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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12372370 No.12372370 [Reply] [Original]

>monday night

How was your first day back at work, wagie?

>> No.12372389 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't believe me if I told you..

>> No.12372400

soul sucking and dream destroying

>> No.12372533
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I don't really feel anything anymore. My reasoning tells me that I've descended beyond depression and into the void completely. I know that the last two years of work have been an utter waste. If I leave I will have to start over. I hardly accomplish anything assigned to me but I imagine I would just get chewed out regardless. It's actually amazing that I cannot seem to get let go, despite my efforts. Is this just a simulation after all? My own version of hell? Waging in perpetuity after having only tasted my freedom? I have slowly eliminated almost every facet of my escapism which had once possessed my mind. I think I have enough to make it, but greed consumes my heart.

>> No.12372548

lol never gets old

>> No.12372553

Good I drank coffee and shitposted all morning. Chatting with some bzs on bumble. Going to meet up with one tomorrow and another on Friday. Did 2hrs of actual work, 1 was a boring meeting. How was your day NEETo?

>> No.12372555


pretty shit thanks for asking!

>> No.12372582

I wish I had a job so I can relate to these threads.

>> No.12372660 [DELETED] 
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Back from vacation and it sucked.

Attempted to stay quiet and reserved compared to friendly when I was new. I don't want to talk to coworkers anymore. Had a few attempt conversation.

My boss screwed up a bunch of stuff, likely on purpose so that I'd have to fix it. She will likely get away with it. And since boss is on vacation hard to single her out. Had I taken several more days off she'd likely have to explain to her boss why some important documents were left on my desk even though she was supposed to send them out...last week and why a judge wants to bring her in.

I'm expecting her to tell me to fix her mistakes next week. At this point I'm fed up and considering telling her to fix her mistakes as I refuse to fix all the errors she made. She will likely respond by telling me that's rude/disrespectful. HOWEVER she is unlikely to fire me, only reprimand, it's obvious she depends on me. She says that though, well I quit on the spot. I'll get the last laugh.

Worst part, I barely make more than minimum wage and I wirk in an office environment too.

>> No.12372698 [DELETED] 

Shortest Version:
> Female work boss

Short Version:
> Boss at work is a woman
> Depends on me since I'm better at the job than her
> Leaves work strewn about and undone
> Expects me to fix/take blame for her mistakes
> Hates it when I stand up to her
> Might stand up to her next week when she returns and may quit
> Pays a little over minimum wage

>> No.12372754

Showed up at 9, went home at 3:30 and took an hour lunch.
Met some clients for a second lunch, gave some business advice regarding cashflow then funded a start up 1.2 mill. I thought that guy was gonna cry in my office. Gonna love being a wagecuck.

>> No.12372767

made some $$$

>> No.12372799
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>Sleep late every day
>Get paid $12 an hour to literally stand at a register and do nothing all day.
it's pretty comfy.

>> No.12372805

Jokes on you. I went to work The day after New Years.

>> No.12372829

Oh man, I really fucking feel this. Days just run together for me, sometimes I'll space out for entire weeks at a time. Time is no longer a linear occurrence for me anymore, everything is all happening at once. My routines are all the same, the time at which I wake up, the route I take to work, the time at which I eat lunch, the food I eat, the shit I do when I get home. Even the conversations with my coworkers, theyre all the same, every day. I AM an NPC - I was not born one, but wagecucking has programmed me into such. I put so little effort into my job just hoping that I get fired, but I don't have the sentience to actually quit myself.

>> No.12372856

Which job?

>> No.12372867

He literally said that he's a cashier

>> No.12372950

Back to another day of apprenticeship training.

>> No.12373073

My brother started working four months ago he was a neet till the age of 30, he's pretty much in the same spot as you, want to quit every day but don't because of money I guess which is below minimum wage too.

>> No.12373096
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Went back to work with the flu.. Mr. Sheklesberg appreciates my hard work ethic and will promote me someday...

>> No.12373122

What’s he do?

>> No.12373138

Got a passive-aggressive email about being on time in the morning. Although work is getting done ahead of schedule.

>> No.12373145

But I'm a cashier at a place that's slow as fuck in the winter months so i don't have to do anything.

>> No.12373238

Typing stuff on a pc and calling

>> No.12373278
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Today was a good day. Having a job in which you're reasonably competent, appreciated for your work, and not constantly micromanaged can be decent sometimes.

>> No.12373292

jokes on you its tuesday morning and im getting ready for work

>> No.12373300

Sucks, I want to kill myself. I have a 100k cash and 30k in Crypto. Today while wagecucking I thought about quitting and just leaving. Leave where though and do what? Seriously faggots help anon out, I’m open to anything

>> No.12373320
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I went to work but no one was at the office.

>> No.12373366

what's ur job? what was the start up?

>> No.12373429

Bro you are in great shape, if you invest that 130k into index funds and forget about it, after 35 years you'll have 1 mil.

You could get any job in the world to just cover expenses and let that nest egg grow until you retire.

>> No.12373533

top lads
would shout a beer at the pub

>> No.12373561
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im still at work
one more hour to go

>> No.12373588

I work 3 12's and not goin back til Thursday

>> No.12373630

fell for the NEET meme so didn't bother finding internships or work after I graduated. Now my degree is worthless and I'm unemployable after rotting away my 20's. I also learned women don't want NEET losers, now I'm a permakisslessvirgin. FUCK YOU neet shill

>> No.12373649

are you me? same story here brah

>> No.12373650
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Misery loves company.

