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File: 65 KB, 400x248, voisins-du-zero-bet-roulette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12374477 No.12374477 [Reply] [Original]

>calls himself an investor
>doesnt know roulette if played correctly is an endless source of money

>> No.12374515

I remember a friend telling me about this years ago, how does the system work again, please enlighten me

>> No.12374518

Doesn't understand anything about odds.

The house always wins.

>> No.12374520

Ofc its endless source of money. Roulette is great. All you have to be is be on the right side of the table.


>> No.12374523

>gambling your money away
I agreebtho you can even cheat with some gizmos

>> No.12374531

mate i bet red doubling up every time and had 14 blacks in a row.. fucking rigged mate

>> No.12374572


i martingale methoded myself to 500k in 2016. threw some in crypto and have lived off it ever since. feels good being a 28yr neet. got a gf out of it too. if you're not a dumb cunt its easy.

>> No.12374597

Please explain more. I am poor and want to do this to make money. Can I start off with less than 50 dollars to do this? How much do you recommend to start? What betting amounts? What website did you use or recommend? How does the math work out on this?

>> No.12374620

Won’t work unless you have hella cash and are willing to lose until you win. Anon is most likely larping.

>> No.12374622

Online casinos rulettes are rigged. Martingale doesnt work. You get 20 red in a row sometimes, its bs.

>> No.12374637

the only way to win roulette is to sell your soul to the devil
all the numbers add up to 666
look into it

>> No.12374651

its a scam

no betting system works. eventually you will lose everything

>> No.12374673

playing instant gratification losing probability games is worse than buying altcoins

>> No.12374689

I work at an actual Casino as a croupier. You’re an idiot if you think there is a correct betting strategy. The game is 100% luck. Casinos would never offer the game if there was any actual way to win consistently.

Martingale is a fucking terrible method. Yeah, you’d win eventually if you have infinite money and the table had no max bet, but that’s not the case. Eventually, you’ll hit the max bet before you can recover the money you lost.

20 reds or blacks in a row doesn’t mean the game is rigged (although online casinos very well may be, who knows) statistically that shit will just happen sometimes. If you’re spinning a ball or flipping a coin or rolling a dice ALL DAY, eventually you’ll get weird runs. I once spun zero four times in a row. That shit can just happen, doesn’t mean it’s rigged.

>> No.12374854

I played rulette with my friend years ago in online casino. We got about 24 reds in a row in couple hours, smells like rigged to me.

>> No.12374888

I bet some people make a lot of money with roulette computers. Roulette is not random but looking at the number board will just confuse you, you have to look at the wheel.

>> No.12374894

this, even if you get just 10 wrong in a row you have to bet 10k just to make back your original 10 bucks.

>> No.12374915

>1 post by this id
give us your strats or be remembered as faggot op

ive seen a few methods in my brief time playing roulette. everything from betting the columns, martingale, things similar to op's pic but his has two different things going on there. all his chips are on two numbers except on the right side he has a chip on numbers. then he has the corner bet on the far left. And then of course i have seen people just go all out and place a shit ton of bets all over the table. there's a program called "roulette pro" that can help you tighten up your game, they have similar ones for poker. I knew a guy that used it with a lot of success, just dont get greedy and overdo your base bet.

martingale is a shit strategy in roulette because you have 47% win chance instead of 50% since there is the 0 and that's the European wheel, the American wheel has both 0 and 00 so odds on martingale are even less.

>The game is 100% luck
This is false. If you play smart and dont get greedy you can make a small, modest profit each session. The problem is most dont do that and get impatient, they need/want money so they lose control. Roulette is fun but profit wise, there are better games to play, like blackjack, poker, video poker, and another i think but i dont remember, maybe craps. There is definitely skill involved and it is not simply just luck.

>> No.12374928

*four numbers

>> No.12374933


Bet 2 dollars on black, its red..
Bet 4 dollars on black, its red..
Bet 8 dollars on black, its red..
Bet 16 dollars on black, it's black -> 2 dollars profit.


Your fucked if its red a gazillion times in a row so it'll eat all your funds.

>> No.12374967

Yes you can lose dong this but the one time I used the method I turned $20 into $300.

>> No.12375000

aka martingale

>> No.12375004

You can start off with any amount. Don't use more than you would be willing to lose obviously. It will get to a point where betting one more will save you or ruin you. Be very careful.

Thats why you don't use online- or even the digital games at the casino - use real game with real chips, and be very careful as to what casino you play at and whether they have euro/us roulette wheels keeping the board in the houses favour and will honour your bets when you win at higher stakes. Even with a green zero, your odds are diminished somewhat.

