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12362173 No.12362173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure depression?

>> No.12362185


>> No.12362196
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I got you fren

>> No.12362201

what happened to the quality biz used to have.

>> No.12362205

Lifting weights

>> No.12362208

Im already dreaming about drugs phase, but the fact than im over average iq stop me from doing it, what if i become a retard? That would stop me from doing phase 3.

>> No.12362209

Cry a lot then feel better afterwards. That's what I do.

>> No.12362215

Horde guns/ammo then shoot yourself in the face

>> No.12362221

Linker spotted

>> No.12362222

Vitamin D
Omega 3s.

>> No.12362228

just b ur self bro

>> No.12362230


phase 3?

>> No.12362236
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quads of truth

>> No.12362245

Ragie wagie, in his cagie!!!

>> No.12362246
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daily xanax and relax :)


>> No.12362253


nice, just bought gym membership

>> No.12362264

get a diet first idiot

>> No.12362265

sleeping at a regular hour, getting a full 7-8 hours, getting plenty of sunlight, getting plenty of physical exercise

>> No.12362308

To be honest drugs are over rated. If you're depressed you have to do things to stop being depressed, try cleaning, making your home look different. Most of all, spend less time at the computer.

>> No.12362352
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Try to find a root cause by way of going to therapy

In the meanwhile:
-Eat healthier
-Get more sunlight and aim for a consistent sleep schedule.
-Exercise. Cardio and some type of weight training is best. Make sure to not push yourself too hard, lest you injure yourself or burn out and bate exercise.
-Aim to socialize if you can.
-Cut back on social media.
-Meditate for 20 minutes a day and do breathing exercises.
-Minimize clutter and distractions in your living area and life.
-Reduce electronics use.
-Find a hobby you enjoy that is sustainable.
-Set a goal and follow it. Start small and work big. This can help with self-control.
-Write down about the good things in life you are grateful for. Before meals, I thank the animal, plant and people involved in the process of making my food available. Thousands of years of work to have what we have. Not a religious thing, but can be if you are inclined.
-If you are religious, then read your sacred texts, talk to your religious leaders and fellow worshipers. I'm not religious, but have friends who are and their religious community is a support system.

-Drink alcohol in excess nor do drugs in excess. Stay away from hard drugs. Alcohol and drinking will help make you feel good in the short term, but it can be easy to abuse and end up making things worse.
-Hide from the world. It can hard to do, but get up and face anxiety. Only in facing adversity will you overcome it.
-Make decisions that will lead to long term issues (having sex without a condom or birth control). Seen too many people I know end up with kids when unexpected.
-Give up and end it. Many years ago, I wanted to kill myself. Had I done so, I would have missed out on some great moments in my life.

Depression is often a multifaceted issue with not just one reason for it. Even when it is improving, there may be depressive corrections, but if you give yourself enough support, then your overall trend will be upwards.

>> No.12362367

nothing will help you cure depression. it will keep slowly ruining your life to the point where you give up and kill yourself, thats it.

>> No.12362370

Crying from stress causes your body to release cortisol (stress hormone) via your tears. It's healthy to do on occasion. If it is occurring constantly, then that's a warning sign.

>> No.12362376

go see a psychaitrist, anon...you probably just have a chemical imbalance that can be totally overcome with some medication...don't choose to live a depressed life when all it takes is a 30 min appointment

>> No.12362421

Can confirm this works, especially the Omega3, however be prepared for some occasional diarrhoea if you take this many vitamins.

>> No.12362553


What does it mean if you would almost everyday and then suddenly lost are urge to?

>> No.12362595

depression is caused by malnourishment, remember that in nature nobody would ever think about suicide

>> No.12362635

Lithium Orotate
Being active (going on hikes/walks)/exercise
Decent diet (cook at home.. nothing crazy)
At least 8 hours of sleep a night.
Have self-worth