controlled by China that should pay tribute to China (this concept is called tianxia - literally "all under heaven" and western-based Chinese apologists will translate it into something benign-sounding but false like "our land").

So if China is supposed to be the center of the universe according to both its citizenry and its government, and it ISN'T, what does that imply? In China this is explained by the concept of the "Century of Humiliation" in which China was supposedly humiliated by the (inferior) western powers. Chinese and CCP butthurt about this is mind-boggling, considering that China was never actually colonized by the west. They literally go into an insecticoid rage just thinking about this period where China was not the absolute center of the world, and it's not really related to the facts of history but rather this autismal belief in tianxia that is more or less built into Han Chinese DNA. Just compare India - which was the largest economy in the world (25% of world GDP) during the Mughal Era, and when it was literally 100% colonized by the west it's industry (such as silk) was shutdown and its wealth robbed, leaving it with only 2% of world GDP when they finally overthrew colonization - yet Indians, although there is some latent annoyance at Britain, express nowhere near, not even the tiniest sliver, of rage compared to the level of rage that Chinese/CCP feel. Again, this is because of tianxia - the Chinese cultural belief in their absolute supremacy over everything and everyone.

>> No.12383887
File: 132 KB, 1280x868, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_niallmccarthy_files_2015_05_20150506_China_Taiwan_Fo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All other cultures on Earth understand that power wanes and gains over time, that different cultures are different, and that over the course of history things are ever changing. Not the Chinese/CCP. They are uniquely deluded into a belief in their utter and eternal supremacy over all others, although they will *never* admit this to your face since you are a non-Chinese.

P.S. tianxia also explains why Chinese don't give a shit about international institutions, the rule of law, why they complain about predatory lending by other countries but do it themselves - China doesn't have to play by any rules because China is the universe.

So where am I going with this? To appease their ultimate butthurt that they are in fact obviously not the center of the universe right now, China is totally focused on reversing the "century of humiliation" and they are focused on doing this by creating a *new century*. This isn't a century in which China will become equal with other nations, because that is impossible for a Chinese to fathom, rather it's a century in which *China humiliates the rest of the world*, and this will restore their glory.

Primary in this is the reassertion of their territory. In particular this means that China is 100% committed to regaining Taiwan by 2049 - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic. Everything it does is focused on that. If it wins that battle then it will be the second world superpower, and if it loses it won't.

It will likely win because Americans have no taste for pre-emptive war, and time is on China's side. When will the war occur? Perhaps about 2030 when Xi Jinping is about to retire, as Xi is the kind of guy who would want to take credit for it.

>> No.12383895
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1. Excuses that China is weak because of some top 10 list of pollution, or internal unrest, or debt, or whatever, are utterly deluded because they confuse China (the people) with the CCP (the government). *The CCP* is ridiculous strong and to think pollution (lol) will cause the CCP to fail when it has successfully overcome some of the most trying geopolitical circumstances in history for nearly 100 years and has only gotten stronger is absolutely laughable.

2. Everything revolves around whether the CCP will successfully take Taiwan by 2049. If it does it will only be stronger both geopolitically and internally, and it's check mate. If it doesn't it will lose legitimacy and will unravel, meaning China won't become the power it could be. Unfortunately the CCP are almost certain to be successful in taking Taiwan, and the invasion will likely be around 2030.

>> No.12383907

>It will likely win because Americans have no taste for pre-emptive war
>Americans have no taste for pre-emptive war

Imagine believing this.

>> No.12383916

Not with any serious power. They only fight proxy wars like Korea, Syria, etc.

China ain't playin'

>> No.12383942

>mad little chink who thinks he's relevant in this world

best of luck chinky, you'll need it

>> No.12383943
File: 403 KB, 719x1280, zillimoonion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many butthurt basedfaggots in here with retarded western perspective and knowledge of the world. its sad lol a result of your libtard university education.

>hur dur china weak hur dur

>> No.12383949

another chink with an over inflated ego.

>> No.12383951

they just steal everything and create very little. Not a great way to leap forward. Authoritarian regimes collapse inward because the center is rotten

>> No.12383961

Definitely don't want to live in china. The income inequality is the worst in the world. People overwork themselves to death and get paid in breadcrumbs basicly. If you get hit by a car in china the driver will run you over again or get back out of his car to finish the job to avoid paying your hospital/care bills. Pleanty of poor chinese people live in holes in the ground because rent is too expensive. The machines built in china are all deathtraps. This includes escalators cars elevators and factory machines. Bribery is commonplace. Almost all businesses are scams. Because the roads have no traffic cops, all road laws are suggestions and noone follows the rules. Don't even visit chana.

>> No.12383987
File: 466 KB, 2048x1538, 1539341285251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a lambo, but dont worry brah its ok to be white lol

>> No.12384025

don't use that lambo in china