Tis luck, however you can manipulate the luck into your favour so long as you know when to fold, and recognise you are risking money to make money each iteration.

I dont have the US wheel, even with the euro wheel the odds are the best you'll get short of skill based card games. I wouldn't call it shit, just dont be adverse to losing money. So long as you have deep enough pockets you WILL win.

>> No.12375005

>all the delusional gamblers ITT

>> No.12375009

Thanks anon, will look more into it. I enjoy blackjack and usually play it safe instead of gambling which works out a lot. Also count when I can but it’s a bit hard in a loud crowded casino sometimes. A lot easier to do on live online casino but fucking hate waiting for a dam table half the time. Also blackjack sucks when your at a table full of dumbass hitting when they shouldn’t. Fucking retards.

>> No.12375029

>calls himself a gambler
>doesnt know bitmex if played correctly is an endless source of money

>> No.12375039

What sort of mathematically-retarded cognitive abomination is leading you to think that the duration of your "sessions" makes a difference in the long run? It's all one big "session." If you can make a small, modest profit each session, then that would mean that you have a mathematical edge, and it wouldn't make a difference if you played for 5 minute sessions or 5 day sessions. "Greed" has nothing to do with anything, and there is no way to "play smart" in roulette. Some betting strategies lose quickly, other betting strategies lose more slowly. All lose.

I bet you're the kind of guy who thinks that because a coin has flipped tails 12 times in a row that it's "more likely" to be heads the next time.

>> No.12375047

>thinks he can make money with roulette
>will lose it all in minutes

>> No.12375131

there's no duration, ideally you just set yourself a profit goal for each session, take a break and come back later/the next day. of course if you play continuously you increase your chances of losing, that's why you take breaks.
>then that would mean that you have a mathematical edge
yes if you play smart and use strategy you lower your risk, it doesn't eliminate it completely. you cant just play all day with no stopping point.
>there is no way to "play smart" in roulette.
wrong, i have seen do what i describe very well
>I bet you're the kind of guy who thinks that because a coin has flipped tails 12 times in a row that it's "more likely" to be heads the next time.
no, i know that's the gamblers fallacy

>> No.12375151

>of course if you play continuously you increase your chances of losing, that's why you take breaks.

>> No.12375159

>Take a break and come back later/the next
What is the difference from just keep going in the previous session? How does this change anything in the odds?

>> No.12375162

>ideally you just set yourself a profit goal for each session, take a break and come back later/the next day. of course if you play continuously you increase your chances of losing, that's why you take breaks.

>no, i know that's the gamblers fallacy

Apparently not.

>> No.12375185


>calls himself an investor
>doesn't gamble

sounds about right, retard

>> No.12375229

>i martingale methoded myself to 500k
LARP lol

>> No.12375251

it might not so much as change the odds as giving the player a chance to relax and think. I know a guy that was a professional roulette player, he was so good he was banned form several brick and mortar casinos as well as at least one online casino, he knows his stuff.

>> No.12375287

no system works in the long run. don't fall for the shill.

>> No.12375332


It's 100% luck. You talk about strategy, but you don't elaborate any further.

Each number ways 35 to 1. There are 37 numbers, 38 if it's a double zero wheel. The house has a slight edge over you every single spin. You have zero control over where the ball lands. Where does strategy come into it at all? It's 100% luck. Your friend who has been banned from several casinos for being a "professional" roulette player is either lying to you or cheating.

>> No.12375355

No matter the strategy the odds are worse than 50% to double your stake. This remains regardless of the method you use. The best odds you'll ever get playing against a casino is counting cards at blackjack and the advantages of that are nullified by using multiple decks and reshuffling regularly.

>> No.12375374

Best chance is poker since you can bring the odds in your adventage compared to your unskilled opponents.

>> No.12375400

The martingale strategy is shit.

Starting at $2, all it takes is ten wrong spins -completely possible by the way, and you're now betting over a thousand dollars.

If you get lucky on the tenth spin, -congratulations you wagered more than a thousand dollars and now your're $2 in front. Two fucking dollars. If you get unlucky on the tenth spin, you're now risking over $2k to get your money back and get that two dollar win.

And you don't seem to understand table maximums. My casino has a table minimum of $10 on outside bets (red and black), so for $2 you wouldn't even get to play. At my casino, $10 is your starting point. The maximum for a red/black bet is $1000. Using the martingale strategy, you cannot afford to get it wrong even seven times in a row, because once you hit the 1k mark, we will not let you increase your bet any further -so even if you had infinite money your strategy still wouldn't work.

