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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 223x223, COSS.IO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12371239 No.12371239 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12371246

$4,500,000 24/hour volume and still climbing

>> No.12371292

wtf I thought this was a scam? Or was that coinmetro?

>> No.12371314

Coinmetro is the scam while coss is lead by a multilevel marketing scheme guy.

>> No.12371324

I have never done any research on CoinMetro, so no idea what they've got going. Been following COSS for a long time now though and they've essentially been a black sheep this whole time, but now they're finally coming through.

>> No.12371345

ok cool ty anons

>> No.12371366

Token price also mooning now lol.

>> No.12371406

Haven't you cavemen leaned anything, volume doesn't matter if it's all bots . If I build an exchange and no humans r using it and only bots are, buying and selling to each other, what does that actually do? Nothing. They are probably Runes bots also so they prob aren't even paying fees kek

>> No.12371422

Bots create liquidity you utter brainlet

>> No.12371431

wow, so this is the power of a room-temperature IQ

>> No.12371449

I have a feeling that every exchange outside of the top5 are all bots.

>> No.12371462

I'm embarrassed that I share going on the same board with idiots like you

>> No.12371683


>> No.12371773


>> No.12371780

How do i get my divs payed in coss?

>> No.12371782
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>> No.12371838

So I buy coss token and receive a portion of every token traded from the fees? Is this right? So I can build a passive portfolio?

>> No.12371853

Great coordinated shilling here...


Anon asks a harmless question here...

Wow OP, is nice today, great response... So helpful for /biz/ standards...


Oh hey another friendly anon is here to chime in! def not samefag....

Oh biz, never change.

>> No.12371866

>So I buy coss token and receive a portion of every token traded from the fees? Is this right? So I can build a passive portfolio?

used to be that way
you still get a portfolio of ETH tokens but now non ETH coins are converted into ETH

so you get ETH based on volume from non erc20's
and you get erc20s

fuck off schizo

>> No.12371867

Yes, it works like an index fund essentially. With dividends paid in every currency traded on coss

>> No.12371874

And sell when something moons, or take the eth and hold it before the fork......

>> No.12371943

I can't believe the shill group haven't taken their 98% loss and moved onto to their next scamcoin

>> No.12372565

>Bots create liquidity you utter brainlet
Not if you can't fill orders. Look at some of the top exchanges on coin market cap that are all bots and go try to place an order. Here's a tip- YOU CANT. Liquidity my ass. It's too fake numbers u numbskulls. Have fun with all that fake volume and no real liquidity. It's just a number on a website, that's all.

>> No.12372594

That's not very full of truth senpai.

>> No.12372679

Just like private keys in crypto - numbers on a website. Amirite?

>> No.12372686

KCS marketcap is 6x COSS marketcap with both exchanges at similar 24hr volume. Question is, will this volume on COSS persist? If so, COSS is hugely undervalued.

>> No.12372771

KCS 60c COSS 8c both exchange 5mil volume hmmmmmmmm

>> No.12372834
File: 58 KB, 1376x641, sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.12372854

>It's just a number on a website, that's all.

yep, that's called crypto.

You must be new here.

>> No.12373001

or kuckcoin is overvalued

>> No.12373218

Huge, if huge.

>> No.12374181


>> No.12374514
File: 1.59 MB, 500x500, what cannot be unseen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hur durr what is fee split
>Derp herp Rune waited until public API release to unleash his botswarm instead of running it by himself for months
>Herka derk average /biz/raeli intelligence here
You brainlets do realize that people can manually check the estimated fee split at any time? Do you think not one person has gone in and discovered whether or not the numbers were heavily skewed?

>> No.12374747

Why would I get in now if they've lost my COSS and won't replace them. I know I'm not the only one either

>> No.12374829
File: 370 KB, 1280x720, 1519844331555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've always been very good with returning lost coins. You just have to get off of your fat ass and actually contact support.
That said, if you left your coins on an exchange, you deserve everything that happens. Thank you for your contribution to our price by cutting total supply.

>> No.12374918
File: 223 KB, 1046x679, cosstarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have been "working" on it for over 6 moths now, you have to be retarded to buy this shit

>> No.12375051
File: 114 KB, 411x411, tumblr_oqoefr6hLW1t1cnbqo4_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you're that faggot. The one who deleted your reddit account after the redditfags laughed at you for being such an idiot.

>> No.12375084

not me, i dont even own this shitcoin

>> No.12375095

>not being the faggot who deleted their reddit account by being laughed at by fucking redditfags.
>not laughing at the faggot who deleted their reddit account by being laughed at by fucking redditfags.