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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 640x360, 6D7DF002-7970-4463-81A7-6ED75288D201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12360859 No.12360859 [Reply] [Original]


Fucking disgusting. Why do companies insist on hiring walking orifices?

>> No.12360868

these are the people taking these 150k jobs from qualified white males

remember, we live in a post-meritocratic society. the tranny that bullied Linux into writing a CoC confirmed this.

>> No.12360899

there's literally dozens of videos on youtube like this of "minorities" working 4 hour days at these major tech companies that are paying them 150k minimum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYK7XW1Phzs

>> No.12360944

This honestly makes me violently angry.

>> No.12360960

>This "job" is the adult version of a daycare center
Based YT commenter

>> No.12360968

Stopped watching at 0:07.

Who the fuck sleeps in their socks?

>> No.12360983

No fucking wonder the shit these people are maintaining, developing, evaluating or whatever have made major leaks more common. Imagine NOT being a hipster and working in a place like this, you would probably quit in a matter of weeks.
Holy shit these people makes me mad

>> No.12360998

it was obviously for filming purposes you moron

>> No.12361007

Imagine the smell

>> No.12361014

It's soon time to burn everything to the ground.

>> No.12361036

if you're a butthurt beta male treat this like a child
weep because its unfair

If you actually understand life this means that the most profitable businesses have massive useless overhead
Guess what would be a perfect use case for the coming smart contract enconomy

>> No.12361046

>wake up
>puppy time
>hang out with coworkers
>go home

wew what a hard day

>> No.12361048

the actual truth is, that there is nothing left to do. if you ever worked in an office, you'd know that 90% of the time you just LOOK like you are busy. and this is true for almost all levels. there are occasional butthurts who feel like they should be working, getting on everyone's nerves, when really, they should just stfu and drink chai latte like this little cherry fellow.
ITT: jobless NEETs who don't leech on the company they are slaving for.

>> No.12361053

>tfw all in on link

>> No.12361070

>Comments section is nothing but shittalking millennials or fanboys being white knight faggots
Yeah it's millennial that are the problem. Not the boomers that shoehorned female "equality" down everyone's throats. For ever hour this thot spends fucking around there's a man (probably a millennial also) in that company doing real work.
Good luck to that guy if he happens to marry this girl, she'll just end up getting custody of the kids and money awarded to her - then she won't even have to "work"

>> No.12361086

She is the lead HTML coder

>> No.12361112

people like her are the reason modern software and web are clusterfucks of shit. It is amazing bubble!

I really miss the early days

>> No.12361115

>you'd know that 90% of the time you just LOOK like you are busy.

This lol

Honestly (it seems like) this girl had like 5-6 hours of actual deep work over the course of the day. If you work at an actual office - especially an open-plan one - that's about a weeks worth of work right there.

>> No.12361122


>> No.12361131


>For ever hour this thot spends fucking around there's a man (probably a millennial also) in that company doing real work.

That's why men are paid more

>> No.12361140

What jobs are actually like this? >>12361048

>> No.12361205
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>*twangy guitar starts playing
>*clapping beat in the background*
>girl doing selfies and fidgeting picking up cafeteria food
>goes home and is clearly single


>> No.12361210

>the code monkey thinks hes important

hahahahahahahahahahah a fucking child can do your job. these companies lose nothing without you. code monkeys are delusional

>> No.12361228


Communication/compliance/consulting in local government

The politicians in office just want to promote themselves while avoiding scandals. The top officials just want to hire more people under themselves because that's how success is measured in government. So if you can make the top dogs look good once in a while without causing any trouble, you're set. The show parks and recreations isn't too far off in my experience.

>> No.12361839

Almost all jobs are equally unproductive. That's because the point of the existing career/life paradigm is not to generate economic optimization and advancement, but to keep order. To keep order among these manchildren millenials, they need their little gumball machines and extended coffee breaks. But just like everyone else, they're given some trinkets and perks to disguise the fact that their lives are owned by the elite.

>> No.12361913


Wait, wait... lead?

>> No.12361926

Same. It's weird getting a look from everyone when I suggest plain HTML. I think markdown is a hipster waste of time and needs a retarded interpreter to turn *s into mother fucking header tags. Then there's haml and whatever shit for a site that need just a sidebar and content area

>> No.12361982

Tits or get the fuck out!

>> No.12362067

In every business you have a few people doing most of the actual work and the rest doing busywork. Just another example of the Pareto principle.

>> No.12362096

Things like this are why i'm switching into computer science from healthcare. Similar pay but way less work.

>> No.12362136

my god i work in construction and could not stand working in an office. the days must drag and drag. i only earn 100k a year, but im literally getting paid to workout and keep fit. not to mention i get to work outdoors, and construction sites are literally the RL version of 4chan, everyone is a troll its awesome.

>> No.12362177

>shows she's fully capable of eating at her desk
>still takes a "water break"
>still takes a "coffee break"
>still takes a lunch break
>not even noon yet

kill me

>> No.12363008

Truth. I work in IT, make $90k per year and do about an hour of work per day. The rest of the time I just try and look busy and go on IRC or 4chan or something. I actually wish this wasn't the case. I wish there was more to do. There just isn't. It's very dull.

>> No.12363193

What position in IT?

>> No.12363211

What kind of construction job pays $100k a year? Is it on an oil rig? How safe is it?

>> No.12363245

NOC (Network Operations Center). It's for a smart meter company where we provide the smart meter infrastructure that electrical companies use when they upgrade from wired to wireless meters. Pretty much we just sit there all day, then if connectivity is lost somewhere, we run a script to restart the router(s) for that area. If the script doesn't fix it, we schedule technicians to go look at it. Also, every once in awhile we use a GUI to upgrade firmware. If a major outage occurs, like in a hurricane, we might also have to call the people who host our servers and ask them to restart their servers. Most of the time there are no outages, though, so we just sit around and do nothing.

