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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12366081 No.12366081 [Reply] [Original]

Is this how capitalism ends?

>> No.12366248

Apply anyway. Either the position doesn't get filled or they lower their standards.

They just set the bar high so they can pretend to have leverage as far as not giving you a raise since you didn't meet their "qualifications"

>> No.12366268

>salary: competitive
Why do companies do this? It always means "competitive with minimum wage"

>> No.12366307

Yea 40k is literally the new minimum wage if you don’t live with your parents(Midwest anyway Jew York or San Fran more like 75k).

>> No.12366329

You're all making the equivalent of minimum wages. Some of you live in very expensive places so you think you're getting paid more but if you calculate everything in PERCENTAGES rather than dollars, you'll see that 200k/year and 40k/year are exactly the same depending on where you live.

>> No.12366332

another year or two of our current economic models, and earth will become a wasteland. ever watch the 100? fiat currency isn't free, printing more means you take more from the people. aka their lifeforce and make it so our kids live in a worse land.

>> No.12366333

I live in flyover prairie Canada and my living expenses are only about $20k/year, it all depends on where you are. I make about $80k and never struggle with money, but if I live in BC or something I'd be poverty-tier

>> No.12366360

Youre wrong about jew york lol. It is also 40k (assuming you are living as an individual)

>> No.12366361

>Apply anyway. Either the position doesn't get filled or they lower their standards.

This never works because they always have an internal candidate in mind or they want to outsource the job after saying "we tried but couldn't find anyone qualified :^)"

Also out of 1000s of people applying the odds of finding the perfect candidate increases

>> No.12366386

I live in the Midwest my rent is 650 a month. When all bills are said and done I’m left with an extra 4-500 a month to invest/save/have fun with. Do you nerds forget that the ZOG takes roughly 30% of your paycheck? 40k becomes 30k.
I’m in the same boat I can scrape by living somewhat like a poorfag on 20k a year. Left with about 10k a year (I have 0 debt as well which isn’t the case for 60% of people my age).

>> No.12366390

This is why you start your own thing. Doesn't matter what it is. Put that time and creativity on making money yourself if you want to survive in the ((new world)). Will only get worse by 2050 with more competition due to population increase and bots taking over most jobs.

>> No.12366393

Lmao you would be homeless in Jew York on 40k, my mom’s friend lives in a fucking shoebox that costs 1500 a month unless you want to live surrounded by crackheads and niggers.

>> No.12366401
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This is how companies say they can't find any qualified employees and instead of hiring US workers, they hire pajeets for cheap and work them like slaves...

>> No.12366417

>find a home office job
>go to thailand
>live rich expat life while fucking traps

>> No.12366473

>chasing a life of hedonistic degeneracy instead of spirituality and enlightenment
Whew lad, that Jew porn really did a number on you.

>> No.12367010

Just apply anyway.

>> No.12367161


>> No.12367312

>Change in management
>Outsource jobs to contractors
>Cheaper, more flexible, look at the money we save!
>Contractors show up with no knowledge of project
>Shit out work that furfills the objectives but isn't maintainable or sustainable.
>Leave after 6 months with shit everywhere
>Who has to clean it up? The full time guys.
>Full time employees now expected to their original job AND fix the mountain of shit left behind by the contractors.
>Ftes with options leave. How do we fill this manpower gap? With more contractors. This exec is saving us so much money.
>death spiral ensues. Exec gets promoted/leaves before it all comes crashing down.
Who are these terrible people.

>> No.12367360
File: 93 KB, 640x433, dod_education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practically everyone I knew from one of my good unis got a good job immediately...
At my masters uni everyone got a great job instantly (it was joint best in the country though)

Out of everyone from secondary school who didn't go pretty much everyone has a job, some aren't very good but they've still got one. Getting a job is easy and the statistics agree. Stop making excuses.

All you need is mediocre degree from mediocre uni, preferably a mediocre internship and 6 months tops. THAT'S IT.

>> No.12367381

It's actually too late for me to start going to college. Plus it's a loan I can't afford to pay back

>> No.12367404

As far as I know it's free in America if you're a strong student. The very best unis there definitely are.

If it's not save up or work part time there. Also "it's a loan I can't afford to pay back" just doesn't make sense... Even if you can't get a scholarship it costs on average 40k so according to that graph the average person can pay it back in 2 years, although obviously mutts decide to up their lifestyles instead of being responsible and blame it on the gov

>> No.12367534


>> No.12367555

>Capitalism is ending because I can't get a high paying job without credentials
Cry more.

>> No.12367565

Yep. Thanks mass migration!

>> No.12367566
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there's a disconnect here.

how are there simultaneously threads about making $150k doing fuck all and threads like this where you need to bust your ass for a (((competitive))) salary?

currently making $90k a year doing java coding in Massachusetts, I complete about 1 task a day but some of the bullshit ones take a week because of research needed.

idk if I'm doing good or bad. 2 years community college and 5 years work experience.

>> No.12367579

>Those fucking illiterate Mexicans are taking out analyst jerbs!!

>> No.12367624

How do I get such a job and where can I find one? What do I have to be able to do?

>> No.12367634

Are you fucking retarded or have you been living under a rock?

>> No.12367680

You gotta keep funding israel goy! Oy wei! did you forget about the shoah?! Dont worry goy! schindlers list is getting re released in 3d HD! Go to your goy entertainment building and remember why you pay your share!

>> No.12367690

How is it too late? The average age in my pharmacy school graduating class was 31. A few of my classmates were age 50+. You shouldn't worry about debt if you're going into a field that pays well.

>> No.12367697

You're doing really good if you are in your 20s which I assume you are. I'm 23 making 46 and I still feel like i'm making more money then most people my age in my town. Also I don't have a degree.

>> No.12367708
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A) Pajeets are taking the analyst and tech jobs
B) white women in the work force cause the same problem. More competition. Now it’s a buyers barker for labor, they set the terms. And with so many applicants, they have to set crazy intricate criteria to create a basis BUT then, they set the bar even higher than necessarily so they can tell the government that NO workers are available in the US, so they have permission to import Pajeets so that they can pay them even LESS! and these “superqualified” Pajeet workers are worse than US workers!

>> No.12367776 [DELETED] 

>strong student
nope lol I'm bottom tier
I'm 35 and a single dad

>> No.12367951

Until you get murdered by Thai locals

>> No.12367956

>believing in religion
Oh anon

>> No.12367966

fuck you boomer. i fell for that meme. now im drowning in debt.

>> No.12367979

>Not predicting labor market demand for a degree before choosing one
You were never going to make it.

>> No.12368009

>Salary: Competitive
>Find out it's $40,000/year

>> No.12368181

Who said anything about religion? DYOR and find the balance between studying science and the occult.
Y-yes mr shekelstein! I’m sorry I complained for having the privilege of making you money and giving taxes to the chosen nation of Israel! Heh say how about that sportsball team your cousin Chaim owns? I sure hope they beat that other team from the other city I don’t like!

