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12372825 No.12372825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my fucking dick, just look at that waist. imagine the right girl's head on the left girl's body. holy fffuck no wonder bitcoin cash is winning.

>> No.12372972

Vortex is fucking Tone Vays in the ass!

>> No.12372977

This is why Jap dudes never get mad at white guys taking their women.

White guys literally have no sense of what an attractive Asian female is.

The left one is overweight by about 3 kilos, but has a 7-8/10 face. The one on the right's face is like a 5/10.

Come to Japan and you can have a girl like the one on the right the day you come, picked up from any gaijin bar, will fuck you the same she fucked the other 12 Henry's and Pauls.

>> No.12373007
File: 1.06 MB, 1904x1620, honey select.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right face is that of a goddess and left body is of a hourglass. what you're describing is a dragon, they don't exist in great numbers. any youtube video of people walking around filming in japan will prove you wrong.

>> No.12373012

Bro, the face of theone on the right is hotter.
If you’re Asian probably the shape of your eyes make it look hotter the girl on the left, but it’s wrong.

>> No.12373041

Left is hottest no contest.

>> No.12373066

One on the right: Wide lower jaw, round face, sagging frowning lips.
Literally one of the worst things you can say to any Jap girl is that her face is big. This is what they mean.

One on the left: large eyes, thinner jaw, plump well shaped lips, and a smaller nose.

The one on the right is generally what white guys go for, and what Japanese dudes stay away from. We call them "moon faced Hanakos".

>> No.12373077

Can you imagine Tone Vays on his knees doggy style while Vortex is pushing is cock in his ass.
>Strange as fuck

>> No.12373100

You made this exact same thread yesterday, faggot.

>> No.12373147
File: 57 KB, 400x526, 1986 time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah you're imagining things

>> No.12373255
File: 133 KB, 872x546, asss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 5/10 by asian standards you mean. She's still cuter then most white women.

Also age better and doesn't get fat.

>> No.12373263

>imagine the right girl's head on the left girl's body
wtf? fucking cringelord

>> No.12373321

Well yeah, I mean do halfway decent looking guys even look at white American women now?

Demanding, overweight, horrible cellulite producing genes, wizard sleeve vags.

I live in Japan. I fucked 3 single moms since being here, one with 2 kids.

Both were tighter than any white girl I have fucked in America, including one virgin. I won't even bother comparing to black chicks.

American women are the worst you can choose.

No clue about European girls.

>> No.12373344

its posts like OP that make you remember the type of autists you browse this board with

>> No.12373352

I hear you.I was actually in Tokyo for new years and my god everyone looked like supermodels. I fell in love every street I walked on.

>> No.12373458

Imagine coming in summer where every chick is walking around with short skirts and half their stomach showing.

Especially coming from America it is shocking to see girls in high heels that have actual ankles rather than cankles.

I remember coming here thinking that thicc was perfect.
That changed real quick after seeing Japanese legs in the summer vs Tourist white girl legs in the summer.

White girls have some serious cellulite issues. You can even compare same sized legs and the Jap girl will look like an airbrushed model. White girls look like the back of their legs have golfballs under their skin.

But hey, take what you can get I guess.

>> No.12373544
File: 1.29 MB, 2900x2048, 1539741995442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sticc>thicc for sure

>> No.12373695

right isnt thicc, thats fat/obese. fine line

>> No.12374788

>Bro, the face of theone on the right is hotter.


>> No.12374847

Is Roger still in the closet because he thinks it'd be bad for bch if he came out?

>> No.12374911

Are you geometrically challenged? The left girls face is wide as fuck at her cheeks and above

>> No.12376216
File: 140 KB, 834x1000, pinup4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat difference