That's literally the entire job. A 12 year old could do it, but it pays $90k. It all sounds great until you realize you're spending your entire life doing nothing, working for a completely pointless job, for no reason. I'm thinking of going back to school and becoming an registered nurse, to do something more people oriented and less asinine.

>> No.12363254

What certification path did you take? I am thinking of completing the Comptia Trifecta but don't know what to do next.

>> No.12363255

can't wait for the day of the rope for pompous codemonkeys

either the tech bubble bursts or you get automated away by your more intelligent colleagues

>> No.12363261

says the shy cunt

>> No.12363271

If it's such low skill, why does it pay so high?

>> No.12363300

Bachelors of science in computer science, minor in information systems. The one who got me the job was an old college friend, though, and he graduated with a philosophy degree and has no certs. You can get those jobs pretty easily, you just have to work shitty jobs first.

His first job, he was working for a company that runs CAT5 cables in Walmart. He wasn't doing any tech work, but was in charge of managing things via phone (scheduling jobs, etc.). Then, he got a shitty tech support job, with some systems elements to it. While he was there, he studied more on systems, by reading books and doing the practice work in them. Then, he got me the NOC job. Now he works as a sys admin for a startup and makes slightly over $100k. Its been about 7 years since his first tech job out of college.

That's just how IT jobs are. Do you really think doing front end web dev work takes any skill. Fucking HTML, CSS, JavaScript and maybe a couple frameworks/libraries if you're more experienced? Fuck no. You can self teach that shit in 5 months. You'll make $100k doing it. It's a bubble market and everything and everyone relies on tech nowadays, so it's just where the money is.

>> No.12363316

it really annoys me how much this video pisses me off
stupid fucking roasties

>> No.12363327

>Dey turk er jerbs

>> No.12363349

>he buys a decaf almond milk latte for $4.50
It’s not hydrating, it’s not energizing, and has few calories. What is the point of this other than hipster appeal

>> No.12363390

lol, of course this triggers /biz/

>> No.12363417

That's a fucking nice company to work at. How do I get a job like this?

>> No.12363428

Get an ivy league education and apply for a job in SV.

>> No.12363504

white collar jobs arent being paid for exact amount of time spent on work. they're being paid for results and solutions.

>> No.12363544
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I think this is propaganda. Or whatever the business equivalent of propaganda is. Its all eating food, puppies, coffee, and macbooks without a mouse. Where are the servers? Where are the engineering laptops? Where are the hot fixes? Where are the dumbass project managers? Where is the ransomware? Where is javascript framework over 9000x? Where is beating your head against a wall for 10 hours because your code has an error because you forgot a )? This doesn't add up. I think these tech companies are trying to rope in computer talent with deception.

>> No.12363559
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kek, she is clearly single.

>> No.12363576

This reminds me of the huge amount of bloat tech companies were forced to shed after the dotcom bubble burst. This current bear market is going to be very painful for all of these unproductive people.

>> No.12363604

>normies suffering

>> No.12363637

why would air bnb need a sfotware engineer?
isn't this shit already up and running?
why even make a fucking office

>> No.12363652

Women and non-whites don't do any work. They are entirely there so we can pretend everyone is equal.

>> No.12363663

It is and it's all tied to wage suppression. If they can hire women humanities majors that go through a bootcamp, they can bring their cost per employee down and trick the true blooded CS nerds with open salaries. Only one that suffers is the nerds that would be doing comp sci shit at 1/100 the price anyway.

>> No.12363672

vitalik ended all these tech companies
might as well nuke california

>> No.12363734
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This is the kind of thing that makes me doubt capitalism.

>> No.12363775
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>bubble market
>implying that soullessly making shit more marketable and pretty to look at and interface with will ever "pop" as a market

>> No.12363785
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you actually thought capitalism was a real meritocracy?

>> No.12363815

In capitalism you would just open a better business with fewer people slacking around. (hire men instead of women)
But we have this Marxist thing called "womyn quotas".

Dont blame capitalism

>> No.12363967

Literally get paid to eat and fuck around.

>> No.12363988
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> believing in le magic free market

>> No.12364004

When I interned with software engineers I found that most of them work probably less than 3 hours per day. The of their time is spent brainstorming and discussing shit.

>> No.12364012

fuck me. I work for a company almost as big as Airbnb in IT making $60k, we aren't public yet. Where are these good paying IT jobs?

>> No.12364018

the absenteeism in my company is mainly made up by women, they take a lot of day off and leave on the clock.

>> No.12364034


I actually work in the tech industry, these people are well known to be unproductive and incompetent, but they are HR's pets because it helps them shill the narrative of an inclusive and diverse workplace.

But trust me, these people do not get paid as much as the competent people. Of which are mainly white or asian males.

>> No.12364042

office jobs are 50% looking busy

a big part is being there if your boss needs something done

>> No.12364059

Probably not alot but shes at work 10 hours a day. Reminds me of my old job where people fuck around and spend 10 hours a day at the office when I would focus on my job and spend 4 hours finishing my job then spend the rest of the time surfing reddit until that clock needles hit 5:00PM.

>> No.12364060

This can happen in any large organization. Men thinking with dicks hire women more for eye candy than actually doing work.

>> No.12364126

>make 150k+ minimum a year after doing a one-month coding bootcamp
>get free gym membership and all-day food as well

pretty good, except i'd probably kill myself if i had to live in san francisco

>> No.12364144

idk, at least more than you retards

>> No.12364149
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>> No.12364158

This thread is fucking braindead. The matriarchy is on the brink of winning, but its success is its own undoing as now (((womyn))) have now become partially success objects and thus actually oppressed for the first time in history.