>> No.12368260

Each job posting online has at MINIMUM 100 applicants, i read the average is somewhere between 400-1300 in some cities for desirable jobs.

Just take that in for a moment.

>> No.12368328

problem is the hiring managers lo longer want to waste time with all the brainlets applying, so HR has devised this gauntlet to filter them out.

>> No.12368353

Mitt Romney

>> No.12368458

So where do you think you can attain iner peace more easily in western concrete capitalist hell or in culturally buddhist and culturally preserved thailand? Yes thailand has its degeneracy and consumerism but havent forgotten where they come from either

>> No.12368570


No more profit, no more growth, no more jobs.

Chaotic circulation of goods from raw material to consumer might be highly inefficient anyway.

>> No.12368610

HHRR are the stacies of job market.
Basically sluts that enjoy to torture betas and will only give jobs to Chads.

>> No.12368618
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We already had an out

>> No.12368646

>culturally buddhist and culturally preserved thailand?

Yeah, the part that caters to Western tourists with the hookers and booze isn't connected to that religious cultural past lad. It'd be like trying to learn Christian morality in a Las Vegas brothel.

>> No.12368671

Smart executives who have figured out how to profit from the system without having to actually work.

>> No.12368684

>You shouldn't worry about debt
THIS is how capitalism dies.

>> No.12368800

The best in the world are moving into developed countries to work. If you can't compete with them, then you don't belong in your country. You should move to an undeveloped country and find work there.

>> No.12368816

>what is community
>what is tradition
>what are civic values

>> No.12368839

>He thinks white people can come to africa and work here


>> No.12368873

Buzzwords used by politicians who want popular support.
I live in USA. It's a community for winners. Its tradition is winning. Its civic value is winning. All the pathetic whiny losers who can't get a decent job should leave the country, make room for winners.

>> No.12369284
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Op was asking a broader question along the lines if the current state of what qualification actually is seen as enough to be granted access to the game. Concerning this very topic, I will tell you guys this: Back in 2015 I received my papers proving that I am indeed a holder of a PHD. I then applied not less than 304 times before getting a fixed term contract at a 10 bank in my 1st world country which was not renewed, because the bank went to shit. People wanted me to stay and there we numerous things done to enable me to, but to no effect in the end. I now am facing another period of presumably hundreds of applications just to be granted access to the sheep's trough. Interestingly I do not feel any pressure. I am convinced capitalism is in its final years. It simply is not feasible anymore and there are signs everywhere. I now lean back and, well, you could call it neeting, but actually I feel more of a silent observer of the things to come, and I do strongly expect them to be not nice.

>> No.12369557

What's up with all you faggots saying 'uni' all the time? Be a proper burger & just say college, don't be a eurocuck.

>> No.12369622

Survival of the fittest.
Maybe you incels need your own little affirmative action program? You whine more than niggers ^ women desu

>> No.12369655

>company expects you to be able to do the job
>oh no this is how capitalism ends

>> No.12369785

Wow! Who could have guessed that flooding the workers market offer was going to toughen up the selection process?

>> No.12370045


Children, screaming and longing for attention, not knowing the implications of their sayings. It makes me said to see of what little value this bitching is what you've posted, especially after what has been said here >>12369284.

>> No.12370092

There is actually 4 billion more people in the world since the 50s.
How many able bodied laborers do you think there are now.
Now tell me, how do you expect that companies refrain from being selective when they receive hundreds of applications for every single open position?
The only reason they ask for so many credentials, is that they can.

>> No.12370109

>It makes me said

>> No.12370116
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Why is IT always managed by someone who doesn't have an IT degree or background... Usually just business majors with no idea what computers are...

>> No.12370131
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>fulfill almost every condition (just a BSc in finance & good in VBA/SQL/Python, not R)
>got hired on the spot with already above average payment at the beginning (~50k€)

I simply love Germoney.

>> No.12370142

then do your job and explain what it takes to solve his problem.

>> No.12370160

That's how you get fired brainlet... The only option is to leave..

>> No.12370179

Oh and obviously no working experience. But telling them I learned my coding knowledge completely on my own impressed them quite a bit.

>> No.12370206

>Also out of 1000s of people applying the odds of finding the perfect candidate increases

This is why I've been working my way up in titles as fast as possible. 1 year and 8 months from entry-level to senior-level. Trying to get on at a liberal shithole like google so I'm set for life with experience.

>> No.12370223

Are you a Chad from an ivy league school? Otherwise gl getting in...

>> No.12370249

It ends when AI multiplies the productivity of the remaining labour such that the inefficiency of human labour is, for all real intents and purposes, eliminated. At that point it will be investors betting on which entities can seize the largest share of production and represent their power with increasingly large claims against the sovereignty of nations. The end of it will be when the investor class finds itself at an increasing loss because it needs to support persons who are no longer productive and they get taxed by their nations to pay companies that eventually become unsustainable.

That's the natural conclusion of this and people being too eternally chickenshit to head it off while they're presently placated.

Join the investor class, anon. If you work, try for something in politics, software, or the kinds of fiddly trades(plumbing) that will have a long legacy.

>> No.12370256

look faggot. you keep posting this same outdated boomer chart every fucking week.

if it's so easy why don't you get us all jobs. I've been searching for 6 fucking months.

>> No.12370265


AI won't ever work because it always becomes racist. Its a dead in the water idea.

>> No.12370282

>this never works
wrong. I now have a very high paying role in corporate finance because I applied on a whim to a job I was severely underqualified for according to the posting. I made up for it by being extremely confident and charming.

>> No.12370297

Ask friends or family, nepotism can and will work.

>> No.12370321

AI is racist because people are racist. People just understand how to hide it better right now.
When algorithms become sufficiently sophisticated, AIs will be able to mask it much better than people do.

>> No.12370397

AI is racist because it doesn't care about feelings. They discover patterns through repetition. It's like how a person becomes racist once they realize black people do most of the crimes. Patterns through repetition. It's not really racism, it's paying attention to facts established by repeated proof, which is all AI does.

>> No.12370415

Careful now.... Normies may find you offensive...

>> No.12370503

Just because the majority of a population (and ~95% of liberals) lives in cramped cities surrounded by homeless people with mental health issues that shit on the street as they walk by doesn't make them normal people.

Most of the tigers in the US are probably in Zoos. That doesn't make them normal tigers, just the majority of the tigers in the US. Those tigers are from off from normal, just like the people in cities.

I'm just saying that if it weren't a good idea for people to be wary of other people based on learned patterns such as color of skin then we wouldn't have evolved to do it.

>> No.12370581


>> No.12370608

Almost every problem people find in capitalist societies is a result of government interference in the free market

>> No.12370622

You've sat on your ass applying on websites for 6 months. I wouldn't exactly call that a job search.

