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12378733 No.12378733 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW iExec can literally do anything


>> No.12378748

Sounds like a rejected apple product. Nice work.

>> No.12378777


>> No.12378785
File: 146 KB, 705x527, 1504094083395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mUh bRanDiNg

It stands for "I execute"
because it's going to execute all of your shitcoins next bullrun

>> No.12378890

Can't wait to spend my RLC on a sex robot that gives good head

>> No.12378996

this coin is actually good, why do you all shill it so bad?

>> No.12379008

sounds more like a prostitution app desu

>> No.12379013

Can't wait to spend my RLC on killbots to kill all the faggots that bought HOT instead.

The future AI will be unstoppable. The only thing that will stop them is if you command them with RLC.


>> No.12379018

never mind thought u were talking about "troubadour" but you were obvs speaking of iExec

>> No.12379027
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I basically never see RLC shilled here, in fact I am the original RLCbro that created a lot of these memes, including OP.

I have been buying around 0.19 because it's 6 cents below ICO price.

The fact that it's below ICO is a fucking crime and I'm actually about to pour all of my savings into RLC.

>> No.12379079

I created lots of memes last year too. 3 of them still being used today (nigga pepe on the moon is one of them). We are the chosen ones braaaahs

>> No.12379098

Oh yeah. And Miami rlc/intel pepe too

>> No.12379114
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Yeah this is one of my favorites. I created the iexecutioners one with the intel guillotines but i lost it in a reformat.

It's actually mindblowing to me that RLC wasn't picked up on biz in regards to the amount of people shilling it like link and hot. It feels like RLC is closer to being actually used than either of them based on the things i've seen.

>> No.12379125
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1539881743385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sup bro, do you have the full res version? like i said lost mine in a reformat :(

>> No.12379146

Isn't token velocity pretty high? How much is realistically going to be tied up in job-staking at any given time? Is there some other mechanism that reduces token velocity besides the job-staking (where you put up a deposit as a guarantee you'll do the work and do it properly)?

>> No.12379160

Yeah. Ill try to upload it in a couple.of hours

>> No.12379187
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No one really knows.
It could be high, but even if it is it doesn't matter.
If iExec takes even 1% of the cloud industry (high chance due to cost savings and such), it will be a ~800x from this point on.

I'm willing to take that bet after what I've learned.

>> No.12379206

>never see rlc shilled
it had like 10 threads a day after the pump and dump to 900 sats. so many bagholders here trying to get it back there

>> No.12379218

RLC is competing with Golem, retard. HOT has no competition except for Sandstorm, which has already proven itself to be a massive failure and will probably dissolve in the near future. RLC and HOT are trying to capture different markets that AWS has its hands in. Also iExec needs better marketing because they come off as a hybrid Chink/Frenchjeet scam. In fact I'm still not entirely convinced that they're NOT a scam.

>> No.12379252

Stop the shilling of this french garbage, u see what happened to their partner french coin reqt?

>> No.12379261

One day we'll wake up and our portfolios will 100x overnight. RLC is going to explode and there quite literally will be a moonshot where you'll have to buy 10x, 20x higher by the hour. The flip of the switch is coming.

>> No.12379263
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>10 threads a day
>versus 1000 threads of LINK and HOT a day
I literally never see RLC shilled. I shill a lot because I want you guys to realize what this tech is going to bring to the table soon.

The fact that you think RLC is competing with golem shows that you don't know what RLC is.

Golem is a fucking rendercoin while iExec is a marketplace to buy and sell computing power.

HOT isn't similar to RLC either, but some retards think it is for some reason.

I'm saying you retards are buying bags from shillers of HOT and LINK but won't buy a fucking coin below ICO that has zero reason to be below in the first place.

Marketing is ramping up. I know how bad their marketing used to be. They're actually starting to do a lot more in regards to that, hence all of these interesting videos controlling robots and shit.

>> No.12379275

so tell me about why i should invest. if thats your goal. Please not more than 10 sentences.

>> No.12379285

enjoy your pump and dumped bags with 10 btc daily volume hahahahahaahahaha you can't even get red if your bags if you wanted to without crashing it 50%

>> No.12379304
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1526496838363s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already bought your bags once at 2$ Pajeet thank you very much for such a great -95% coin
Not buying you exit bags aswell

>> No.12379313

Well, I think the biggest reason is because it's below ICO and even if you just flipped it, you'd make an easy 80-100% most likely.

Beyond that point, I think in the near future this tech is going to start doing some amazing things in the cloud computing space, to the point where it'll take that 1% of the market, making it worth nearly 200$ a coin or more.

