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12379233 No.12379233 [Reply] [Original]

A market crash is coming.

What do you think will happen to crypto when it arrives ?

My opinion is that crypto will be hurt at first when normies will liquidate everything they own to buy gold bars. But then we will see a slow, yet steady uptrend, nothing too exciting, while fiat goes to shit (at least during the market crash).

>> No.12379530

anon nothing will crash
the system is solid enough this time, no unbacked loans and such shit. and there is just too much money in the market for it to go into gold, real estate or whatever. there is just too much money in the had of rich people that don't know where to put it, they are even buying now forests in south america, newest rich people trend lmao. despite there being too much money around inflation will not increase because normal people just have as much money as ever, just enough to get by. sooner or later they will go into bitcoin also just because all the money has to go somewhere.

>> No.12379561


watch this: peakprosperity.com/crash course
it's a bit long but very worth your while

>> No.12379598

Cryptard cope. Stocks are a solid investment, backed by real companies producing real products or real services. Your digital Monopoly money isn't backed by anything except numbers on a computer. This is a dip, markets will bounce back in no time while your shit play money bleeds out. Cap this and check back in a year, faggots

>> No.12379612

Fake news

there is too much money in form of contract (debit/credit) and liquidity is scarce.
Crypto will have huge sideways, but a positive drift imho

>> No.12379618

Found the boomer

>> No.12379624

2 big 2 fail

>> No.12379627
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Ride it out brah

>> No.12379657

Crypto will crash along with the stock market. No one except brainlets park their wealth in extremely volatile assets.

>> No.12379665

>A market crash is coming.
When? I am waiting. You said that last year, 2 years ago, 3 years ago, 4 years ago, 5 years ago, 6 years ago. And what happened? Nothing. Fuck you

>> No.12379676

>gold bars
crypto is going to fucking moon

>> No.12379691

based and redpilled.

>> No.12379693

>thinking normies know anything about hedging using gold.

yeah i dont think so.

>> No.12379705
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both of them are going to moon because there *is* that much money.

>> No.12379719
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It is almost kind of cute how you seem to recognize the truth that there is "too much money," resulting in mal-investment and multiple asset bubbles, but just wave away the obvious consequences because "the system is solid enough this time."
Loss of purchasing power among the middle and lower classes, who are not in on the debt ponzi because they have no real assets is eventually going to lead to social unrest. Look at what is happening in France if you want a sneak preview of coming attractions.

>> No.12379733

anon, the value is whatever that people value them as such. you may don't accept it, but banks really are that rich and they really do have their checkbooks all in the order.

>> No.12379743

>The system is solid. This is time is different, because we fully recovered from 2008. :)

Let them live in their own bubble.

>> No.12379749

Bluechips are insanely overvalued right now by any measure and many of them have become bloated behemoths filled with HR cat ladies and other unproductive parasites sucking off the teat of government-sponsored easy money. Things can only go on so long under the current regime of financial repression before something goes seriously wrong.
We are due for a long-tail event soon and crypto is far better an investment than the stock market in such an environment.

>> No.12379765

is this ps1? were graphics really this bad? I remember spyro seeming like some high fidelity shit

>> No.12379774

what's a "long tail event," anon?

>> No.12379788

what's wrong with you doom and gloom types? just long FAANG and watch your money increase, it aint fuckin brain science

>> No.12379797

>just long FAANG
please elaborate on muh FAANG, I hear this a lot

>> No.12379803

Yep. Crypto is going higher though for obvious reasons.
I don't see how any of what you're saying here is relevant to my earlier post. Nobody disputes that the banks, as the effective issuers of credit-money, are filthy rich. What I'm saying is that the current regime of "prop up all the zombies" has consequences down the road as distortions in the economy compound and we get closer and closer to clown world.

>> No.12379806
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>What do you think will happen to crypto when it arrives ?

I don't know OP what would happen if to the BTC/USDT pair if tether was confirmed as cam ?
now If the us economy collapsed and the dollar is confirmed as worthless paper what would happen to the BTC/USD pair ?

>> No.12379818

when i played it in 2000 it was sick
when i ran into it again in 2015 i couldnt play it for more than 2 minutes
spyro has aged considerably better

>> No.12379839
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>> No.12379877

needs to be on a crt for full effect

>> No.12379892
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>> No.12379925
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>> No.12379934

doesn't matter, as long more normies believe that the system is paying them enough (unemployment numbers increasing) then it works.

>> No.12379981

Who the fuck still believes that the system is working? Constant mass riots in whole europe.

>> No.12379990

which got suppressed and you're still getting your amazon mail, aren't you?

>> No.12380041
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>> No.12380258

lmao this
people nowadays in europe wouldnt even riot if the literally were forced to get fucked in the ass once day by law

>> No.12380262

>What do you think will happen to crypto when it arrives ?


>> No.12380759
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some have aged better

>> No.12380773

Well those banks did not fell.

>> No.12380789
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There will be a flood of that liquidity searching for a new home and much of it will end up in Crypto