I've got no idea what the table maximum would be on a table that allows you to bet $2 on the outside chances. If it's scaled like ours, maximum bet would be $200.

No casino is going to let you double bet forever.

>> No.12375417

In that case you're not playing against the casino. They're hosting for the rake.

>> No.12375427

I don't elaborate because I still don't know all he knows. I know he just played the numbers, no more than 18 at a time and calculated the odds/probability whatever to help make his bets. He could do this by himself but also used a program which im sure is a lot easier. I know he isnt lying because ive seen his winnings and i know he isnt cheating because how can you cheat at roulette? lol. You guys are making it sound like im claiming it's fullproof, its not. Its still gambling at the end of the day. But his method would give you a better chance of winning. As ive already said there are better games to play for profit in the casino but this isnt the first time ive heard people say roulette is purely luck, it isnt true. Its late here so im going now.

>> No.12375430

>split your deposit on 1024 equal parts
>put 1 part on red
>if lost, double the bet
>if won, exit the roulette
There is very tiny chance you lose 10 times in a row. And even if you do, you probably accumulated enough money so loosing 1 deposit doesn't even matter anymore.

>> No.12375473

There is a greater chance of you losing ten times in a row as opposed to winning ten times in a row.

"even if you do, you probably accumulated enough that it doesn't matter" is pure bullshit. You'd be surprised how quickly shit adds up when you're constantly doubling.

And each win is so minuscule that there is a pretty good chance that your winnings WON'T be enough to cover a bad run.

Where do you get the 1024 number from anyway? What is your starting stake and how much do you expect the minimum/maximum table bet to be?

>> No.12375509

tried that shit out and it doesn't work. I went from $200 -> 800 -> 300 -> 800 -> 0. The chance of losing is just slightly higher than winning simply because there is the neutral 0 that lowers your chances of winning. The biggest fuck you was when black went 18 times in a row

>> No.12375517

use the extended marrting gale system you n00bs

you have 1/8 chance of wining so you only double on the 8th loss

>> No.12375555

How do I split my $25 link portfolio into 1024 equal parts in a casino?

>> No.12375644

I am already playing roulette by buying crypto

>> No.12375670

The absolute state of biz. Please tell me all of you faggots are larping as retards. If not, go study some basic probability theory.

>> No.12375721

that's extremely unlucky lol

>> No.12375888

Martingale? You fucking serious, nigga? I'll bite anyways. Considering the amount of consecutive reds/blacks can be huge (my personal best when spinning was 22-24 blacks in a row and 14-16 was common), and most casinos have both high AND low limits on even bets, you need a serious bankroll to begin with. Even with no limits you'll always win the INITIAL bet, which doesn't really make it worth your while. Besides, casinos ALWAYS have more BR than brainless fags who even consider casino games to get rich. They can easily lose 50 times in a row against a cum-dumpster playing with minimal bets, whereas you can hardly make it past 10.

>> No.12376639


>> No.12376681

>I am poor and want to do this to make money

Lmao. Poor people will always stay poor. Unironically thinking you can make a living off roulette is the decision making that leads you to forever being a poor fag.

Absolutely laughing at the retards in this thread thinking they are somehow above statistical probability.

>> No.12376778

>I bet you're the kind of guy who thinks that because a coin has flipped tails 12 times in a row that it's "more likely" to be heads the next time.
What is the probability of flipping tails 13 times in a row?

>> No.12376814

Any brainlet anons reading this, disregard this guy. Roulette is impossible to beat. That is a mathematical fact. In fact, roulette is one of the worst games to play, it has horrendous odds. No matter what you do, your odds are the same evey single spin. Martingale absolutely does not work. People come up with these wild strategies, but the reality is, in a large set, you will have long streaks which bankrupt you.

The best game to play is black jack. With basic strategy you are only a little under 50/50 odds.

>> No.12376853

anon, i ran a casino for 13 years. It's maths. No strategy works. Every session is a long session, if you take breaks or not.

It always returns 98% so you'll lose 2% of every bet you make, regardless if you win or lose. The only way you can win at roulette is if it's a faulty roulette with an edge.

>> No.12376918

Coin flips are independent events. The probability of flipping a tails after 12 tails is still 50%. I can’t believe how retarded some of you are

>> No.12376922

>i ran a casino for 13 years.
Why have you stopped? How much money have you made?