>> No.12370627

spirituality doesn't have to be religious.

>> No.12370635

meant for

>> No.12370638

That will also cost u about the same at least

>> No.12370661

giVE tHeM yOUr ReSUme aND a FiRm haNDsHaKe

>> No.12370675

And I actually tried this once, in 2018, to a job I was insanely qualified for. It didn't work.

>> No.12370678


>> No.12370760

My job occasionally involves hiring new people to work with in my department. It's not a guarantee, but people that call or show up to chat with me and ask that I look at their application have a much higher chance of being interviewed. And no, I'm not a boomer. I'm 29.

>> No.12371088

you are going to hell senpai

>> No.12371845

Beat me to this one

>> No.12371880
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If you get complacent that's where you'll stay anon. It's up to you how you want to balance your income/peace of mind.
If you try hard to get better jobs every few years you will be making 150k and beyond in no time, but low stress jobs are valuable in and of themselves.

>> No.12371941

This is the same with tinder thots.
Requirements: 6'0+
Salary: 6/10 thot

>> No.12371987

This is an an economic """boom.""" Just imagine when the economy shits the bed in the next few years.

>> No.12372033

boomer is a state of mind anon, not an age

>> No.12372034

>>company expects you to be able to do the job

Companies are like the flakey fat girl who thinks shes hot looking for a billionaire super model for her boyfriend.

>> No.12372045
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>he doesn't have a firm handshake

>> No.12372060
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>AI is racist because it doesn't care about feelings. They discover patterns through repetition. It's like how a person becomes racist once they realize black people do most of the crimes. Patterns through repetition. It's not really racism, it's paying attention to facts established by repeated proof, which is all AI does.

I dont know what you meant, but I got angry.

>> No.12372085

goodvibespanel.com just resell services to normies

>> No.12372124

It's some sort of western european_soyspeak

>> No.12372143

Careful what you wish for.
It's the reason you can enjoy those meme jobs where you do actual work for 2hrs a day.

>> No.12372189

Then excuse my boomer state of mind and boomer pay checks.

>> No.12372368
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>he doesnt know modern (((science))) is a religion made from the occult mystery schools secrets pushed as scientific facts but it's all just big fat fucking lies
For example, dig onto the big bang theory, you will see it was 'invented' by a jesuit priest who tried to give a scientific approach to the genesis biblical Fiat Lux.The theory was then popularized by one of his MIT's student : Hubbles. Wiki pic related if you don't believe me.
Look at the occult science serie made by schism202, he dug the subject pretty deep.

>> No.12372402
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Speaking as a socialist here.

The liberal elite genuinely do look down on the white working class which has started leading white people into reactionary politics. Which, despite not being the solution to the problem makes sense and I'm sympathetic.

Whereas the non-white non-male working class do have some scraps thrown at them through diversity quotas. That's all they are is scraps, affirmative action has not historically and cannot solve the social and economic divides drawn along the lines of race and gender. Diversity politics =/= equality, diversity is a distraction from genuine divide.

Everything requires a college degree, but it doesn't stop there. If you can't afford the years of unpaid internships living off your families wealth you're fucked. When the working class points out very rightly that this is bullshit they are shouted down as uneducated and "deplorable."

Even joining the peace core and digging wells requires a college degree. All of this for many leads to joining the military as one of the only viable options for a job that pays a living wage. Which in turn creates a sacred rhetoric about always supporting the troops. Support the troops is code for supporting the working class. This, combined with the military industrial complex adding a profit motive into the mix is why Republican representatives rally around supporting the troops.

Sadly, like all other corrupt politicians the promise is fallow. Republican politicians only support the troops insofar as they need to. This is why programs to support veterans are constantly underfunded and veterans are left to die after their service is through. The republican elite don't care anymore than the democrat elite do, they've just figured out how to exploit a common sentiment just as much as they need to in order to remain in power.

The solution is to overthrow all of the elite my friends, do not take comfort in their scraps and concessions, seize everything they have.

>> No.12372409

6 months isn't long. Took me 10 months to find an entry level engineer job

>> No.12372463

>An entity representing ultimate good taking care of you, another representing evil - and you get rewarded for listening!
Shit like that doesn't exist in nature and reeks of human invention. Spirituality is a state of mind and does not need to be relevant to religion - it is universal

>> No.12372465

>The solution is to overthrow all of the elite my friends, do not take comfort in their scraps and concessions, seize everything they have.

Daily reminder the kikes overlords want to cull the world until only 500 millions humans slaves survive. Its their big project since a long time now and we are in the final phase. Its us or them.

>> No.12372489
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>> No.12372523

Well... it is not the end of capitalism, I rather say it is the end of the neoliberalism ideals and its economic policies. The history has proved that socialism and its form of government is highly inefficient and detrimental to the people. Therefore, the new paradigm is a new form of capitalism. I dare to say that keynesian models will take the liberal ones. A PhD bro here btw

>> No.12372552

Please fuck off commie. This is clearly not the place for you pal.

>> No.12372557
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>> No.12372569

PISSES ME OFF when they don't put the salary on.

"Competitive" or "Excellent". By who's fucking standards?!

What if I had fucking kids? How the shit am I supposed to know whether I can feed myself and my family? Or just wasting my fucking time applying to god know's how many jobs, attending 7 rounds of interview, doing "practical tests" (free work) etc.

Should be fucking illegal not to state at least salary boundaries (negotiable within).

>> No.12372574

I make 40k and have to live from Mom's home cuz I have car payments and 50k student debt. Jew jersey btw

>> No.12372585
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*ahem* *ting ting*


>> No.12372589

Literally my place.

Best bit is the fucking retard contractors (who don't even know how to make a config file) get at least TRIPLE my salary.

>> No.12372606
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I admit that Keynesianism can be respectable, especially when compared to neoliberal economics.

Although I wouldn't go as far as to say that socialism has been historically invalidated.

I agree that yes, state socialism, totalitarianism and planned socialist economies are historical failures.

I posit that this doesn't have bearing on market socialism though.

The most destructive forms of corporate hierarchy don't actually need to be part of the equation and it is reasonable to say that more democratic models are viable, that's an empirical statement, not an opinion. If you can get past the neckbeardedness of this video it explains why cooperatives are viable using basic formal logic.



The existence of the mondragon corporation, the 10s of thousands of cooperatives in Europe and the 100s in the US prove that market dynamics can happen without the presence of an elite administrative class.

>> No.12372622

Wow this is the exact series of events that fucked up my employer.

>> No.12372638
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I'm quite at home here actually. I don't like central banks, cryptocurrency has the potential to undermine them and /biz is the defacto crypto sub.

Besides, Karl Marx played the markets to in his own words, "relieve the enemy of his money." There's no reason I shouldn't be here.