Step 2 is for us men to dress and act like thots and sluts for our new sugar mommas and be good in the kitchen. Quit your desk jobs. Cry rape at the drop of a hat. Arch your backs permanently and double up on squat gains and sandwich making skills. Learn how to eat pussy. Take up parenting skills as eventually science will allow us men to conceive and as men we'll actually do it 10x better. Has anyone looked at infant mortality rates in the US and the world lately? It wouldn't be mooning if men could conceive instead of womyn.
Womyn not needing to work ever is actually why the world is so female dominated to begin with. Flipping the script on cultural Marxism is how we win the game.

>> No.12364160
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>he actually though it was fair and not just about nepotism and jewish ancestry while the rest of the goys slave away with the delusion they can "make it" someday

>> No.12364166

Redpill here, men enjoy having women around like a good set of furniture to at least look at and at best flirt/fuck with, it's just hardcoded in us.
If I had to be extremely efficient all the time I would hire a team of men only. That's why startups are typically 90% male because there is a harsh resource restriction so you need your productivity to be high. Only when the company begins to scale up, becoming more comfortable, the ratio of female drastically augments, it's the equivalent of "beta bucks" at the scale of the economy.

Typically outside of education and healthcare women are almost only in bullshit jobs, if they stopped working it would only marginally impact society as the main economic input of women is not producing, it's spending.

>> No.12364167

Based, futa neet uprising soon

>> No.12364168


Google offers 110-120k to most people in cali after a bootcamp.This isn't enough to live honestly. Cost of living is too insane. I would rather take 100k in Austin or any other state.

>> No.12364179

I think that doesn't happen in small businesses that have to be lean. I think it happens in large business where managers can sweep them under the rug when upper management comes around.

>> No.12364263

imagine she had to place and start the camera, then rush to bed and pretend she was sleeping and waking up.

>> No.12364347

>. Of which are mainly white or asian males.
>asian males
Except chinkshits are massively incompetent, retarded, lying, cheating, backstabbing insects who take 3-4 hour breaks and deserve to drown in their own snot.

>> No.12364361

What a talented woman, i have so much respect for her.

Go girl, stay strong :-)

>> No.12364369

Who hurt you bro

>> No.12364386

she never took a shit all day?

>> No.12364391

Not true

>> No.12364661

>Stopped watching at 0:07.
>Who the fuck sleeps in their socks?
Sleeping with socks on is actually healthier noob.

>> No.12364680

>the tranny that bullied Linux into writing a CoC confirmed this.
Actually he bullied them into accepting his CoC, he even turned linus' own daughter against him.

>> No.12364691

not if the almonds are activated bra

>> No.12364726

Oh lol. This is just an ad to attract more wageslaves by shilling to them expensive interior designs and subsidized fancy fast food.

To make judgments about jobs by appearance is so retarded. She is probably a typist - a dumb plumber on some crappy framework, like React or something. So, why not. It is nice when CRUD plumbers are cute.

8/10 would bang

>> No.12364745
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Let guess, She's software engineer.
won't show any single code line she writes in the video right?
Let me guess cause she's just puting numbers in excel all day probably

>> No.12364794



lmao being this much retarded

>> No.12364812
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why do companies waste money hiring ppl if they do nothing all day long? I don't get it..

>> No.12364818


To engage beta workers, you fucking idiot

>> No.12364833

Would you rather have a cute ass you can look at or pay that money to the government?

>> No.12364834

LOL he just responded to my comment.

'Miss me with the myopic takes gentlemen'

>> No.12365105
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>> No.12365111

High ups probably don't know what is happening. Owners for sure don't know.

>> No.12365113

There are also quota workers, like women. Big companies must have x% of women, otherwise government gets mad.

>> No.12365138

Ding ding ding

>> No.12365145

a midnight snack

>> No.12365167
File: 461 KB, 460x347, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I'd love to talk about how lazy minorities and women are but I'm a locomotive engineer for a port and I have not worked an 8 hour shift in about 3 years...
And I make six figures in canuckistan

>> No.12365187

I alao work like 4hrs a day coding and shit.
Replace all puppy breaks with smoke breaks, add beer to lunch, and I wake up at 11am and go to bad at 3am. Ye, and I get 24k a year for that. Best job eva

>> No.12365207

Leads are pathetic.
They are paid to mock, annoy you and to push you to do their tasks while they enjoy their free time with other leads.

t. ex desk jockey
Also, they could try to lower A LITTLE the employee satisfaction in order to increase the salaries for others because what is shown there is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12365686

he already did you fucking moron
lmfao you can make a smart contract right now faggot

>> No.12365719


Same here but accounting.

>> No.12365722


Linus is a cuck. How could he let his own daughter go to such a cesspool of a univesity?

>> No.12365723


Its easier to throw bodies at your problems than understand them.

>> No.12365758

Yep im changing my major to cs

>> No.12365763


>> No.12365764

If she loses that job in the coming recession she'll never find a job again.

>> No.12365787
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lol what a fucking dumb thot.

>> No.12365789

This. Most of my day is posting on biz lmao.

>> No.12365839

>What kind of construction job pays $100k a year? Is it on an oil rig? How safe is it?
he's trolling you
> only 100k
this shud have given it away

>> No.12365841
File: 498 KB, 1081x1080, Overwatch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people that don't see the truth in this are brainwashed.
you need to live in reality but you don't have to like it.

>> No.12365851

ETH can't even handle a fucking trading card game. Literally what are you talking about?

>> No.12365855


>a day in the life of a STEM engineer

literally half her day is spent fucking eating

>> No.12365868
File: 325 KB, 837x834, link family2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lulz nice catch. there's also a lot filmed for just 10 minutes of walking between her desk and the cafeteria

>> No.12365900

>This reminds me of the huge amount of bloat tech companies were forced to shed after the dotcom bubble burst. This current bear market is going to be very painful for all of these unproductive people.
that's not true abt the 90s tech bubble. there was very little bloat - there was very little of anything except for huge amounts of venture capital money going into literal 2-bit projects.

