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File: 213 KB, 2148x1082, Screen Shot 2019-01-07 at 6.29.15 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12364464 No.12364464 [Reply] [Original]

This crash is gonna make 2008 look like a joke

>> No.12364470


god i can't wait bros, gonna be tasty buyin on the bottom

>> No.12364478

Just buy the dip, this ride won't end. QE money ready to pump America to the moon!

>> No.12364522

Why did volume shoot up right before Trumps win? Tax cut speculations?

>> No.12364569
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Wallstreet bonuses soon, buy now

>> No.12364622

Looks like volumes spikes the l;ast 2 months of 2016

>> No.12364625

A lot of people were under the impression that a Trump presidency would be very business friendly

>> No.12364636

What is the Dot Com bubble?

>> No.12364642

Zoomer detected

It was when people started buying up tech stocks like it would never go out of style, even really shitty ones that would obviously go nowhere and then it all fell to shit.

Pretty much like the 2017 alt bull run where everyone was buying up shitty vaporware

>> No.12364644

It happened before the 2008 crash? How? Techs only been big for the last 5-10 years.

>> No.12364649

Troll me once, shame on you

Troll me twice, shame on me

>> No.12364651

You're kidding me, right?

>> No.12364656

ever heard of a thing called pets.com?

>> No.12364657

no i'm not. tech before 2010 was pathetic why would anyone invest in that shit.

>> No.12364672
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I agree, I'm glad I didn't invest in Apple in the 1980's

>> No.12364674

>tech before 2010 was pathetic why would anyone invest in that shit.
And that is exactly why there was a bubble.

>> No.12364676
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>> No.12364688

>he doesn't know about the Finno-Korean hyper war
The technology was much better in 8000 BC

>> No.12364692
File: 39 KB, 639x390, Screenshot 2019-01-07 at 01.48.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debt to income is still half that from 08. This economy has a lot of gas left in the tank.

>> No.12364700

That chart seems to be a pretty shit predictor of previous crashes. 2008 was a credit crisis, future ones will be something different

>> No.12364710

The debt is now coming from credit cards ar 25% apr and not mortages at 4% so we will reach those levels even faster

>> No.12364718
File: 61 KB, 626x380, Screenshot 2019-01-07 at 01.54.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US consumers have been spending less and less. This economy isnt as overheated as you think.

>> No.12364721

That's included in the chart. "household" doesnt mean homes only.

>> No.12364723
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Ever heard of a thing called bitcoin?

>> No.12364728

big credit crashes are the only ones worth worrying about.

>> No.12364729

Aw that disappointing. Strange since everyone I encounter is in higher debt than ever before. Mainly student debt then credit card/auto loan debt and then housing debt. I'm assuming most of that 08 bubble is caused by subprime loans given to absolute bottom dwellers and middle aged moms that were trying to get investment properties. Now it seems as if most people in the trap have one single highly overvalued property.
I'm in a mixed opinion. One one hand the numbers show we could plow along for another year without issues and pull a trick into getting people fucked up with more debt. On the other I'm really struggling to see the people around me stomach more financial stress. Seems like everyone is already up to their eyeballs in bad debt and starting to cool their spending habits.

It really is fucked that the only way for our economy to not crash at this point is for the public to continue borrowing money until they literally cannot afford to pay it back. That combined with inflation just to throw the shackles on. We truly live in an evil world.

>> No.12364748

Raising incomes would be literally communism according to this board. Gotta keep everyone locked in debt to survive instead.

>> No.12364749

Same reason BTC volume jumped before crash, people pumping the market to sell at the top.

>> No.12364751
File: 84 KB, 646x430, Screenshot 2019-01-07 at 02.01.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowering household debt is good news as its the one thing that is truly worrying. Government debt has risened, but with the US being the reserve currency and only market in the world with consistent growth its a lot less concerning.

>> No.12364755

Tech before 2050 is a joke. Why even bother?

>> No.12364762

Coinfag here, wtf is up with that volume spike at 2017? My estimate is that you boomers are gonna crash to 13000-15000, is that bad?