And in any case it's not like getting angry at each other will help anything.

Assuming you're somewhere on the far right here, there's actually a lot that we have in common. We've recognized the same injustices in society but have taken different paths of reasoning in how we relate to that oppression.

>> No.12372688
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Capitalism is always right. It something goes wrong it is the jews or the freemasons. Learn2redpill bro.

>> No.12372744
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Not repilled friend, I prefer philosophy and science over memes and conspiracy.

There's one thing I've never understood though. If a movement desires to throw formal reasoning out the window which is essentially the same as saying one believes in magic, why go for such a boring aesthetic?

I mean, yinz could colour yourselves gods and pretend to be starchildren or go be neopagans and practice magick or something.

Want to make your waifu real? Convince yourself that some ritual can actually do that and pursue that ritual for purpose. The possibilities are endless when 1 + 1 = fish.

>> No.12372873

Because it's a company where the wage/salary isn't required to be shown. Means they can drop the pay if they feel you're underqualified, too young, over 40, a woman or are black.

>> No.12372896

Aussie miners and oil/gas workers are like 15 years ahead of you on this.
$200/h working 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, then go back to Thai or Vietnam to their mansions, butlers and ladyboy maids

>> No.12372926

Theres no such thing as capitalism, its a meme word invented by tankies. You either have a free market or socialism, and what we have today is socialism where the government has a monopoly over the most important good in the economy, money.

What is actually going to die is socialism and a free market world will emerge thanks to crypto.

>> No.12372996

Global resource based economy with a well advanced AI and fully immersive VR to pacify our conflicts & outbursts

>> No.12373004
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BTC is not private or fungible.

What use does a large corporate entity or institution have with a coin that can be analysed through chain analysis so that their competitors, foreign governments, or other bad actors can analyse all of their transactions data?

Information leaked includes relationships, supply chains, profit and loss information, accumulated wealth, and more.

For people serious about Business Monero is the answer. Data mining will be a serious issue for commercial deployments.


>> No.12373016

>Everything requires a college degree, but it doesn't stop there. If you can't afford the years of unpaid internships living off your families wealth you're fucked.

kek. My current situation.

>Even joining the peace core and digging wells requires a college degree. All of this for many leads to joining the military as one of the only viable options for a job that pays a living wage. Which in turn creates a sacred rhetoric about always supporting the troops. Support the troops is code for supporting the working class. This, combined with the military industrial complex adding a profit motive into the mix is why Republican representatives rally around supporting the troops.


>Whereas the non-white non-male working class do have some scraps thrown at them through diversity quotas. That's all they are is scraps, affirmative action has not historically and cannot solve the social and economic divides drawn along the lines of race and gender. Diversity politics =/= equality, diversity is a distraction from genuine divide.

funny shit. usually the 90% of people that benefit from affirmative action are women and rich "minorities". It's a massive elites stroking off each other.

>> No.12373067

shit like this is why bernie sanders is going to be the next president

>> No.12373193
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Speaking as the socialist in the thread again.

I have heard Marxian economists describe the current central banking hegemony as socialism for the rich. If this order of economics is permitted to keep existing a neofuedal economy will eventually arise out of it.

Currently the economy only has an overlay of managerial feudalism draped over the skeleton of industrial capitalism. The transition isn't complete yet which is why some upward mobility (although increasingly less and less so) still exists between economic classes and why the private sector is filled with so much senseless bureaucracy.

Although, I'd not go as far as to say there's no such thing as capitalism and that it's only a construct created by tankies.

Firstly, there were socialists far before their were marxist-leninists. Ricardian Socialism predates Marx and Adam Smith did a lot of the theoretical work that laid the foundation for socialist thought. This is so much the case that there is even a branch of socialist thought called Smithian Socialism.

Secondly, if you see an apple fall from a tree and call the phenomena gravity does that mean that gravity is just a human construct? Or does that mean that the word "gravity" is how we describe and relate to our observation of the phenomena?

Finally, a truly free market would have more elements of democratic market socialism than we do now. The only reason workers didn't run their own factories in 19th century America is because everytime they tried to claim the value they created the state used military force to stop them. A free market without state intervention has more socialist elements than capitalist ones.

The same can be said for copyright for that matter. Copyright is a state intervention preventing the free market from functioning. Copyright also impedes scientific progress by creating inefficiency and barring access to information via licencing. In the creative fields it prevents people from iterating on artistic works too.

>> No.12373251
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But what of the human spirit my friend!

How do you think our species will respond when we no longer have agency over ourselves, condemned to being a machine's pet.

Without agency are we even human anymore?

This is speaking as a transhumanist. I want to live forever. I want to be hyper-intelligent. But I don't want someone to do the work for me. We can live alongside AI, and it can compliment us sure, but it shouldn't rule us.

>> No.12373257

undoubtedly based

>> No.12373581


>how are there simultaneously threads about making $150k doing fuck all and threads like this where you need to bust your ass for a (((competitive))) salary?

check this article out, it explains the shift that happened in the 80s from wages to investments:


>> No.12373640

big redpill here

>> No.12373668
File: 6 KB, 250x232, 1428534977162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>university requires summer internship in order to graduate w/ engineering degree
>still haven't found one despite finishing my coursework 2 years ago, meanwhile all women/minorities in my course are earning six figures

>> No.12373761

The free market exists since the day two cavemen exchanged an arrow one of then made for a duck the other one hunted. Private property exist since one of them put a fence around his cave. Socialism only exists with a government oppressing its population.

When central banks control the supply of money at will there can be no free market, thats a fact. We live in a society where politicians and their cronies control the entire economy to prevent competition from the little guys.

Gravity is something one can see, socialism is a set of ideas that have absolutely no base on reality. A factory worker with a 401k would be a capitalist according to socialist dogma. The real problem of socialism is that it creates categories that are completely artificial and which borders can never be defined accurately.

A truly free market wouldn't be democratic at all, in a truly free market I could sell my right to vote, like stockholders do when they sell their shares.

Copyrights are a whole other issue but blockchain and crypto will be able to offer more sensible solutions.

The problem with tankies is that they obfuscate every definition until they don't mean anything, so much that this guy even ends up saying a free market economy would be socialist...

>> No.12373789

Also hourly rate is more important than salary.

If you're working 60 hours for the same money as someone making 40 hours, your actual earnings are far less, because you are losing time (which is the only currency in life that you cannot get more of)

>> No.12373856

>min 5 years work experience (excluding: part time and internships)
just with this shit you can tell it will be a shitty and risky job

>> No.12373889


You both might find Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber interesting.


>> No.12373893

Without copyright, people creating original work won't be able to make any money, but I get your point.

>> No.12373913

>Also hourly rate is more important than salary.

