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12372931 No.12372931 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12373270
File: 355 KB, 2192x1865, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero cucks are already dead. Kek.

>> No.12373288

>smart contract language: basic

>> No.12373302

lets not forget the smart contracts are not audited and are already compromised

>> No.12373392

Why would a 1bn cap coin xmr holder mind a 5 mil cap coin in a market full of scams with way higher cap? Fear

>> No.12373437
File: 51 KB, 619x480, ntp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dero is decentralized

>> No.12373509
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>p2p encryption: SSL/TLS

>> No.12373891

>2 million premine
>Over half is unlocked
Yet you derocucks still believe you're not getting scammed

>> No.12374010

You should know that, the main difference between Monero and Dero is, Monero has pleb PhDs at the core, Dero has 3 true scientists at the core.
Monero = an average cuck PhD.
Dero = Grigori Jakowlewitsch Perelman, Shin'ichi Mochizuki, driven not by greed, monetary gains or attention whoring, but having an inner drive to create something that really matters.
Degenerate plebs like all of you brainlet fudders will never comprehend.

>> No.12374037


>> No.12374147

Dero chart: stopped reading it right on the “premine” line. The shitcoin stench was too strong

>> No.12374214


>> No.12374222

>Grigori Jakowlewitsch Perelman, Shin'ichi Mochizuki
Holy shit I'm hyperventilating. It makes perfect sense.

>> No.12374231
File: 69 KB, 698x228, Screen Shot 2019-01-07 at 10.51.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy pony and his low IQ brony faggot supporters absolutely BTFOd.

>> No.12374239

Mods, you should unironically delete this thread.

>> No.12374312

>Grigori Jakowlewitsch Perelman, Shin'ichi Mochizuki,
what the fuck give sauce right now

>> No.12374346
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>> No.12374383


This. Check fireice's comment on dero's smart contracts.

"Piravte my ass [[ 1 ]](https://git.dero.io/DeroProject/dvm_doc/src/master/lottery.bas#L11)) Of course, it is nice to have smart contracts; however expecting any privacy beyond non-trivial balance check is misplaced. They should talk down their privacy claims, explicitly state that it is only about making the balance invisible, and instead talk up smart contracts.”

>> No.12374387

Holy fuck boys, we're going to be filthy fucking rich if this anon's rumor is true. Some of the highest IQ mathematical geniuses in the world. I can't believe it. I'm smiling as I type this.

>> No.12374444

>The rumor is true.

>> No.12374468

Pathetic waste of quads

>> No.12374482
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>those brainlets believeng that such persons would be Dero dev who commit such trivial mistakes like implementing unaudited cryptography, closing the source code of a private cryptocurrency and using BASIC as a smart contract language

>> No.12374501

Forgot the best one:
>daemon depending on a NTP server to work.

>> No.12374530

>such trivial mistakes like implementing unaudited cryptography
You don't need an audit of your cryptography if you're literally among the smartest mathematicians in the world, fucking brainlet. Note that Shin'ichi Mochizuki caught similar flak from people like you, who are too dull and slavish to appreciate genius, for not seeking any academic vetting or peer review of his revolutionary mathematical proof.

>> No.12374534

God you're fucking dumb. Have fun buying our bags at $100 a Dero.

>> No.12374541

Yep, I'm definitely on /biz/.

>> No.12374591
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1537120001989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mad, scammed pajeet?

>> No.12374599

Oh yes, you do need. By ignoring this, it only proves that the dev is just an amateur playing with privacy cryptography without any caution.

>> No.12374606

We need more anons like you.

As for the rest of you fucking streetshitters, stop shilling shitcoints and just let us know when the next pump and dump will be. Thanks!

>> No.12374628

What rumor? Brainlet here.

>> No.12374695

The rumor that Shin'ichi is behind DERO aside, would you call his utter lack of regard for the academic PROCESS that you've lain yourself prostrate before 'proof' that he's an amateur mathematician? Just admit that there are people incomprehensibly more intelligent than you who don't have to go through the same loops for establishing trust and credentials as most people because those rules don't apply to them.

Look into the wikipedia bios of both these inidividuals. Highly secretive and distrustful of the "media"; Perelman even quit the field of mathematics because he couldn't handle the pageantry of award ceremonies and valor-stealing by lesser minds.

>> No.12374710
File: 150 KB, 434x345, 1528778203339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for being example A of dumb Dero FUDDER, friend.

>> No.12374718

Dero posters are just scammers that use Monero as an excuse to talk about their shitcoin. Their posts would be deleted as spam but they pretend it's relevant by associating with Monero. This post is yet another example.

>> No.12374722

Holy fuck dero and xmr pajeets are desperate

>> No.12374729

If dero weren't driven by gree, why the fuck do they need a 2 million coin premine. cock sucker

>> No.12374758

Another day, another dero shill. Better dump those bags quick, captain, everyone now realizes your smart contracts are total garbage and the bottom is starting to fall out from under your pnd.

If you think a genius-level mathematical ability qualifies someone to write flawless cryptographic implementations, you have absolutely no idea how software works. See all those bugs in dero smart contracts on testnet? Whoever's implementing this software clearly screws up, a lot; but hey, it's only money, right?

>> No.12374766

They’re just using mochizuki and perelman’s names because they know those autism gods would never bother to google their own names, let alone correct people spreading disinformation about their involvement in a pajeet scamcoin

>> No.12375119

Compare Monero to an old dry turd, you'll hit all A+ in such table... Or wait, maybe not even. Kek.

>> No.12375458
File: 90 KB, 1278x410, Screenshot 2019-01-08 at 11.17.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dero Rocket Bulletproofs fixed most of the findings mentioned in bulletproof audit report "OSTIF-QuarksLab-Monero-Bulletproofs-Final2.pdf" several months before release of this audit report. For details read the report and check Dero Github source.

>> No.12375497


"you only need to be within 1s of deviation from the rest of the network. Not "exactly" the same time as a given NTP server. So you can use pretty much any NTP server you want and it will be fine."

>> No.12375569

>They’re just using mochizuki and perelman’s names because they know those autism gods would never bother to google their own names, let alone correct people spreading disinformation about their involvement in a pajeet scamcoin
this. it is 100% a scam and a lie

>> No.12375637


>> No.12375819
File: 231 KB, 643x537, 1467692087065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>41 posts
>not a single valid argument against Dero
>the same old, tired arguments
>meanwhile, the same people fudding the coin are entering the $10,000 smart contract contest for the free money since even a retard can program in basic which is the point entirely
>Monerocucks literally have nothing else to talk about but they must have a thread on /biz/ 24/7 so now they're fudding a coin that barely has 1/100th of their marketcap


They're not scared at all!