>> No.12365954

>implying we have a free market

>> No.12365956

she'd do great working for REQ

>> No.12365977

Well i'm a civil engineer and working non-fucking-stop 10-12hrs a day. Looks like i need to get a sped IT job.

>> No.12365987
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I made over $200k for the first time in 2018. I work in finance and the main challenge of my job is to converse well with my boss and boss's boss. Just be somewhat competent 80% of the time be a Chad. How is that hard?

>> No.12365992

Does anyone think this is sustainable?

>> No.12366754

This is true, and I hate it.

I get bored easily when not challenged, and so when I wageslaved like this I found myself bored out of my mind and wanting to read, write, or lift. But there was no way to do distract oneself in the office other than talk to the people there (who desu were largely not insightful or interesting).

So I finish my 8 hours, go home, and I don't even have the energy to read or write. Maybe get to the gym and do a few half-assed sets.

I get exhausted being around people and it took my entire weekend to get back to being able to focus on a stimulating task. Then Monday hit, and the cycle began anew.

People should be paid based on output, not on hours.

>> No.12366774

>doesnt know how to use an electric toothbrush
nope, just a wahman

>> No.12366885

based and redpilled

>> No.12366905

I work for a fortune 50 company and make $100k a year. This is my life. I work maybe 1 (one) hour per day and spend the other 5 hours shitposting on 4chan or browsing zillow or something.

>> No.12367416

the fuck? why do cs cucks keep saying bootcamp grads will never get jobs at big companies.

>> No.12367431

dear god. AirBNB has made over $100 million in profits but sure, you think it's just a fucking website you make over a weekend that runs itself kek.

>> No.12367451

I work with a couple sys and lan admins.. they know there shit, but aren't as busy as they seem. During meetings they all act as if they do the most work.

>> No.12367461

my guess is they're money laundering by hiring a fucking HTML coder and listing it as a "software engineer"

>> No.12367474

In 2008 I had to be a 10xer to be considered.

Now I'm unemployed and people won't give me a contract to do actual work.

Meanwhile my ex-gf has a software engineering job after not knowing how to code at all.

Shits fucked yo.

>> No.12367497

That's unironically the promise of crypto.

That's why the jews had to pay people to crash it.

>> No.12367522

everyone focused on the thot but let me ask you something ?

How much more would you make if they didn't set all the "stay at work" traps everywhere ?

Who the fuck needs a full fledged espresso machine in work ?
Gym in work ? WTH ?
chess in work ?

I mean I can get the part you may want to hangout with your co-workers, but that's just an elaborate trap to keep you in workplace, possibly costing company hundreds of thousands, which in return you get paid less.

>> No.12367540

This.They put them on salary and then try their hardest to make the employees stay. They probably make somewhere around $30/hour if you factor in how many hours they work each week.

>> No.12367559
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I'll never forget the day I realized that the tech industry as a whole has become this big, elitist country club where people are making these insane salaries for doing next to nothing all day. If poor/blue collar workers barely making ends meet knew the truth, we would already have riots in the streets.

>> No.12367622


That's definitely not the average software engineer though. In tech you need to put in a lot more work before you actually get a job and even then it's not guaranteed. The amount of work you have to do outside of your actual work day is a lot higher than in blue collar jobs but for them the work day itself sucks more of course.

>> No.12367659

>HTML coder
Lmfao, so you're telling me she can be replaced by a fucking 15 year old with 6 months training?

>> No.12367726

Really depends on what you're doing in tech. I do ITSEC with a highly skilled specialization. I am at work right now shitposting for $73/hr. I am more of an insurance policy than anything. I work on various projects, identify potential attack vectors, advise mitigation strategy, but most of my days consist of only a couple of hours of actual work. However, because of my skillset and the systems I have developed, put in place, and manage, I'm worth my weight in gold. I have potentially saved my company millions already by preventing breaches.

>> No.12367757
File: 135 KB, 1200x1200, 1537146191613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 2 years learning how to code. I would literally sit down and read 900 page Java books, Python, JS, etc etc and do most of the excercises in them for the practice, but I knew that no company would take me seriously without some form of formal instruction, so I spend money on a really good coding boot camp because a tech friend of mine that makes like 300k a year told me I would get a job fast if i did it. Fast forward to now, I spent all of 2018 applying to tech jobs. I applied to 1700 of them. I got interviews but literally no one would hire me despite having a decent Github and experience working for an ICO, etc. Hoping this year is better, but there are seriously no jobs out there.

>> No.12367785

anything i could segue into from visual effects? It is an incredibly time consuming and work heavy industry (because you are literally creating shit people can see, often times slackers don't make it esp. when all jobs are freelance)

Never had an opportunity to experience these so called 'easy slacker jobs'

Would love to, though. Where should I start?

>> No.12367797

ITSEC has an incredibly huge staffing shortage. Focus on application security, and make that a primary representation of your skillset during interviews. The industry is experiencing an actual crisis because of the skills shortage, and it's only been getting worse.

>> No.12368045

Did the government just point the money printer at SV? It doesn't make sense any other way, even Google can't be generating all its money just from ad clicks right?

>> No.12368094

jeff bezos must be smiling with glee when watching this video. this is air bnb's workforce LMAO. they will be out of business in 10 years

>> No.12368102

Most of their engineers are white/Asian males. This is just an ad.

>> No.12368214


IT can be entirely managed by canned solutions at this point so the days of making $100k a year to setup an email server are over.

The only people making crazy money are the ones that are writing whats in the canned solution.