Only applies to unskilled labor. If you can finish tasks 4x as fast as another worker, it doesn't make sense to be paid the same to do more work. The more important issue is the company abusing its workers, which can happen in both hourly/salary type jobs.

>> No.12373927


>> No.12373952

Not too expensive if you like roomates like 99% of young people.

>> No.12373975

>>get degree in chemical meme engineering
>>no meme jobs hiring
>>get job as data analyst at company sort of related to schooling, enough that engineering manager says he can sign off on my eng paperwork if I wagecuck
>>average day consists of learning SQL and DAX from scratch because management assumes everyone under 28 learned to code at school

>> No.12374030
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> The free market exists since the day two cavemen exchanged an arrow one of then made for a duck the other one hunted. Private property exist since one of them put a fence around his cave. Socialism only exists with a government oppressing its population.

Please define your terms. Namely, socialism and free market.

I'll define mine. Socialism: The workers own the means of production. Any market where more than 50% of the means of production are owned by the workers is a socialist market. All markets have elements of socialism. Public Libraries, roads and municipal utilities are all socialist in nature. Worker-owned cooperatives are also examples of socialism.

Socialism =/= the government does stuff

Free Market: a market without state intervention.

Even in predominantly private markets large corporations that gain hegemony over their industrial sector--not always in the form of monopoly, central banks are an example of this tendency in finance--will assume the form of a state even if they don't call themselves one and subsequently interfere in market dynamics.

Free markets have never existed, all markets are mixed and there is no magic ideal that dictates reality whether that be in the form of a free market or a planned market. We can only tip the balance in one direction or another.

Free Market =/= money does stuff

Market socialism: the means of production are owned by the workers and exchange is mediated by the market. No central planning need be present, only democratic ownership and administration of businesses.

I would write more, but this thread is starting to die and I've got other stuff to do. Unpacking the rest of your very low effort statements isn't worth the payoff.

Not a tankie btw, I'm a libertarian market socialist that falls under the social anarchist school of thought.

I'm as far from a marxist leninist as you can get without being right-wing.

Also, not a Stirnerite but I love this image.

>> No.12374035

They're there. They pay like garbage.

>> No.12374057

Not him. How do you enforce Democratic ownership of businesses without government coercion?

>> No.12374139
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Decentralized platforms like patreon but without the censorship would help alleviate that problem. People will still support artists and artists will still make art.

Moreover large productions like triple AAA games and movies would require large amounts of workers collaborating. The demand for them wouldn't go away which means someone(s) will pay for them to be made. And yes, royalties would go away, as would the capitalists that largely reap them. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it would just mean that artists would rely on wages/salaries/grants (which might bring more stability to their income anyway) instead of licensing fees.

Collectors and enthusiasts would still also value original work. There would likely still be some demand for things like Nintendo's amiibos.

Beyond that, a market that doesn't prioritize profit and instead prioritizes lowering prices would drive the cost of living down so much that artists could feasibly work for a year or two at a side gig then make art and live off of savings for years even if their art wasn't profitable.

Any market predominantly owned by the working class would favor the working class. Profit would be an element, but driving down prices through greater efficiency would benefit quality of life much more. This would probably happen through mutual aid pacts where one federation of cooperatives agrees to give lower prices to worker-members of another federation and vice versa instead of charging market rates. This of course would in turn draw down market rates. Mutual aid pacts already happen between cooperatives, but their aren't enough large federations to see if the idea will scale yet.

Federations would also provide social safety nets like healthcare, college tuition, pensions, social security and unemployment for their worker-members and their families. The multibilliondoller Mondragon Federation of Worker Cooperatives which employs over 70,000 people in Spain already does this.

>> No.12374143

explain how wealth redistribution will help humanity in the long run

> muh sweden

socialism cannot work in diverse nations with low immigration barriers.

all you get is more people on wellfare and more rich people fleeing (or simply moving their companies to the caymans); squeezing the middle to upper middle class. hence the death spiral

>> No.12374162

Yeah where did that BULLSHIT lead the "enlightened" Europeans and Indians? Oh, that's right, straight back into hedonism and slavery. Where'd that leave Jesus? Jew on a stick.
There is no spirit, there is no enlightenment, because the spiritual leaders and speakers are all spooks to control the masses.

>> No.12374165

Lad, stop. A few things. First




Its something that'll get you memed on here. Its called reddit spacing since its email-esc spacing rather then paragraph which is what this originated under. That and its attention grabbing which is the opposite of what being anonymous is about.

That aside socialism is weird. Take for instance the anti-egalitarian views of socialism. Take how it plays into empiricist materialism such as that in which the British conserved (which is why they are the creators of utilitarianism and empiricist thought) however it attempts to merge it with the German ideas of labor value, that is valuing labor into itself (a very German thought itself.) Its attempts to merge these two ideas through applying Hegel to materialism is in itself its creation of the weird paradox of socialism in which you play, it is the proletariat's capitalism.

That is to say, it is lower class to exploit the upper class. The way materialist thought has been applied to this has in itself bypassed the important parts of Hegel in which are in themselves non-materialist, which is why labor theory of value is so looked down upon. It would make sense to a German since German Romanticism, and other non-materialist schools of thought were used to justify the QUALITATIVE value of labor, however Marx said that it is in fact a quantifiable good into itself.

As you can see Marxism doesn't philosophically make sense, and neither does it economically make sense since labor theory of value is way too full of holes as per Marx. Add this with the failure of its political system in all large cases (especially the failed anarchic movements) and its left with being an ethical framework. Which is at the end of the day all that it is, a sad ethical theory justifying materialism and playing the satanic role in the capitalist church.

>> No.12374255
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Ideal answer: This is not achievable for a long time if ever btw.

The workers who own the business would self-manage dissent. If someone breaks democratic precedent they would be ousted. More importantly there would be a social understanding that harming the business hurts an individual more than it helps them. Cooperation is more beneficial than crime. And with the near complete elimination of poverty (which is the root cause of most crime) real crimes would become very scarce.
Realistic answer:

I make no claim to understand how actual anarchism would exactly manifest. My goal is to make society more anarchic and radically push in that direction. People rebelling against monarchs couldn't have envisioned our current society either.

Sadly, this means the police and the state are here to stay for a while.

Laws would also become more and more relative to each community as time goes on.

Militias would replace the military, and nations would be pacifist like Switzerland.

Prison would rapidly take the form of rehabilitation. Standards would be enforced by the market because prisoners would be free to transfer to any prison with open cells in the country and would be funded relative to how many prisoners they successfully rehabilitate.

Retaining prisoners would be unprofitable. True market mediation implies the prisoner has the choice of which prison to go to. It also implies they be treated like human beings, no communication blackouts or seizing of their possessions or forcing them to work for sweatshop wages. Doing these things would be less profitable than rehabilitating them because prison funding would come from cooperative federations. Federations that want less crime and more productive workers.