>> No.12376975

my parents, about 2 million €. Sold the place

>> No.12377019

theres a difference between the probability of flipping tails 13 times in a row and the probability of flipping tails on the next flip

>> No.12377060

>Coin flips are independent events. The probability of flipping a tails after 12 tails is still 50%. I can’t believe how retarded some of you are
>independent events
>what is probability

>> No.12377119

Thanks, Cpt. Obvious

>> No.12377157

the trick is if you *are* actually ahead of the statistical probability. then stay where you are.

>> No.12377171
File: 411 KB, 750x1024, 124D84BD-EF13-483D-B656-234D22421AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly need to look it up. Posted some help for you dumbasses.

>> No.12377292

you're the dumbass, the probability of tails 13 times in a row is (.5)^13

>> No.12377317

i think there are some cases of math wizards who were banned to play in casino

>> No.12377319

Jesus christ. Have you lost the point completely? I’m saying that flipping tails 12 times in a row no way effects the 13th flip. It is still a 50% chance to land a tails on the 13th flip or 1st flip. Did you even graduate highschool?

>> No.12377354

the original question was this
>What is the probability of flipping tails 13 times in a row?

you responded with
>Coin flips are independent events. The probability of flipping a tails after 12 tails is still 50%. I can’t believe how retarded some of you are

which doesn't answer the question you utter moron

>> No.12377385

Look at what was quoted with that question.

>> No.12377413

the ONLY game to play is in the poker room, here other players will hand you favorable odds against them

>> No.12377425

True. However, if you are going to play against the casino, blackjack by the book is the best odds. Win rate around 48.6% if I remember correctly

>> No.12377451

If you run hot enough you can get banned just because the house may assume you have some kind of edge on them (i.e. they think you're cheating, even if they don't know how)
I saw a guy run $200 to literally $200k in the space of two hours playing blackjack, just the most incredible run ever, the table eventually drew a whole crowd
Eventually guys in suits roll up and tell the guy "you're too good for us" and give him a chip rack. They escort him to the cashier and he leaves. As he leaves he throws $20k into the tip box

>> No.12377620

> go casino play roultete
> black and red color bet (win = 50%)
> bet 10usd on red color
> if win = 20 usd
> if lose = 0usd
> then
> double bet on red color (20usd)
> if win = 40usd (ROI first 10usd from lost bet + 10usd non made profit from bet lost + 10usd ROI actual bet + 10usd profit actual bet)

when you lose you double the same bet until your color or number or pairs pop up. statistically talking it will happen.

now.... reality it's different, if you going to do this on a casino table they gonna kick you out, most probably the other players will do it first than the security.

this strategy on a electronic gambling machine or online casinos you gonna get fucked because all it's all fixed algorithms.

>> No.12377649

psychic for sure

>> No.12377678

why are the people on this board so dumb

>> No.12377691

What happens when you lose 5 times in a row and you've reached the max bet limit?

>> No.12377730

the true colors show, now that gambling with crypto is less profitable these poor souls actually gamble

>> No.12378042

in a casino electronic roulette the max bet is very high. you can even add credits with your CC. the algorithm prolly will dump 30 reds in a row if your doing that on the black. and by that time the contol room knows about you. in casino you do that fast and go

>> No.12378824
File: 692 KB, 1067x678, 1516137397041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a shit ton of money at roulette.
The trick is to wait for a few same colors in a row then bet the opposite color. The luck of the machine has to recharge.

Just think about it, 6 blacks in a row is only 1/64 chance to happen, so it means there's a 640% chance that red will come next.
Of course there can still be another black (casino are rigging the machines to screw you sometimes) but then there's even more chance of a red so just put 6.4x more money.
Happy gains my friends.

>> No.12378844

Yea let me know how that method works over a long period of time.

>> No.12379391

>The trick is to wait for a few same colors in a row then bet the opposite color. The luck of the machine has to recharge.
Exactly. You have to always think about the luck of the machine. If the machine is having a bad day, that's good for you.
I also like to (quietly obvs) swear at the machines, I have a feeling it helps reduce their luck even further.

>> No.12379647

ever heard of "sum of probabilities", anon?

>> No.12379964

Please tell me you are both pretending

>> No.12379998

>there's a 640% chance that red will come next.
Akshually it's 50%

>> No.12380026
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1545324474311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't start gambling because you were raped, or because you had a bad childhood, or because a sibling died in a spectacular way when you were young and you witnessed it right in front of your eyes-
>The reason you start gambling is because they're straight up SUICIDAL.
>Gambling is a self-destructive deathwish. People who gamble, I don't know if they have a low opinion of themselves, if they hate themselves.
>Or if they just... are wired up, like Russian, Ukrainian wired up to... crave suicide, crave death, crave burning. I want to see burning in my life.
>I want everything surrounding me to be burnt - ashes - APOCALYPSE.
>That's what gambling is.