>> No.12368231


how is she not fat as fuck. she looks about 5'4" and easily consumed 3000 calories

>> No.12368235

maybe so. but if i were jeff bezos, which im not saying i am, i would be laughing so hard right now. jeff has his employees in fucking cages. this bitch is eating clam pasta 4x times a day and jacking off puppies. this is going to be so easy

>> No.12368246


if my work blocked 4chan i would have to quit

>> No.12368390


>> No.12368423

She's really cute but i wanted to see her thick body with all that food she's scarfing down

>> No.12368655


Capitalism put women and migrant to work in the 60s in order to decrease the wages.

>> No.12368711

Women are literally why startups fail 99% of the time. Tech businesses will probably go under within a matter of months if they keep hiring unqualified people based on their gender or political views.

>> No.12368749

No it is not.

That's why our current mode of production only has a few decades left.

>> No.12368763

t. Highschool or NEET who has never worked for a startup or really had any sort of job before.

>> No.12368794

That link gave me cancer.

>> No.12368801

she did graduate from Stanford so..

>> No.12368842


>> No.12368853


>> No.12368874

This is really what's going on. If you aren't from an ivy you will likely end up as a poorly paid contractor at one of these forms while whores like this slut are making six figs doing 4 hours of work each day.

>> No.12368917

Those laws were put into place by government, shithead.

>> No.12368943

what the fuck is this dumb bitch even doing? do they pay females just to fill their diversity quotas? the idea of a femal "engineer" is completely ludicrous to me. Ive yet to see a woman do anything of value in any company I ever worked for.

>> No.12368951

>t.Faggot who threw his entire future at a shitty altcoin that got him absolutely nowhere.

>> No.12368968
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You ok bro?

>> No.12368971

greentext please for the love of god anon

>> No.12369144

10 drive to work, why not walk.
Still arrives late, so disorganised eats breakfast and lunch at their desk like an autist.
Works 8 until 7, lol wtf dumb whore.

>> No.12369186

please delete this post, your upsetting the proletariat

>> No.12369208

No she didn’t retard haha where u even get that

I knew her IRL AMA.. cringe though I’m not even going to play that video

>> No.12369277

do you think she has ever taken a load on her face?

>> No.12369293

She was a mega attention whore so I honestly don’t doubt it for a second

>> No.12369561
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she read the "DEEP work" book so this must be a super effective method of completing the tasks

>> No.12369631

All the web dev jobs are now listed as "Software Engineer" for some reason. Always just pissing around with shitty REACT, NodeJS, Angular and the like.

Actual proper problem solving with desktop projects is now just called "Applications Developer" or something.

>> No.12369804


>onions for breakfast
>wake up at 8 and have enough time before starting work for coffee and to go to a therapy session to cry about hillary losing
>roastie takes food into a meeting
>pajeet watching the footie instead of working
>everyones standing just around talking
>everyone is a brown shade 56% mystery meat creatura
>only white male is a fat balding onions cunt
>guitars in the office for these cunts to play
>'employees' can just leave the office to get coffee

i'm actually speechless...

>> No.12369812

>wants to clean up other peoples shit and piss all day
The absolute state of brainlets

>> No.12369831

I have to break it to you but most white guys over 25 end up settling for the soi look since beards are in fashion. Don't be mad because you are too young to grow facial hair.

>> No.12369871

>Who the fuck sleeps in their socks?

>> No.12369895


i'm 26 and have to shave every fucking day you nonce go suck your mum

>> No.12369936

We've got one female engineer in my team, she's really good. She looks miserable af, though.
But we do have tons in design and marketing that do jack shit.
Also a couple of guys, about half minorities.

>> No.12369960

Do you have a point?

>> No.12370055

Point is, yea sure... women can be good programmers, it's rare, really really rare.
...but regardless of their skill level I've yet to meet a single one that actually enjoys what they're doing.
I'm not sure what part passed you, the latter half was just an affirmation of OP's statement.

>> No.12370069
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>She looks miserable af, though.

she aint getting enough DICK

>> No.12370070

You should try to communicate more clearly.

>> No.12370112

I keep getting that as feedback.
Might be slightly retarded or something, lol.
I'll work on it...

>> No.12370197

Well, I think what you could've done better is state your conclusion that followed from this straight away:
>We've got one female engineer in my team, she's really good. She looks miserable af, though.
>Point is, yea sure... women can be good programmers, it's rare, really really rare.
>...but regardless of their skill level I've yet to meet a single one that actually enjoys what they're doing.
When you state your conclusion based on these facts like this, I can see how it follows, but you shouldn't expect the reader to reach the same conclusion spontaneously. This is because they probably won't be as engaged in thinking about this information as you were when formulating your thoughts, and as such they won't easily think about what you said as deeply. It's hard to engage readers to truly think about what you're saying, so often it's better to not give them a cognitive workload if you can help it.

>> No.12370259

>Any other asian race
Just from personal experience

>> No.12370400

My brother is like this but x10, and It irritates the shit out of me.
It's almost as if he assumes we've had the same thought or experience before talking about something.
Guess it explains a few things.

Anyway, I'll keep this in mind.
Thank you for the feedback, appreciate it!

>> No.12370466

>Fallout 76 devolper hard at work

>> No.12370530

she's not even a minority. She belongs to the most pampered group in human history: white females.

>> No.12370585

>deep work

>> No.12370596
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>100k a year

>> No.12370616

the most work she did was making coffee
women in "tech" are a joke
i wonder what she's "engineering"

>> No.12370654


the fuck is this nonsense? i get the feeling this post was to justify (((them))) to reduce employees salaries more. i work at a big blue chip company and I'm worked to death 60-80 hours a week because of so many fucking projects and deadlines to juggle. the only one who has it is "easy" is my line manager i see doing nothing but play fucking darts all day long inside his see through office. so stop peddling lies you fucking shills.