>> No.12374265

yeh m8

>> No.12374281

y'all realize the boomers are retiring or getting fired in droves, and that's why unemployment is so low


>> No.12374294
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>> No.12374308

Interesting. I actually think the labor theory of value is bunk, but that's irrelevant as far as ethics are concerned imo. I like the /idea/ of what you described, but so long as you push for anarchism, I don't see why it'd naturally lead to worker owned business.

Frankly, I think the left and right should be pushing for location and decentralization across the board, even if you think one side is racist and the other is gay.

>> No.12374338


>> No.12374369
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Noted on the spacing. Your critique is one of the first I've encountered here that has genuinely left me confused, that's good, it means I'm learning something. I'll admit I'm having trouble parsing what you're saying atm, but I think that's because it's 2am. I'm going to have reflect on some of your comments tomorrow but I will save them for that purpose. In the mean time I do have some quick questions that disregard some of the philosophy for the time being.

What failed anarchic movements are you referring too? I was under the impression that all the genuine ones that weren't cults of personality were wiped out by hostile invaders. The Catalan revolution comes to mind during the Spanish Civil War of 1936. My other question is this (and the main reason why I feel comfortable disregarding the philsophy for the moment. If the theory is completely self-contradictory, why do large cooperatives like the Mondragon corporation exist? Doesn't their existence, alongside the 10s of thousands of other worker owned cooperatives necessitate that the capitalist class is unnecessary and that our species could actually run its affairs democratically?

>> No.12374407

That is precisely why AI WILL work though.

>> No.12374410

>The workers who own the business would self-manage dissent. If someone breaks democratic precedent they would be ousted. More importantly there would be a social understanding that harming the business hurts an individual more than it helps them. Cooperation is more beneficial than crime. And with the near complete elimination of poverty (which is the root cause of most crime) real crimes would become very scarce.
This requires cultural homogeneity. It breaks down if enough people defect from the group, if means of defection that avoid detection are sufficiently available or damaging outside influences are introduced to the culture. How would you address potential balkanisation?

>> No.12374427
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Fuck Jews, find every way to keep as much as possible

>> No.12374433


Hence why it was the ideal answer. For real though, it's not a permanent state of society that I'm hoping for. I don't think anarchism is the end point of humanity, nor do I claim to know what lies beyond it. Social revolutions do happen though, and there's nothing saying that a very large anarchic one couldn't claim hegemony over a lot of the world for a few centuries. Social revolutions should become easier as the species becomes more globalized too.

>> No.12374483

All utopian ideals. None of them would be achievable without genetically reengineering humans to be more cooperative. People are selfish by nature. Some are psychopathic. Many are apathetic. This can't be changed simply through education.

>> No.12374511

Sorry might also be that its late here as well so I didn't get to write out my thoughts coherently enough.

>What failed anarchic movements are you referring too?
Most die locally is the main problem so they don't go much higher then syndicalist worker movements that are relatively small in scope. Anarchism in itself doesn't go much higher then this for a reason, its a lack or organization that sprouts from its movement type. Its why you see Marxist-Leninist and Mao-ists do rather well politically, because their party system is very functional. I don't mean that anarchism had a revolt and failed, but rather that it politically can't become a mass movement, which in essence is political failure for an-com, an-sym, ect.

>necessitate that the capitalist class is unnecessary and that our species could actually run its affairs democratically?
Good question. To answer this we need to look at the doctrines professed under Marx which are English. That is, the ethical of looting. Exploitation and looting is why this won't work. To the anglo it is ethical to loot, its why Musk, Gates, and Zuckerberg are viewed rather positively in the US. Because they did a good job looting. Its very viking-sec in its mentality. The problem with this when we apply it to Marx is that we assume the way for the betterment of lower classes is to loot the upper classes till everyone is left with enough loot to not have to work on anything they don't want to. This is where your democratic ideals come in. We vote on what the masses will loot next. The problem is that this isn't removing a capitalist class, but rather is etheralizing it into democracy itself. The process of looting, be it centralized in the dictatorship of the proletariat or decentralized (democratic looting in forms of anarchism) it is still all about looting which is why if the masses do this they all become capitalists.

>> No.12374578


>Most die locally is the main problem so they don't go much higher then syndicalist worker movements that are relatively small in scope.
I see merit in your point, but I do think that the Catalan Revolution does constitute a mass movement. Whether or not it would have been sustainable I can't say. I see merit in your point because as an anarchist who has been swimming through anarchist spaces for a few years now I absolutely see the lack of organization. I've always attributed that to the challenges of trying to build a new culture from within the old one. Not to mention that most anarchists I've encountered are bogged down with life in the same way we all are. The sentiments of a recent collective member that joined my cooperative bookstore mirrors your point. He said in his interview, "I want to join a collective that is established and see what that's like." I wasn't aware of this until recently because my only collective experience has been with one that has existed for 17 years, but apparently this is not the norm and they do indeed die out quickly. Again though, until now I've always thought of this as a result of economic struggle or some other such external force, not an issue with anarchism in its own right.

>You're second point

I'm too tired for this one, but thankyou again. I've got some reflection to do. I'm not remotely giving up on anarchism yet, your points just give me more motivation to reconcile problems with the ideology as I do view it as the most ambitious and liberatory ideologue. I'm attracted to anarchism because it's so ambitious.

>> No.12374625

I hope you're right but I don't think anarchism will ever be stable enough to form something persistent. Particularly in competition with systems which can siphon off resources from exploited parties.

"Good ideology, wrong species."

>> No.12374661

Except in socialism "workers" never owned anything, the Jewish elite did.

t. I live in socialist exsoviet country.

>> No.12374679

If you ever think up something for the second point let me know, its what made me give up being a tankie.

>> No.12374696

college is a 2 year program in my country, university is a proper 4 year degree. every time i hear college i think "shit tier 2 year community garbage"

>> No.12374704

t. Person has only ever experienced capitalism.
Also if you are a pole just wanted to remind you that your women love black men and your men hate living in your country.

>> No.12374746


Almost forgot, what is your ideology/philosophy. On my phone atm so I might have a different ID. Same anarchist as before.

I'd like to be pointed in the direction where I'll find real intellectual critique. The stuff I've been encountering in rhetoric "Jordan Peterson" has genuinely been useless. Reccomend a book or something to me if you're still there, I'll actually read it.

>> No.12376118


>Inner peace

Choose only one famalamadingdong

>> No.12376124


Post brought to you by t.propaganda

>> No.12376136

>your only goal in life is to make shekels goyim(so that your boss mr goldberg makes 10000x more).Don't settle down,don't have any national pride or anything like that.These are things of the past
I was in need of a new lampshade.

>> No.12376144


I expect it also takes into consideration racism.

>> No.12376179

Community college is not so bad in my state. After you finish your 2 year degree you pretty much get instant admission into the 2 state schools and one private university. The classes are much cheaper, saving you like $35k, and they are 100% transferable.