>> No.12380027


>> No.12380104

Lol literally kys

>> No.12380198


>> No.12380322

tfw bait is high effort yet low quality ... 4/10 though

>> No.12380353

OP doesn't know about table maximums
FYI the Fibonacci is superior!

>> No.12380364

I have constantly won in roulette, 42 times I entered a casino and left with more money than I had without one loss. My secret? I most likely have some sort of autism and IQ is 168. You can manipulate statistics if you get gud.

>> No.12380648

same here, i got banned from casinos because i have telekinetics

>> No.12380691
File: 2 KB, 540x540, 10211103102011211013101010101110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the MGM shill.

>> No.12380840

Fucking kek

>> No.12380861

Unless you were already a millionaire you cannot possibly have done that because casinos have limits that would have bankrupt your ass way before 500k

>> No.12380879

>The luck of the machine has to recharge.

thanks anon

>> No.12380957

No, the odds of getting 6 blacks in a row and then a red is the same as getting 7 blacks in a row (1/128).

>> No.12381018
File: 1000 KB, 500x302, lil b trap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based level 32 trolling ITT

>> No.12381816
File: 147 KB, 798x1200, b0227c4a5d45f8527b1b8a8d00e2f09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martingale system does not work long term.

If you make 25% profit, cash out!

I've tried the martingale system a few times, on online dice games.

I've found that 25% profit is probably the best you can do, and even then you are taking a risk.

There is no magic method when it comes to gambling.

>> No.12382003

Even if you were a statistical anomaly, it won't work for everyone. It's like saying "I won the lottery so everyone can win if they play."

>> No.12382013

>doesn't understand probability

>> No.12382016

What is the word for a statistical anomaly again? Sigma mata event or something like that?

>> No.12382051

>ALL DAY, eventually you’ll get weird runs

This. I made $4000 in 2 weeks online with a martingale/law of averages strategy. One of my last bets was $1024 and I lost so I cashed out what I had left. If you are on a win streak consider yourself lucky and cash out before you lose all your winnings.

People think a random sequence is uniform like
1 5 3 4 7 9 2 8

but the following is random as well
4 2 1 1 1 1 7 5

The key is LUCK. That's why it's called GAMBLING.

>> No.12382058

pretty sure the record run for a colour is 23, happened in a casino in monaco back in the 80s (probably happened loads of times in minor places) so for 24 to happen online smells like rigging.

>> No.12382072

>giving the player a chance to relax and think.
can you tell me how this would affect the math? If you keep going to the casino and start small, eventually you will win a little, but if you keep playing, you lose. Its net negative on everything.

>> No.12382078

If anyone wants to actually try anything out, I've profited on luckygames.io where you can bet their fake LUCKY tokens or you can even bet a fraction of an XRP so you're only betting a tiny amount to check your strategy out.

>> No.12382115

Stfu roulette can be beat. At least two ways: if the dealer is very consistent, you can time the ball and the wheel to calculate where the ball is going to end. On the other hand, the wheel can be biased, generally having 1 or 2 dominant diamonds, in which case you know where the ball is most likely going to drop. If you can only exclude half the numbers in this manner, you are smashing the house edge. This is simple physical fact, but the numbers are scattered randomly so that people don't realize it.

You cannot win if you have no edge. Money management and betting strategy will help you manage your risk, but they cannot transform a losing proposition into a winning bet! Stop looking at the fucking board and focus on the wheel.

>> No.12382126

>The luck of the machine has to recharge
I fucking lost brain cells reading this. Please KYS

>> No.12382130


>> No.12382139


Not at roulette, unless they're actually manipulating the ball/wheel

>> No.12382152


>> No.12382155

Blackjack is ok if you have 100k to throw around and are ok with making less than minimum wage, riding huge swings and getting kicked out of the casino.
Blackjack used to be pretty good, but it isn't now every pajeet and their grandma can count cards. You have to look for edges where other people aren't looking. For instance buy a roulette computer or play baccarat and do edge sorting. Fucking come up with something yourself instead of taking advice from movies.