>> No.12370838


get back to work wagie

>> No.12370854

>jeff has his employees in fucking cages.

That's only a patent. Do really think they're doing this right now? Retards like you are so easy to brainwash.

>> No.12370894

7/10 would pipe this jew

>> No.12370949

Jeff outsources a lot of his shit to south american niggers that make $400 a month.

>> No.12370999

Fucking hell I thought that was just a 4chan troll, not an ACTUAL patent, and by Amazon of all..

What's the keypad for on the side eh?

Fucking Onion articles becoming real life..

>> No.12371063

watching this video almost made me throw up a little in my mouth.. she basically woke up.. spend her whole day wage slaving.. then wetn to sleep.. i dont feel well

>> No.12371109

>working more than 40 hours a week
Sounds like you're getting cucked

>> No.12371172

That's what work is mate.

You get home Friday night too exhausted to do anything but make a quick, shitty meal and fall asleep.

You get up late on Sat after a bit of a lie in for once, do some housework, shower etc, and have a nice meal.

Sunday you sort house / finances / whatever other chores need doing, then back to bed early for waging the next day.

Fuck knows what it's like for those with kids..

>> No.12371177


My first job right out of school it was me on small a team of autistic programmers who worked nonstop 8 hour days. I thought it was the norm so I worked myself to death to keep up. Now am in a much bigger company and 80-90% of the day people just dick around. I have a friend who literally takes naps in the bathroom while charging time. NEETs think they have it good when they actually are voluntarily keeping themselves poor while living a slightly easier life than an office cuck.

>> No.12371251

>Not making your own hours
Sounds like you like being cucked.

>> No.12371259

More than you, bitter virgin neet.

>> No.12371501

Quit larping as an "entrepreneur" we all know you're 32 and still ask mommy for allowance.

>> No.12371532

In a free market you don't have to worry about government gender quotas, nor do you have to face any government backlash for telling women to fuck off.

This whole thing is a bubble because the government is regulating and subsidizing a female work force

>> No.12371560

How can I get a job like this one? I like to eat all day & fuck off too.

>> No.12371611

There are no government quotas. They are afraid that there might be though, which is why they put on shows like this. They don't want Congress to fuck around with their business.

>> No.12371802

Construction has a few extremely wellpaid jobs, no idea if previous anon was larping but mad money can be made.

>> No.12372859
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>NEETs think they have it good when they actually are voluntarily keeping themselves poor while living a slightly easier life than an office cuck.

Yikes wagie...never seen so much COPE in my entire NEET life lol.

>> No.12372935

the much-needed moment before the bubble pops

>> No.12372973

What I found most hilarious was "water time". She had to walk to the kitchen which is god knows how far from her workspace to get a glass of water. I'm UNEMPLOYED and I have a bottle of water at my desk. Maybe I'm the idiot and water time is just less time spent working because nobody actually checks what these people are doing with their time.

>> No.12373080

Won't ever work. You don't have a womb.

>> No.12373088

It's an excuse to be anywhere but at her desk, working.

>> No.12373103

If it's a public company or one that's looking to do an ipo, often they're trying make the company look more valuable than it actually is

>> No.12373127

>the actual truth is, that there is nothing left to do.
I actually lost my office job the other day because my boss ran out of things for me to do.

>> No.12373174

The place I currently work at doesn't give a shit when you do anything, including most of the work. I constantly go for bathroom, water, hot drinks (like tea and cocoa), and general internet breaks at my desk. There's not even anyone near me when I do it.

I genuinely have only made a simple search filter in javascript over the last week.

>> No.12373195

She had to time to paint her nails.

>> No.12373208

I picked up that book since another anon on /biz/ shilled it to me. Only read a chapter in, but one example of deep work was "professor who sets his email to auto-respond with 'out of office' while at his office and spending up to three days at a time in said office ignoring everybody while focusing on task at hand".

Has anybody else read the book? Seems like she isn't doing "deep work" as per what I've been reading so far, but still only a chapter in.

>> No.12373656

Today being a software "engineer" is like being a hooker, you suck off big companies for huge bucks when you're young and fresh then once you grow old you get thrown out into the street because "we want young people".

Yep, we're all code prostitutes.

>> No.12373660

Applies to almost every job.

>> No.12373666

When you get older you are either supposed to move into management or start your own firm.

>> No.12373697

Not many industries have the combination of:
1. easy VC money during the boom
2. blatant age discrimination
3. youth fad

Well let's take 3 hotshot industries of law, banking and medicine. Junior lawyers have to do the shit work for a while before they can hit the big cases, investment bankers as well (friend is one) and doctors obviously get saddled up with debt before they can make it.

I don't think it applies to almost every job.

Just like how old hookers sometimes become Madames and run their own brothels.

>> No.12373716
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wew, so many breaks. if i look at my phone for 5 seconds i get yelled at by my supervisor

this "team" would increase their efficiency if they had way less breaks and shorter contact hours. how the fuck are you supposed to get something done when you're having another coffee / snack / "doggos omg" session every half hour?

>> No.12373743

>blatant age discrimination
That's just a meme though. There is huge demand for senior devs and they are ones who consistently make six figures. You can't amass that kind of experience at 24.

>> No.12374188

There's no "youth fad". Start ups have more trouble attracting top talent so they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel (i.e., young and inexperienced programmers). You don't see old programmers in the media that often because they have no reason for them to be in the public eye. It's usually the younger folks who post about their jobs, which gives the perception that there are no old programmers.

>> No.12374376


Go to Ivy school = be lazy and earn over 200k
Go to coding bootcamp=wage slave for jeff bezos and pissing in bottles

>> No.12374426

nice office amenities , except the expresso-machine.. i could never wait 10 minutes before having my coffee.
she works way harder than me... i show up at 10:00 and am out of the door at 17:30 and have a lot more coffeebreaks

>> No.12374442

100% guarantee this thot is a better programmer than all of you /biz/tards combined.