>> No.12376199

I wouldn’t say that’s capitalism. Government giving away free or half off degrees to poor people has created a system where you need high level education for low level jobs. Degrees mean less because everyone has one, basically. I’m tried of everyone blaming on problems on capitalism, free enterprise, consumer choice, and liberty. Smd you cynical brainlets.

>> No.12376268
File: 1.06 MB, 540x960, big in china.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who unironically is working on founding a political party here?
>in 2020 I'll be launching mine, feels good.

>> No.12376361

Any tips on how to self-teach SQL and Python? Need to learn these two to step up my career a notch

>> No.12376748

>"entry level"
>if you don't have 2+ years experience in the EXACT SAME JOB TO THE LETTER they won't even look at you
Fuck you CoBank.
>>find a home office job
Good fucking luck with that. I've looked and looked and they just don't exist yet, not for entry level, not even for mid level. Found a few in senior level, found several in tech. That's it. And many of them were sketch as hell.
We will never have remote jobs allowing us to skip city rent, not while boomers still draw breath.
Learning is one thing. Proving you know it to some boomerstacy HR cunt is a whole 'nother problem.

>> No.12376795

Eh. College in burgerland means four years. A university just means there are masters / PhD programs available on campus.

>> No.12376810

Captalism faces the same problems as socialism with the same outcome. In Captalism everyone's doing good in the beginning just like socialism, however the ones most important to society end up way better off whilst in socialism, everyone who's in the government/ has government ties is alright

>> No.12376832

>In the creative fields it prevents people from iterating on artistic works too.

it means i get paid for my artistic works when the spotifyjew is paying me a fraction of a shekel for a stream and stops cunts from stealing my music

>> No.12376875
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>European Christ cucks
Pick one, you have a lot of reading to do about the ancient mystery schools, alchemy and psychology anon.
Literally a buzzword to shut down thought processes. if you can’t detect my anti semetic memeing as taking a jab at the Jewish elite you probably belong on reddit or Facebook. Anyone with enough sense can realize to judge a person on their character and actions but should also be able to recognize pattern recognition in that blacks come from shitty households which leads to crime and undesirable characteristics and low focus on schooling and intelligence and that elite Jews and their .0001%er friends call the shots for the rest of humanity.

>> No.12376915
File: 63 KB, 609x906, The Greatest Depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's actually right. 2021 is when the crash that ends fiat happens.

>> No.12376950


>> No.12377155

It works in primitive tribes still today and worked with a quite large scale during revolutionary Catalonia (1936), with millions of people.

Also, the biggest Marxian argument against capitalism isn't romantic, or even subjective.

It is the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.

Every time it is mentioned on boards, capitalists normies don't even debate it, even if a secondary school student would realize it's inevitability.

About the theory of labor value, excuse me, but it is just obvious for the vast majority of the everyday items that we use.
The value of my cheap mouse, my cheap smartphone etc... E.G: the value of my kettle, comes mostly for the accumulated labor from extracting its metal, to shaping it. Automation increase productivity, but doesn't create value. Full automation means infinite production thus value approaching zero. The labor is the limit of production. Thus it is it's value. Something almost infinite (the air you breathe, water) doesn't have any economical value. There are exception, like art masterpieces, or a gold nugget found with pure luck and such, but that's what they are: exceptions of the origin of value.

>> No.12377190


You must have a very flexible schedule.
Minimum of 1 year or longer professionally working on or repairing phones and tablets.
Minimum of 1 year or longer professionally working on or repairing laptops and computers.
Must know how to use Adobe Photoshop
Must know how to use WordPress
You may be called in sometimes on short notice.
Self-motivated and able to work, and stay busy with little to no supervision.
Customer Service Experience with a technical background.
You must also demonstrate the desire to learn new things, and achieve goals.
You will be required to meet and or exceed a certain sales goal each and every day.
You must have an outgoing personality.

Guess the rate for this part time job.

>> No.12377264

It's more than give them your resume and a firm handshake. It's being confident AND giving them your resume and a firm handshake. If you did the above and were more than qualified you must stink like shit for them to not hire you.

>> No.12377313

Always the losers who proclaim the decadence of society. It makes their abject failure easier to bear, pretending that the game was rigged against them.
Nice false dichotomy.
National pride is garbage, by the way. An invention for losers with no personal success to leech the feeling of success from winners. Pathetic. If you want that, go to collectivist Japan or China or N. Korea where you can slave away for the greater good. You got your head stuck so much in garbage ideology that you speak of "national pride" like it's a virtue. It's a refuge for friendless losers who are desperate for a community. It's a useful tool for leeches and tyrants to make you work for other people's interests and not your own.
You want something to be proud of? Stop wasting time on the internet and accomplish something yourself.

>> No.12377314

crash that ends fiat won't end. we'll just do slavery again if we will have to. it's protected by the violence.

>> No.12377409

Kirt is a pedophile

>> No.12377432

>cites the mondragon cooperative
Allow me to poke some holes in your argument. Without going into too much detail, here they are:
- The mondragon cooperative is located in Basque country, where people are both culturally and ethnically homogenous. Furthermore, unemployment in Spain is >25%. You must certainly be aware of this. Why do you fail to acknowledge that they make for excellent conditions for cooperation, especially when the fear of unemployment is pervasive?
- What about people like me? I don't want to cooperate. I'm perfectly happy in a hyper-competitive environment where the only value judgement is on output. Why on earth would I work if I only benefit up to a certain point?

>> No.12377455

I always look at it as cannibalization. You weaken the dollar to produce more dollars, but as long as the dollar is strong you can do it. Most of America's prosperity in the boomer generation was fueled by cannibalizing the dollar, doing some strategic deals to keep demand high, then killing everyone who threatened demand. It was like a sacrificial ritual for power with the dollar as the lamb. At this point there's very little intrinsic strength in the dollar left to cannibalize. At this point we're relying purely on violence and death to keep the buffet open. The strength of the dollar is directly proportional to America's propensity towards and capability of large scale violence and the rest of the world's capacity to accept it. The game is more or less over.

>> No.12377602

Based and redpilled

>> No.12377895

The absolute state of schizos.

>> No.12378611

Reactionary. I'd recommend reading Decline of the West and then Prussian-ism and Socialism, but you need to have read Hegel, Kant, and Nietzsche to understand Spengler all the way.

>> No.12378644
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This is pretty much the gist of it. Also third worlders destroy the job security and pay level of traditional trade jobs and drive the local populace to compete harder on the academic jobs.

>> No.12379419

Which places in Canada are most/least expensive to live? I'm going to study there but have no idea which area is the best to live in

>> No.12379917

>Guess the rate for this part time job.
$17ph? $40kpa?

