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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12367434 No.12367434 [Reply] [Original]

what do i do with half a mil in cash, /biz/ ?
no meme responses

t. 33 yo boomer

>> No.12367719

Buy 10 bitcoins right now and put the rest into a CD for the next 11 or so months for the recession to hit, then put in an index fund

>> No.12367791

Half in an index, half in real estate

>> No.12367796

Put it all into high dividend yield funds and rake in the cash desu

>> No.12367848

Donate it

>> No.12367902

>200k into a ~2% APY CD
>~10k gain over 2 years
My mom has a guaranteed 6% MetLife account from the 90s... I want to go back.
>index fund after recession
Now this is solid advice. Vanguard general funds have had solid, consistent performance. Would definitely put a big chunk in after recession bottomed out.

>> No.12368020

100 bitcoins, and use the rest to take out puts on boomer stocks over the next 1-2 years

>> No.12368046

Buy Chainlink stupid nigger boomer now get the fuck out

>> No.12368062

If you are willing to search for months/years, look for attractive rental properties. Use the principles from Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham to screen for them. Once you have an ideal property, lets say ~$2M, you should be able to generate 200K-300K in rents and use that to quickly pay off the property. Then you will have 200K+ passive income for life.

>> No.12368083
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buy 1% of the circulation of RLC and become a billionaire

>> No.12368101

No one can have a good answer with so little information. Do you have an income in addition to the $500k? What's your risk tolerance? Do you want passive income or do you want to be a more active investor (possible business venture).

The limited info answer is most likely:

- 1 or possibly 2 rental properties (depending on where you live)
- some in the stock market (since it's not going into a retirement account like IRA/401k - look to buy & hold individual stocks OR invest in low turnover mutual funds/ETFs)
- a small amount in high risk/high return (aka crypto)
- a cash reserve in case markets slide harder (probably $100-125k in cash)