>> No.12374451


That's why men WERE paid more. Now we have to do the real work while the women collect the real pay.

>> No.12374475

>being cucked by your line manager


>> No.12374589

What state do you live in?

>> No.12374797

do you even saw her repo retard?

>> No.12375209

Anybody else here work in a WeWork office?

>> No.12375215

Sleep head next to phone? lol this roastie is brain fied on top being born brain dead.

Checks tasks... drops food all over keyboard...

Water time (wtf!) (probably her only source of nutrition since she plans to stay somewhat fit for Chad to keep paying her to pretend working)

Code block, headphones, ok sure I code like this too but hmm then its immediately back to team coffee time?

A bit more "work"...

Then off to lunch (shit taste in food and indeed she is trying to stay fit); eats at her desk probably browsing tumblr

A meeting during which she can show off how much of an ASSet she is.

Then its chai time (again)

Service design, writting love letters to Chad basically

Another time for snacks (this is where she is going to get fat, she is getting tired by now and people let themselves eat random shit when tired or stressed) and puppies

Off to the gym! (to keep her ASSets intact)

A quick stop for Wine wtf? (future alkii?)

Eats alone (Chad banged her during one of the main snack breaks or piss breaks anyway)

Practice "opera"; basically has the same range as I do and I don't "practice"

Browsing tumblr again

Then she is off to bed...

Make no mistakes about it though gentlemen, such women (there are real hard working women out there but they don't spend their time take breaks and trying to look pretty), were ALWAYS hired as ASSets to the company... Their true function was always clear they only got rebranded recently to some "better sounding position" when he real position is under Chad's desk.

>> No.12375222

A good use case for SCs would be "thot tracking"

>> No.12375233

That is true, especially in oversaturated sectors like *cough* IT...

Most of it has been done before; often by a pajeet...

>> No.12375238

Don't worry they probably get to unload in her mouth once in a while.

>> No.12375244

In early days software written by real coders who understood the underlying architecture.

Now you have "guys who know FrameworkOfTheDay" and slap something together quickly (but at a massive performance cost usually)

>> No.12375252

She has to be "single"... Her "office thot" position wouldn't work with a proper bf around;

>> No.12375269

Lol smart meters... Damm I hate these things...
There are massive arguments in my country as they are considered invasion of privacy.
Tell me anon how much data does a smart meter collect? We were told "once a day", then it was "once every hour", now it is "once every minute", and it seems from teardowns of said meters that the thing can actually report every second...

>> No.12375279

Yes I agree; women in such companies are here for decoration (and potential entertainment) purposes.

If they were serious about efficiency they would hire men or butch women who actually do work instead of hang out with colleagues (this is that AirBNB girl's real job btw, entertain colleagues, to what extent? dunno)

>> No.12375294

Imagine sleeping with your phone right next to your head and so conviniently placed for both maximum visibility, and brain frying without being knocked off the bed while she tosses in her sleep.

Oh wait, women do sleep with their phone very close to them, in case they miss a call from Chad...

Meanwhile Chad probably turns his phone to airplane and doesn't give a fuck of Stacy misses him.

>> No.12375297

Women never take dumps, especially office orifices...

>> No.12375299

I agree sleeping with socks on isn't bad; I slept with them on once because it was too cold, was comfy as fuck BUT, it makes for more laundry

>> No.12375308

Excel spreadsheets are the best hacking tool you mongrel!

Forget nmap, tcpdump and the likes...

>> No.12375315

Is this what a modern hipster office gloryhole looks like?

>> No.12375360

We actually turn it off

>> No.12375382

real coding is tedious, unflattering work.

such "app companies" (let's call them that to differentiate from IT companies who actually do real engineering) just throw everything in a framework (some real coder worked on), blend it real good and there it is a "groundbreaking/innovating app"...

>> No.12375392

SV is full of hipsters; hipsters like their "health snacks" and "gym seshs". They can't be bothered with real work! Of course, SV money comes from shady funding!

>> No.12375401

Her "daddy" paid for her ivy education. So she can be a comfy thot all her life.

>> No.12375418

That's because REAL engineering isn't fun work. It is tedious and stressful as fuck; but also the search for "perfection" or at least "it works!" keeps you going

>> No.12375422
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While you're indeed based & redpilled (100% right smart contracts are going to end this crap), you're also needlessly frothing at your anus like a massive autist at anons that were just pointing out how wasteful it is. Welcome fren, you're in the right place!

>> No.12375424

A bigger dildo!

That or engineering her next vacation with Chad so it all works smoothly.

>> No.12375431
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This was the most polite exchange I've seen in a while. Gratz.

>> No.12375432

That patent is hilariously sad desu...

If this is the state of the work place can boomers really blame millenials (or even some xenials) and younger for not wanting to work?

>> No.12375437

You can’t be a total hack to graduate from Stanford. And this bitch looks autistic enough to code, if you campare her to actual vloggers.

>> No.12375444

That patent forgot a few important things...

Sleep accomodations, wagie can sleep sitting but a pillow/cushion would be nice.

A feeding bowl with food regularly dropping.

A latrine, they literally just need to make a hole in the sitting area so wagie doesn't have an excuse to get out of the cage.

>> No.12375460

Are you guys all retarded? It's a patented prototype of something to protect techs on the floor from moving robots, this patent was replaced with the real implementation of people wearing a button that freezes robot movements in a 50 foot radius or something like that. Please tell me you guys are only pretending to be this retarded.

>> No.12375529

I'm aware of that, however... I wouldn't be surprised if amazon actually put this into use.

There is a reason it is patented, it is because someone, somewhere already contemplated it.