>> No.12379943

Entry level ads, where requirements clearly arent entry level, are meant for expirienced and senior empoyees in a market where there is abundance of the required skill, just so they can pay whoever applies entry level wages.

>> No.12380032

Meanwhile real men go into various trade work fields and make amazing money if they are competent and smart.

>> No.12380127

This. I think it's a result of the 2008 crash when a lot of senior people got fired and had to scrounge around for jobs, and ended up competing with new grads for entry-level jobs. Later it just got to a point where there was a such a saturation of credentials relative to the number of jobs that you can actually have bullshit sky-high requirements and still get decent candidates.

>> No.12380222


Expected as much, I've got no interest in living in an echochamber though so I'll add them >>12378611
to my reading list. I appreciate Kant's historical value, but frankly have always thought the categorical imperative is just a glorified golden rule and that his philosophy is kinda bunk.

>> No.12380742

this. i worked for a fortune 50 company and every new hire was via nepotism if somewhat qualified

>> No.12380782

hur dur im a victim by muh elites. make your own buisness and stop being a npc brainlet robot who needs orders for money

>> No.12380842

I was lucky enough to be good at school and was able to land myself an analyst job in a top tier bank out of university.

But if if wasn't the case, I would have been perfectly happy to learn a trade and start my own business as a plumber or electrician.

Capitalism works perfectly. Socializing education was the problem. We don't need 30 million graduates per year. Corporations just can't absorb you all.
Some welders can make $50 an hour due to their shortage of supply.
And there's no such thing as "capitalism". It's not an "ism". It's the natural state of things, it's the equilibrium.
Capitalism works like magic. You're just too dumb to figure it out.

>> No.12380843


>> No.12380896
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Based and truthpilled

>> No.12380917

This is the most Chinese post i’ve read here in a while

>> No.12381040
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>Also, the biggest Marxian argument against capitalism isn't romantic, or even subjective.
It is the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.

Because it's a logical fallacy. Even though the rate of profit falls, new products are created on a continual basis that have renewed higher rates of profit. Decreasing rates of profit in mature products also have to do with increased efficiency; that is a feature, not a fault, of capitalism. There is less profit in spices than there was 300 years ago, it's also cheap as dirt and available to almost all of the poor globally now where as before only the elite had access. Again, that is great, not bad.

Labor theory of value is so laughably wrong most people won't bother arguing with retarded internet communists over it. Case in point at the extreme: 10 years of labor put into digging a hole in the ground that nobody wanted has negative value, where as the gold nugget found at random is worth a year's average wage with no labor input.

>> No.12381118


Missed at the bottom where you correctly pointed out the exception to the labor theory of value. Exceptions don't exist in theories that thoroughly adhear to reality. Labor theory of value doesn't encompass discovered value or circumstances where labor has a negative value. These are the same two reasons why free market arbitrage has been so much more durable than all attempts at socialized societal output. The is not a single person or entity on Earth able to accurately assign specific time-labor value, if there were companies and governments would never go bankrupt.

>> No.12381396

just pretend to be some trans gender thing and apply to work in HR

>> No.12381436
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>Boomer to Europoors: "If it wasn't for us, you'd all be speaking German right now".
Why is this a bad thing?

>> No.12381449

meanwhile i am jobless and live off 120 dollar a month in my familys basement.....

>> No.12381673

Why aren't you a contractor then?
does it tell us how get the $150k comfy jobs?
that's hard anon. Do you have any guesses on which labor markets will have a shortage in the next 10-20 years?
any tips on rapid promotion?
how do they get your phone number?

>> No.12381705

where can I find these comfy meme jobs?

>> No.12381734

hahahaha ya i dont believe that

>> No.12381735

>Because it's a logical fallacy.


Not sustainable. I don't even have to debate. By the way I don't give a shit about hammer and sickle, but only people burying their head in the sand don't see there is a serious problem in this graph. Potentially way worse than the colossal sovereign debts.

Labor theory of value doesn't encompass discovered value or circumstances where labor has a negative value.

What discovered value have you made in your life? Have you found a 1 pound diamond in your garden? Gold? What job did you do where your work had a negative value?

In a world were the vast majority of people are wage cucking, those example don't make sense.

How many people make a living "discovering" valuable assets with ease frequently and making a comfortable living with it?
How many are doing their whole life works of negative value before understanding that in order to pay the rent they cannot continue and thus go working at an assembly line or at McDonalds?
The labor value is of course an average. You can have 10 workers working hard in an assembly line and the 11th doing nothing. Their cumulative work has value.

>> No.12382119

I caaaaaaaan’t it’s haaaaaaaard

>> No.12382282

why would a company want poor preforming employees? If your position is actually important a lot of companies are willing to pay a premium for premium workers. Call center jobs are not skilled, poles who build data centers actually know what theyre doing most of the time

>> No.12382310

>thinking this is capitalism

>> No.12382387

>pay a premium for premium workers
yeah I dont think so.

>> No.12382439

That’s the job you get if you meet those meme requirements in the OP.

>call in to meetings from home at 9 am
>show up to the campus at 11 for some face to face and collaboration
>lunch at 12
>do some paperwork and send emails till 2ish, maybe 3.
>hit the gym and go home

>> No.12382485
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>Just posts a unlabeled graph with a line approaching the y-axis
>Heh, gotcha kiddo

Why don't you make a feeble attempt at tying to convince me decreasing profits is a bad thing? Like literally, how do you envision this ruining people's lives? Supermarkets run at a 1 to 2% net margin yet manage to improve every year and provide cheap food.

>You've never discovered value you meanie!
Sure I have, many times. I've picked up money off the ground, I've picked up wood off the ground for a campfire, seashells at the sea, (no gold nuggets yet unfortunately). There are fucktons of discoverable value just lying on the ground. Usually it is low value, but it is not NO value, and my picking it up or using it doesn't change it's value. If it is worth enough you can sell the information of its location even. This is really just an asside though. The real issue: labor has a variable, subjective, and sometimes negative, value that CANNOT be determined by individual people or organizations. Through the market, some people will pay too much for labor, some will pay too little, and an assumed true value is somewhere between, changing constantly, every second of every day for eternity, dependent on trillions of variables spanning the literal universe. That's whats crazy about the labor theory of value: the gargantuan wreckless hubris of assuming you KNOW.

>Pick related: Venezuelans having fun downtown after trying to control the value of labor.

>> No.12383414
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>Why don't you make a feeble attempt at tying to convince me decreasing profits is a bad thing? Like literally, how do you envision this ruining people's lives?

What happens when profits are approaching zero at a global scale?

>> No.12383499

It is literally the subject of this thread.

It is very plausible that there is a correlation between no more jobs, wages fucking stagnating for 15 years and the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.

Except finding an other mode of production, there in not much we can do about it.

The more efficient production become, the more automation become generalized, the less profit is generated.