>> No.12364898

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.12364983

It's 2019, did you mean 2020?

Okay. That doesn't contradict my point.

>> No.12365064

Fundamentals are great.
Fuck off zoomers !

>> No.12365070

So many doomers in this thread

>> No.12365096


>> No.12365114

Something like 70% of wall street say the bull market will end this year and a "correction" in the next one to five.

Just sell and take a year off and see what happens

>> No.12365219

Can someone explain to me the effect of QE on this chart? I saw someone point out how you could adjust for inflation and then it doesn't look so bad anymore similarly to how you can click log chart on btc.

Is that a legitimate arguement?
there's a 90 something % difference in ath in the op image but also we printed a ton of dollaroos.

>> No.12365410
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>> No.12365411

Its only normal

>> No.12365510

okay that's nice but how do you exploit
the crash financially?

>> No.12365984

Go short on spy qqq or buy inverse etfs like sqqq. Or use options and do puts on individual companies or something. Or just hold cash and watch and wait for a 90% drop and buy up what you want.

>> No.12365994

its not gonna crash you dumb cucks. banks aren't gonna rock the political status quo just to fuck over boomers for giggles and shit.

>> No.12366039


Great. Now run the same graph on corporate debt to earnings. Or corporate debt to cash. They’re at all time highs.

Combine that with a huge volume of maturity dates for corporate debt coming due in the next 4 years, which will need to be refinanced at higher rates, and you have the recipe for the next bear market.

It won’t come from the consumer being over leveraged this time. It will be from the producers.

>> No.12366178

What exactly are you going to buy on the bottom? How much liquid cash do you have sitting somewhere that you could realistically buy shit "at the bottom" of a market crash. Bunch of fucking larpers.

>> No.12366191

unironically looks like btc chart

>> No.12366200

implying the last one was consumer created... hurr what are bond ratings. never going to make it, but keep acting like you know what you're talking about maybe you'll fool someone

>> No.12366262

Equities bottom is probably going to come in after the next BTC halvening. Just sayin'

>> No.12366282

Just a reminder that shiny rocks don't crash

>> No.12366293

which coin is this?

>> No.12366485

Friendly reminder that 80% of the shiney rocks are being traded on the markets dont even exist. During the crash when investors demand that the holders send them their gold/silver they won't get a thing, and anyone actually holding Physical will see their holdings aquire many zeros in value beyond them.

>> No.12366530

Even if everyone got fucked out of their virtual gold, real gold value wouldn't gain a single zero. Not one.

>> No.12366534
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Why did it not collapse at the arrow in 2016?

>> No.12366559

Eurozone QE

>> No.12366561

The real question is how we kill 99.99999% of humans on earth?

>> No.12366563
File: 35 KB, 670x447, trump-smug-grin-670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply and demand dictates otherwise, especially when the demand goes up dramatically while the supply is imaginary.
Pic related inspired market confidence.

>> No.12366565

that doesn't matter. the point is that it'll be useful for acquiring value in markets.

>> No.12366574

Bubble inflation via more debt. This is not sustainable.

>> No.12366575
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Banks *has* that much money from dividends to buy out a new segment of stocks.

>> No.12366585

The ironic thing about this thread is that the "doomers" posting this FUD are the ones who have been fucked the entire time. Everyone else got rich and doesnt really give a fuck. And then you have an army of 23 year old doomers listening to peter schiff who think now they know everything about economics

>> No.12366590

Them and the chinks. Neither is in much of a position to save the day this time. Maybe Africa will save the world markets this time.

>> No.12366599

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12366618

Why should and why would it crash? QE is a new paradigm and has changed the whole ecosystem. Build up more debt and everything is fine. Only normies are getting fucked by inflation

>> No.12366652

I actually rode the train all the way up. Just got out recently. We are due for a big correction and recession very soon. 2 years max.

>> No.12366664

>Self justification
Confirmation bias is kicking in since you decided to sell. And in 2 years you will find excuses why you were wrong

>> No.12366665

I said that back in 2012 when i was a young doomer. 2 years max. 7 years later nothing has changed

>> No.12366670

Checked and doomerpilled.

