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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12373033 No.12373033 [Reply] [Original]

I’m smart with Mensa level IQ. I bought AMB but I’m not a moon boy. I’m trying very hard to see a scenario where Ambrosus fail. UnLike Dr Strange in the Avengers, I saw hundreds of possibilities but none of them come out where ultimately Ambrosus fails. Is Ambrosus really that good or I’m just dumb?

>> No.12373039

They could run out of money

>> No.12373049

But how? They have a growing team which means they have some cash flow coming in. It would be dumb for the ceo to keep hiring without progress

>> No.12373123

You're a retard for even looking at this piece of shit gypsy scam. Supply chain is a meme you fucking brainlet.

>> No.12373141

>something used everywhere in the world today is a meme

>> No.12373162

Wow UPS is a meme? Lol

>> No.12373180

I work in supply chain you fucking retard. Critical supply chains will not be secured by random chink and gypsy shitcoins. Blockchain is barely functioning as a currency as it is- we are about ten years away from industrial adoption. All supply chain projects are absolute scams.

Here you go, I took the time out of my evening to find this video for you fags- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EIU1yRFDF8
Literally conducting their AMA on the street at night like a group of crackheads. This teams seems really fucking legit u guise.

>> No.12373185

>works in supply chain
Pizza delivery is not supply chain

>> No.12373189

Mensa... ya ok. your so fucking stupid you can’t even tell the difference between a private centralized database and a decentralized blockchain system. No big companies are going to adopt decentralized blockchain. They have way too much to hide. Little mom and pop companies will, and you will end up with 500 bundles a day. It’s a gypsy scam, they are exit scamming as we speak. Look at the money flying out of the dev wallet.

>> No.12373191
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Have fun holding those bags for eternity you room temperature IQ pleb. Whoever designed the test that you scored 132+ on needs to have their license revoked.

>> No.12373213

Proof of dev wallet?

>> No.12373220

I've worked for aerospace and defense suppliers and currently work in metal fabrication. Do humanity a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.12373227

Etherscam. Look it up, you are Mensa level, shouldn’t take more than a few min.

And I know who the fuck you are, same fag who keeps posting these bullshit threads. How heavy are those bags?

>> No.12373237

Not really applicable. Amb is focusing on food and pharma

>> No.12373256

Never claimed it was applicable to whatever Scamsetti claims to be doing. I know that reading comprehension is hard my sweet retard, but you need to put in a little bit more effort. This coin is a literal scam and if you are holding it you are going to lose all of your money. This is me trying to help you.

>> No.12373259

Actually tokens are locked until January 22

Why did you downgrade?

>> No.12373268

You implied that your experience in supply chain gave you insight into the projects viability. Turns out your experience isn’t relevant

>> No.12373276

Actually no. There was tons of 1amb spam and inbetween the spam there were some big transactions. Per tg mods this was because some advisers wanted to “cash out” so much for a token lock huh?

>> No.12373282

Wow you sure seem to know a lot for someone who apparantly thinks it's a scam. Accumulate some more faggot.

>> No.12373285

Not a downgrade. I make more money doing what I'm doing now. By metal fabrication I mean that we draw wire to obscenely small diameters so that it can be used in modern microelectronics. It is extremely niche and not getting automated or outsourced to chinklank anytime soon.

>> No.12373290

Let me emphasize this one last time- this is an Eastern European Gypsy scam and you will lose all of your money.

>> No.12373293

Because unlike fag op, I really am Mensa iq certified. My brain is like a sponge so it’s easy to recall and describe things iv seen/read.

>> No.12373303

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.12373339

>per tg mods
Trusting unverified source. Mod is not a team member

Brain is like spongebob, a brainlet

>> No.12373364
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AMB is still playing from the 2017 playbook and the rest of the world has moved on. It’s been a shitcoin since day 1, supply chain on blockchain has always been a meme, and no one’s accumulating it because gypsy shitcoins don’t pump anyone. That era is over. Move on. Short FAANG stocks in 2019 instead. Don’t give your money to worthless gypsies like Scamsetti.

Remember, /biz/ has always been about

>> No.12373372

I'm going to give you fags a good lead even though you don't deserve it. If you're interested in IoT and blockchain look up FOAM. It's likely to be very big within the next five years and unlike Ambrosus it isn't a literal scam.

>> No.12373380

You slow played your shill. Nice work

>> No.12373383

Hydrogen is their biggest competitor, so you guys know I'm not just shilling. Now take some time this year to educate yourselves you autistic zoomers.

>> No.12373403

Knew I would get called out despite trying to help. I know that sounds super Pajeety but honestly don't really give a fuck. You're welcome, by the way.

>> No.12373426

So it’s not a literal scam.. just a digital proof of location scam?

>> No.12373444

Reminder that there are no Amb shills left on /biz/, just one suicidal bagholder turned fudder who evades the spam detection with VPN and spams ironic pro-Amb threads. Top kek.

>> No.12373456

Their token-curated map is live on the Ethereum mainnet and they will be publishing information on their LoRa research later this month.

>> No.12373475

You must be delusional. Not everyone bought Amb at ico you faggot. Unironically the fng like me got lucky because I found out about amb at 7 cent hahah jokes on you

>> No.12373486


I don't even need to shill this here, these guys are so many orders of magnitude above your shitcoin that there isn't even any competition.

>> No.12373596

I meant Helium by the way, Hydrogen is something completely different. https://www.helium.com/
Shittier version of FOAM in my opinion, but also a very real and legit competitor. They are targeting slightly different markets though.

>> No.12373612

Do they have a global CEO?

>> No.12373756


>> No.12373846

>global CEO
My nigga what does that even mean? Is that anything more than some bullshit marketing buzzword? Are you sure that you qualify for Mensa?

>> No.12373854
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>mfw AMB scammed bizlets of all their crypto gains
>mfw AMB trade volume plummeted after the legendary BearWolf was vindicated
>mfw AMB operates outside of Switzerland because Versetti is going to be exiled again
>mfw AMB reaches sub-1k sats once team tokens are unlocked
>mfw AMB main net will reveal 0 bundles
scAMBrosus hid main net for months while trying to find any clients willing to pay for bundles
I am summoning all BearWolf legionnaires to bring a Storm of Chaos on AMBlets after main net

>> No.12373879

I’m smart with Mensa level IQ. I bought AMB -

Stopped reading after this, thanks for the LARP.

>> No.12373882

Let me guess you bought vescam or chainlink?

>> No.12373924

I didn't buy your favorite shitcoin, so you assume I bought a different shitcoin? Mensa IQ right there.

>> No.12374553
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>> No.12374573

I work supply chain as well. Currently food/beverage. This crypto meme shit might have some use for pharma but food doesn't give a flying fuck. Maybe organic at some point

>> No.12374907

>Supply chain has never worked before today.