>> No.12376449

Based. Lmao at all these butthurt insects replying

>> No.12376737


>being this triggered by the opposite sex

>> No.12376797

Dumb wagies and even dumber "small business owners" ITT don't realize that all those coffees and puppy breaks and shit are designed to get people working longer hours for less real pay. The women works from like 8:30-6:30 and while a lot of time within is foo foo shit, that's 50 hours a week plus whatever lmao "crunch time :^)" work has to get done on weekends. Giving people a play room and a salad bar is pennies compared to what these companies make in revenue.

>but it's not HARD work, they don't DESERVE their salary

Take an economics course, difficulty is not the same thing as productivity, especially when productivity is measured in revenue being generated. Software companies print money because they are disrupting old markets; in other words, there is an asymmetric, dynamic moment happening where software companies are generating massive profits at the expense of old companies.

>> No.12376834

This is why you take an Econ class outside Econ 101. Because all that economic equilibrium shit goes right out the window as soon as any specific sector is looked at.

>> No.12377269

What do you do?

>> No.12377276

I thought it was ok. I expected more applicable information rather than anecdotes, but good read overall.

>> No.12377438

Very high IQ

>> No.12377651

If you check the video and see how many hours she did work (10) plus one hour to reach the office and go home, it makes you think that all that breaks aren't even that many compared to the time she sits coding
It's just the video editing that makes you think that it's some kinda of adult day care like someone said. But that's not true obviously.
Then add 2 things, the first is that she probably has to pay an overpriced rent in SF
The second one is that to get her job she had to spend 3/4/5 years of her life to study for what she does now and most important she had to pay for her education.
Just sum everything and probably an ex drug addict ex convict cashier in Germany earns more adjusted to the cost of living and the number of hours worked.

>> No.12377714

This is true unless you are a complete retard who can't into computers like most office people are.
I remeber back at my office job I would stare at the fucking screen for half a day having nothing to do. Worse of all my boss had her office right behind me so I couldn't browse stuff. I actually had to made it look like I was doing something. It was hell of boredom.
Then there was a lady in her 40s who would just complain non stop about how much work she had to do lmao.

>> No.12377752

>ITT wagies getting mad when another wagie doesn’t slave away as hard as they for for Mr.Shekelstein

>> No.12377779

That video is fake af. Everyone likes to make their life look much better than it actually is to seek validation. This is the product of social media.

>> No.12377855

speechless that an office treats its employees like adults? it's pretty dope. you should be able to leave the office to get coffee whenever you want. you're a grown ass person.

now.. this is also a combination of SF and airbnb where all those crazy perks are necessary to compete with other companies. SF is a hugely impressive playground for entitled smart kids with to arrest their development as long as possible.

SF is a bizarre place. i hated it. the pay was great but i didn't want to be surrounded by these entitled nerds so i lived in oakland as long as i could stand it before leaving the bay entirely.

>> No.12377861

all the engineers in my office look miserable. sounds about right :)

>> No.12377963

why I hate her so much? because I'm an incel?

>> No.12378015


it's totally real. SF tech companies try to keep the feeling of being in a fancy college dorm going as long as humanly possible. it's weird.

i worked at twitch when it was justin.tv and their policy was "70hrs/wk, 70k/yr" and because they had the dorm / clubhouse thing going they could get people to sign up. (i refused)

>> No.12378380

Exactly. I imagine she is financially insecure and not on course to retire in her limited lifespan.

If you go for one of these tech jobs, I'd highly recommend getting a job that lets you work remotely and live in a rural area with cheap housing and cost of living. Invest a big chunk of your salary.

>> No.12378395

>200k starting
>financially insecure

kek. the absolute salt in this thread.

>> No.12378453

You're a bit shy for a cunt and u know nothing about programming.

>> No.12378467

not true. more like 100k starting. senior engineers make 200k. their glassdoor seems to agree with me: https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/Airbnb-Salaries-E391850.htm

>> No.12378486

stop your autism, you sound liek bobs and vegene with your whining

>> No.12378608

Says avg for new grad is 125k bass + 17k additional. 13-40k cash bonus, and 2k-60k stock bonus.

>> No.12378618

Well thats exactly what Im talking about. My company also has crazy good perks and good pay. But if I only showed that and not the amount of work I do wouldn't you call that fake? All she did in that video was film the "good moments" of her job and make it look like its only that.

>> No.12378938
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it's an intricate system of trickle-down kickbacks originating from the central bank to lubricate their social engineering goals.

it's full-on totalitarian conspiracy that has immediate control of the world.

This is what happens when you let the jew control your money.
Fake money = fake concept of value = total and complete degeneration of everyone who uses it.

Their fake economy has one goal: to redistribute wealth away from good people as much as possible, and then to fail - causing a total economic collapse with starvation in the 1st world.
The failure will be blamed on the good people, especially whites, instigating worldwide race war.

This is their plan to conquer Earth once and for all.

Do something now before it's too late. The military consisting mixed-race NPCs and autonomous drones will not be fighting on your side and they can't be reasoned with on any level.

>> No.12378998

me when i don't shower for a week

>> No.12379107

I work in construction in Australia. 100k is average. Electricians earn 120k+ easy. I was earning 250k a year in the mines for 2 yrs. It's hard and lonely work out there and heaps of cunts neck themselves.

>> No.12379173

pretty sweet gig if you ask me, just eating at the desk.... that's disgusting but I'd love her job

>> No.12379397

I worked in Big 4 audit and I learned very quickly what the expected time for a task was, how long it would take me (having a better understanding of Excel formulas and macros than the average person of my grade) and how to look busy whilst doing nothing in between.

Honestly, I got my best performance rating the year before I left where I probably spent 10% of the average day doing actual work. Keep a mildly frustrated look on your face and get a privacy screen.