>> No.12382398

Unironically I've made money like this (after a streak of 3). But in the end its a fallacy called the Law of Averages. Your best chance is the higher/lower game (0-99) on Luckygames.io. Roulette with one 0 has better odds than two 0s. But this has better odds than both. Wait for 3 Lower than 50 and start to martingale on Higher. Statistically you shouldn't profit but anecdotally I did. I'd bet a tiny of a fraction of a ripple until a streak of 3. then I'd bet 1 XRP -> 2 -> 4... in the opposite of the streak. Netted around $3k but quit after a big loss. Then I wrote a program that simulates it. Guess what? I'm supposed to lose.
So whenever I felt the urge to gamble again I'd just run the python code and see "oh I lost" so the urge would go away. When the bottom number printed is less than 2^(13-3), it means you lost money.

from random import randint

history_record = []

for i in range(0,1000):
history = []
low = 0
high = 0
#you lose at 13 in a row
while(low < 13 and high < 13):
y = randint(0,99)
if (y<50):
low +=1
high = 0
if (y>50):
high +=1
low = 0
if (y == 50):
high += 1
low += 1
if (low > 3 or high > 3):
#for i in range(1,16):
#print(i," ", history[len(history)-i])

>> No.12382415

Idk. Life? The tiny odds of us existing.

>> No.12382454

>Wait for 3 Lower than 50 and start to martingale on Higher.
Or 3 Higher and martingale on Lower.

>> No.12382495


Edit: formatting

from random import randint

history_record = []

for i in range(0,1000):
history = []
low = 0
high = 0
#you lose at 13 in a row
while(low < 13 and high < 13):
y = randint(0,99)
if (y<50):
low +=1
high = 0
if (y>50):
high +=1
low = 0
if (y == 50):
high += 1
low += 1
if (low > 3 or high > 3):
#for i in range(1,16):
#print(i," ", history[len(history)-i])

>> No.12382505
File: 40 KB, 289x416, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 9.00.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan won't let me format correctly

>> No.12382546

well done fren

>> No.12383458
File: 129 KB, 701x576, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin flips are independent events, so although the odds of a chain of x are sometimes low, "what is the probability of the next flip being x" is always the same, unlike in pic related where it's a DEPENDENT event

>> No.12383779

any reasonable casino will never have an unbalanced roulette wheel. They are tested regularly, because historically this fact has been exploited (see Joseph Jagger). Sure if you happen to find the one exception, yeah you can exploit it. But you talk as if every wheel is biases which is not true whatsoever. There is a reason casinos encourage people to track which numbers are hit, which numbers are 'hot' and which are 'cold'; it gives false confidence and causes people to lose more money.

You also bet before the ball is released so you can't calculate it and then bet, not that any human could reasonably do such a thing

>> No.12383798

i made over 500 million on roulette over the years, but im a genius

>> No.12383864

>play with system
>get thrown out immediately

>> No.12384085

2^13 if I remember my statistics shit right, the same probability of flipping 12 tails followed by a head.

>> No.12384231

Still better ROI than LINK

>> No.12384243

Sure have, what are you implying?

Would love to hear your reasoning, need a good chuckle

>> No.12384271


>> No.12384411

I work in a casino and my bro was a security guard at the cosmopolitan. They're throwing out hookers and drunks not roulette players. You can win at roulette but it gets boring and you have to be disciplined. I would wait for a 5 or 6 streak of even or black or whatever 48% bet and I would bet the opposite. It takes awhile waiting for the right sequence. I do it with $20-$40 and usually turn it into $100, I've lost it once or twice too but if you don't get lazy at stick to a decent sysytem you usually walk out with money. I taught my asian girl to do it too. She loves roulette. We don't play the tables I like the automated ones with the ball in the center. Orleans in Vegas has one that does $1 min. The Orleans also has a ton of black hookers if you're into that. Being afraid of getting thrown out running a system in vegas might not work at the tables but no one watches the video roulette with the actual ball. I don't trust the full video ones

>> No.12384799

Doesn't work because of 0 and 00. The martingale method only works for an even split of reds and blacks and the assumption that you can use infinite money.

>> No.12384916

Checked. More importantly, what sites / apps can I plug a poker bot into?

>> No.12385748

Bro your system doesn't work, no system does

>> No.12385755

>poker bot
You will get sucked out, bots are not profitable

>> No.12385789

Which casino is the best bet for attractive white hookers?

>> No.12385801

Sammy is a wise motherfucker, go look up his recent video on debt

>> No.12385870
File: 307 KB, 689x582, european roulette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12385870,2 [INTERNAL] 

Is this site as good as you described it?