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File: 67 KB, 960x1280, WhatsApp Image 2019-01-09 at 00.08.41(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12382648 No.12382648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please, I dont want to be fooled by an Vet that will made me waste much money without solve the problem of my little doggo girl.

Yes, I am a poor guy and I couldnt had a dog, but I dont had another option besides adopt her and do my best.

Last 3 days I was walking with her on the street, some street dogs played with her, now this shit appeared and its getting bigger and bigger, its like some skin damage, this morning wasnt like that.
I petted her and she feel pain, because she start to bark when its touched, it was smaller and got bigger.
I dont know what that is, doesnt look cool, I'm scratching and I never felt like that and its something on her.

PLEASE, if you can talk to any VET ot if there is any VET here to try to help me I'm really all open to hear any recommendation and advice.

And yes, I'm doing my way to solve any problem, so dont come talking abotu sob story to me, I'm not kidding and I can prove on Whatsapp.

>> No.12382657
File: 105 KB, 960x1280, WhatsApp Image 2019-01-09 at 00.08.41(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another angle, please I really need advice this is fucking strange.

>> No.12382675
File: 87 KB, 960x1280, WhatsApp Image 2019-01-09 at 00.19.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passed a lot of things to try to clean it over the day, last resource was this 70% alcohol because everything else she licked to take it out.

>> No.12382728


>> No.12382747

Thanks, going to do a post now.

>> No.12382752

Poorfag just kys and your stupid fucking dog

>> No.12382821

Did it.

>> No.12382862

WOW! You did it!

Surly now you showed your intent is pure of heart and you will stop begging for your object which you acquired for the purpose of pity, sympathy and empathy.

Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.12382867

Your dog has gay herpes from getting fucked in the ass by gay owner

>> No.12382873

>do not give diagnoses
>do not treatment instructions
What the fuck is even the point of the vet board then? Reddit is buncha cucks

>> No.12382886

It may have been bitten and the wound is healing up?

I actually lost my dog of eleven years just two nights ago. She had either eaten poison or it was snake bite. I was totally unaware of how sick she was until she was an hour or two from death. Watching her hyperventilate while semi-paralysed and in pain on the floor was the worst thing I've ever seen in the flesh, she also died
20mins before I could get her euthanized.

If you think there is something wrong don't fuck around. They can die so quickly and it will fuck you up

>> No.12382893

>You've bee banned from r/redditsucksfatcocks

>> No.12382894

Colloidal Silver,
Iodine. Fix infections fast.

Vet will give you antibiotics which you can be had in powders at a fish supply store.

>> No.12382912

What the fuck, just readed now.
Lol dude, if you want I give you my telegram and make a video for you so you can jerk off to the disease, ok?

Its a female, pussy boy.
I dont think its that bro, its fucking strange because its getting bigger, she even tried to bit my younger brother because he touched near the skin damage. She was ok, then she was acting strange since the morning and I thought was just another bee that bitten her, but that shit is fucking strange and I'm fucking scratching like some small shit walking on my body now.

My condolences for your dogo, my girl doesnt have even a year.

>> No.12382934

Last time a bee bitten her the Vet gave her all type of vaccines because she saw I was fucking worried of she fucking dies, then in the end she said: Oh it wasnt what I thought, atleast she will be better, here is the final account. And my bank account got drained, but everything Ok because she was Ok.

I just dont want to be fooled.

>> No.12382944

Vai numa clínica popular meu consagrado. É muito mais barato e se você chorar até de graça.

>> No.12382959


https vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/acne-in-dogs

The most common treatment for canine acne is topical benzoyl peroxide. This product (which is often available over-the-counter, or may be purchased from your veterinarian) helps to flush out the hair follicle and reduce bacterial contamination. In mild cases, benzoyl peroxide alone may be sufficient to resolve canine acne; in more severe cases, long-term benzoyl peroxide may be used to decrease the likelihood of recurrence.

>> No.12382964

yeah if it ain't a healing scar i duno man. just keep an eye on it and hopefully somebody can help you out

>> No.12382968

Nessa papinho comeram meu cu com força da ultima vez, fui castrar ela numa clinica com convênio, paguei R$50 no abajur (esqueci o nome dessa porra) e mais R$75 no taxi dog, deu quase a mesma porra de ter pago.


>> No.12383104
File: 95 KB, 719x1280, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.50.32(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is when a bee bitten her.

>> No.12383154

That dog is ugly. Let it die from that herpes.

>> No.12383174

Favelanon you're easily my favorite schizo beggar

>> No.12383187
File: 47 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2019-01-03 at 00.05.55(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a really good looking girl.
I dont know if I thank you or if I get sad, hue.

>> No.12383221

She does look good in this pic. Give me an ETH address and I'll throw you a few pesos for the vet bill.

>> No.12383229

Not able to offer any advice, but just want to say that she's a pretty dog and you're a very good person for caring about her and I'm sure she appreciates you a lot and knows you do your best for her. There aren't enough kind people like you in this world. Best of luck to you and your dog!

>> No.12383250
File: 99 KB, 585x721, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My exchange wallet of ETH:
This is her when she was a puppy (almost 1 month with me), before that she was full of vermins and all fucked up.
I know it sounds like bullshit but soon I'll do some video channel and upload the videos so you guys know I'm not kidding.

if want to see on telegram I can send videos, no problem, I didnt wished this happened because I get anxious and stressed because of her.

01:30 here almost

>> No.12383259
File: 62 KB, 584x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than a week with me in this photo, her stomach was like full of vermins and other parasites.

>> No.12383290
File: 37 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2019-01-09 at 01.27.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this timestamp now. If I pass away good night everyone.

>> No.12383292

Senpai this is honestly the cutest thing ever. You're a good person for caring for a doggo.

>> No.12383316

My dog looks just like yours, late here, will try to remember to post a pic tomorrow.

I'm not a vet but did they just touch faces when playing (so no biting)? Your dog might have ringworm or something like that.

>> No.12383342
File: 125 KB, 1040x585, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a dog, my brother have some breathing problems and we dont have so much money so never was an option, had birds (canary) and fishes and tortoises but never a dog.
Then I was going back home from the state university and saw her following me, then I just keep walking. Some time later I remember I forgot my pen and went back, then some crackheads was with her in their arms wanting to trow her in the river, then it was my impulse took R$5 out of my pockets, gave them and took her to me, from there on everytime I had a problem or struggle found some way and got some help.

I mean, I give everything and even more than I can.

Your dog have any breed/race?
She was bitten by a micro dog, but was days ago, this appeared on the morning and got worse as time passed by, sadly. In the morning I will update.

>> No.12383382

>Your dog have any breed/race?
Black lab/pit bull terrier. They're almost identical.

>She was bitten by a micro dog, but was days ago
On the face, or the same spot as this lesion? Could be an abscess. Puncture wounds are really good for abscess formation, and they usually take.a few days while the germs multiply. Especially from something filthy like a dogs mouth. If it's an abscess it will need to be drained and packed.

>> No.12383418
File: 48 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow morning if doesnt get better I will bring her to the Vet (like 7 hours from now), thanks for the attention, almost passing out, gonna sleep bro, take care and have a good night!

>> No.12383445

why is every thread from this namefaggot guaranteed to have his eth address in it?
sorry about your dog faggot but suck a dick you begging cunt.
maybe try to take better care of it if you can't afford to help it when it gets hurt...