Idk what else to tell you without turning you off so I'll just list random information.

>bitcoin RSK-RLC smart contracts (smart contracts made possibly by iexec)
>intel / IBM partnerships, creating a dApp with Intel directly
>possible mining dApps coming that could be very disruptive
>somewhat under the radar
>pretty low market cap
>solid as fuck team with pioneers in the industry

>> No.12379331

It had 3000btc daily volume the other month idk what you're talking about. Don't be salty.

Sorry you bought the middle man, learn to DCA instead of gamble. 20 cents is a damn good price to lower your average cost. Easy gains coming IMO

>> No.12379342

Link is a meme. Holo may or may not turn out to be vaporware but you can't deny that it has 1000x potential. I haven't dismissed RLC as a shitcoin quite yet and admittedly need to look into it further. This is not a good look though: https://youtu.be/a6PfnQBhNjk
The right wing extremist in me does not trust foreigners which is why I am so apprehensive about these guys, but I will not let that get in the way of potential gains.

I am also interested in two projects below ICO- FOAM and DAG.

>> No.12379350

>pls buy we even have a script that scrapes news from google

>> No.12379385

>it had 3000btc daily volume
ye exactly you fucking mongoloid. that was the pump and dump HAHAHAHAHAHA are you braindead? do you think a coin goes from 3k btc volume to 10 without a reason? you inbred monkey, enjoy your bags. there's a reason nobody is trading this shitcoin. it's dead.

>> No.12379386

I just can't understand how holo has any value. I need someone to explain it to me like I'm a 5 year old retard. RLC's value is way easier to describe.

What's wrong with that video? Sure it's a bit cringey, but at least they're trying. It just shows that they're doing shit and getting a lot of attention from people at shows.

I like these kinds of videos though. I hope they do more.

>The right wing extremist in me does not trust foreigners which is why I am so apprehensive about these guys

Then I suspect you dislike ETH too?

>> No.12379406

>muh pump and dump
Nah, it was a whale accumulating at 0.20 and then people jumped on board because they thought it was taking off and have been watching it like a fucking vulture ever since it started falling.

More people are learning about iExec and what it's really accomplishing. I'd be worried if I didn't have any at this point. Reminds me of ETH in ways, before it got really popular.

>> No.12379430

>muh whale
yeah that's why it literally dumped the fuck down to where it was right before the pump huh? you're retarded, it was literally an organized pnd that even let biz know about it.
keep coping though, sure it'll magically make ur coin get pnd again

>> No.12379499
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Probably retards selling the pump selling at a loss from the intel announcement. It's not farfetched to believe that people wanted to get out at any chance and that was the biggest pump in a while. Even if it was a PnD it doesn't matter because it happens to literally every cryptocurrency. You act like it's a bad thing when in reality it isn't.

The funny thing about iExec is it pumps really hard, seemingly at random(but most likely a asian whale) and usually always returns to a certain floor. Perfect for accumulating more. Perfect for when I can control an army of AI killbots to find and destroy people like you that don't own enough RLC to pay my robots to spare your life.

>> No.12379547

There is literally nothing wrong with being French

>> No.12379550

>Perfect for when I can control an army of AI killbots to find and destroy people like you that don't own enough RLC to pay my robots to spare your life.
Do you believe anyone takes the babbling of some delusional mental-12-year-old seriously? What's the point of this thread? Are you trying to sell us something? If so why behave like a child? If no.. then why?

>> No.12379591

You don't realize that iExec is going to allow AI and robots to eventually interact and pay for upgrades from humans without them knowing.

You are a short sighted fool and you will most likely die poor.

>> No.12379616

ok you could just have said that you're on crystal meth too

>> No.12379639
File: 6 KB, 179x281, 47384483_10157052675232975_2196106105174622208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are clearly low IQ. Why do you even bother? Just sell your crypto now and get a wagecuck job while you can before AI take your job.

>> No.12379653

keep throwing out insults. that sure makes you seem like a well balanced adult mate

>> No.12379662

>yOu'Re oN cRyStAl mEtH
from a "well balanced adult" that cannot comprehend what iExec is

>> No.12379696

ok dude good luck with your shitcoin. How much are you down if I may ask? Is it over 90%?

>> No.12379738

>he still doesn't understand
It's okay, I expect you to fomo around 50$
I'm up ~15x on iExec alone because I bought before the last bullrun around 3000 sats and sold both of the tops.

I just recently re-bought the bottom at 0.20 because I missed 0.17.

If you think this is a "buy muh bags" post you're clearly a fucking retard that can't take help when help is offered.