>> No.12373669

Lower your standards, you need to accept the company you belong with. Either that or do something about it.

>> No.12373682

> he’s not wagecucking to fill his bags for the Golden bull run

>> No.12373692

Start up was a trucking company.
Commercial banker. We don't make gobs of money like I-bankers but we also don't work ridiculous hours and get treated like shit.

>> No.12373731

I met a trucker today who was recently in a horrible accident and the other driver was killed. They weren't wearing a seatbelt and were on the phone. The wife was the one who told me, kept going on about it. I felt so bad for him, he doesn't remember it thankfully, at least that is what he says. I wish she would stop talking about it, I'm a stranger.

>> No.12373749

Lmao 1 mil like that’s valuable in 35 years
As for you, I did a cost benefit analysis for my wage slavery position

Funds my business scheme with potential to free me from my shackles
Removes monetary concerns from daily life (no scrimping on food, heat, etc)
Low stress
Work is interesting
High paying
Killing my student loans within a year (yes I know a year is a long time to slave)
Weekend and weeknights very productive (incentive to escape is a driving force)
21 days paid vacation at 23 is pretty good, that’s 5-6 weeks if I stretch it right

50 hours per week after commute
Not directly helping me achieve financial and location independence, besides giving me funds to dump into my escape plan

Seeing as I binged on anime (Bakuman is a good biz anime I found) all Christmas break I think I need to repent for not utilizing free time correctly. I will wageslave for at least 6 months more depending on business success

>> No.12373754

How hard to break in if I go get a Master's in finance?

>> No.12373802


Most of my colleagues don't even have degrees let alone relevant ones. Just get a 4 year degree in business, network a bit and your in.

Depending on where you work you make between 50-70k starting and usually cap out around 250k.

>> No.12373839

When the economy shits the bed, do you guys end up jobless?

>> No.12373845

faggot this shit is old

>> No.12373848

Saw the girl I like doing her awkward exercise walk during lunch. Still not sure how to approach her as I see her at the parking lot during lunch or break. Doesn't work in the same building as me. Only idea is to be outside of the car when sge is walking by and just say hi, if she stops walking I can just get straight to the point by asking her if she's single and if she is ask her out on a date.

Any tips anons?

>> No.12373866

Jokes on you, it's Tuesday

>> No.12373892

It's very hard to get let go. In a really shit economy some do get let go, like the bottom 5%. You have to be a complete and utter fuck up to get let go and if they are going to fire you they give you subtle hints for like a year. But they will try and move you to a different position before that.

Most people that get fired either tried to steal or breach privacy. Both are instant firings virtually on the spot. Although I have never personally seen that only heard from others.

>> No.12373905

ty anon

>> No.12373911

One more question, how many vacation days?

>> No.12373918


>> No.12373953

When I make it I hope to be this cash money

>> No.12373978

It would depend on the company but most people start with 3 weeks and eventually get to 5 or 6. Though many people take additional unpaid vacation I believe you can take as much as 5 or 6 weeks extra, though I've never done it.

>> No.12373996


>> No.12374039

I think Private Banking would be better though. Those guys tend to work 5-6 hours a day, work from home, are always drinking and playing golf with clients and any of the grunt work is handled by assistants. Most even have full fledged bars in there office.

>> No.12374459


>> No.12374995

Try shrooms anons, it will bring you back from the void and jumpstart your brain!

>> No.12375024

heh.. jokes on you i lost my job
neets btfo

>> No.12375040

Lol this is what people actually think.

>> No.12375049


>> No.12375052
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>> No.12375168
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>>12375052 >>12373650 >>12372799 >>12372370

>> No.12376064
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those days are as close as it gets to neet levels of comfy

>> No.12376239

I'm really tired so I sat in my "office" (I'm a mechanic) and slept a few hours. My boss woke me up couse we needed to fix a machine ASAP. I'm the smartest guy around here and everyone knows it (I bought a nice bmw in January, since then my colleagues and boss thinks I'm a millionaire who keeps working couse I love it -little do they know I'm 99% down and can barely pay my car insurance kek.

I get away with some sleep and slack and work due to this but I'll probably need to work properly tomorrow... life sucks

>> No.12376287
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>tfw this thread is still going

oh wagie

>> No.12376334
File: 453 KB, 746x565, 5C4A4AC2-B088-4B0F-B367-C0C9102ABAD4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a 4-5 unit rental property
>35 years to reach an amount you can’t even retire off of
KEK, Jesus boomer stocks are fucking gay. I guess they are kind of better than keeping it in an interest building savings account though right?
But mr NEET my Monday was pretty meh I work in IT and basically babysit reatrded boomers all day who don’t know how to restart a computer so I deal with a lot of incompetence and have to bite my tongue when they get snippy when I explain that it’s user error not the machine. At least I only do like 1 hour worth of “work” a day and the rest is spent shitposting and reading Ebooks.

>> No.12376345

Put in a solid 12 hour day
Got an hour of cardio in
Started studying for CFA level 2
Smoked some dank kush to relax

10/10 Monday

>> No.12376671
