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12374932 No.12374932 [Reply] [Original]

>A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest





>> No.12374939

>why is this allowed
oy vey that question is antisemitic

>> No.12375134

Could they make it anymore obvious
I fucking hate the braindead masses

>> No.12375145


It should tell you that a certain ideology prevails amongst our elites.

>> No.12375146


>Could they make it anymore obvious

I think they like to rub it in people’s faces

>> No.12375147

How new are you?

>> No.12375149
File: 24 KB, 434x220, C3ED7331-97EE-4D59-8776-F66C43E4DE07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA is not ruled by freemasons

>> No.12375154

Ripple has its own court? Neat
Bow to your masters XRP holders

>> No.12375158

The eye inside of the triangle is a sacred masonic symbol representing the "eye of god". I have repeatedly encountered this symbol on my Ayahuasca trips and can confirm that Jews are indeed God's chosen people.

>> No.12375163


HI rabbi

>> No.12375175

Shalom my son. You will be blessed with many shekels.

>> No.12375181

God is math, science, tech
Ever wonder why so many Jews win nobel prizes? Why shit like compression, search, storage, security algorithms, all come out of Israel?


>> No.12375217
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>> No.12375232


>Why shit like compression, search, storage, security algorithms, all come out of Israel?

american tech

>> No.12375363

if anything this just confirms ayahuasca makes you meet the devil

>> No.12375371

you think this is funny, but this is basically exactly how the left critiques white nation, look at this white nation its run by white people and white culture thats a racist conspiracy!

>> No.12375378

Based and jewpilled.

>> No.12375397

or perhaps noble prizes favor jews and zionists over others for the sake of reputation

>> No.12375452

This. It's their equivalent of slipping merchants or Pepe memes or whatever into mass media. Part troll, part dogwhistle, part vague threat.

>> No.12375972

He's never done it. The devil cannot produce love like mother ayahuasca

>> No.12376006


>> No.12376135

A smart mind is dangerous, the influence of thesse kikes is crazy. The education system is literally the brainwashing program. They wanted a nation of workers not thinkers.
Money has been real and fake, the price is our childerns future, they steal from the future to spend it today. When literally the people at the top just type numbers on a computer screen and go on spending sprees.
It's a good scam just because of how long they got away with it.

>> No.12376159

>why is this allowed?

Because when gov'ts are permitted to print their own money, very very bad things happen fast. Imagine an Obama or Sander's administration with absolute monetary control... Some balance is required and this is the best, albeit imperfect, option available short of precious metal anarchocapitalism.

>> No.12376374


>> No.12376812

I'm really not at all, and I think if we followed Ben Franklin's advice, and barred them from the country we'd be infinitely better off; however, the reserve system is, thus far, the most preferable to anything, slightly edging out precious metals.

>> No.12376820


Anything and everything to ignore the fact you are a fucking moron. So sure. Whatever makes you sleep better.

>> No.12377478

cuz americans are cucks

>> No.12377508

>wut is nepotism?

>> No.12377541

Go home

>> No.12377555

The best interest of all elites is to maintain low wages (fed calls it controlling inflation) and keep the poors too vulnerably to rest (low unemployement). Inflation also helps debtors pay off their amounts owed, while deflation creates a barrier to investing in smaller organizations.
It's simpler than that. If you have money, the fed helps you stay rich, if your broke, the fed is a boot stomping on your head 4 times a year. The Fed is a game dev in a shitty pay to win microtransaction online game.

>> No.12377573

thank you newfag but we had this thread in 2011 when we voted for Ron Paul

>> No.12377603
File: 29 KB, 622x311, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

>> No.12377616


>> No.12377707

>he thinks his vote matters

>> No.12377731

I’d be very careful about asking these questions if I was you goy.

>> No.12377748

The US almost has as many Jews as Israel. The Jews are God’s chosen people.

>> No.12377789

Hey Joe,

Goodbye Joe.

>> No.12377932

They are gods choosen people but their god is Satan

>> No.12378440

Why do they have so many genetic defects then?

>> No.12378526

God thinks retards are funny too, just like us.

>> No.12378674

Just checking something

>> No.12378677

(((Freemasons))) led us into WW2. Hitler targeted them specifically. The most vile kikes out there were at the top of the organization. They ruled France from the shadows and forced Germany into hyperinflation and later on even occupation of their natural resources which further contributed to inability for Germany to cover their payments. All of this so their friends could live like Kings.

So yeah, the kikes brought WW2 onto themselves.

>> No.12378742

Read Hobbes

>> No.12378766 [DELETED] 

"There is a great danger for the United States of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion, have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially.
If you do not exclude them from the United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government.
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise."
Taken from the Franklin Prophecy gentleman. Although supposedly, historians proved he did not write this.

>> No.12379040

1. Fed pumps asset bubble up
2. Rich sell up, plebs go all in
3. Fed pops bubble
4. Plebs forced to sell at huge loss, rich buy back in
5. Go to 1

>> No.12380036
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>Kike award given to the best kike by other kikes

Wow such intelligence

>> No.12380064

its actually not. Freemasons are now just a lower level recruiting agency for the real power structure.

Real power resides in much more powerful names. Only plebs think that "muh masons are in control"

>> No.12380214
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Yes, freemasonry is the shabbos goy recruitment ladder. There is simply not numerically enough smart kikes to control all nations effectively, so they induct all the smart and accomplished goys into a this lodge of organized secret keeping. At the lower ranks, it seems innocuous, but the better you are at keeping secrets and showing loyalty and commitment , the higher you get to go on the ladder and the more occult shit is revealed. But who knows what kind of faggotry and blackmail you have to endure on your way up the ranks before the kikes will give you access to the real power structure.