>> No.12366680

This. Buy index calls and don't rock the paradigm.

>> No.12366700

It's been one of the longest bulls in history. I think we're due for a bear, and I'm comfortable with my exit.

>> No.12366731


>> No.12366738


>> No.12366800

I'm exiting out of the stock market also after riding it all the way up from 2008. I'm just buying up bonds using all that funds because even if there isn't a crash, the economy is going to slow down in 2019 and there won't be much of a gain anyways. Sometimes it's more important to keep what you have than to risk losing it.

>> No.12366981

When's the bubble gonna pop?
I need an excuse to be a NEET.

>> No.12367311

Could be very soon. The economy is extremely fragile and spending has increased dramatically when it should be decreasing. Even the smallest rate hike could send us over the edge. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.12367457

Supply and demand do not matter even a little bit in the precious metal market. Do you remember few years back when the institutions ran out of the silver blanks and the wait for the delivery from places like Apmex was around 6 weeks? I do remember and guess what happened to the price? It fucking fell even lower. This isn't a market that is close to free, it's manipulated to shit by governments and banks(JP Morgan especially)for propaganda and other reasons. It's worse then cryptocurrency market because it's "strategic" and is played by big boys.
I have no doubt that players like JP Morgan are going to push the prices up, the question is when. Until then nothing will happen and the demand and supply mean nothing.

>> No.12367501

Tax cuts for companies. They pumped their stocks.

>> No.12367514
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>tfw boomer dad has wallstreet job on the exchange
Welp ill enjoy having a home while it lasted
hope those indians enjoy his spot

>> No.12367583
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>> No.12367588
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>pic and link related

>> No.12367619

So what if I want to make a profit during the crash?
Should I buy dollars, euros, yuans, yens, or pounds?
Should I stock up on gold/silver?
Should I buy some cryptos?
Are there any economists I should be following for advices?
Someone here said I should just get my cash out of the bank and then buy stocks when they plummet, that sounds like a solid plan, I don't see Alphabet, Apple, Samsung, Tesla, Twitter, Facebook, or Netflix going under unless there's a nuclear war or something

>> No.12367653

>profit during the crash
If you're sure it will crash, you can buy puts on indices

>> No.12367669

Buy stock in myspace, it's not going anywhere

>> No.12367704

Facebook owns
The biggest social media network in the world that constantly gets new users
The biggest photo-based social media network in the world
The biggest instant message platform in the world
I just don't see how could they lose all that during a crash
Where can I read more and educate myself on this?

>> No.12367739

Stock market is much bigger than crypto and has limited hours of trading. It will take a year to two years to crash if there is one.

>> No.12367750

Read up on options trading. It's high risk high return.

>> No.12367752

>Where can I read more and educate myself on this?
this is why the bulls are winning rofl.

>> No.12367758
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Anons mom will kill him

>> No.12367811

No, it's limited risk, high returns. Asymmetric as fuck
As long as you're not writing options and just buying them. Your losses are limited to the premium with an unlimited potential upside.

>> No.12367828

>Your losses are limited to the premium
Yeah.. You wouldn't all in on options. That would be crazy... Hehe..

>> No.12367829

Did you see that Facebook stock dropped 20% back in July because their user growth slowed? Over $120b GONE in a puff of smoke. Advertisers will stop giving them money for revenue if people quit using Facebook.

>> No.12367842

10% of networth in options with X% amount liquid for living daily and rest in stable value assets.

>> No.12367889

>10% of networth in options
Based and optionspilled

>> No.12367917
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I want to fuck you in your boi pussy. Consensual if course.

>> No.12368106

The key is realizing gains. If you're still in 100% when this thing hits you obviously aren't rich.

>> No.12368191

Why do you think the american revolution happened? Because the Founding Fathers didn't want to be forced to use a debt-based currency controlled by a private bank in England. They issued their own currency from government treasury instead, which was never required to pay back more than was loaned.

>> No.12368227

Golden Bearrun starting! bulls btfo

>> No.12368237

no crash. Should have happened in 2016. Election of Trump reset the score.